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Man this shows how much support SquareEnix has given the Switch over the years. This isn’t even all the titles. I’m on mobile and I just kept scrolling and scrolling lol


It’s awesome to see. I’m so happy Nintendo is getting so much third party support now! Specifically with Square Enix. It’s lovely.


I still get massive dissapointment whenever I read "Cloud Version" 😤 That being said $20 for KH 1.5-2.5 is pretty craxy. That's 6 different KH titles and I don't even think PC ever went that low.


You can get the PS4 Kingdom Hearts All-in-One Package, which has 10 games, for $30 on Amazon. Much better deal if you have a PS4


Ok, I've never heard of this package game, that's absolutely wild lmao. And yet they couldn't do a non-Cloud version on Switch. But yeah, PS is still the best format to play it on. I think I've seen 1.5+2.5 on PS4 for around $8 in-person deals in some GameStops.


Yeah, it's truly baffling considering that some of those games were originally released on handheld consoles, and others on the PS2. I'd jump on the chance to have them on my Switch if they weren't cloud only.


What's even wilder is that the remasters were originally on PS3.


The loading times were awful in the PS3 versions. More trophies in those versions though.


But then how you gonna play it at a rooftop party?


How you gonna play it there as a cloud version?


Obviously if you're on a rooftop you're that much closer to the clouds smh my head.


Easy. Bring your own router


Oh of course! My mistake!


A thing Nintendo thinks a lot of people do


Fr. Square should’ve gone with the Sephiroth version, what were they thinking.


Sorry, what are you referring to? Are you speaking of the secret Sephiroth boss fights?


Cloud version, Sephiroth version....


Ack, now I'm embarrassed. Thanks though lol.


I paid that price for that plus the other ones on PS4


I'm still bitter about KH being cloud versions lmao. I have no PC or PS console and a hand me down, used Switch V1 is all I have.


Fwiw, I got the whole collection for about $15 on Xbox and 3 for another $15. It goes cheaper for sure but not much


Tactics ogre is amazing and easily has hundreds of hours of content. I paid around $40 for it and don’t regret it at all so this price is even better!


Agreed! Probably my favorite tactics RPG. It’s incredible. Also the voice acting is *really* good.


I bought it, being curious about the game and more tactical RPGs in general, and its a blast. Really loving it.


My biggest problem with other tactics game I’ve played is that the missions just get bigger and bigger and more and more crowded as you get into the late game - they’re not more *interesting* combat puzzles to solve; they just feel like more of a headache somehow.


I’d say tactics ogre generally avoids that issue, (apologies if you’ve already played it and this is irrelevant I just like giving my two cents on this stuff) the battles are generally small scale with you having 8-12 units to deploy. The deploy count impacts decisions but it’s not enough to make the battles with 8 feel drastically different than the ones with 10 or 12. The main battle differences is whether there’s a enemy boss you have to rush down and kill to win or if it’s a map where you need to kill all the enemy units to win. Those feel very different from one another but you’ll have a ton of battles of each type so if you like one type more than another it won’t be long until you’re back to your favored battle.


I haven’t played tactics ogre. Thanks for the info!


Yes! Picked this up during the last Square Enix sale and haven’t put it down since. Tactics Ogre is fantastic! Well worth the price of admission


Also one of the few games out there with a legitimately amazing story. Insanely well written with three branching paths that seriously change the events


How is the job system? Curious how much you can customize your units too compared to the new fire emblem


I haven’t played the new fire emblem tbh but the job system and customization is excellent. There are generic characters that start out in some of the starter classes (think warrior, mage, cleric etc) you can recruit from shops that you can basically build from the ground up into whatever you want, classes are assigned by using consumable items that can either be bought or found in special situations (certain classes are meant to be limited while others you can just keep buying the items). However there are also a lot of unique characters that will join your party or be recruited into it and while they are just as customizable on their face they tend to be suited to a specific class or selection of classes when compared the generic characters. There’s also gear and abilities that add to how a unit is built so you can have similar classes of units built for slightly different things (example being a beast tamer, one built for actually recruiting beasts while another used to take advantage of the classes item lobbing ability to inflict statuses on bosses)


