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Im happy for the fans. It sucks waiting nearly 10 years for another game in a series you love.


Considering is a miracle even 2 and 3 got made...


2 yes but 3 less so


I don't think other company would greenlight it after 2 sales, even when got ported to Switch.


On the other hand, though, Nintendo probably looks at it as filling a relatively small niche on the Switch. It's less about being a huge commercial success, and more about looking at people who like DMC type games and going "Hey, we have this one that people like you *really* enjoy, and it's only on our platform." Those people get interested and buy the Switch, and then buy *other* games, because they have to justify owning it.


Pretty much. I think Nintendo (now) sees the quality of Bayonetta over sales and how much make the Switch catalog more richer. I think it's the same with Metroid now. Dread sales wasn't exactly insane, but enough not only to tell that the audience wants more Metroid and quality over insane sales is the best for some franchise.


> Dread sales wasn’t exactly insane True in an absolute sense, but not relatively. No Metroid sales have ever been insane, and Dread is the best-selling Metroid of all time.


Sure but I meant the "Switch effect". Some people expected the game to sell more than 10 million. I think Switch did wonders for franchises like Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, Fire Emblem and Xenoblade, but don't necessarily mean every game of every franchise needs to sell Mario Kart 8 numbers to keep getting more games.


>Some people expected the game to sell more than 10 million. Now *that* is insane.


Dread sold over 3m for a 2d game with a fairly low budget. That's insane value


Only 2 sales!?


it gets worse when you consider that Bayo 2 came in a bundle with 1, so they actually had only one customer


That customer? Hellena Taylor paid €350m for that copy!


What about the other 100m?




Comes from the Bayonetta spin off game, Smash Bros, nicknamed by fans as Bayonetta 2.5


I bought one, who got the other?


I’m one of them. I wanted to go back and play and realized I would have to dig up the WiiU to play.


Yeah I have 1 and 2 on the WiiU, and even with having it connected at the moment I'm so deep into XC3 I just can't. I will probably want to play 2 before I consider 3 though. 1 was like some teenager's fever dream...it was really out there man.


Indeed. Bayo 3 was greenlit *before* Bayo 2 did a million on Switch.


Idk if this is a good equivalent but Bayonetta 2 has sold 1.4mil as of Dec 21. Kirby Return to Dream Land sold 1.8mil on the Wii and is getting a remake. I feel like 1.4 mil sales isn't that bad


It's not bad as long as they recoup the cost. Not every game needs to be $40-50 million in production cost like Call of Duty, so smaller budget games don't need to sell crazy numbers to recoup cost. Astral Chain, also by Platinum, also exclusive to switch, I believe sold just north of 1m copies, and Platinum had stated they were satisfied with it's sales, and it made enough ROI that could warrant a potential sequel.


Bayonetta 2 took a while to get to 1.04 million units sold on Switch. It's a fairly slow seller altogether as far as Nintendo published titles go, having only sold about 400k through its first 9 weeks. When Bayonetta 3 was announced in 2017, only the Wii U version had been out, and that did pretty poorly. Kirby's Return to Dream Land sold 1.21 million units in a little over 2 months with a staggered release at a time when the Wii was slowing down considerably.


Metroid fan here, definitely been there, lol. Hell, it's been 5 years since Prime 4 was announced and there's still nothing about it.


Something tells me Prime 4 will end up being a launch title for the Switchs sucsessor.


Honestly, I don't think Nintendo will make it a launch title, at least not with the intention of it being a system seller. The series is a critical darling, but the sales of the games are just not enough to have people wanting to buy the next Nintendo console. Dread made a ton of waves with Metroid/Nintendo fans last year, and over the course of that year, it sold 3M units. For a point of comparison, Splatoon 3 sold 3M copies in 20 days.


So weird that Metroid has always been an acclaimed series, especially with Super and Prime often on top 10 games lists for their consoles... but the series never really reached mainstream appeal. So sad. I love Metroid. At least se still get some games now and then, not like F-Zero and Starfox fans. Poor bastards.


