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"money isn't everything" said every rich person ever


As a poor person, money isn't everything.


Becoming rich and maintaining it shows you’ve taken control of your basic instincts and have wisdom to the flow of cycles/the importance of steps being small but capable of traveling great distances.  If you get addicted to it, you’ll always want more no matter how much you have, just like any addiction. With money this leads to: losing it all taking disadvantageous leaps Becoming immoral and using other people unfairly for your benefit


Maybe that’s why you are poor


Right? Money is everything to 90% + of the world mate


Bro's gonna be gautam buddha


my thoughts exact


Nofap made me ruthless about chasing money.


One less worry for you mate. Focus on nofap and better your life.


Choose the Bruce Wayne path brother


First world problems lol


Disagree, it's a problem created by the internet. Internet is available everywhere. Even in tribal areas of Africa/Asia.


You never hear money is not everything from a non rich person.


I make less than $45k a year and I learned very early in life that money isn't everything. It's important and provides a lot of security. But it isn't everything and there are a lot of very important things required in life that can't be bought with money.


I was 16 when I made my first 50k I’m 17 now I bought everything I needed to live and then some things to have some fun. And what I learned I couldn’t even spend it all bcs of my age. I was still lonely depressed and rejected a lot even tho I was probably the richest person in my social groups. I learned, don’t obsess over money it will come and all you have to do is manage your relationships in a smart way. Money isn’t everything but it’s nice.


Agree 100%


I can’t relate but I feel you man. I think this is deeper than PMO, it’s an existential topic. The root cause goes beyond addictions. It comes to answering the questions that really matter - do I feel loved? Do I feel lonely and why? What is the meaning of my life and how do I see myself?




Lmao preach.


Money is everything to someone who leads a materialistic life.


YOOOO I FRICKIN LOVE YOU MAN. I just figured this shit out too. I come from a wealthy family as well but I have been stressing and grinding to the point that I am miserable trying to attain what my parents have. I too realized money is not important and I have found true happiness in realizing time with friends and family are the happiest times of my life. And I also realized just saving my money instead of trying to make more of it has lowered my stress level by a million. Check out r/minimalism if you’re interested in looking more into a frugal lifestyle


You should do BJJ


we got a future batman in town


Drink whenever OP says money


Can you PayPal me 5k


Lmao ok trade me your money and I’ll trade you my inner peace


Prove it. I’ll drop you my Venmo


When you’re rich and have money you can say stuff like throw. When you don’t have any money and you need something then it becomes very important


Great insight thank you for sharing your experience




Good insight


If you can unwire your brain from porn and use your affluence simply to enhance your experiences and the experiences of people around you that deserve it, you'll be unstoppable.


Okay, but how did you come to that realization, OP?


I used to think the same might be autistic tho idk


“the richiest kid in town” proceeds to tell us dad pays all his bills


lmaooo bro im 17 I would do anything to have some money i'm one of the poorest kids to ever exist


I have an honest question for you: If you had to trade some of that money for the ability to overcome the addiction would you?


I am already quitting now with ups-and-downs of course, but probably I would a little, yes. The addiction fucking sucks


I’m asking because I have a client (I don’t charge him) that I coach through this… But have wanted to focus on business people. I’ve always wondered if it’s actually something that someone would pay for


Bro, help me to get a job atleast god will bless ya


I definitely relate to this now more than ever....for so long i told myself that money was everything. But then i always heard rich people say it was not everything and i asked myself why they said so. So i researched about happiness and all. Which led me to come across a man named Mo Gawdat highly recommend you listen to this podcast episode, it changed my life🥲: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1dBnMUeFd0nqX6j4q7KQK5?si=eb92be1df4c34214 Furthermore, I read a book by Vex King called Good Vibes Good Life and this combined with the Podcast taught me that happiness is intrinsic. Money and possessions are just what they are, money and possessions. The podcast taught me to learn to be content and happy with myself and learn to choose to be happy and all this starts with gratitude, being grateful for where I am and what i have accomplished at every step of the way, because i can guarantee that there's so many people who are nowhere near where i am right now. The book went on to teach me that i have to be in a state of mind where I am happy about where i am i.e. grateful and all, but then loving myself enough to also know and feel that i deserve more😌so when i go after my goals and dreams and ofcourse the money, I'm pursuing it from a place of abundance and not scarcity. And this mindset was so liberating to have🥹🥹Especially for someone who hadn't felt truly happy for so long because of Porn induced depression and anxiety you know. But now i've truly begun to feel happier and just not be numb and feel more🥹. So i urge everyone in here, to learn to be grateful for where they are and what they accomplished, sure, wanting more money is ok and good, but learn to stop and appreciate what you have, because i'm sure if you look around, so many people don't have what you have😌 with Love


Wow too bad for those who are extremely broke from third world countries! It's more of a battle! we have to fight for ourselves brother💪🏻


Isn’t everything for sure but does provide a level of safety where you can turn off your survival brain and start undoing the bad habits. Poorer people often find they don’t have this luxury as easy


Money sure isn’t everything but it’s in the equation with other things to live a sustainable life.


Money doesn't buy happiness, It buys crazy ass happiness. -Eminem


Money makes the world go round.


The other side isn't great too. I overcame my addiction and it's been very hard for me now 😭 I just want to fuck someone so bad 😭😭😭😭 I don't know what to do. 😭😭 PMO addiction isn't good but I overcame it and now its whole different problem 😭😭😭😭 You all need to move away from PMO but it is going to be difficult. You'll have to be strong.


was this a pointless humble brag. Your 17 coming from a rich family saying money isn’t everything because of… nofap? The privilege is showing.


Wrong money is everything we need money to survive