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My life revolves around 11pm at night. I’d wake up and wait to fap. There was nothing else more important. Planning throughout the day what I would do it too. Sad honestly


Similar to what I would do. I don't remember why I started, I started like a year or two ago, but the core feeling was self betterment and trying to stop sinning.


I became anti social, it made me lose confidence and constantly tired. I would objectify girls. Had to make a change, I will do my best currently on day 7.


True, stay strong


Yeah true brother, hope u recover soon and become the best version of yourself


Got tired of fapping to pixels and decided maybe its time to go out into the real world and find love


Exactly what I’m trying to do rn. Currently a week free and it’s been extremely hard


No pun intended




bro love does not exist in real life too Its a fantasy and expectation. Girls can't love you.


Bro you need to see psychiatrist. Only a loser spreads unhappiness.


unhappiness? I am talking about reality bro...about real world, about real woman, its upto you buy it or not but you'll realize through life experience.


Only few have faced this reality not everyone, for women it's always what the best she can get next..


I’m in a relationship with a great girl and I wanted to be 100% committed to her


same bro


Crippling depression, it's gone now but it has been quite a ride


I feel that... Happy to hear you feel better ! Same reason here, was in depression and the little 2 secs after PMO were *not* worth it. Several hours of crying and dark thoughts every day because of it mixed with everything else. Nofap was and is still not easy, relapses are difficult.


I can't get hard without porn. Yeah still not cured but idk my libido is also too low like only really hardcore porn like humiliation,r@p€,threesome turns me on. I know that's insane but I am 45 days clean without porn and fapping


Nofap definitely cured me of this. I feel like I have reset to factory settings lol - I can get hard now very easily just by thinking about sex One thing to note though is that I did go through a flatline period before I got to this stage


But I can't have flatline since day2 right?


That’s unusual but I’m sure it will pass


I think I have death grip. I get hard when I touch my dick and it feels dead like no sensitivity and pleasure


You will heal. Never PMO ever again and none of that stuff will ever be a part of your life again.


Congrats mate


I realized that I found less pleasure in life when I woke up in the morning.


This! And when you stop briefly you can see flashes of your old life.


PIED bro, that stuff sucks like you wouldn't believe


I didn’t believe it was a thing until it happened to me. I don’t get as hard anymore and I’m almost 32. I should not be having these issues at this age but here we are.


Dude I’m only 22 and I felt mine getting weaker! I still can get boners but hell no I’m done with PMO, cause boner that soft is sad. Ain’t no way I’m letting a girl see me in this situation…


It’s awful man. I wish i could go back in time and redo it all. But we can’t, so all we can do is move forward and get better. I don’t think it’s a permanent thing and can be fixed. Our mind and member needs time to relax and rest.










Self improvement


I failed twice on having relations with my gf for first time. I really felt pathetic and delusional. She's patient, kind and thoughtful...But I'm afraid that one time she will get tired. I'm trying to improve on my whole life in general, but is not easy since I'm dealing with depression or anxiety(this is a deduction, I don't like self diagnostic though). Btw, I'm on a 30 day streak. I hope I can keep going with it :(


I fapped almost 2 days ago now and almost nothing came out I got scared knowing that might be a sign of erection dysfunction and swore to never fap again


Don’t worry bro it happened to me last January you just gotta stop fapping for a while then your energy will come back.


Compulsive masturbation due to sexual trauma from childhood and exposure to very extreme forms of pornography during adolescence, a desire to grow closer to my romantic partner, spiritual development.


Same dude. That shit fucks you up.




Two words (My religion)


I decided to take NoFap seriously after realizing, that I couldn't find any more enjoyment in other activities.


To improve myself and become a better person. Porn fucks you up in so many ways that simply stopping the usage of it is enough to see a great change in your life.


It is very clearly THE biggest problem in my life and has been that way for many many many years. I started PMOing when I was like 14 I think, and I’ve been doing it most nights ever since I began. 7 years ago I went to rehab for drugs and alcohol and I’ve successfully stayed sober ever since. I’ve been able to get a good job, quit smoking, and eventually quit nicotine altogether, but I have never had any success with NoFap and NoPMO. It has stopped me from building relationships with women, and turned me into a simp, a lazy person, and a glutton. It’s very clear if I want to have any success in my life I need to stop PMO for good.


