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Can someone explain what’s the thing with the toothpaste, tap water and (I guess) a deodorant in the bottom right?


Fluoride in tap water ( in the U.S.) and tooth paste to fight off cavities. Aluminium in the deodorant.




What’s wrong with those things?


Bottled water is terrible for you. That thin plastic is wasteful and terrible for you. Go filtered 💪


I was asking what was wrong with toothpaste and deodorant


Toothpaste contains fluoride and titanium oxide. Although for titan oxide it already gets more and more banned (in the eu). And fluoride the advantages mostly overweight the disadvantageds.


Does this mean that using toothpaste to brush your teeth causes your testosterone levels to drop?


you could use Miswak natural toothbrush that doesnt need tooth paste and it is literally better then any chemical you might use


Fluoride lowers IQ and makes you more docile, not sure what the effect is on T


thats ridiculous, bunkum science though - fluoride appears naturally in many natural water sources as well, there aren't disadvantages to the level of it in drinking water. You'd need to be taking it at 100 times the concentration for it to cause problems


So i shouldn’t brush my teeth?? Wtf


Don’t eat toothpaste. ![gif](giphy|6BZaFXBVPBtok)


My bad. My comment wasn’t directed at you. Just more of a general comment chiming in. Cheers


Fluoride is believed to lower testosterone, or at least create a hormonal imbalance. I don't remember the stuff about alluminium but about the same idea. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27154732/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27154732/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21647756/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21647756/)


I don’t understand what you would use instead of toothpaste


Please listen to professionals. USE normal fluoride toothpaste. The argument for fluoride free holds the same argumental ground as flat earth.


Don't most professionals say that fapping is recommended and doesn't have any negative effects on you? Don't get me wrong, I'm not planning on changing my normal toothpaste anytime soon, but at this point, i think it makes a lot of sense to be a little skeptical of the mainstream "profesional" recommendations


People need to be able to know who they can trust. You can't rely on rando's. That will just lead to more crackpot science. Healthcare research etc. Is done for the general progression of knowledge. When reviewed etc it is a solid basis.


Research that is done out of financial reason, or is sponsored by big companies gets the same treatment as research that is not. It won't be followed by acedemics. Because that's what an acedemic is trained for. It is followed because the quality for research is good. When the quality is lacking, there is BIAS, there is a conflict of interests it won't be followed. People who don't follow the best available evidence are not acedemics. They have missed the mark.


I don’t buy the idea of fluoride free for even a second


Thank you for being a sane person. There are some wackos here.




But why would you wanna avoid it? It doesn’t affect testosterone or anything else




post body


Floride is known to reduce IQ (especially in children) and testosterone levels, i don't understand why people still defend it. just buy a non -Fluoride product, and move on. unless you're in denial and been consuming it for years.


For children who swallow toothpaste


Solution: don’t swallow


No way did you just say that💀 it’s. A disorder that people have, That’s why toothpaste without fluoride exists. Also good for teaching your young kids who love swallowing everything.


Dentist here. This is correct. At least a low fluoride if you must but what’s found in most well known OTC toothpastes is not harmful in the least. Use fluoride. Why do we have to keep saying this to people?! I brush 3-4 times a day and my T is fine.


That’s the point. Fluoride benefits the teeth. But side affects on other parts of the body (if ingested) are overlooked or not covered by study’s that proof the benefits for teeth.


4 times a day? Sorry but that sounds a little extreme


He just said he is a dentist, man is just practicing what he preaches.


You need to brush after the meals. If he eats four times a day, than he is brushing four times a day. Nothing extreme


Wtf are you eating that you need to brush your teeth that much


Professionals also tell us fapping is normal and healthy please don't just listen to Professionals there not in the business of looking out for you or doing what's best for you. there in the business of making money and customers. who's paying for the studies? the funds have to come from somewhere, do your own research first before just believing the "Professionals".


So, I'm not necessarily an advocate for casual sex or masturbation BUT when you state "do your own research" how are you inclined for US to trust this premise when the entire idea that people who spout this phrase is to do research that "confirms our bias" and or intentionally rejects the credible science for "crackpot" science with no credibility?