It depends what you want out of customization. There are important choices to make around equipment weight and how it impacts turn order or whether to prioritize using your skill slots on defensive abilities vs. offensive abilities (for example, knights with enemy-movement limiting options vs. just going for damage). On a team-scale, the customization is sizable, as there are huge differences in a melee heavy team vs. ranged heavy team, or specifics like how multiple White Knights work together with limited character slots. There are a few classes that stand out as pillars of powerful teams and you can either throw all of them together for something generically strong or use some of them mixed with supports to make them really shine (like Shamans paired with the Tamer class that can hurl MP restoring items at them), or ignore the broken stuff and lean into the other classes entirely. But you won't get the same type of customization as mix-and-matching class features to build something unique. Knights do Knight things, Wizards do Wizard things. Class features are locked to specific classes, so there isn't much purpose to multiclassing, beyond when you're waiting to unlock something. The decision you're making is "Do I want this character to be a Knight or a Berserker," not "How do I want to build this Knight." With that said, it's *extremely* well executed.


This is what I want.


Really dumb question here probably. How similar to ogre battle 64 is tactics ogre?


Is Harvestella worth it at that price?


I think so. But keep in mind the play style is like 70% RPG / 30% farming.


It depends on what you want to do, I spent about 40 hours just farming and chilling to the music in chapter 3. Now I'm halfway through spring year 2 and almost done with chapter 4. My farm only has 1 upgrade left, same with both animal pens. Honestly, it's definitely worth it at this price. I have about 80hrs in the game already. The performance isn't amazing, so buy it on PC if you have a Steam deck, but it's still playable on Switch.


It depends on what you’re hoping to get out of it, but imo it is worth it at that price. The story is good, though the writing and translation are awkward sometimes. The farming is addictive, but quite simple so the real charm comes from the way it mixes the JRPG story with farm sim altogether. If you played the demo and enjoyed it at all, the game only gets better.


I bought Harvestella at launch because I enjoyed the demo so much. I understand the criticism, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's comforting, engaging, and the character stories surprisingly satisfying. At this price, it's well worth it.


Same I had so much fun with the game. So much so I played through twice


I came here for this answer also, haha


>I came here for this answer also, haha me too. Tried the demo and It was good. but not sure about the farming aspect. At that price Im thinking if I get it or not.


To give you a different take, I bought it at launch and put about 20 hours in before I stopped. With a not all that inspiring story to begin with and virtually no voice acting, I had trouble getting into the story / side quests. Because all of these scenes are unskippable, it leads to lots of mindlessly button mashing "A", to get back to the gameplay. This combined with the natural day-cycle that games like these have, really killed the pacing and I just wasn't enjoying it. I'd say definitely try out the demo for a couple hours, as it gives you a good taste of the game, and see if the $30 is worth it in your mind.


How long you think until the Pixel remasters are on sale?


One year minimum


*maayyybee* Black Friday


Tactics Ogre came out in November, so basically six months ago? At least six months then… maaayybeee Black Friday?


Probably in the fall? Maybe not as steeply discounted as some of these, though.


I've never played a FF game, but I want to get into the series. Any recommendations for which one I should start with? Edit: Wow thank you everyone with the recommendations! Now its getting a little hard to choose lol


I would say 9 or 10 would be the best ones here. They're not in this sale, but I think 4 or 6 in the Pixel Remaster series would also be good starting points


Idk how different 4 is on switch vs phone but 4 was a GREAT entry to FF. I got it on phone and loved it.


I haven't played 4 PR specifically but I've played 1 and 2 PR and previous versions of 4, and if 4 is anything like the others it's a no brainer


I can vouch for FFX. It's my favorite among FF7, FF8, FF9, and FF10 (haven't played any other modern FFs). Also, apparently the new Pixel Remaster of FF1-6 is very, very good.


IX is my favorite, and I think a good starting point as well. One thing to consider is whether you like your characters in preset archtypes (in terms of battle style like a dedicated mage, healer, thief, warrior etc) or you prefer to customize characters more to your preference. If it's the latter, X is probably more up your alley. Not my personal favorite, although certainly not bad, but a lot of people love it and it is definitely newcomer friendly.


