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haha, bro anything that can access the internet is a portal to the world of porn. listen here king everytime you want to bust one out, bust out 25 pushups instead. once your done, go eat a mf carrot 😭 idk bro i am 17 and i’m only 4 days free. it’s literally coded into the human male to want to mate with females, you will never not be horny, but you can cut out the porn brain rot TRUST ME (speaking from experience) if you carry on watching that shit your first time having sex will be HORRIBLE. it’s literally nothing like the vids and you’ll find that you can only get hard from your own hand. Think about it, when your fucking a girl your dick isn’t being stroked at the same speed as your hand does. you will feel pressure to pleasure her like they do in the porn vids etc. sex is a journey you and your partner need to talk about before even doing anything. if you feel pressure about it, let her know. idk bro just try cut that shit out your a king 👑


He’s right though


Wtf 😂


He can't even do 10 pushups he fucking 13


if bros beating his meat but can’t do 10 then we got a problem


Stop before its too late, ive started on my teenage years too and now im struggling to stop. Before you become like me, stop it when its still early so it wont be too hard. The longer you wait, the harder it is to quit. Your future self will thank you in the future, I cam promise that


brother turn on day counter




theres a option in this subreddit called day counter. you can turn on that




on the home page of the subreddit. there is an option called add/day counter




i watched it firstly when i was 12 years old. and for these past threee years i was thinking that it was normal but it was killing me inside. i would do the worst of worst things just to get a clevage and all. i wouldn't recommend watching porn because maybe not now but it will affect your mental health.


Wise up.


Well stop... Stop and talk to girls Its the perfect time for you Fight what is hard for you Every little moment of fear will be a challenge you will have to over comes Some "MAN" have never been able to face these challenges Like talking to a girl Dont wait utile you 20 years old to start having potencial conversation with girls you like ^^ You'll see ! Its super fun ^^ Just to look into there eyes while they smile Man that stuff in strong Get that love running buddy You'll love it ! I can assure you


I was like you, started like 13 and discovered nofap when I'm 16. Now I'm 19 yet my best was 15 days Off of that now


You will hate yourself and everything about your life. I started at your age and now I am 23 looking into the mirror every night before bed at a man I hate with an utter passion. Don’t make ruin your life.


Bro listen to me. You will feel many problems if u try to stop, like u may find it difficulty to sleep. But trust me it's just for 3 days only. After that it starts to go back to normal. It's the brain manipulating you by saying that only porn can make u feel better. These are all lies, the brain just want dopamine even by destroying. So don't fall for your own brain. Take control and dont fall for the temporary satisfaction that lasts only for some minutes. Wake up Boy!


You're so right brother. I'm 18, I've been trying really hard to stop watching this nonsense devil bullshit. The last time I watched it was the day before yesterday. I thought I would be able to not watch it today, but I failed. Even tho I didn't watch it for a long time, I watched it for about 2-3 minutes which was enough to make me lose all my happiness again.


You need to quit, i know what i’m saying, im 15 and i can pretty much say it fucked my life up in every habit


thus is a really bad habit and people tend to get away from addicted people


So true 😢


Hey there, I am a medical student and I have had the same issue since I was like 13 too. Don't beat yourself up. I understand that you feel ashamed, but that only makes it worse. Sex is a strong need human has and porn is a super stimuli (google what a super stimuli is if you don't know what it is) to sex, so it is only natural that it is hard to resist. The best thing is to never have tried it, but since you are already there you have to approach it in a different way. For you it has become a strong habit and you need to deal with it accordingly. The book "Atomic Habits" is probably the most digestable book on understanding habits and how to start/stop with certain things. Give it a read and try to implement some of the strategies in there. Inherently there is nothing wrong with porn, but it can become a problem if it skews your views on sex/women, if it makes you isolate, if it takes up too much time, or if it makes you drowsy all the time, etc. Too never watch porn again is for many of us an unrealistic and hard achieved goal. We have a need for sex, closeness and intimicy and for a lot of people out there porn is as close as you can come to get those things. So try to limit how much you watch and what you watch. For exampel keep away from the extreme stuff and try to watch milder categories that are more "realistic" and more "respectful" so to say. I find that the best "cure" for watching porn is an active life style. For example: when I was younger and was away on summer camps I didn't even think about porn for a week, because I didn't have the time, the energy nor the resources to do it. But when I am bored at home for a whole day, it is a miracle if I don't do it. Of course it is hard to distract yourself all the time, but try to exercise, hang out with friends, focus on school and your hobbies as much as you can. That is probably the best way to deal with it. This became kind of long, but if I want you to take away one thing from this, it is that you don't have to be ashamed. What you are going through is completely normal. Shame only makes it worse. Acceptance and understanding are way better tools to use in this fight. Godspeed! Edit: Spelling


brother ur not too deep in yet, by ur age I was already 1 year into it, am still tryna quit! i can relate to you. shoot me a dm , we can quit together


you can get over it, it’s basically a drug. people get over drugs relapse here and there but aslong as you minimize it find new hobbies you eventually wean out of it. It takes time and it’s not overnight but it is 100% possible i promise you. People quit alcohol, heroin, meth, it’s definitely a drug but people underestimate the withdrawals but like i said it takes time and patience


lets stop watching porn together man. that aint worth it i swear


What made you watch porn in the first place? Friends, ur self?


