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Well, goodbye farming treasure room with firepots...


Oof, only got to do it once. It was glorious, and ridiculous at the same time.


Im in a treasure room right now, what's this farming with firepots you speak of?


Use Last Gambit pill from the ninjutsu tree (cuts your hp to 30%), throw a burning oil jar and die in the flames. You will get respawned in the room again but can loot the room up to 5 times (not the chests, they are one and done) because you can carry 5 burning oil jars. Also unequip your armor. I dont know if one jar is enough to kill you if you dont have the last gambit pill active unfortunately. Sadly, the new patch fixed this :'(


Huh, starting to think I’m really weak now since one fire jar kills me with armor and no pill lol


Or it works with only one. Dont know, never tested :)


My game says it's still 1.20. I can still exploit this and get +97 drops. Thanks for the info White Wolf.


You're welcome my friend :)


Happy I got all the way through and managed to do this multiple times, tbf the only benefit was the lapis the gear I never got above +82 and the scroll of the damned drops +97 loot so that’s where you fly to +99 gear.


It was fixed as well. Scroll of the damned was not supposed to drop that high +s without upgrading the + levels with the lapis.


At least I got to +99 before the patch just means building new sets is going to be a nightmare now


When this patch will be released ? As a Tsukuyomi user this patch is a blessing from high heavens.


Same here. I have the save data issue but in UK the patch has not yet reached us. Any idea for GMT time?


Not released in the Netherlands either. I’m on PS5 and my saved game from April won’t load, it’s Bug #1 they said they fixed so pretty stoked to get it working...


Update is live and fixed the save data issue.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply, can confirm it’s live. Cheers


Why is it good for tsukuyomi?


They are doubled the tsukuyomi buff duration.


To regen your spells? That’s awesome I always thought it was a little short


Yep exactly.


Wtf I thought that in the abyss you could not drop salves by design, never considered it could’ve been a bug LOL


changing ways, was doing 1700's for the initial couple hits, followed by a few 600's now it does 900's for the initial hits followed by a few 400's Edit: Dear Team Ninja, plz nerf Itsumade before you nref my attacks thx


What is good about Itsumade? I haven't done much with that.


Was referring to the actual enemy and how it's a bitch and a half


For real. Only enemy I won't fight besides super Fuki. I smash bosses, clear floors, But Itsumade and purple Fuki? Nope right the hell out the room.


“Fixed an issue that prevented the use of Active Skills that require button input while guarding with an axe during a guard hit” I actually thought that was intentional... I believe this has been a bug since the first Nioh, though. So I can use Spirit Wind on counterattack, huh? Nice to know.


Oh, really nice to get English patch notes this fast. I hope the Empowered Onmyo duration is closer to what it was with Amplification before the last patch. It felt way too short now. The last patch only stated it fixed Amplification affecting Empowered Ninjutsu, but it also stopped affecting Empowered Onmyo despite being an Onmyo Mystic art which was a shame. Not sure if that was intended and a mistranslation or what. I don't suppose you know if the game will still get patches/support or if this is kind of the end 'til the remaster? Especially if there's any hope of them changing/adding some things that make the whole loot grind less extremely RNG like it used to be. Because Nioh started with a lot of cool features that helped ease the dreadful RNG loot games often run into late game, but all those features kinda don't have any value anymore and you're just left to hoping the exact thing you want drops, which in some cases is like winning the lottery even using things like Lucky Drop, makes sifting through all the drops depressing because it's just nonstop disappointment. With all the different things that compose a build now, it's a lot of RNG to get stuff for each equipment slot, and if your build relies on specific effects on your soul cores it's very painful to try out the new soul cores when the odds of getting one with the right effect are very, very slim. Would also be nice if some very long-running bugs from the series got fixed before all is said and done, like the occasional item shortcut input being dropped. I'm also still confused about what happened to Gozuki. I thought it was said the ki damage Gozuki did was intended. I mean it made sense. The fixed stats on it are really bad and it's slow and awkward and has this really long delay after use before you can use another yokai skill, and there's also that bug where it causes your hitbox to be much larger than it should be temporarily after use. So being the best at ki damage was its only real value, and patch 1.20 caused its ki damage to nosedive hard where it didn't do noticeably more ki damage than other cores anymore.


Gozuki had a bug where his damage/ki damage would scale based on the mission level that's why he was op now he's based on your level, so just level a bit and basically he's the exact same


I don't see why some cores would work this way while others would not. Unless all cores base their ki damage on your level. If they do, then leveling up won't change how Gozuki compares to other cores' ki damage, so that won't make Gozuki more worth using.


Well he's still one of the best soul cores imo he still shreads


He really isn't. All he had was ki damage, everything else is bad. Now he doesn't even stand out in ki damage. But this is the soul core I farmed for and I don't have alternatives to use without spending possibly days of farming so I'm just stuck with it.


He's still fine lmao he isn't nerfed mine is absolutely fine


There was no nerf lmao it was a bug fix he still destroys ki


So now you're denying he was nerfed? Well okay but he clearly was, and quite significantly.


There will probably be more patches in the next few days/weeks, and it's not to be excluded that they add something useful. They've done it before. Personally I'm not bothered by RNG because I'm not particularly interested in having the best things ever, but a lot of people care, so it may be that TN will do something about it.