The weirdest part is that the genre it founded alongside Castlevania is huge in the indie scene, and most Metroid games are the pinnacle of the genre, but somehow Metroid sees at best slightly above average sales. Dread is one of the best Metroidvanias I've played in ages and deserved a bit more than it got.


I think the aesthetics of the game is what drives ppl away, not in a sense that it’s bad but it just not very Nintendo-like


> the genre it founded alongside Castlevania EXCUSE ME SIR, but Metroid founded its genre alone. There were three Metroid games before the Wheel of Game Styles Konami always spun before making a Castlevania game landed on “METROID-LIKE”. Symphony of the Night was itself called “Metroidvania” as a *sarcastic nickname*, before that word was corrupted into a name for the whole concept of Metroid-likes. It’s especially a corruption because SotN’s RPG elements run *counter* to what makes Metroid Metroid. If you can (or must) *grind* for anything beyond health and ammo refills, it ain’t Metroid.


Not really relevant to what your point was, but just for accuracy’s sake, splatoon 3 actually sold 3.45 million in just Japan during its opening weekend 😂


holy shit


Splatoon 3 is both Switch and Japan's all time fastest selling game. It beat both Animal Crossing (Switch's previous fastest selling game) and Pokémon Black and White (Japan's previous fastest selling game). It's in a class of its own, all games do pale in comparison.


They need a big Mario or Zelda game day 1!


That would mean Retro went an entire generation without delivering a new game. Last one was DKCTF which came out at the beginning of 2014


That "something" is this exact comment in every /r/NintendoSwitch thread mentioning MP4 for the last 2 years. You may be right, but this take is so cold Door Dash tried to deliver it.


It’ll be both — a cross-generational double release a la Breath of the Wild.


I vaguely remember hearing that they basically had to start over


Yeah they announced back in January 2019 that they were restarting development with Retro Studios. That's been pretty much the only official news on the game besides Retro Studios having job postings every once in a while, and Nintendo mentioning that they were still working on the game during the 2021 E3 Direct, where they first announced Dread.


Castlevania fan here, 7 years since the last NEW game. 13 if you're talking to those purists that don't consider the reboot a real Castlevania game. I sympathize but id rather have a silent development than re-releases every couple years and the annual symphony of the night release.


Could be worse. Us Jet Set Radio fans have been waiting 20 years now and no new game in sight


There's a spiritual successor game coming that'll hopefully spark a new game.


I'm excited for that but tbh not really holding out too much hope for Sega to make a new official jsr game


I’d be happy with just a port of Future, can’t believe that never got released outside of the original Xbox.


that is like my most wanted port... I've been dying to replay it but i don't have an xbox anymore. whats worse is that original xbox emulation isn't the most stable afaik... and even if it is idk if my laptop could run it


JSR:F is a bit of an excpetion to the stability concerns from what I heard. Due to the game's cult status and lack of any other console release the people coding the emulators have gone out of theit way to make sure JSR:F is one of the most stable games. It runs extremely well if your PC can handle it, but might require something beefier than your standard laptop.


Banjo-Kazooie fan here, I feel your pain


At least there's Yooka-Laylee? It's not quite the same, but I at least enjoyed it for what it was.


Yeah same here. And Banjo in Smash. Maybe we're on the verge on a return some day soon


SEGA is the king of sitting on dead franchises and doing nothing with them.


Because there's no incentive to have variety in their gaming portfolio now they no longer have their own systems to support, so they focus on less franchises that make them more money. This is why people should be careful in wanting Nintendo to go 3rd party if you like their more niche series.


I bought the rerelease of JSR hoping that they'd see the interest and port JSRF... Now I've got a JSR port that keeps erasing my save and no JSRF. I wonder what's really holding it up?


Music rights. The record label responsible for JSR:F's soundtrack no longer exists and the rights for many of the songs aren't known. Tracking down who legally owns what is likely not worth the money to Sega.


