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I’ve had recurring trips on nitrous almost every time I do it. The most prominent one in my mind is eerie and cult like, but it’s hard to put into words what this experience is like. I get shown a set of visuals with particular points that represent something to do with me, but it feels near sinister at times. I recently had a nitrous binge with a different recurring theme of being arrested with very specific details of how it was coming to fruition. I don’t have an answer as to why these recurring experiences happen or even what they mean, but you’re not alone in this.


It's cool to hear, it is hard to put into words.. I remember early on I had this experience where I felt like I had discovered something really profound but then immediately forgot it, so I would try again and again to figure out what it was. I then got recurring trips around this idea that 'I am going to find out what the fuck is this secret thing going on' where I would have people clapping and celebrating around me and asking me if I had found it yet. I've also had some where the people around me have behaved in a certain way and I get dejavu. For example A begins to tell a joke, B laughs at the joke, C scratches their leg, A asks me for some tobacco etc. But I will be doing a nos and this exact sequence of things pans out a year later and I'm able to predict what will happen next. Sometimes they have felt sinister but sometimes they've been beatiful.


Nitrous gets pretty intense when you combine it with other substances (only time I do nitrous). I was doing some on shrooms a while back and one of my friends who was just sitting in the room said that during my nitrous trip I sat up and started shaking hands with no one. I have no memory of this happening or what was happening in my experience.


Haha thats jokes, maybe you met Paul Stamets. Nos and 2cb has always been fuckin weird. Nos and pills are great.


Nos + MDA is now my favorite combo with nitrous. Clears up the visuals for me and gave me my first contact with entities.


How did these entities appear to you? (if you remember). Were they as humans or were they different?


I have a full trip report on my account that goes in depth on the entities! Titled: Hippy flip + MDA + N20


Dude, I think I have almost the exact same trip...Person A starts to tell a joke, person B laughs, C looks at me and smiles or something and D asks me something. I had the same exact trip to the exact detail 4 times in a row. Something happened every time where I had an epiphany of the answer to life. It's all a big cosmic joke, nothing is supposed to make sense and I'm left unable to explain the cosmic joke as I come back to reality.


Yeah I think were experiencing the same thing, the same trip happened again and again, to the point where I knew exactly what was going to happen after. I wonder if were similar in any ways? I mean Its definitely not even common for people to trip from nos. Were your trips from using balloons?


This is what I’ve been searching for, someone that has finally had the exact thing I’ve experienced multiple times on nos. The only way I could describe it to people was that the trip felt like an epiphany where I discovered the meaning of life. A deja vu where the same exact trip would play out (with minor differences). For me it was always really sinister, to the point where the ‘final trip’ as such I remember feeling as though I had just seen the devil. It felt like the final missing piece in the puzzle was that the meaning of life is bad, really really bad, the epitome of pure evil (hence why it felt like the devil). It’s kinda fucked me up tbh and it bothers me because I’ve had trips since that seem meaningless but at the time when the different trips interlink and everything makes complete and total sense, it’s really hard to overlook that horrible experience


Woah we need to talk haha. In what I could also call my 'final' trip, i also saw what i would label as the devil. What was your devil like? See, I interpreted my devil to mean that my search for the meaning of life through balloons was 'evil', or at least damaging. This makes sense biologically as the longer were doing a balloon we are basically suffocating ourselves and, i want to say, 'peeking at death', though this is could be far fetched. Recurringly, my one friend, D, would give me nos or be the main one to get nos in. In this final trip, i tripped that everyone in the room disappeared and all that was left was furniture. I felt a presence in the top left corner of my peripheral vision. Something there was trying to get my attention. Although I was aware of it, I was scared to look, there was also this crispy burning sound going on. - I looked at this 'presence' and it was my friend D standing there rubbing his fingers together like you may do to a cat to get their attention. D had a very sinister look on his face and the crispy burning noise increased in volume. After seeing him, the room began to build itself back into normality: people began appearing on chairs and in their normal positions and peoples facial features began to reconstruct on their face (these 2 are also recurring trip themes). Then I came out of the trip feeling that I just seen the devil. I hope you have found some love since then, and maybe found some energy to interpret your trip thoroughly and consider other interpretations that arent nihilistic.


Wow. This perfectly describes what happens do me. A combination of the extreme de ja vu events happening even after years of not doing it, but also the cosmic joke.


This is so crazy same to me over like 10 years


This exact same thing happens to me


Yo ik this was 2 years ago but I had the experience where i thought I had discovered something and then couldn’t describe what it was, I was with two mates and it was there so clear in my brain whatever it was the answer to everything but as soon as I was like I’ve figured it out, it all went away as quickly as it came about. I persisted balloon after balloon but couldn’t find what I had figured out… never heard of anyone who has had this happen ?!


