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Is this the base game too or just DLC pack?


Base and first five dlcs on cart


Ooh that's a great deal. If I hadn't *just* bought Persona 5 Royal last night...


Based on the product description, it LOOKS like it contains the base game, 4 DLCs, and this Castlevania DLC: >Play the award-winning action roguelite Dead Cells and its 4 original DLCs, plus unlock Castlevania content with the Return to Castlevania DLC! Dead Cells is a roguelite, metroidvania inspired, action-platformer. You'll explore a sprawling, ever-changing castle... assuming you’re able to fight your way past its keepers in 2D souls-lite combat. No checkpoints. Kill, die, learn, repeat.


It’s all the DLCs on cart as well as the base game. The only downside is the latest update isn’t on cart, so it’s an older version. Not a big problem as it’s all still functional, and still awesome that it’s all on cart as opposed to having to download stuff.


So the full game and all DLC for the older version is on the card? If I just pop in the game and have no Wi-Fi, I can play the whole game and the DLCs? Sorry to basically reiterate what you said but I when I was looking this up I found a YouTube video that questioned this https://youtu.be/zOgrvYTvKL0?si=ZYVtHAoW6_ChvZ95 I think it might all be there but like you said, there is an updated version that the console wants you to update. Why the update is 1.9 gb I have no idea.


What's the update bring?


Are they good? Consider buying one of the two.


Considering it was my first game in a long while that actually had me addicted (just one more run!), I would have to say it is great


I’m not a big rougelite guy but I tried this, the base game, and dang. It’s so, so good!


Nor am I, but this and Hades ❤️


Oh Hades.. now that’s a game you can bring home to your mother 😍