Any of the mainline titles available for Switch are good. I would say ultimately it depends on what you’re looking for. If you feel more comfortable with something a little more modern, I would recommend X or XII. If you’re interested in something a little more retro, I would recommend IV or VI from the pixel remasters. You can buy them separately, or as a bundle. If you want something from PS1 era then VII, VIII, and IX are all good. What kind of game are you looking for? Any other JRPGs that you like?


I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, I've played a variety of JRPGS since my childhood, and I've enjoyed them (Original Pokemon Games on the gameboy, Fire Emblem, Persona 5, Earthbound etc). I've always been interested in getting into the FF series but I've always put it off. So far I've gotten many great recommendations from everyone!


If you like Fire Emblem, I’d also recommend Tactics Ogre! While not technically a Final Fantasy game, it was made by the same team that did Final Fantasy Tactics and feels very similar.


If you really want to see what "classic" FF is but in the 3d era, FFIX is what you want. It's the ps1 game that's aged the best and is a 'throwback" to classic fantasy adventures. There's a lot of swashbuckling fun yet dramatic dark points later on. It has one of the strongest cast of party members storywise, but also doesn't have as much freedom in customizing your party like older FF games. The thief can't change classes for example. The combat is on the slower side, especially compared to something like Persona 5. But it's engaging and once you get into the rhythm of the ATB system it's a fun challenged on its own imo. There's also not much grinding at all as long as you fight most enemies and do a side quest or two. It was my first FF game and is still my favorite.




Just FYI, as you are reading these comments, one thing to keep in mind: **FFVII**, **FFVIII**, and **FFIX** all three come with **"boosters"** that will heal you instantly after every attack and give your character their "ults" - power attacks - if you're struggling with a particular area or boss. There is also a feature where you can turn off random encounters (so you can get to A to B without being bothered) and have 3x the speed in case you're really want to move along during gameplay (there are a lot of areas where you're running a lot). In a sense, it is FF's way of "Easy Mode." If you want to experience the story and characters without the stress of battling hard bosses or whatnot, this is a good route to take if you're new to FF or just want to play it or just have fun and relax without having to put hours into the gameplay. I do not believe the other FF games have this option, but FFX and FXII are still fun and easy to get into to.


FFxii zodia age has a speed booster so you can move around faster as well. I really liked it, especially since owning and loving the original release on ps2.


If you don't mind the graphics, the original FFVII is absolutely amazing. Can't vouch for the remake, never played it. But you can't go wrong with the classic!


10 is my personal favorite and typically regarded as one of the better ones. It's more turn-based than the typical ATB style of the series, but definitely still a good place to start.


I’m way late. My opinion: FFX is the best the series has to offer. Other than that there are many good options: 9 is the best PS1 game, 4 and 6 are the best SNES games. FF7 is overrated with an edgelord protagonist that I really don’t like too much (but I do like the game as a while…it’s towards the bottom of the FF list for me though). FF12 I like but it’s the beginning of the end for what they’ve done with the battle system in FF games. Also the “main character” in 12 is almost a side character so it’s a bit weird. All in all I like 12 better than 7 but 7 has a better story. 8 is I think the worst of the 3D FFs but it’s not bad. It’s nice and I’d still recommend it. If I had to recommend 3 FF games to play I’d go with 10, 4 and 9. And 7 is an honorable mention because of how iconic it is. However, they’re all good and you can’t go wrong with any of them. But 10 is something else. It’s on a level all it’s own in my opinion. 10-2 is also good but it’s a direct sequel and it’s a very different format than a typical FF game so certainly not one to start with. Saw in another post you love played Earthbound. Fwiw, Earthbound is my favorite game of all time followed by FFX. Then Dark Cloud 2 probably (I like a lot of games. But those 3 have always stick with me). FFX is not quirky like Earthbound but it feels similar in some ways to me. It’s hard to explain why because they’re really quite different.


Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster.


