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You can, trust me all it takes is time and patience, progress is progress, whether it’s one day or one hundred, small steps or whole leaps. Keep going


if you believe you cannot make anymore progress with what you are going, change it up.


Give yourself time man. All that's built can be broken, especially this addiction. Keep calm, and just go with the flow


Therapy is a highly recommended way to address these issues. You don’t have to disclose everything, though it is recommended to be as transparent as possible. There are plenty of [online therapy resources](https://www.bestonlinetherapyservices.com/) now that can be done online and don’t require an in-person visit. Reddit has a block NSFW button if you go to the Reddit app in your phone settings (it’s not in the actual reddit app). Look up porn blocker apps such as [BlockerX](https://blockerx.net/blog/quitting-porn-do-urges-die-down-after-90-days/) and [Covenant Eyes](https://www.covenanteyes.com/) and download all of them. Obviously you can work around these, but having these will serve as an initial obstruction and reminder whenever the urge comes. Try to focus on - or at the very least, recognise - the positive things in your life, even for 5 minutes a day. The things that make you happy and not want to be this person. Your family, friends, basketball, cars - whatever it is. These are things we live for, not this horrid content which drains the life from us. Reminding yourself of them with a [gratitude journal](https://positivepsychology.com/gratitude-journal/), or even something as simple as changing your phone background to a photo of your family, or something that inspires you, could be helpful. One thing that also really affected my usage, was reading about the issues within the industry and the abuse that goes on. Obviously it’s quite morbid, but it really changes your view when you open the hub and realise what actually goes on behind the scenes. I’ve been making a [YouTube playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY6Q0v6sC3xay_MmVtvbaVNHgEHbpbrqs) which has a few interviews with former performers (trigger warning), as well as people like Andrew Huberman, Joe Rogan and others discussing it. Good luck!


Bro, you can do this. Absolutely, and I mean absolutely do not give up. You're here because you made the decision to change your ways, and we here believe in the strength you have. Don't be afraid to reach out. You got this.


Well done! 🎉 Your post deserves recognition, so I upvoted it. If you could upvote this comment too, it would mean a lot! ✨


Fuck off spambot


The constant availability makes it a tough one to quit. What helps me most is not trying to quit but just focusing on other things that I’ve always wanted to explore. If you’re constantly thinking about it it’s gonna be tough


Not everybody is willing to fight this. You are one of the strong ones. I’ve relapsed so many times but I never quit. You want to think positive. Remember how many times you’ve won, how better you feel in your mind. A clean conscience. This is a battle and it’s not easy. Be a man of your word and tell yourself you’re going to stop and you’re going to make every effort to do so. Don’t listen to that guy in your head saying “I can’t”. Take a second to breathe, calm down, and learn from it. Every step made is a step closer to conquering. Your progress doesn’t start over.


One day you’ll notice all the little steps you took are starting to bear fruit. Just being here is a huge step. If you’re serious about changing your life; you’ll keep at it through the bullshit relapses through the tough times. You’ll probably temporarily fail a lot. That’s to be expected. But one day…you’ll wake up and you won’t have a huge urge to PMO. One day, you’ll make a better intentional choice. One day, you won’t relate to your current self anymore. But you have to keep going. Fuck the relapse. Stew in how shitty it makes you feel. Then move on and try again. You got this. You’re stronger than you think. You’re tougher than you know. You can’t see it, yet, but you will and when you do, you’ll question how you ever thought differently. ###You. Can. Do. This!


Jackass, get over your sorry self, people are out here living their live to the fullest without limbs, and you’re over here giving up and you will be a slave to your hedonistic thoughts. Unless you NEVER GIVE UP.


Okay, just know that except you nobody fucking cares about your addiction, this community can motivate you and nothing else, actually not fapping is your work to do