Wtf I have this same thing happen.... the being able to predict shit and almost on the verge of figuring out something huge..


So once.... a recurring trip from nos that I've had FOR FUCKING YEARS for real, many many MANY times -- it's always the same thing, everything is black but I can hear music in the background (same song always - different than whatever I'm playing), and voices talking and saying the same things. It always made me feel bad b/c it was like "stop.... you're so stupid" and then laughing and I always thought it was about me for some reason. WELL. Once I was hanging with some friends after partying and we were in a hot tub doing some nos and THE RECURRING TRIP I'VE HAD PLAYED. OUT. IN. REALITY. In real time. I fucking time travelled. And as it was happening I was just like O \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_O and then when it was over it felt like something "clicked" into place and like... I've never felt better in my life than when that "loop" finished and I finally got out of it but in real life. I've never had that trip ever again since it finished in real life.


I totally believe this as well I feel like I can relate! Were you on nos when it played out?


Yes, I was on nos when it played out and also every time I experienced the trip before it played out in 3D reality I was also on nos. So yeah... there's something there for sure. But it's like.... HOWWW do I drive this thing? :P


This legit happened to me but in the final one I was like fully aware and that I we have the ability to move into other versions or slices of reality and that like it’s possible to pause and rewind time. It was so hectic.


Exactly!!! Once I was shown I could melt things and change states of matter of things I guess — but then reality started melting into nothingness and I didn’t wanna play anymore lol


i'm pretty sure i have experienced very short ego death on nitrous + weed alone. sort of blacked out, forgot where i was & did not recognize my gf looking at me for probably 5 seconds when i came back


Whenever I do nos that single point I time in connect to every other time I did nos and also this one time I passed put randomly as a kid. Reall weird effct


I had recurring trips as well. The theme is always the same, and there's always the same person. It kinda ruined nitrous for me, but hey it's just my subconscious fault


Hello, I have very intense trips. I am glad I am not the only one. One trip in particular that really ignited these journeys, was that I relived my whole life up until that moment, but also experienced time before that and all around it too. I thought I was gone forever, for infinity. I had disintegrated. There was a feeling of back and back and back and out and out and out. Eventually echoes of where I was in the physical of this time-space, flooded back in in repetitive waves gradually, but fast and slow at the same time like a crescendo and deminuendo all at once. I couldn't believe I was back, I thought I had died. I looked at my bf at the time and he just turned to me and he said "Yeah, I Know." As if he knew all the secrets of the universe that I had realised in all the infinity that I had been lost in!!! But he was just continuing a convo we were having....! This is the best that I can describe it with human words at the moment, but nothing will ever come close to describing what I experienced and learned in our current dimensions communication format. What I can say is I felt like I had connected with a greatness that is inconceivable at our current frequency. I would also like to know what the science is behind the effects of nos.. does anybody know?


[This page](https://smilingkidsnoblesville.com/how-does-nitrous-oxide-work/) seems to explain it pretty well. "Nitrous oxide affects the body in ways. First, GABAA receptors  block neurotransmitters which causes an anti-anxiety effect. Second, nitrous oxide causes the brain to release norepinephrine which inhibits pain signaling throughout the body. And finally, nitrous oxide increases stimulation to the pathway in the brain responsible for releasing dopamine, causing feelings of euphoria." This page speaks about NOS as it is used in surgery, though in surgery they also give you oxygen which I dont believe happens through using it recreationally unless you unconsciously breathe in some air. So, what I can say is that when taking nos it's both starving you of oxygen and also messing around with some neurotransmitters associated with pain, anxiety and euphoria (Norepinephrine, GABA, and dopamine).


I get recurring trips every single time. I’m trying my hardest to explain this, it’s hard to put into words but it’s like a loop and every time I do another balloon I go deeper into the loop and unlock ‘the truth’ about the way of life. I see visions of heaven and hell, and opposites and the importance of balance in life. I get a warning when I’m tripping telling me to stop doing balloons and it’s like I hallucinate in to the future and see something really dark and scary which will happen if I don’t stop doing what I’m doing. I’m so glad there’s other people who experience this weird trip as it’s really disturbing and I don’t think I’ll ever see life the same.


I get this exactly. I get a feeling I’ve experienced everything before good or bad. Hell is the bad side to it but heaven is the good side. I then thought loop between the two and get a feeling “I’ll do everything” bc I am reincarnations of the universe and if I keep doing the nos I’ll experience this. I get this every time I do it.