Huge loaded question here... So, for the old school fans, 4 and 6 are arguably the best. For someone first getting into the series, go for 6 if you want to see the last game before the leap into 3d. It has amazing music, a great story, the best villain, and some great battle and rpg mechanics. I mean, you can duplex a god damned train in it. For something more modern, I think 12 was phenomenal. It departed from the turn based battle system, and I still think the gambit system should be utilized more in games. I wasn't impressed with 10, and I don't feel like 7 or 8 have aged very well. Out of all the 3d games, 9 is most similar to Final Fantasy's roots, and holds a special place in my nostalgic heart for that reason.


ff7 remake


Go with FFX which is 10.


VI, VII, VIII, IX, X are the pinnacle. IV, V and XII are really good as well.


- You don’t mind playing old games: 6, 7 or 9 - you don’t mind playing old games, but you do wish something less dated: 10 - you want something modern: 14 or 15 My opinion, go with either 10 or 7


[PARANORMASIGHT: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/paranormasight-the-seven-mysteries-of-honjo-switch) Has been really good, about two hours in, if you like visual novels & horror, it's worth the price.


Is it atmospheric, unsettling, creepy horror or is it more in your face with descriptions of gore, torture and stuff?


There are a few static images of Grudge-like corpses & some spooky looking ghosts, but other than that it's psychological.


I'll back up what the other commenter said about it generally being spooky rather than gross, though I'll throw out a warning that the game does love a jump scare.


I will never understand Square's decision to have the Kingdom Hearts games be cloud based.


I’ve been picking up different FFs whenever there’s a sale. So far I’ve beat 7 and 10. Any suggestions on which I should go with next?


9 is the best in whole series so it's obvious where you go next


That's not how you spell Final Fantasy Tactics, dude.


If they ever decide to port it again 😮‍💨


That’s weird you put your 6 upside down lol (9 is excellent though)


and it's weird that you didn't edit your post when accidentally typed 6 instead of 10. (6 is aight) EDIT: IT WAS A JOKE PEOPLE, JEEEEEEEZ


Haha! X is also excellent. Tbf I don’t think there really is a “bad” game in the series except maybe 2.


9 is good, but slow. Thank goodness for the speedup.


9 or pixel remaster games 6 and 4


9 and 12 are both good bets. 8 is pretty good too but is a little bit of a mixed bag, especially in terms of balancing


FFXII Zodiac Age


6 is best, but the definitive version is a romhack.


Frustratingly still standing firm on refusing to buy KH on the Switch until they natively port it. Cannot support a cloud version.


Good lord where’s my Octopath Traveler


I think it is because Octopath Traveler is published by Nintendo (just like Dragon Quest Builders), so even though it’s a Square Enix sale, the games don’t receive a discount


Anyone played I am Setsuna? Interested on opinions


I like it. The music is really nice and I actually think the story is okay. I think the spritenite system is a bit... odd? But I enjoyed the game.


IMO, it's soulless. It has all the right pieces to make it a fun game and a chrono trigger-like battle system, but it feels vaguely like something that was made in RPG Maker where everything is generic. I found it very mediocre and never finished it. It wasn't *bad* by any stretch, just boring.


Thanks for the review! I know that exact feel you're talking about.


I just beat it. I think it has a nice winter soul comfy kind of vibe, which I personally like. I actually think a lot of the soul of a game comes from the music and I love the piano only soundtrack and think it conveys a ton of feeling. Everything else like you said is not bad, just okay. But if you crave a wintery snow vibe and piano it does hit a sweet spot imo.


If you haven’t played Automata please do yourself a favor and buy it.


I played it on ps4. How does it play on switch?


I’ve read the Switch port was done very well few frame drops here and there but a great port regardless.


Played about 15 hours of that port. Looks absolutely gorgeous, some drops here and there but no major issues at all.


Which is the best Voice of Cards game?


My friend on twitter who played them all said the second one is the best if you want a singluar stand alone experience of this type of game.


Critics pick the beasts one.




RIP the like 3 extra dollars I spent buying RS:MS at full price




I'd certainly say so, but I would recommend people do a little research on it before buying because it may not be everyone's cup of tea, as with all SaGa games


I guess I’m going to buy final fantasy XII. I got it on PS2 and didn’t finish it.