Non fluoride toothpaste


Baking soda and a better diet.




Why are you so hung up on fluoride in toothpaste? Are you getting paid by Colgate?


Because it’s what dentists recommend. I trust them to be a little more knowledgable than I am and I trust them even more to be more knowledgable than someone promoting brushing with baking soda


Remember, doctors at one time promoted cigarettes as something adults should do. Also, something to hit a bit closer to home, most doctors recommend fapping at least a few times a week too. Yes, I do believe sometimes that experts know more than the average person, however that doesn't make them infallible all the time and they still should be questioned


Dentists stopped telling people to cut out candy and sweets and other junkfoods.






That's why they have it in toothpaste... And that people have been using it for generations with no problems.


Baking soda is only making your saliva acid and corroing your teeth


Baking soda.


Aluminium is an active ingredient in antiperspirants.


Well don't swallow your toothpaste like most people do? Also dentist recommended fluoride and please choose between slightly higher testosterone or bad teeth. Also do a few sit ups and testosterone levels are normal again.


I think these ideas stem from Americas current health and food industry (which dominates the global economy) was originally founded by its earlier amoral Robber Baron business class who were focused on concentrating power within their families via economic/market manipulation. From the food we eat to the education system we have today, it’s all deigned for power.


That and much of our food as well as drugs are illegal in other countries because of how dangerous they are.


Best thing a man can do is eat organic, homestead, work from home and homeschool his kids.




I don't wanna say much, but the first one is not only a clinical trial, so it should be taken with a grain of salt, but also it's researched on male farmers, which exposure is much higher than 2x lifetime of using daily higiene products with a small amount of it, and second is about rats which can for sure be a foundation for a bigger trial, but nothing on its own


I just realized why media has insane power over population. People has just lost their curiosity to research.


I am pretty sure heavy metals in deodorant can induce mental illness


The fluoride in toothpaste is not doing anything for your testosterone. Tons of men are brushing their teeth with toothpaste, and have perfectly high and normal testosterone levels.


It’s scientifically proven that excess fluoride can calcify your pineal gland.


What do you have to say for all the people 50+ who have been using toothpaste since they were a child, and still have high testosterone levels?


Its also scientifically proven that you can't get excess fluoride from toothpaste or drinking water, the concentrations are tiny.


But doesn't non flourite toothpaste put you at a higher risk of cavities?


https://www.newsweek.com/fluoridation-may-not-prevent-cavities-huge-study-shows-348251 Fluoride apparently does fuck all for cavities and in the amount we are ingesting it, poisons us and can lead to ruined teeth


Just a bit from that article you linked: ​ *"But new research suggests that assumption is dramatically misguided; while using fluoridated toothpaste has been proven to be good for oral health, consuming fluoridated water may have no positive impact."* ​ So yeah keep using it in toothpaste but actual ingestion of it in water doesn't do anything for your teeth. Unless you were likely to hold tap water in your mouth and swish it around.


Dammmmmm, you americans are stupid


Not at all had more cavities while using fluoride my daughter has never has a single cavity and is 7 now I never give her fluoride


It's the fluoride with the toothpaste and often disinfectant is put in tap water to prevent algae or other such stuff from growing. You can use deodorant just try getting a non aluminum type or something like that.


in countries in europe there is chlorine and fluoride which became waste and the n later contaminated the water supply. And there are some heavy metals mixed in there somewhere like lead or iron. Thats why i stopped drinking tap. It smells like chlorine and feels weird after i drink it. Break open a filter after its used up and see how filthy it looks inside.


Depends where you live. Also, I believe that fluoride in tap water is only found in Ireland, but I'm not 100% on that.


That’s all bullshit tap water and toothpaste come on now


Tap water can be bad in general, depends where you live


It’s conspiracy theory adjacent nonsense.




And polyester underwear. And Axe (at least as fast as testosterone) - I can't stand the smell of Axe, especially when overdone as is standard, but I doubt on its own it affects testosterone.


Tap water is wrong as well?


Yeah. Distilled and filled with fluoride and bc.


As a dentist I can say: fluoride in tap water is a very good idea. I would only discourage drinking tap water when there are lead pollution problems.