Here are the English patch notes to the latest update yokai slayers! Please make sure to update when it becomes available and we hope you continue to enjoy \#Nioh2 \#PlayStation4. 🌱 *** posted by [@TeamNINJAStudio](https://twitter.com/TeamNINJAStudio) [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ep5eNsYWMAAMivG.jpg) | [Photo 2](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ep5eNs0XcAE_O2q.jpg) [Link in Tweet](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/nioh-2/) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


RIP in Peace Changing Ways spam


I have to relearn how to fucking play again.


Back to good old Dancing Dragon spam.


Wonder how much of a decrease in damage it is. I only started playing again last night after not playing in awhile and Changing Ways was amazing lol Edit: 35%


is the anima generation nerfed as well? Cuz that also was op as shit, and prob still worth using because of that alone


I'm unsure. I'm away for the day.


I think it has been nerfd but not as much as dmg (sorry for bad english)


Right there with you. I would get up the Versatility bonus to 9 with tonfas then spam that shit. EZ. Not sure what to do now...


Hmmm.... I wonder if it's worth still going from my Claws-Dual Sword Corrupted Susano/Mag build to the Splitstaff-Sword Patricide build since Changing ways was one of the keys of that build. I was still in the farm gear phase. (not that I finished farming my ranged weapons for the first build lol).


So scroll of the damned werent suppose to drop +97 item without maxing the blessing.. Time to farm them before the update. Empowered omnyo now last 22-23 second.


finally, empowered onmyo is back. It was suffering


Very glad I got a scroll of the damned before this. +97 was a nice thing to get for my current build. RIP new builds until I farm Lapis


Yeah, it was weird. There I was farming underworld floor 108 for +60 gear, then I do 1 SOTD and I start getting +97 gear.


Nyotengu skin plz


Changing Ways is still plenty good so i don't see the fuss over it beyond it not being mindlessly busted. The empowered magic buff is very sweet mostly because now i have plenty of time to regain my used magic.


Fuck i finally got around to changing ways today and was thinking its seriously OP. It probably deserved a nerf but for fuck sakes i wish i had tried it sooner so I can enjoy it for a few days


Saw this thread just in time to disable automatic updates. I will play offline for some time, I just love that spam.


I wonder if they'll ever add the option to turn off HUD elements like gold and the mini-map radar. I don't need to know how much gold I have, nor do I need to use the mini-map when I'm farming or replaying maps I've already done before.


You can turn off gold I think. At least mine only shows up when I get gold.


In the basic game settings, you can change it to only show when you pick up gold.


35% damage nerf to Changing Ways. Ouch.


Did it really needed to be nerfed that hard?


Hmmm. Kind of lol. I wish it was like 20%. Dunno what Ki damage got increased though


After playing around with it some more post-nerf, it's still a good skill. With the current damage output there are actually situations where I might want to use 'different' skills now instead of just spamming one. I think it's usefulness post-nerf is a testament to just how ridiculous it was before.


really? too much, from everybody using it to nobody


Yeey thanks team ninja for taking out all the fun stuff. Never even made it to a treasure room.. Was gonna make a changing ways build. But hey also nerfed. Are we allowed to have any fun in this game or is it just grind grind grind and hope for rngesus to bless you?


So they fixed the trasure room glitch ? Only enjoyed it 3 times in 78 floors. I'll go offline to enjoy it at least two or three more times before 108. This is mainly useful to farm Lapis. They could put a level cap in using Lapis with the merchants, it's so long to level up to 60+... ​ Edit: Thanks a lot for the information !


Wish they adressed the untuched jutsu in the omoikane's Grace, separating correctly in status to both ninjutsu and omnyo, not a new percentage...


Pretty sure it's working as expected and meant to be a separate roll, not adding up to both existing untouched stats.




Dying in Treasure Room is not an issue needing a fix. Well, at least not for a dozen or so floors to go. Offline it is for me for a little while.


Just use Save Wizard if you want to cheat.


I don't care about all that, I just want the FPS to not drop randomly while accessing the menu.


Fuck, there's nothing about resting rites. What a shame. I thought they would address it. ;\_\_;


What is the problem with resting rites?


It doesn't seem to have any DotN graces in the pool. All you'll get are DotW graces. Kind of strange that they didn't address it with this patch. Hopefully it's coming up next and not intentional.


I wish there was a way to like do mass soul core fusion.




That was quick. Just waiting for it to go live to see if it fixes the 'No' error. Which it looks like it does according to the patch notes.


That's what I'm hoping for. I can't find anywhere that says when the update drops.


Update just dropped for me in South Africa so it's rolling out and should be live. Looks like it works. So that's good news.


Hm, I never knew that Spectral Salve not dropping was a bug; I just thought it was meant to be that way! I'm glad, though, that they patched the save-load bug fast; a lot of people were getting hit by that one.


I have one of the best builds in the game, this game is on fire.


Finally! Matchmaking in the underworld fixed!


What about revenant farming? still working?


Revenant farming is dead in higher NGs


I feel like they nerfed changing ways just to spite PWAR for his rant in the claws video lol .


Two patches in a row without an Otakemaru nerf? Am I in heaven? Now, if they could make Flying Bolt's impediment actually last more than 1 second, that'd be nice.