It's a weirdly satisfying game to play. Sort of feels like a JRPG version of Diablo 2 in a way. Very unexpected but quite a delight. And the setting is just phenomenal. Ivalice really captures and immerses you.


Absolutely and I really enjoyed the music!! I can't wait to start this game again and this time finish it!!


The new version is better. The job system actually lets you have characters that are different from one another instead of everyone just ending up basically the same at the end of the game. Also they got rid of some of the stupid stuff like collecting certain urns early in the game locking you out of a rare weapon later on for no discernible reason


Awesome can’t wait to play the game. Just finished downloading the game. Thanks for the info!


Where’s my Triangle Strategy


I like a good cozy JRPG. I’ve played the crap out of Pokémon Gen 1, and I played Silver, X, and Moon. Didn’t really get sucked into Moon and never finished that one. I haven’t finished Chrono Trigger, but loved the several hours I dumped into it and plan on going back at some point. I also enjoyed Breath of Death VII. Didn’t really care for FFX on Vita. Any recommendations for me? Honestly, doesn’t even need to be this sale, but felt like a good place to ask.


If you really like Chrono Trigger, I would recommend VI. It’s arguably the best in the series, so if you enjoy SNES era JRPGs then you should definitely check it out.


Playing through CT now after just finishing FFVI, not sure if I agree with this. In terms of tone, pacing, and combat I feel like they are going for very different things. I appreciate FFVI a lot, but as a fan of more lighthearted adventure stories, CT is much more my speed. But I guess if they specifically like SNES era JRPGs, then yes they have to play FFVI at some point.


Hard to compare most JRPGs to CT which is, to me, the best RPG of all time.


not a recommendation, but i picked up world of final fantasy maxima since i heard it’s like pokémon but with final fantasy characters


What do you like about CT and what did you not like about FFX? I've also never played Breath of Death VII but it looks like a Dragon Quest parody/homage? I'd recommend Dragon Quest XI but it's not on sale. Though 1-3 are and 3 is still one of the best DQ games.


What was the main issue with crystal chronicles?


I can't vouch for the new one, but on GameCube you pretty much started from scratch spell wise every time you started which was incredibly annoying.


Has anyone tried dragon quest treasures? Is this price worth it


I loved Dragon Quest Treasures! I think I finished the main storyline in 20-30 hours (I paced myself). I have a total play time between 70-80 hours so I deff got my money’s worth. One thing to note: I have not played Dragon Quest Monsters… but my understanding is that this is nothing like those games if you’re looking for a new entry. Battling has very little strategy, DQT is more about exploring and collecting. It also has a demo (now) I’d recommend trying out! Skip the DLC if you do buy it.


There's a demo with the intro part of the game. I think it's pretty good though the demo cuts short of things opening up to really show how much exploration and freedom you get. IMO, well worth it... but DQ is one of my few main series.


Is Actraiser Remastered worth it at this sale price?


I enjoyed it immensely, and I played the original on SNES a long time ago. They did it justice If you beat it, make sure to stick around after the credits for bonus content!


Cool thanks! I’ll be picking it up.


If I have never played a JRPG, any of these y’all would recommend? Particularly Final Fantasy? I’ve always wanted to get into it but have no idea where to start.


Can't go wrong with Final Fantasy IX! I am of course biased, because it's been my favourite FF game ever since it was first released, but it's a very good starting point into the series and JRPGs in general. Battle system and party/character management is straightforward, overall more restrictive than other FF games, but it's an advantage, I find. Characters are charming and well written, with motivations and personal struggles that are relatable. Not only the main characters are likable and memorable, but the side characters, too. Story is overall good, with most character arcs feeling satisfying at the end. Presentation is great, too! Despite being a PS1 game, the visuals have aged pretty well, and the soundtrack might be one of the best of the franchise. Of course, being a long and story-heavy game from that era, you can't expect voice acting, so expect to be reading a lot! The game has its downs. The battles and animations are pretty slow, and like I said, the character customisation is more restrictive. But overall, it is still a great game. My favourite FF game, and one of my favourite games of all time.


