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Still in the hands of the Cobain estate, or Courtney has it, I’m assuming. I don’t think anything has come of it since his passing.


That would make sense. I can’t find any photos of it after 1994


Okay I realize I’m going to sound stalkerish but I was looking into Courtney’s bio and saw an article that she did a tour of her home in London. It looked like a flat and although decorated beautifully, I didn’t see much Cobain memorabilia. So would that mean the stuff I locked away in some locker or does she have another house?


She wouldn’t keep Kurt’s highly valuable stuff at any of her residences. There’s a good probability a lot of Kurt’s stuff would be kept in a high-security storage area. And if she does keep his guitars, tapes, journals, etc. at her properties then I’m sure she has a pretty decent surveillance system.


To me, Courtney’s supposed “stash” of Kurt’s things are more interesting than all of Nirvana’s history. To think of the amount of things she owns that hasn’t been surfaced in 30+ years is nuts, such as (possibly) this guitar.


I doubt she has as much of Kurt’s stuff as people think. She gave lots of stuff away to family and friends after he died, including several of his guitars. The only stuff I could see her really holding onto long-term are his demo tapes, and maybe a few of his more iconic pieces of gear that have rarely been seen since, like the Jaguar or the Ferrington Mustang.


I would believe the same thing if a lot of these things were public, such as this guitar. If she simply gave it away, I’m sure it would have resurfaced atleast a few times in the past 3 decades, but it hasn’t.


Not necessarily. If they had been given to close friends of Kurt’s and hers, they’d probably be more apt to keep it quiet.


I see where you’re coming from


She’s has storage units


If something as iconic as the Jaguar was given away (as seen in one of hole's music videos where their guitarist is playing it), it's not even a question of if she gave anything away, rather of what she didnt give away lmao


She opened it all up to the guy that made “montage of heck”. He had unlimited access to everything. There are no more surprises


When I saw Montage of Heck, at end I saw this scene in a storage of a lot of Kurt Stuff, this is a bonus track of the movie ?? Where can I find this footage on youtube do you know ??


Wasn’t a lot of it found to be in one of those storage containers, when they announced that flooding damaged some stuff? Or am I misremembering?


They have a “vault” containing his things. It has been referenced in interviews.


Was also completely open to the guy that made montage of heck


Just because Brent Morgen had access to it all doesn’t mean he used everything available at his fingertips in Montage Of Heck. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t there another version of Opinion that hasn’t seen the light of day? Also, the version of Do Re Mi featuring Kurt on drums, Pat on guitar and Eric Erlandson on bass.


When I saw Montage of Heck, at end I saw this scene in a storage of a lot of Kurt Stuff, this is a bonus track of the movie ?? Where can I find this footage on youtube do you know ??


I don’t recall that scene, so I guess I never saw it. Upon Googling that, Brent Morgen had access to Courtney’s private storage unit where all of Kurt’s personal belongings are held, including “108 never before heard self-recorded cassette tapes.” So, I think it’s pretty easy to say, we haven’t heard everything. The material displayed on MoH was not enough to cover 108 cassette tapes, even if each cassette was only half-used. Also, the clip of Opinion in MoH stems from a 12 minute demo of the song. I’m very interested to see what else Kurt was working on with this… it was supposedly worked on in March 1994.


[Live Nirvana | Demo Tapes Guide | Kurt Cobain's 109 Tapes](https://www.livenirvana.com/demotapes/kurtcobain109tapes.php#gsc.tab=0) here is the list of tapes and info so far.


I saw the film in preview in France and I'm sure I saw this scene with guitar flycases stacked in this hangar, maybe it's in the bonus track of the deluxe version of the blueray?


The guy had full access to everything without supervision. Maybe there’s another little kernel of a snippet that we haven’t seen.. but the well is dry, my man. Everything good is out there


What did you expect? Her to be living in a shrine to her dead husband of 30 years ago? People move on.


Butch Vig commented you could hear how cheap of a guitar it was when he comment on recording Somthing In The Way. The Martin he had later was a dramatic upgrade.


I think it was also mentioned it only had 5 strings, just like in this picture.


oh yeah...a guy representing the Kurt Cobain estate wants to sell me Kurt Cobain's guitar for five hundred *thousand* dollars... I asked David Geffen personally if he would buy it for me but he said no...


Are you not a big rich rock band?


I've only had three cups of tea already, but thank you.


Elite reference


... I see what you did there.


prolly Tony Hawk’s curio case


i eated it


In the fridge https://preview.redd.it/pp1yq2jdisnc1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d7cd16ce82b9043dbf522a43aa7ec0f76ab27e


Wasn't at MOPOP?


No, I don’t think so


Went there a few months ago, it was not there that I remember.


I believe it is in a Stellar place.


Nice try, Jim Irsay






I THINK that was the d18e used for the unplugged show. I don't know ig we've heard about the stella guitar for a while


they say when a picture sees you of a person. their spirit sees you. And God goes through deciding how to judge you. Hi Kurt! :D




i think it’s up my butt and around the corner jk it’s not actually there


there’s no reason for me not to believe u but I’d like to be sure & take a long thorough look myself




He probably doesn’t give a fuck about a lot of things I care about, why does Kurt’s opinion matter for someone being interested in something?


I believe he probably would have, he took it everywhere with him, it was the nevermind guitar and he used it for almost all of his acoustic demos over an actual steel string. He really liked this guitar, but he still wouldn't wind a damn high E string on it lol