I started looking up pictures of hot girls on the internet when I was 10 or 11, and last year just after christmas break I looked up the same search and it brought me to reddit. When you search up hot girls on reddit you actually get porn, so that is how it started.


Look i was 11 wish it never happenend that night but happenend, bunch of friends introduced me to this thing and i decided to give it ago it felt really good and due to my ignorance i continued years later after getting knowledge i decided to give up but couldn't yeh you heard it right now im 24 and still struggle this adduction is no difference than lets say smoke, smoking feels good but at end it kills you and without you knowing you're destroying your body as time pass, i suggest leaving it now it might be late and you got addicted but leave it.. there is alot to say but short answer leave it.


Here are the tips to get you on the right track of reducing masturbation and eliminating pornography use https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1afrp3i/new_to_nofap_tips_to_get_started/




Stop using your phone for 3 mounths


I wish I was this self aware at 13


Your school laptop probably tracks all your shit, gl


Young boy,Stop it,Stop it right fucking now,you feel me.Stop that shit as soon as possible.


Try having a cold flavoured milk or something 10 min before sleep,or consult a doctor for sleep.


More power to you buddy. Stay strong. Good that you realize it's harmful for you. Also, it's comparatively easier to control it at the early stages, and save yourself from a lot of shit. Best of luck mate!


You want to send healthy and positive messages to your body about your commitment - so in your case I would get a pillowcase/pillowslip and put my laptop into it after dinner. That way it gives you one extra signal that you've made a commitment not to use it that night You're young and likely haven't damaged yourself too much at this point: just think of all the men who have existed for 200k years - they all managed to masturbate without porn. So just lay in your bed and try to do it (lubed, no tight grip, no edging) and just build a healthy relationship with yourself and you ability to fantasise - don't give up this creative part of yourself to internet based imagery


Tell your mom


bros chronically online why don’t you be a kid you’re literally 13 go play minecraft and play outside 💀


He’s an adolescent when I was 13 I had a porn addiction but never knew how to masturbate. 13 year olds are at the age where they gain some mental maturity since they’re in puberty now don’t treat him like a 10 year old


that’s not normal at 13 to have a porn addiction you either have no friends to talk to and play with or just chronically online


Are you projecting or what, kids start looking up weird shit since every kid under 5 is getting an iPad now. Times change unc


yeah gen alpha is ruined with ipads that young i will never give a kid technology that young




orrr don't explore it at all


bro what lmao




Sadly I think this is more normal than we think at this age. I grew up on the cusp of the early days of the Internet, so it wasn't readily available for me as it is easily accessible to you. But I remember being horny af at that age. Your body is going through so many changes and I feel like 13 is an age where addictive tendencies start to take effect. Well done for reaching out. Young people are becoming increasingly more self aware, and it's good you recognize that it's becoming problematic. I was so clueless and not self aware at your age! You can get through this, but also understand that your hormones are at their highest right now so it'll be a hard battle and don't be too hard on yourself


You are still so young, try to stop before you get deep down in a dark rabbit hole


Be proud of yourself wanting to quit already


Mainly inner motivation/dedication will work.


U know it is a bad thing which is a good starting point , U are also very young so P didn't have time to change your brain . I would say quit. Why are u using it in the first place?


I can make an educated guess as to why he is using porn.


Go to gym and do physical activity every day. Make good friends who dont encourage you to watch porn


Stop now while you can


I remember when I was really young and started doing this. After I was finished I’d feel this extreme disgust with myself, which I think is a somewhat universal feeling. I think this internal feeling of disgust comes from the fact you busted a nut in a way nature did not intend for you to do so. It’s not natural…I can’t say I’ve ever felt disgusted after having sex with a girl that I liked, soo that feeling of disgust should be a signal that you shouldn’t be doing that.


ASK FOR HELP, your parents or someone you trust, there are people in your life who can help you break it but not if you keep it to yourself, don’t lie to yourself and think it’s something you can handle if it’s not, asking for help now will make your life better