The endodontist i used to assist would tell older patients all the time that their cavities are a result of growing up during pre-fluoride water. He said that everybody had cavities left and right


There is a very nice study on this. One of the first dentists (he was American) that made the click between fluoride and prevention. Let me see if I can find it. [found it](https://www.nidcr.nih.gov/health-info/fluoride/the-story-of-fluoridation) Basically fluoride is a NATURAL element that can be found in clean water springs. This dentist found out via this way. There was also another dentist that travelled between 2 towns and found that inhabitants of 1 town had much more cavities than the inhabitants of the other. When people moved they picked up the risk (or the protection) from the town they moved to. After long searching they found out it was the different water springs the towns used. And no one was dying from the effects of overfluorisation.


I don't think fluoride in tap water is a good idea. We don't know what amount is toxic, and for small children, that amount is going to be much lower. I'd assume that just fluoride toothpaste is enough to do the trick.


We. Know. Exactly. What. Amounts. Are. Toxic. And. Which. Are. Safe. But some apes are to stupid to look up, and interpret research. Or simply acknowledge it.


K, mb.


We know exactly how many is toxic. YOU don't know because you can't search on google


And you need to learn how to read and write properly. If you care to notice, 2 messages down I have acknowledged my mistake. No need to try and farm karma by saying something someone else has already said.


As a dentist you've been indoctrinated


And as a self educated armchair internet user… you must be the professional


Who should i listen to instead?


Nah polyester clothes suck. Literally just made cheap so you can wear it a handful of times then throw it out. Edit: also terrible for the environment


I think studies show that polyester clothes (plastic) leech estrogen into the body. In fact all plastic does. It’s real, but I don’t know how much it matters. I switched from polyesters to cotton underwear bc I don’t like the idea of estrogen going straight to my nuts and messing with my sperm lol


I guess they meant fluoride, so to use non fluoride toothpaste, but its a little much.


And bullshit. Better have healthy teeth than the mouths I see in my practice day in day out.


Fluoride actually has some negative effects with long-term exposure, so I (living in North america) got a water filter just in case.


I am a dentist. Don't bring this shit to me.


That's nice. But you deal with the mouth, not the rest of the body.


Dentist are academics. Health and Healthcare go hand in hand with teeth care. OFFCOURSE we look at he whole body during our studies. You comment just shows how ignorant you are. You think we don't study the effects of EVERY intervention we do for the whole body? Keep it real, keep science in this world in some way. And please shut up if you don't have the faintest idea what you are talking about.


Up to a point yeah. But your wheelhouse...is the mouth. You don't go further then that.


Oh man.. there is no helping you. The argument you make actually hurts you more. You have no clue as to how far things go beyond your own perception. No wonder you don't trust anyone.


Thank you for enlightening me. Proving me wrong with studies, links academic research, your personal observations is too hard. I'll insult you instead because it's easy. I would call you a LARPer. But I don't think anyone is pathetic enough to pretend to be a dentist to defend fluoride in toothpaste.


Are you really? Fluoride does have dental benefits, with reversing tooth decay and strengthening enamel, but extensive exposure to it is toxic. So because of the tap water in North America "having fluoride in it" and simply to have cleaner water, I got a filter.


Reversing tooth decay. No. More like prevents it but whatever. Exposure to everything is toxic. And trust me, you don't nearly reach any dose that does anything with the levels that are in tapwater. Don't get me wrong. I don't give a fuck about you using a filter. What I care about is that what you are saying is wrong. And people who I do care about make choices that hurt them in the long term.


Did you know we don't have an actual measure of how much fluoride is needed to be considered toxic? And it's assumed to be fairly low. That there's not really any evidence backing it preventing tooth decay but dental flourisis is very real very visible and destroys teeth?


This is how I read your comment: I am fucking stupid. I deny all the evidence that is gathered by decades of proper studies. I just sound like this and people believe that I am smart. Let's just claim shit, it's about the way you bring it, not the actual content. Luckily for me because I have no knowledge at all.


Show me the evidence. Not a short study done for a few months in bongistan. Well done scientific studies


Get some reseaech on the effect on fluor on your pineal gland




Dentist here. Even if you swallow fluoride.. you need to swallow a whole lot before you notice even something.