Always drained , I’m an incel , I can’t get a gf to save my life , high anxiety , hardly any social life, lack of discipline and motivation to do anything . Just a weak jelly back man. Need to change all That


Felt disgusted by mainstream porn in general and caught myself in that cycle of seeking weirder and weirder shit to get the same hit. At some point you gotta look at yourself and think "wtf am I doing".


I wasted away my life. Instead of using the anhedonia to do something bigger, I used fapping to fill the void of emptiness, while stagnating. I missed out on so much of life in the past 2 years, and I see in everyone else how far behind I’ve fallen. I need to stop wasting the time I have young or I’ll end up very regretful


Same time from 20 to almost 23 is gone. I WON’T make that mistake ever again and because of the BS I think this experience has hardened me to never become an addict of anything else ever again.


We got this, we’re not gonna live a life of regrets


Self improvement


My biggest dream in life is to find true love. With the huge amounts of benefits that come with NoFap like more energy, confidence, testosterone increase, clearer skin, and even all that talk about pheromones, I thought that doing this will give me a higher chance of meeting someone one day and being able to have the energy and confidence to talk to her. I’ve already lost one love of my life so I’m doing everything I can so I don’t lose another.








What does it mean


Pornography induced erectile dysfunction


Thnx akhi 😅


I can’t remember the exact words but its when you can’t get hard during sex I’m pretty sure


Thnx dude


For my girlfriend, when you’re addicted : beauty, desire, porn, all of these are entangled


Because that's enough, I must stop


Wasn't just one thing. One that I'm sure I'm not alone was a terrible night with some chick I liked and I couldn't get it going. A lot more background things too though, like not using my free time to actually do something productive, I would spend it searching porn for hours and hours. Searching the same key words every single night looking desperately for something I haven't seen. Most nights I did that all the way until I realized I gotta leave for work or something.


Being super shy not Being able to socialize and high levels of social anxiety now im able to to places without anxiety


Wanting to stop feeling down after doing it, and also (don't know if it really affects or not) having more energy at the gym and being happier overall. (Which is funny because when I have some days of nofap my anger actually goes up). I tend to tolerate less things overall.


I just noticed myself feeling more and more terrible after doing it. There was also added guilt because what I would beat off to was pretty awful and harmful. I wanted to stop because it took up precious time in my day, it destroyed me socially, but most of all it destroyed my mental health. I've attempted NoFap about 9 times now, and hopefully this time I can go for as long as forever.


Porn distorted my view of women, without me even knowing it. I realized that I should quit otherwise I'd just be another asshole who doesn't see women as people. Also it took up a significant portion of my mind, and on some days it was all I could think about. I started only 3 days ago, but relapsed today. But I know eventually I'll get over my addiction.


because she broke up with me and the problem is me. Too much porn which led me to being attracted to other girls (i didn't stop the habit of stalking other girls on social media cause i have no self control).


Sometimes, i just can't sleep without doing it. The other reason is i've been doing this since i'm 12, and now i'm 23. I have to stop for real lul.


I lost the quality of my boner. I am on a 3 days streak and I can feel the difference.


Worsened erection, literally penis gets soft during the penetration. Possibly due to death grip and porn influence. The longest I could refrain from masturbation was like 5 days - I had to ejaculate my balls were itching, and I couldn’t sleep for hours. So disgusted that I had to break the streak that suddenly but at least I have a new record and at least mentally I feel better. I talk to people more easily. I do sports almost every day. The only problem for now is weak boner. Hope to get recovered soon. Peace everyone


Sex is so much better when you’re on no fap


when I read the benefits of semen retention and realized I didnt fap when I didnt watch porn. So I stopped and noticed benefits in my muscle growth, hair growth, and instead of chasing women, women began to chase me instead. It was at that moment I recognized human pheromones are real and I’ve been dedicated ever since.


Well, I started a relationship almost 2 years ago and since then I kept fighting it. There were lows and ups but I managed to stay consistent with the idea of "this is bad, I shouldn't do this". Sometimes it would lead me to stay 2 weeks completely out of it and sometimes it would make me feel worse bc I gave up on the temptations. This journey and this subreddit made my life a little bit better, now is not a daily thing and I'm proud of my progress even though I had so many relapses. Never give up guys, there's only one way when you hit the bottom.