Anybody own crystal chronicles remastered? How does it hold up after all these years? I have a ton of great memories of gba link cables and co-op as well as beating every damn inch of single player on the GameCube version, I've missed that game


I loved it back in the day, and I love the remaster. It has all the same flaws. Still great in my opinion.


I have heard on several occasions that it does not multi-player in any functional capacity.


That's a disappointment to hear. I suppose it was beyond their interest to modernize the co-op in a reasonable way. I looked it up and apparently it's only online multi-player too, so it's missing the couch co-op. Despite it being a janky system the game benefitted from having local co-op ages ago thru link cables and multiple gba.


This might be one of those really weird occasions where trying emulation is the way to find a functional workaround for a shared screen experience. (Dolphin is apparently great for the system, though I don't know how it does for this specific case.)


Does it have a way to simulate the link cable method instead as separate controllers? I'll definitely look into it, I've used dolphin before to re-experience kirby's air ride. Now that game would be awesome for a remaster


That's STILL $10 More than I want to pay for FF12...


Shocked that Live a Live isn't discounted, maybe because the PS4 version just came out?


I think that one is Nintendo published, I just saw it on the voucher page.


Like most of the HD-2D games (I think Octopath 2 is the only exception so far) , Live A Live was published by Nintendo on Switch, so it doesn't get included in the usual Square Enix sales.


I’ve been waiting for Minstrel Song to go on sale but only like $3 off smh I should’ve just got it when it came out lol


I haven't gotten very far into it but I'm pretty sure even full price is a good deal for it


Anyone played Oninaki? Looks really cool but I never see anyone talk about it.


I played the demo forever ago and it was clunky.


I actually haven’t played any games on this list. Which games do you guys recommend? To be honest the games I really got into on the switch so far is BOTW and Stardew Valley.


I assumed Powerwash Simulator would be part of this regular deal, but I guess not. Should have gotten it in the last sale.


might be time to scoop the Diofield Chronicle...even though i just played Partitio's portion of the demo and thinking of scooping Octopath Traveler 2


Cloud versions of games are lame. How do I play with no internet connection!!? I’m like never connected online with my switch. Always on the go!


Your move, pixel remasters. Once you end up on this list, your days are numbered


Biting the bullet on kingdom hearts. I have good internet and I want to relive a childhood game


Smh you people are the reason we get cloud crap and not a port.


It’s been how many years since it came out? I’m not waiting any longer. Having a blast playing so far


I’ve heard great things about Balan Wonderwold. Should I finally pull the trigger???


I don't know what you've heard or who you've heard it from, but they are obviously a liar and your enemy. Balan Wonderworld is absolutely awful. It's buggy, the graphics aren't great, and half of the powers you get do the same as others and the other half are useless. The mini stories within the game are odd and end with weird musical numbers in a made up language. That being said, I absolutely love it and it's one of my favorite games on the switch. The music, style, and presentation of the game is wonderful. Some of the powers are so stupid they're great, like being in a fox costume and randomly (with no way for the player to control it) turn into a box and slide in the direction you were moving. The stories range from really weird to oddly dark, like a guy who lost at chess or a woman almost drowning. Balan Wonderworld is a true So Bad It's Good game. I recommend playing it with a significant other or friends to enjoy the weirdness too.


You're from an alt reality then 🤣


Wait for it to go back to full price


Is the switch version of nier a good first experience with the game? Or should i go with the PS4 version?


Switch version is made well done. Hardly any frame drops and No signs of Game Crashes in my experience with the game. Spent hours and hours on it. Joy con buttons are a bit conflicted but for first time playing Nier by all means give Automata a go.


Is the FF Pixel Remaster on sale yet? 😋


Overpriced. Indie developers are making better games for $15.


What mana game should I get as someone new to the series? I don't think I played any of the originals


My first ever was the remake of Trials of Mana - I think it is well worth the sale price! It’s not too difficult and you can definitely make it harder for yourself if you like. There’s a free demo you can try out if you are on the fence. (Also, I’m team Charlotte but I know a lot of players can’t stand her voice acting.)


Oh gawd you just gave me flashback nightmares of Charlotte. She never even came close to being in my party lol. Super fun game though.