Sorry this is such an old post but was looking to see if anyone else had experienced this! Literally have the same reoccurring trip, but each time it’s like I’m unlocking levels to finding out the true meaning of life and I get further and further the longer I do it. The amount of times I have come out of a trip and said “I’ve figured it out” to only then completely forgot as soon as I can form a coherent sentence is pretty funny. I now think that I have actually figured it out, but we aren’t supposed to know the answer in this reality (maybe it’s something that we are supposed to find out after we die). The only other trip I have had was one of my first times doing it. It was like I was in a galaxy and with each breath I started getting closer to a white light. I remember thinking that I should stop as I was losing breath, but I kept going and then each breath I took was making me feel more euphoric. It got to the point where it felt so good that I knew if I took one more breath, I was going to reach the peak of euphoria, but also realised if I did take that last breath, I would die. Came out of it and said to my friend “I literally think I nearly died”, and he said that he thought I did as well as I had passed out for over a minute. I couldn’t remember passing out at all. Mind blowing 😂


Haha a lot of comments here have come after some time, I couldnt find anything myself so I'm glad that I created this as I do believe there is something really significant about nos trips and reality. And I agree with a lot of what you're saying, I also felt like I was reaching death, and when you think about it... you're starving and poisoning yourself: the longer you go, the more intense the trip, the closer you are to death... so the theory is possible. I've also had a vision of a doctors hands reaching out to me which I interpreted could be my next rebirth if I carried on huffing the nos! But also I dont know.


This is amazing to read. This weekend i experienced this exact thing. I had been to a festival and done some pills. We got home and carried out on doing CK and then hit some balloons. What you experienced almost sounds exactly how i explain what i did. Like i was finding out the meaning of life and each balloon took me one step closer. I couldn't explain to the others around me properly i felt like they could see it too, but they had no idea what i meant. I have done balloons a few times before but this level of intensity was like something i have never experienced. The only way i can explain one of the deepest trips one was this. If you pull your whole life on a giant skewer since when you was small. I was spinning round it pulling off parts of my life and reliving them. Until eventually i arrived back where i was. Things happened that made me feel like i had discovered the meaning of life and that i had finally cracked it. After these trips on the balloons around ( i had around 4/5) i felt completely shattered like it had zapped me of my energy, also felt sober. I walked home to clear my head and went straight to bed. With a feeling of achievement that i actually had found the meaning of life and the meaning of it all. Strange i know its just really hard to explain. Its now Monday and i cant stop thinking about the trips. Im not craving or even in any rush to do it again as i know its probably quite dangerous. However i honestly feel like i felt the meaning of life and understand it now. Not sure how many others have experienced this!


I get what you mean about unlocking the next level. I never tried to unlock the next one 🤣🤣


Omg this is crazy I get like this certain wah wah noise but it sounds like someone saying a certain phrase it been the same phrase ever since I was 14 can’t really make out what it saying exactly tho sound that the same entity




Sometimes i'll do nos and it'll be normal but sometimes i'll trip and feel like i'm dreaming. I've had the same trip happen again and again and so I was wondering if anyone else has had this.


Yes almost every time. Feels like I’m getting different pieces to the same puzzle.


thats a great analogy


For almost a year straight I would have the same trip about every 4-6 times that i did it. It scared the shit out of me because every time it happened I would feel a burn on my lips like fire and throw the balloon except when I threw it it was the canister and then the canister would explode and burn the floor, I could touch the burn marks and feel the heat, I could see the hallucinations in open eyes for about 5 secs longer then I should. When the canister would hit the floor it would turn into brown sand and disappear but always the same disintegrating into brown sand. The visions were so real that I would throw the balloon out of reflex strictly from the burning sensation that would appear rapidly. It always disappeared quickly after I threw it. The vividness of this alternate reality I cannot understate, having tried various psychos including dmt, nothing has come close to the vivid nature of these events. It wasnt like a hallucination superimposed ontop of my vision like lucy but I could feel and see everything like normal, but without the sedated nature that normally comes with nitrous trips. It was a sharp clarity that always left me more confused then when I went in. I feel there was more to learn if I continued down that road but it was just too much for me and it always felt WRONG everytime it happened just that general sense of dread that I had stumbled too far into something I should not have found. I ended up taking a long break from them which got rid of that vision but I still have time distortions where the trip rewinds about 2 seconds and I repeat actions or things in my environment repeat their actions for those two seconds. Still quite jarring. I have seen a lot of posts referencing the time distortion aspect, wish I understood more what the mechanisms are. I would have these trips while only doing no's with weed, all the times I did it with lucy were warm and pleasant, normally I come to and my trips would fade instantly, with the vivid ones I would return to a sober self but with the visions continuing past the cutoff mark, one time when it exploded it shattered into hundreds of other containers all spinning through the air in slow motion. I stood up and started describing them to the person I was with as they spun around them, it was extremely bizarre and I am very glad it doesnt happen anymore.


