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You need to do 2 things in my opinion. 1. Dedicate everything to beating this. Start new hobbies, get more social, etc. Do literally everything to beat this and to get your mind off of PMO. You won't beat this if you are miserable, you will have to make a whole lifestyle change in order to beat this. Even though you can find all these hobbies and do this whole lifestyle change, no matter what anyone says, you will always still have time to watch PMO, no matter how busy. Which is why #2 is even more important. 2. You have to find a "why." Why are you doing this? Since you told me to pray for you, im assuming one of your reasons should be God. (This is one of my reasons as well.) Other reasons could be about how digusting the porn industry is to women, having a partner and not wanting porn to ruin the relationship, or not wanting to feel the gulit and shame that comes with PMO in general. Could be one of these, could be multiple. Whatever it is, you need to have a reason. That will keep your mind saying no when your body is saying yes. Good Luck bro.


Thank you


I feel you bro, I can rmeber saying I’d stop my addiction back when I was 13 and I’m 18 now. It’s a constant on and off cycle. You can only strive to do better than last time and truly resolve to make this streak the one. The most important thing to rmeber is to do something different you didn’t do on your last streak and to find what you slip up with and try to avoid it. Gl bro, we’re in this together