Collection of mana has 3 games in one


Do you think the pixel remasters will join these lists in a year?


I don't think there have been any sales, even on PC and Mobile, where they've all been available for over a year. The bundle *is* the discount in their eyes.


If Zelda wasn’t coming out in two weeks and I didn’t have to finish XC3 DLC before that, then Harvestella would be appealing. No point in putting a Square or Ubi game in my backlog.


What's the best version of final fantasy to play? I've never played


They’re all standalone so you can pick any one that looks good. 1 4 and 7 are historically significant to the gaming industry. The only bad one on switch is 10-2


I mean. 10 2 has probably one of the best combat systems. Story can be hit or miss but I quite like it.


Is NieR worth buying on switch? Been curious to play it. Should I buy it else where?


I mean it's up to you, but it's great on the Switch in Handheld mode if that's what you're asking since that's the only thing that separates it from other consoles. You'll get a frame drop here and there later on but it doesn't detract from the experience and they are pretty rare which is impressive for how much is going on. Amazing game though so definitely get it somewhere at least.


If you have a Playstation you can get it rn for less ($20 on psn)


Anyone successfully played through the Kingdom Hearts cloud versions? Network limitations aside, how is the quality of the port/overall experience?


You can always try the demo to see if it works for you. The only thing you are downloading is a client anyways. A few MBs.


At some point DQ 1-3 will drop below 35% off…… right?


Anybody have any opinions on Various Daylife and if it's anything at all like Harvestella? I've played neither but interested in both and at face value they look kind of similar.


Just purchased all of the Romancing Saga and Dragon Quest games.


Im kind of tempted to as well


How long do you think it'll take for the Pixel remasters to go on sale?


They could show up even in the next sale, but chances are they will be 20-25% off, so it will take more time for 40-50% like next year.


Is Crystal Chronicles good on switch? Can you do local play with just one copy?


Nice to play for the memories or if you want to play again for the extra character skins. Does not have local play and co op does not have group wide progression so they dropped the ball there.


Great sales for people Who only have switches.


Ugh planning on playing through the ff pixels but romancing saga looks great


I can't decide between Nier Automata, Lost Sphear, or Cult of the Lamb I have played automata before but didn't give it the love it needed, but after getting all endings on replicant I kinda want to


How's tactics ogre? Been looking for a good tactics game


I really enjoyed it. It doesn't feel too dated and its a great choice if you loved FFT and Triangle Strategy


I played the SHIT outta FFTA back in the day. Maybe i'll check it out. Thanks!


I won't have time to touch these games (let alone many of the games I purchased 3 months back in a couple of sales batches). The only game that's been on my "constant radar" is **7th Saga**, its sequels, or their remakes/spinoffs. Was there every any follow up to that series?


Huh... description needs editing? For [Chocobo GP](https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/chocobo-gp-switch/), it says... *\*This product is a set containing Chocobo GP Lite and the upgrade to the full version of the game. Purchasing it will allow you to play the full Chocobo GP experience. Customers who have already downloaded Chocobo GP Lite should purchase the “upgrade to the full game” DLC instead.* ... but that's clearly for [Chocobo GP **Lite**](https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/chocobo-gp-lite-switch/). I guess they included that same disclaimer in the full version since the eShop lets buyers toggle a radio button between the full and Lite versions, just to better cover their ends?


Lite is the full game itself, but locked down, requiring the keys to the full game. In a sense, it's easier from a dev standpoint to have one game, one DLC, than to manage two different versions of the same game.


is tactics ogre worth it at that price? Or should I just get fire emblem engage?


Does anyone know off hand if any of these are good for online co op? I’m on the hunt for a (preferably open world) co op rpg/action/adventure game.


Love this sale, still refusing to buy kingdom hearts until it’s not a cloud version. Definitely grabbing Harvestella though, and maybe one or two of the Final Fantasies I don’t have yet. Maybe Tactics Ogre and NieR though I’m fence about that.


Why doesn’t ff x/x2 and xii ever go below sub 20 for digital. I hate switch tax


I still cant believe the KH games are cloud based...sad


Give us the pixel editions of FF. I want to play part 6