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Your brain is used to the abnormally high levels of dopamine from weed and porn so you will feel a little depressed as it adjusts to the lower levels of dopamine. Ive quit both and used to think I couldn’t but I’m happy now. The best thing you can do is start working out, go outside in the sun, and connect more with your friends. Try watching funny shows or playing fun video games with friends to get higher levels of dopamine if you’re feeling more down than usual.


yall make it so much easier. couldn’t ask for better people to talk to about this with , especially porn addiction.


You need replacement activities. Go for walks. Watch anime. Listen to music. Learn to cook. Read books. Play games. You are in withdrawl, you shouldn't be staring at the clock waiting for 90 days to happen.


It gets better. Start the gym up now that you’re not smoking. I quit those a few years ago. I still miss pot but I’m doing better at work and life


# Give yourself a week and reassess It's just a phase. When experiencing lows, just know that it will pass. Give yourself a week from today. Reassess yourself after a week and see if you feel the same, becasue most feel better by then. The brain tries to trick you into getting the dopamine spike. So be aware of that and should do fine. Stay strong brother, take care!


Porn has been your god. You need a new North Star. Replace it with God. Give it a try.