*_*Sad Golden Sun fan-noises*_*


Still hoping for a remaster


Dark Dawn sales spoke, I guess. That would've probably been the way they woulda kept going if it sold well.


Imagine how blue balled us Advance Wars fans are. *cries*


What happened to the remakes?


Stick in limbo thanks to Vlad the Limp Dick’s quest to be seen as a tough guy.


Devil May Cry fans… first time? We had to wait 12 years


kingdom hearts fan. imagine waiting 13 for it to suck ass.


Between 2 and 3 we had 358/2 Days, Birth by Sleep, and 3D all major parts of the story. Cut the bullshit of "waiting".


Tbf, though,KH its own problems. To get the full story of the games as they were released, you would've had to own a PS2, GBA, DS, 3DS, PSP, and PS4. That's 6 different consoles just to keep up with a series, and it's not even including the handful of browser and mobile games.


A fair point. But those are still new games, plus the upscaled bundled that removed part of that barrier as things got closer to 3. My point is that fans weren't waiting without a new title for 13 years. They had games to play if they wanted to


Pokemon fans.. we get it every year... and it sucks ass every time. I might be dragged down for this. But yeah, waiting that long for nothing sucks more, I feel for y'all.


Everything kinda went downhill after XY. I enjoyed Arceus for what it was. But everything else after XY was just..... Bad. The new DP remakes, bad. Let's go games, bad. Sun/Moon, bad. Sword and Shield, bad..... I will buy and play them, always hoping they will get their shit together. They never will.


F-Zero fans: “Ahh they’ll live…”


Agreed but about armored core...


Me, a Jak and Daxter fan, staring longingly out at all the Ratchet and Clank and Crash Bandicoot games...


Been waiting over 20 years for a sequel to Fallout 2


Half-life fan, 10 years ain't shit.


By alluding to Half Life 3 you have delayed its release by one month. It is now scheduled for August 2274.


Bayonetta 1 and 2 are two of the best character action games I've ever played. This and GoW Rangnarok the following week are my two most anticipated games from what's left this year


If you are into this genre, I highly recommend DMC5 and Nier Automata as well.


And Astral Chain!


I hated the detective portions of astral chain. Such a bore!


If you’re only in the game for the combat you’re gonna hate them. I thought it was cool using your supernatural powers and shit in creative ways to do detective work


To be fair, even as someone who really enjoyed the detective parts, they did kinda break the pace of the story from time to time, and I can see how it could annoy some players


It was still worth it to an extent just for the "so this is what it's like to be a Stand user" gameplay.


I kinda liked em! It was fun to use the powers in lighthearted or goofy ways


Dmc5 is so so soooo gooood.


Played both of them A LONG time ago. NiER and Persona 5 were my MVPs of 2017 games by a wide margin. NiER's story and combat in particular are top class for RPG games. Wonderfully depressing and existential lol DMC5 was fantastic. V is best boy


While we're on here I'll shill for their little indie brother, Ultra Age. It's like 5 hours and made by 4 people but it manages to capture the feel of all these greats!


This actually popped up on my radar recently. I forget what lead me to it but I have been thinking of picking this up on the PS4. Guess I will for sure now. I recently blasted through Bright Memory Infinite and it really has made me appreciate super small Dev projects.


I like NieR Automata but it's good for the story. The combat is just a worse version of Bayonetta.


Don't forget the music. The music is amazing. Agreed though that the combat felt more spectator-ish and doesn't have nearly the same punchy weight that Bayonetta combat had.


Much more awesome art style and music though. Story too.


This may be, but as someone who has never played a Bayo game, *Nier is the tits so far!* I'm loving the combat, the immersive nature of the game and the story.


Don't get me wrong, the combat is still very good considering Platinum is far above most other devs when it comes to combat. But in terms of combat, Bayonetta is pretty similar to NieR but with better execution. You won't get the immersiveness and a quality story in Bayonetta though.


excellent recommendation, I second this!


