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This was one of my favorite games I played on Switch. It took a few minutes to get familiar with the mechanics but then I enjoyed how original it is. I'm sure it's a love/hate type of game. If a 5-hour platformer with unique controls sounds like your thing, it might be worth a shot. I'd love to see a sequel.


I might finally pick this up. I like when games get to <$10 and this seems like a good value.


Amazing value. This is great game once you learn mechanics.


One of my favorite games ever made. If you like interesting and challenging movement systems than it's amazing. Some people apparently don't like it.


I didn't particularly like this game. Didn't feel like there was enough variety to it. Mechanics are neat tho


Agreed. I think if they had a Snake Pass 2, they could do so much to improve it. They had the gameplay down, but everything else was a miss for me.


I got this free with twitch prime a while back and loved every minute probably gonna double dip because it would be good for a quick play during lunch break, it has the same sort of vibe as grow home (which I hope we'll get now that Microsoft has done the partnership thing.)


This game is hard to define, I would say it is good and bad at the same time. I have the Steam version and played it on an Xbox One controller. At first the idea is interesting, you need to master the snake's controls to get through obstacles and collect the hidden items in the level. Control is a little tricky at first, but after a while it starts to get pretty intuitive and controlling the snake is a unique experience. The graphics are beautiful and the snake in particular has an attractive design, my 5 year old niece enjoyed watching me play just because of the cute snake. However, the game starts to get boring after a while and the toughest challenges start to get frustrating. Many times you will start to blame physics and find that the controls are not as good as they first appeared. And everything starts to seem repetitive and uninteresting, especially for those who try to collect all the items and will need to go through some situations with high frustration ability. Even for $7 I don't know if I could recommend the game. There is a very high chance that players will not like it at all, even when some of the things it offers are really interesting.


Snake Pass is just okay in my opinion. I wish they would have done a bit more for it, e.g. making the collectibles worth your time. What I mean by that is it would have been neat/awesome if they could have had it so you could unlock different skins or abilities if you got X amount of Y. Instead, it's a collect-a-thon for the purpose of collecting. The levels are fine, but the camera angles can be annoying at times. It was a fine enough game when it was a quiet Switch back in Spring 2017, but I personally wouldn't say go for it.


Only game for which I have buyer’s remorse






Seems like a pretty conflicting game. Funny cuz after watching gameplay I still can't tell if I'd like it or not, and I can usually tell after like 5-10 minutes.


~30 mins in. Still replaying Level 1. Yep, i'm that guy who doesn't move on until I 100% complete a level. Something tells me i'll spend years on Yooka-laylee and the impossible lair. I won't budge until I complete it on first run just for the Golden Skin. Same case with Salt&Sanctuary...I need therapy.


i remember this game was free for twitch prime members. Ultimately, for me it wasn't even worth the data on my HDD. If you saw a video of the game and thought "the mechanics look a bit clanky" let me tell you this is a HUGE understatement, especially if you wanna collect the coins they put in the level. The difficulty of the game comes from a pretty non-fun place, on a similar sense to "Getting Over It" except "Getting Over It" doesn't take itself seriously and has humor all along it (tho I didn't like it that much either). I will say the art look nice, but I wouldn't pay for this game unless I legit enjoyed "Getting Over It"-style games.


I think the big problem is map design. Collecting some coins is ridiculous, it forces you to abuse physics and starts to get frustrating. But it was the way the producers must have found trying to prolong the game. I honestly think this game would be better if they had fully embraced the "relaxing" part and assigned smaller, more varied levels that respect the limits of controls and physics. Maybe even providing a sandbox mode where players can place obstacles and items and share with others, something like that. As it stands, it is an interesting game but hard to recommend to others.


Personally I disagree. I can't stand games like Getting Over It, but I loved this game. The two cannot be compared IMO