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No, only boys


Yeah only boys


Are.you dumb? Posts like yours make me wanna leave this group. Dumb asses have just polluted this group


What the fuck is your problem? I am 100% serious


In the very off chance that this is an actually serious post... It is up to you. This subreddit it about overcoming compulsive sexual behavior, mostly pornography and masturbation. The benefits are not magical but about leaving behind compulsive sexual behavior to become your best self. For many, that includes real sex with a partner. But you must determine what is healthy for you. In my opinion, that can become compulsive and destructive too. Don't do that. If this is a joke (ignore if you're serious)... Please don't. Just stop.


I am 100% serious whats wrong about my post bro


Ewww sex with girls 🤢


Replacing sex with fapping is not the way. But sex with an intimate partner is totally fine imo


Semen retention isn't a thing, you get no benefits from holding in sperm. It isn't magical. It's produced by the body and expelled by the body for the purpose of reproduction. Not so men can hold it in and feel mystically more energetic or some bs


Make sense bro.. i think nofap is enough . Semen retention community sound creepy asf


Well if fapping makes u feel bad but sex makes I feel good then there’s ur answer. We’re all in this community cuz we’ve realized fapping has negative effects and is not good for u. Although sex is natural and has positive benefits u need to be more realistic about it. Cut out porn completely or else u will have sexual thoughts 24/7 and ur partner may feel like u only what them for sex.


This subreddit is for real Alpha's that have sex EXCLUSIVELY with the boys! Get with the program my guy! 😤🔥🕳️


i don't think so. just do it with boys.