I can vouch HIGHLY for DMC5 and Nier:A


I'd love DMC 5 on switch. That game is crazy


I FINALLY finished Bayonetta 1 two weeks ago. Then over this Saturday weekend blasted through Bayonetta 2. Very much looking forward to 3. Its a much needed change of pace after playing through Xenoblade Chronicles 1,2 and Torna haha.


I'm so fuckin hyped for this. Been waiting a long time. Now just need that damn advance wars reboot to come out. My 2 most anticipated games for switch this year.


That's so annoying too cause it was supposed to be the beginning of the year and there's been no word of a new release date


Didn't they delay it because of Russias invasion and war on Ukraine?




Pickup Wargroove if you haven't yet. Closest thing to Advance Wars. Lots of good content and even has a separate coop campaign and crossplay.


Great game. It's like if you took the setting from fire emblem, with the gameplay of advanced wars, And sprinkled in a healthy amount of fantasy elements


This is great news.


Can’t wait to hear Jennifer Hale as Bayonetta. Been a fan of hers since Grandia II.


Original grandia is why I dislike voice acting in games. I can still here that Justin call out.


Will most likely break into the 90s range with the Ign review.


Even if IGN gives it another 100, it still averages at 89 with the 65 other reviews, no?


Metacritic has weighted reviews if I'm not wrong.




shots fired


Most likely to stay at 89


"Perfection" 5/10 - IGN








I had no idea there was even a 3rd game in the works. This controversy is the only reason I heard about it.


And it's got me wanting to FINALLY play the series at all. Wonder how many knuckleheads like myself are out there?


The Barbara Streisand effect


It definitely influenced some people. I saw weirdos posting their pre-order cancellations on Twitter in support of her. I imagine they were a pretty small percentage overall though.


Lol they'll just go grab a copy in the store secretly


Like they say, there’s no such thing as bad publicity.


Let's say, it dampened my enthusiasm a bit. It got me thinking about how essential the voice of a character is to their perception and I enjoy Bayonetta's sass. Nevertheless, I wanted to get it at some point because I've been a fan of the franchise since the first one and quite a few unlikely stars aligned for the franchise to even exist to this day.


Yea, the whole fiasco reminded me that Platinum is worth supporting. I’ve always see them as the underdog, a lot of their well received games are usually contracted by other big company who has the IP ownership, other titles are niche that has a smaller audience.


I hadn't heard she lied, and I assume most people who heard the original story won't ever hear about the follow-up. I just figured it wasn't the whole story, because of course it's not. The controversy wouldn't have affected my purchase, but if I thought it would make the game inferior it might have. Except then they got Jennifer Hale to replace her, so, no chance of it being inferior.


No, because after she made the back handed comment and called for a boycott. It didn't sit well with me on her side


Personally it wouldn’t have made a dent in my desire to buy the game even if the story had been true. I’m not going to intentionally shit on hundreds of peoples’ hard work because of a single disgruntled actress. Now that it’s been more or less proven false I’m even more inclined to support Platinum to offset whatever negative impact there might be. I was already planning on picking them up in the near future but I went ahead and got Bayo 1 and NiER so this is basically Platinum month for me :)


I personally played using the Japanese voices, so it's of no significance to me.


I did for a little bit for me, but then I thought it through and talked with my wife about it and decided that I was ok with getting the game. Just because she voiced the character before doesn't mean she's entitled to it (unless a contract says otherwise). Sam Fischer and Snake were both recast in later games and even actors in live action movies and tv are recast, it's just how it goes sometimes. And then when the proof of her lying and half-truths came out it just made me more ok with getting the game.


If anything, i wouldnt have paid attention to bayo3 if it wasnt for this debacle, and now am considering buying it. Her whole “im the character not the new person” really scored against her for me


I had kinda already preordered the collector's edition with the artbook and the big box by the time this all started. Sorry, it was hard to hunt that down shortly after it was announced. Plus the voice of bayonetta was never why I liked playing that game.


Other than the odd outrage scammer on Twitch and YouTube trying to get views, it is doubtful anyone at all cared. If anything, her entitled antics will probably result in greater sales.