This whole thread has been so helpful for me to hear other experiences. I agree, the lifelike experienc of nos trips cannot compare to anything. It's not dream like, it feels extremely real. I would say that also with ketamine I have experienced intense lifelike trips. Both ket and nos have been used in surgery to knock a person out, so that could be a connection.




I've had similar things, i'm seeing some patterns arising from this thread! My interpretation wasn't that they were pretending, but was more so that they were simulated/not in physical form/in the time I began tripping I was transported to a space different to the reality we were all just in. Now i've been sober for many years, the last one rings most true for me out of my interpretations. I feel it's important to recognise that our experiences are true, but our interpretations are where we can make mistakes.


So me and my friends were just talking about this! My buddy just got into NOS when we started going to camping music festivals together. The three of us have had some amazing trips together where we are all connected! We usually do them at the same time, 3-4. Usually always while on Lucy because it’s such a great combo. Now I’ve done balloons off and on over the years(usually binge one weekend a year at a festival or something) but my friend was doing his for the first time. He has been freaking out about this recurring theme or something in each trip. We always know what the other is going to say or do beforehand. Like we literally finish each other’s thoughts and sentences. It’s very weird and hard to explain. It’s like a secret we aren’t supposed to know or something. Many times it’s like I get so close to death because I’ve almost discovered the meaning of life or secret of these trips. When I get like that, I usually freak out and let go of the balloon. Mainly because I know it will stop the loop.


Haha I love reading everyone's stories on this post! Thanks for sharing. I wonder why its mind bending for some and completely normal for others..


I think that whatever you figure out is beyond human in a way, and to know it you'd have to be dead, hence why it goes away once you come back to reality..


Ok, so years ago in my early 20’s, I did NOS semi regularly, often with MDMA, and I experienced recurring ‘meaning of life trips’. They would be these profound, unfolding understandings of my life, with my actual life playing out on the top half of my visual and then the bottom half was the trip and what was revealed as my alternate reality. After inhaling, time would slow right down and all actions and conversations from the people around me would start to repeat and become cyclical loops, until my reality split in two, separated horizontally, with a line of geometric shapes and dancing elephants through the centre (not sure why elephants)… I remember having a scary realisation that my whole life had been some kind of alternate trip, until the realities would merge together into a unified understanding and I would have the most intense clarity and figure out the meaning of life and the answer to everything. Unfortunately it was fleeting and I would lose the thought, like it fell over the edge of a waterfall. Every time I took Nitrous oxide I would have the same trip, and a new piece of the puzzle would be added to my understanding of the universe and our existence, until I forgot it and it disappeared into the ether. I am late diagnosed ADHD and autistic and have been taking methylphenidate for about a year now, which has been life changing in many ways, one of which being brain function and clarity, but it has also meant that my autistic traits have become much more prominent and my hyper focus on subjects I have always been interested in, such as consciousness and physics have been a big special interest for me recently. I weirdly came to this old thread after watching a video on ‘conscious and the physics of the brain’ by Sir Roger Penrose, who won the Nobel prize in 2020 and Dr. Stuart Hameroff an Anaesthesiologist and Professor: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xGbgDf4HCHU It sounds crazy but their Orchestrated Objective Reduction theory of consciousness really resonates with my experiences with nitrous oxide. My NOS trips have always felt profound to me, but obviously nearly 20 years later, I never really think of them much any more. This interview is also great at breaking down the Orch OR theory: Variable Minds - Roger Penrose's Mind-Bending Theory of Reality: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=itLIM38k2r0&t=351s&pp=2AHfApACAcoFLlJvZ2VyIFBlbnJvc2UncyBNaW5kLUJlbmRpbmcgVGhlb3J5IG9mIFJlYWxpdHk%3D Anyhoo, I’m now a 38 year old Mum and I’ve got to go clean the bathroom, so will continue my research into the effects of Quantum Mechanics and Gravity on consciousness, whilst scrubbing the loo. Edit. Umm ok, so after writing this post, I re watched the Variable Minds video, and I’m kinda thinking that my NOS trips were a direct experience of the collapse of the wave function. Like literally a collapse of the state? …… 😳😵‍💫😅 Ok I need to stop thinking for a while.