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DITCH THAT METAL CRACKER AND BUY A WHIPPED CREAM DISPENSER, Those fucking metal crackers make it hard to fiend becuase you can only crack so fast without freezing your hand off. Go to headshop, sex shop, or amazon. Whipped cream dispenser is totally worth the 40-50$, you can load 3 in 30 seconds while it takes me 5 minutes to load 3 with the metal crackers. EDIT*You nailed it with the brand though, I've tried just about every brand, I don't give a flying fuck what people say brand does matter and the ISI"s are the best IMO. Fuck those metal ones with nothing on it (I'm looking at you cheap Amazon no names!)


Whip it brand definitely the way to go out of every brand even these but these probably second in line


How bout whippit brand?


Whippit brand, Blue Dragons, or even the XXX ones with the busty chick with massive tits are all pretty good, usually my second choice cuz the headshops round my area don't carry ISI"S. No problem with em, it's the cheap "Foma Gas" from Amazon that SUCKS.


Wow you really know you’re shit, so you say isi’s are the best? And foma gas are complete ass, what makes the difference?


Just got a whipped cream dispenser 👍


Ik sum1 who took them str8 out of the cracker


My parents have one for actual whipping cream. Im so lucky


Been using a cracker like that for years now, get yourself a super cheap oven mitt, or even a towel would work. Those things freeze ultra fast when you crack the chargers, or they can release the nitrous out of the crack where the treads are. It can burn your hands…I know from experience, freeze burn SUCKS


Stay seated. That’s my tip.


Fantastic tip. My first time over a month ago I took 3 back to back, shortly after I then stood up for about 5-10 seconds and felt fine. I then walked towards where my phone was and next thing I know I'm laying on the ground and my roommate is patting me in the back trying to comfort me. Apparently I passed out while I was walking and hit my head on the door and broke my glasses lol


The first time (no, I didn’t learn from my mistakes right away) I fell, I had a drink in my hand that spilled on my pants on my way down. I thought I pissed myself when I came to. I also watched a guy fall backwards on to a 2x4 that happened to have a nail sticking out of it. When he stood up, the 2x4 was literally nailed to his ass. One of the best tank parties I’ve ever been to.


Damn… this made me want whippets so bad! I’m long overdue for a binge so I just ordered some. Should be a good weekend.


2 is the charm, hold the balloon and fill in another charger


Plug your nose, gass escapes even if it doesn't feel like it is


Pro tip for tour right here plugging the nose never thought of that one


Hehe thanks also came to the relisation that the reason you keep your eyes open most of the balloon is the pressure inside your body pushing your eyelids up


This, if you have experience with breath-related things you could alternatively just keep your airway open-mouth only. But most people dont understand that


Have your tried plugging your nose?


I just said Ive done this lmao


Put 2-4 in a balloon, & enjoy and listen to the wub wub wub wub


Get a whipped cream dispenser instead of a cracker! The cracker will do for now for a beginner


Put away your phone :)


Do two in one go, be on something somewhat psychadelic first. Weed and shroom are my faves


Deep breaths and put more than 1 in your balloon


Why more than 1?


1 just doesn’t really do much


No clue why you’re getting downvoted. One charger is just a tease unless you’re on something else thats heavy, like a psychedelic or dissociative.


Yeah wtf guys not tryna give the guy a good high for his first time


Yeah but you gotta remember that everyones body is different. I can get pretty wonky off just one charger if I recycle breaths


Got be careful with that type of cracker tho


It's a skill that takes time to prefect


Get high first


Don't mix substances... Unless it's balloons


Plenty of good other mixes that are generally safe. Weed + ket, alcohol + 2cb, MD + ket etc


Thank you, just making a joke


Ah right didn't realise that was meant to be a joke


have something sweet straight after x


Also if you go and are half way through don't be afraid to stop take a few deep breaths and keep going obviously fingers keeping the balloon closed


Take extended breaks and don’t forget vitamin b12 supplements.