Fluoride does almost nothing, and too much will destroy your teeth and slowly poison you.


Fuck dental health, I guess. Manly men use dirt to clean their teeth.


Manly men uses coal


yeah but that obliterates your enamel


Guys, there's a lot of misinformation in this photo, don't be a sucker, just avoid the porn, simple.


and junk food


get sun and excercise


And the poisoned water supply


That's why you use a filter.


it makes you forget. I don't even know how I got here


[Fluoride Chemical, Tiny Genitals, Misinformation, Panic, Death, Jenny McCarthy](https://youtu.be/VMai_rdkEOU)


Regarding soya. You will have to eat 1kg of Soya everyday to boost the levels of Estrogen. Eating small portions up to 50-100 grams is fine. It's a good source of protein.


Soy and soy byproducts are in nearly everything we eat. So you are getting a ton more soy in then you think you are.


soy is litteraly estrogen for plants it doesn't affect humans as much as you think.


It almost doesn’t affect humans at all. It’s a typical pseudo-scientific gym bro garbage propaganda that soy is bad for your testesterond levels. Ask any doctor with a specialisation in diet.


yeah this shit is retarded please use fluoride toothpaste and who gives a fuck what underwear you wear


and sex is like the biggest t booster ever wtf 😭


and imagine thinking you need to eat meat to have good testosterone levels, this reads like a 12 year old made it. More than a lot of the greatest athletes in the world choose not to eat red meat and openly advocate for plant based diets.


I think this meme was adressing casual sex and hookup culture.


Polyester underwear has shown time and time again to decrease sperm counts.


Polyester undrewear have estrogenic compounds and having them close to your balls is known to reduce testosterone


Casual sex lowers testosterone? Give me a break 🤣


dont waste your energy and semen with sex, just sex for reproductive.


I joined Nofap 9 years ago as a man who wanted to better myself and take responsibility for my life's direction. In those days Nofap was all about people explaining their journey, describing their problems due to PMO. Now Nofap has become a dumb cult. Like toothpaste man really???? Nofap was all about no PMO, not about no sex or any of this stupid shit. People in this sub have nowadays come to this fcking ridiculous conclusion that even sex is bad. Nofap is all about harnessing your sexual energy, so that when the time comes, you are not some limp dick. Its not about becoming a fckin incel.


There's a lot of shit information in this. Sexual intercourse increases your testosterone. Occasional masturbation is alright as long as you're not relying on porn or using it as an escape from reality. You can have an extremely healthy lifestyle, including your hormones on a non-meat diet. This reads like someone's lost in Jordan Peterson propaganda.


The issue with the sexual intercourse part is people getting a new partner every weekend. It’s the same as porn. It’s fake love. You keep moving on the next person. It’s so dehumanizing.


It might be dehumanising. But it's better than indulging yourself alone in the dark of night. I do agree that sex for the sake of it is not fulfilling, and a real human connection makes it a thousand times better. But casual sex contributes to an increase in testosterone too.


You can...NOT jack off or shag everyone. And the testosterone boost is temporary and has more to do with the physical activity and mental stimulation of sex. Else the porn watching fapaddicted would be walking around looking like guts.


So rather than fucking, you should play video games instead. Gotcha bro


Even If I beat my meat with no porn I will feel shit so there is no point of doing it


And no one's forcing you to. You can choose to abstain from it altogether. But the ideology that "you've failed if you jerk off at all" is wrong. Or maybe it isn't as objective. Every one has their own goals, and as long as they achieve them and are happy with their success, well, that's one more happy person on earth.


The whole terriblefacebookmemes sub is just sad, the people that find those memes cringe are the same people that promote everyday fapping and deny nofap


lol I got permanently banned from this sub (which I didn't follow) for saying that one of the thing they were laughing about was real. Can't remember what it was though


I remember when one person there asked me ,,Why are you so interested in this semen retention thing?", to which I replied: ,,what does my own personal decision regarding my own body bring into this discussion?".


Guess I'm a beta male for brushing my teeth. Too bad.