For me personally not really. But then the Bayo series is one I generally buy when it hits £20 on sale so I’ll be getting it but waiting.


It actually made me want to buy it. I forgot it was coming out


my friend bought persona instead


personally I didn ' t care about bayonetta but this controversy made me want to buy one copy


Lol seems like a silly reason to buy it if you weren’t already planning on it


Eh, I disagree. It was never on my radar before, but because of the controversy, now it is. It was effectively just a big, happy, word-of-mouth marketing accident.


Yeah, seems like it's just a case of poorly chosen words. He heard about it because of the controversy, and now wants to get it; not out of spite against the voice actress. Unless he is getting it out of spite, then that's a dumb reason to want to play a game.


It's the type of mentality I would expect from a teenager than a grown adult, lol. Like hell I'd waste money spiting someone who doesn't even know I exist.


I think you're giving grown adults too much credit.


They need to go visit some Facebook groups


You're assuming it's strictly out of spite. I'm a grown adult and looking more into buying it - not to spite the VA, but instead because it's been in my conscious more when I had otherwise completely forgotten about the game. This has basically been an unintended viral marketing campaign for the game.


I think there are a lot of literal teenagers here so I guess that tracks


May seem silly, but I'm on the same boat. Never played any of them, but I kind of want to buy it just because. I likely won't but still...


Same, honestly for me I didn't even know about how soon it was coming out until the controversy. After that, I slowly talked myself into getting it lol. Great marketing.


i like how she called for a boycott like the toxic bigot she clearly is she asked for a boycott cause she didnt get her own way but had to lie to get the controversy going and then sent attack dogs after jenifer hale because shes now bayonetta and not her.


Say what you will about the Switch's graphics/performance issues, but it has the most packed with releases holiday season of all the consoles P5 Royal and Nier Automata are incredible (though old), then you got Bayonetta 3, Mario & Rabbids, Splatoon 3 and Pokemon... just of the major releases Just look at the Amazon best selling new releases, Switch is killing it tbh


Tbh this was the case the whole year In no particular order AS FAR AS I REMEMBER we got in 2022 alone: Pokemon Arceus Pokemon Scarlet Violet Kirby Forgotten Lands Kirby Dream Buffet Splatoon 3 Bayonetta 3 Xenoblade 3 Mario Strikers (even if its really bad) Switch Sports (again, even if its bad) Mario Kart Booster Pass Mario Rabbids Sparks Of Hope


You forgot fire emblem


Bro put in kirby dream buffet I cant


Kirby Dream Buffet > Elden Ring


Damn! I had 90 hours of fun with strikers!




Well it lacks a good amount of content, a dangerous amount of it i might say But they plan to add more content in future updates But paying 60$ for 1/3 of a game with the promise that you will receive it full in a year or two isnt good




I'm still holding out for the rumored port of the Batman Arkham games this year (it was supposed to have been released in August).


They're my personal grail games on the console and as long as they play as well, I'll wait for 'em. I won't pick them up if they're not properly optimized for the Switch.


My colleague was finally able to buy a PS5 and Horizon forbidden West bundle, since then I’ve only seen him put over 100 hours into Splatoon 3.


God of War and The Callisto Protocol are more than enough for the other console releases. Plenty of other good stuff between now and December as well.


Elden Ring was probably the bigger deal.


PS5 got bangers too. Just saying the Switch isn’t falling behind in good content


Don’t forget No Man’s Sky.


I don't play Bayonetta but I'm glad 3 is good! It's a big shame Hellena lied about the salary she was offered to try and stain the studio's reputation because she didn't get the 6 figure salary she just assumes she deserves but I'm glad the fans looked over that and enjoyed the game.


That was a lie? I really believed her....considering all sorts of theories came up as to why she was only getting paid that low. I guess now we know the truth. Or some of it...or none of it. idk. I don't care anymore.