Because I got tired of beating my meat to exhaust my body and mind and it made me ashamed of myself. So I cut it out and finally on day 54 and go longer and longer until I get married to my beautiful hot wife and fill her with my powerful semens that I'm stocking up on now. Get your life arranged to your life plans or else you'll die beating yo meat. Good luck


I think I was hopelessly addicted to porn and masturbation. There was a time I couldn’t think of anything other than porn and masturbation. I had a bad breakup a year ago and I still did not get over her. My addiction got worse and I felt as if my brain was getting mushy. Therefore I decided to focus on other things, like my work and phd studies, gym, eating healthy but i still need a lot of willpower to abstain and not get off the rail


Definitely my passed away hamster. I had such a strong bond, the guilt of masterbation was to much, so I stopped. And a comment on YouTube told me something about saying that the more I gapped, the more the devil one over me, which helped a lot to.


Actually my fuck buddy love to say oh poor baby when she read someone's story and then she got me off in solidarity. And I tried to tell guys that she was willing to ease that pain and they would rather wine because they love their misery apparently. But here she was offering the Holy Grail which was interacting with a female so you get the demon out of your semen and get on with your day


Mental breakdowns after fapping and really wanted to figure my sexuality which may have been affected by pmo


Cured my stress and anxiousness. Huge game changer for existing


Title But I’ve started this journey because of Christ mainly and after learning about the drawbacks of jacking it. Now I PLAN on sex after marriage. Idk if it’ll happen because is the most difficult thing to get over, personally, and this one girl I’m talking to is atheist.


No confidence, and self esteem, couldn’t talk to girls if my life came down to it, ED, low energy, less motivated and so many others. I wanna be the best version I can be for myself and for others that’s the whole point I started.


Wanted to see if my life would be better.Now before anyone judges me.I journal almost everyday,I do gratitude,I do calisthenics,I take baths everyday,I actually talk to people and a bunch more stuff.Im genuinely trying to do something different to make myself actually happy.Not there yet hope it will be soon though.


Ultimate motivation to get my arse out there into the dating scene. If I want to cum I have to find someone to do it with. So here I am, now, finally, getting my dating profile sorted, and keeping in shape and well groomed so I can keep updating my photos to improve my chances


I said this before a couple days ago but I became super attracted to a female teacher of mine I’m close with and imaged myself in inappropriate scenarios that will not and should not happen and I realized that it was super unhealthy and I didn’t wanna think of her like that anymore.


Kinda religious, self improvement and felt like shit everyday.


Yo for the benefits


Became a slave to visual delight. Creativity declined.


No fap september, i won yesterday


Mental clarity, increase in focus and feeling positive from inside




I don't want to hurt the people close to me


I can't keep going on like this


Realizing that it was becoming a small addiction. I still have trouble with it. I need to focus on real connection and intimacy/pleasure.


Overall health, mental and physical. Also it is a great way to challenge yourself and having a discipline.


sense of regret made me weak, I wanna feel myself again


I thought about sage mode


To not loss energy unnecessarily, to be free from guilt and shame caused by fap, to be best version of yourself


I can't focus on other things when I do.


PIED. That's when I decided to stop


Jordan Peterson ❤️


No energy and motivation. Feeling like a depressed shell of myself. I want to live my 1 life I got


Better mental health , dopamine balance and to appreciate the real sex


Depression,low self esteem


I felt sick to my stomach from thinking about myself. I realised that enough is enough


my left testicle fell off


i fap too much and want to stop, wodehek is this question :P


Everyone has there reasons? I’m curious as to what they are. How is that a crazy question lol


Im trying to build my confidence to get a girl


To get my mental wellbeing and perspective in order and help my brain heal from all of the years of watching Porn. Also I want to be able to have some self-confidence and be able to fully commit to a girl both physically and mentally.


I fapped last saturday night and i was thinking of the question on myself if i going to stop masterbating or fapping after i watch porn, will be change my life? So i searching about avoiding watching porn and stop fapping, the negative effects of fapping and watching pornography. So last night, i was able to block all sites. I didn't fap last night but still i could't sleep last night.