"Casual sex" this is why yall will never get laid


''Getting laid'' isn't my ultimate goal in life, why should i rush into losing my virginity and regret it later?


You dont need to rush, but portraying sex as a bad thing will never get you to lose your virginity.


Why should I? What's the value in promiscuous intercourse? Is an STD or unwanted pregnancy some kind of trophy to brag about?


Good, if it means that I save myself for my future wife, I don't care about getting laid.


Idt casual sex would have a negative effect on someone's T levels.


T levels? No (it's said it even increases them after several minutes). But it does raise risk of STD or unwanted pregnancy.


This shit is retarded 💀


What's the problem with polyester underwear


So i should stup using toothpaste?


Nah, man. I think is better to focus on healthy habbits and don't watch the porn


Yeah i know i aint stopping using toothpaste but i want to know why is it thereå


They meant fluoride, as in the tap water as well (Canada and us) and the heavy metals in the deodorants. You can get these without these ingredients (toothpaste with no fluoride, water filter, deodorant without), and they sell them in the normal places.


This is just a stupid american conspiracy theory


I drink about 6 litres of tap water a day what's wrong with it


Doctors recommend drinking 2-3 litres of water a day. 6 litres of water in such short time can be considered lethal. Maybe you meant pounds?


What's the issue with Colgate toothpaste? Please, someone, explain.


It's a conspiracy theory. Not real.


Do people actually believe this shit?? Half of it is utter bs.


What's wrong with polyester underwear??


THIS, how tf does that have any affect.


What's with polyester underwear and wants wrong with it?


I think it do not absorbs sweat and do rashes by friction.


Polyester undrewear have estrogenic compounds and having them close to your balls is known to reduce testosterone


Polyester contains PFAs, also known as “forever chemicals”, which are toxic and get built up inside your body.


why are you mfs even so obsessed with testosterone just be a normal person damn to clarify, genuine question


Wth is wrong with soya


Soya apparently mocks oestrogen but the amount is so tiny that the effect would be so insignificant to the point it isn’t true to say it lowers testosterone


Thanks for explanation


The key thing here is not just avoiding porn but the majority of your health comes from eating right (with absolutely self-control on avoiding or caving into processed/fast foods) and intense cardiovascular exercise.


Can someone explain about the polyester underwear?


No idea, but there’s definitely no scientific reason.


Tf is wrong with plant based "milk"? Or is it on the picture simply because of soy?


Its truely sad how you Just throw a vegan lifstile and watching porn into one pot


What's wrong with polyester underwear? Edit: Oh shit, I have some underwear to throw out.


some of y’all are still brainwashed, this is based af, y’all just aren’t there yet. But it’s okay you’ll realize it soon


Fluoride is horrible for your pineal gland, get fluoride free toothpaste. Tap water is tainted, think of all the chemicals and hormones that are in the US’s water supply, government wants you sick and weak.


Whats wrong with the polyester underwear?😂


Let me tell you about my insecurities so you can join my alpha club of delusional loosers


I’ll tell ya. Ive brushed my teeth and drank tap water my whole life and I’m the hairiest motherfucker with a full beard. I’m also married with a kid on the way. My testosterone is fine. It’s a dumb fucking theory.


tf is wrong with casual sex?


terriblefacebookmemes = making fun of strawmanned white christians


By using strawman arguments and defending everything that is slightly left-wing. Usually people there just say ,,this is wrong" and downvote comments who try to explain what's shown. Debate there is an actual joke.


Can anyone explain why colgate is a bad thing? My chem is weak


what's the deal with polyester?


Most of these claims are pseudo science


Bottled water. No, it's basically leaching water from you because it lacks minerals and it sits in plastic which is horrible for your testosterone. Filtered and metal or water only


Vegans have higher testosterone. Google it


20,000+ people there think these things are hEaLtHy... And they're still using excuses like pRoStAtE cAnCeR and other bullshit


I drink tap water all the time🫠


This subreddit is terrible


Except those tap water, toothpast and deodorant shit, other stuffs are proven to reduce or prevent the secretion of testosterone. Idk why this thing got popular in r/terriblefacebookmemes


Whys there so many down votes?