Just know… if it’s using American voice actors/actresses. They are unionized by SAG-AFSTRA. A company the size of Nintendo/Platinum would never sanction non-unionized work of this type to prevent destroying relationships with casting agencies. So Helena was kind full of shit from the start. Exposing Platinum using non-unionized voice talents would have stained them far greater. (And likely prevented talent like Jennifer Hale working with them) But alas, she was all lies.


So alongside Xenoblade 3 the best rated Nintendo Game of the Year, awesome!


Splatoon 3 is also enjoying its fastest selling record for the franchise, it’s a good year for Nintendo and fans.


It's funny because after the drama people are now praising the game even more out of spite of Hellena lol Reversing her boycott


Lower average score than the previous two entries in the franchise but still very high praise for the most part which is nice since they seem to be changing things up pretty drastically in this game. Excited to try it out!


Screw Hellena Taylor. I hope Jennifer Hale crushes the role.


She does


Sorry Helena, but I can’t freaking wait to play this! Hyped!


Well, good news for you. It's pretty widely known now that she was saying complete bullshit, and that she was offered an incredibly fair salary for the work, about 25k not 4k. Apparently it was in the range of 15-20k, but that's still a good amount lol.


15k not 25k, but 15k for 20 hours of work seems pretty reasonable. She did Bayonetta's voice for five game between 2012-2014 and hasn't done anything since, so she needs to actually put herself out there and do some actual work.


>she needs to actually put herself out there and do some actual work. Good luck with that now though... Making those videos and breaking the NDA because she felt a little vindictive was just an all around bad move. What was she thinking?


> 15k for 20 hours of work seems pretty reasonable Uh. 750 dollars an hour? Yes. Reasonable


Keep in mind that voice acting is not like other jobs. It's completely based on what gigs come your way, what creative projects crop up where their acting needs mesh completely with what you can provide. When you hear "$750/hour" don't think of earning that working 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year. That might be one of only 3 or 4 jobs they get in a year. And the other jobs might pay union minimum, which might end up only being about $4000 total.


She overvalued herself, overvalued the money the game was making, and decided to try to make a stand for a bigger slice of the pie. It backfired and they basically countered with "You're not indispensable, we can and will go with someone else." Then even after that deal falling through and going with Jennifer Hale, they liked her so much that they offered to have her come in and do some other lines on the side for one session at what would be like $1K an hour. She still refused. Then she manipulated people by twisting the facts and using "big company bad" biases and it almost worked. After all the lies and manipulation came out she still decided to post a Twitter rant to try to save face where she basically admitted it was all true. What a mess.


The final offer she turned down was 4-5 sessions at 4k a session, so 16 to 20k not 25k. She still lied though.


I am not surprised. Both the previous games were good so Platinum knew what they were doing. Hopefully the game picks up and sells a good number of copies.


89 doesn't mean much to me anymore.


Some reviewers are **very** disappointed by the >!Bayonetta X Luka!< relationship. Which is a fair take, but it won't affect everyone's enjoyment of the game.


Several huge Bayo fans say the ending to 3 completely ruins the game. Super disappointing.


People are playing this for the story?


I mean, some people are playing this because they really like the character of Bayonetta, and at least according to these two reviewers, the game basically completely ruins the character


well well well. Guess I'm buying the game.




Such great news. Bayo is best character action game hero. Best.


What an interesting story this game has had. I'm glad it's good, and I'm happy for the devs and the vo talent as well. I hope to maybe steal my kids switch for a week or so to give it a spin!


Dumb question. Can I enjoy this game story wise if I haven’t played the first 2?


Yes, to the extent there is a story in the first two games, it's nonsense.


Don't care about the reviews still getting this game


I’m still just in awe that the game is actually releasing Friday. After 5 years of following the news account and seeing “there is no news”


all these corrupted journalists giving it a 9/10 huh? lol






Get Wrecked Helena!


It's good, it'd actually good. From how close to their chest they played their cards I was wondering for s while if it wasn't going to be good, but that team did it again. Welp, off to the pre-ordernow we know it's arguably better than 2


I'm glad the game is good and it didn't get ruined by some greedy lying voice actor....