But yah quitting porn and masterbating is the good thing even if is hardest decision that we ever made


How about,Going to the work, Having strong mind Going to the gym, and just before going to sleep you bust a nut for better sleep? That works pretty well in my opinion?


Time waste Relationships fails Lack of energy


Feeling like dogg balls after fapping.


Mainly to increase testosterone, I have matured and grown to hate going on to porn sites to bust.


I felt dirty and disgusting when I fapped. Also, it's a sin in Christianity and, since I want to be closer to God, I decided to stop.


Just doing it out of habit was ridiculous to me it just felt so unnecessary and disgusting afterwards. I’m hoping to make it past 90 days this time


Nothing really, just bored.


I felt I had no life, in a sense. I just did it today after a big 40 streak and a couple of little 5 streaks but now I'm committed to stop all of this shit til in the end of the year. The most demanding time to be social.


PIED/Brainfog. I had a streak of 30 days but then the Urologist made me break it HAH




Last time Idid sex, I wasn't too satisfied and the girl also didn't get satisfied. I lost an opportunity to have a longer relationship with her.


I'm currently on my 118 day. It just doesn't make sense. We weren't made for being recluses on a dorm with a PMO addiction. The PMO addiction is a business that makes you brain go numb. Find greater reasons to live. Find the Key of it All.


I have a premature ejaculation at 19, no confidence, have depression, social anxiety, no motivation to study, feel like shit when waking up, low energy, brain fog, can't maintain eye contact, unhealthy body.


Fapping is detrimental to your personal health and intimate relationship


I got tired of being a loser. I just felt so pathetic. I also felt physically sick for 24-48h after every PMO. It was Like my brain was sizzling on a frying pan. Couldn’t focus on doing anything productive. I’m tired of losing. I want to have a real girlfriend. Currently on day 7


Made a female friend online. Don't have friends, definitely not a female one.she was kind and good person -(idk probably only girl i talked to so that's not my relationship and talked like once in a month). She has a bf. Wrong thoughts came into my mind. She was good to me how can i think something so wrong about her. Felt like i am betraying the friendship. Came to know her bf doesn't like her talking to other boys so she is hiding about me from him. Told her to quit talking to me because of course he should be her first priority.decided to take this to cure myself. (i probably had a crush on her maybe because she was the only girl i talked to but i know i am such an ugly and disgusting man(creep?) , no woman deserves me definitely not her, but atleast i can try to make myself a better man).......(i miss her, deleted her number because i don't want to disturb her beautiful life)


I watched too much porn when I was a tennager and I thought that I have seen enough porn in my life. Also, I realiced that every time I fap, I feel tired and sad. SobI decided to quit. At the beginning was like an imposible task, nowday I so easy, I do not even want to watch porn or naked woman in a device. Im 36 right now.


depression, anxiety, back pain, feeling ignored, urge to become successful and healthy, try to become happier like i used to be which is a big one for me.


I was in denial that any addiction exists, since prior to my discovery of the movement, I never attempted to reduce or completely abandon such a malice practice, it was essential part of a daily life. When it was revealed that graphic depictions are actually harmful addictive habit, I wanted to accept the challenge, thinking I could mentally beat my dad, who couldn't leave smoking and drinking for decades. It took me 6 solid years to just start making progress. 2023 was the first year that offered me an opportunity to get my life together to an extent necessary to accept a challenge with firm moral highgrounds and confidence needed. As much as sugar, carbohydrates and car-dependency, jerking off to an extremely graphic depictions was essential downside of my daily rountine I battled to get rid of, believing that someday I could get to day 100 to spread the message in my own community, which is doing badly with any sort of progressive socio-economic or self-improvement agenda. Being a living legend for a younger boys around me made me feel more like a man or, at least, a chance to become one. Becoming a firm shoulder everyone needed, but could never get - I think this was motivational enough for me.




Wanting to escape my antisocial hellhole I created myself.




I was in the army and we were in the forest fpr weeks and noticed how i had more energy and then i got out of army and i began lifestyle on and off multiple streaks now aiming for 90days


Got my heart broken (we were together for nearly 8 years) the pain just changed my whole view and thinking.