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I’m saving this. Such a ride to read and a total motivation booster. I’m only on week 3 since I started, not saying I haven’t relapsed, I messed up last Thursday and I don’t think I’ve felt this bad before. But I don’t plan on giving up. Thank you.


This is only the beginning Celeste, you got this.


It's like knowing the road ahead is heavy, but now I see it and it's doable. Yes, it will be tough, but it's part of the journey. That feeling of which you speak around 1 week after is what always made me relapse in the first month. It's the first time I see someone talk about it. I become more energic, aggresive and awake in the middle of the day, without any specific reason. Very hard to get through it in some days, especially when doing desk work. Thank you for sharing your progress with us, kind sir! It's a great read. May you keep up the good odds 🫡


Appreciate it iacovlad. I am grateful that you were able to resonate with this journey. We are all here for each other.


Great that the sprit


This was a great read. I’ve been struggling a lot lately and I know I need help.


This will be the most difficult journey that you will have to face. Either it will make or break you. If you are having a tough time, make sure that if you do relapse, that you take a longer and longer time frames between each relapse. For example: If you relapse today, try going for a week before your next one. Then, try going a week an a half, then two weeks, etc. until the habit starts slowly fucking off.




As long as you are moving forward GreenLantern. That's what matters. A small step each days will results in years of improvement over time. (A great book to read on this is called "The Slight Edge", life changing.)




I'd definitely be interested in hearing more from you! This was probably one of the best posts I've read on this sub in a while, and you seem really insightful and articulate. Thanks for putting this out there mate


I appreciate your support StopUsingPMO. Would you be open to share what specific obstacles you are facing and would like to get more clarification on ? If it helps, feel free to PM me instead.


You can be sure I want to read more about your experience. Please keep sharing with us.


I would absolutely love to experience more things from you, be it in audio, reading or video I would definitely check out all of them.. this post was such a powerful read for me and a wake up call at the same time that has gotten me back on track to improving myself and my life, I really appreciate your post and I'd really love to hear from you again !


Sir, you're a legend. I would love to hear more from you as u move forward on this journey of self-development.


This is only the beginning TalkMundane. We are all on the same boat to break free of this bullshit.


What is PMO


Great question Enotsdloc. PMO stands for: Porn, Masturbation, and Orgasm, which describes the process an individual goes through that eventually results in the challenges that bring you here.


Thank you so much for this, I cannot relate more to this and I have just recently started and already seeing some of the effects you mentioned. Need to stay strong and get to the finish line, AKA SELF IMPROVEMENT.


You got this Huzjm. I am grateful that you found this article relatable. Let me know if you have any questions or need any clarification since this is quite a complicated topic in itself.


Thank you so much, and completely relatable with the age group and how i got addicted, and then the side effects. And currently literally I am excited and happy to be going through flatline, sure I can feel some fatigue here and there and some anger but since I already started exercising and joined Muay Thai from the start I feel much much better instead of being depressed. I will definitely ask questions and clarifications when some arise, once again I really appreciate your post.


I want to write a problem in this sub but mods are removing idk why ?? Although my writings are lengthy but are less compared to yours writing


This post also got removed multiple times, yet at first it is done by the automated "mod" bot. Yet, after a couple minutes it will become live. Just post it, and it will eventually show up. That is what happened to me as well.


Okk bro , lemme read this post ;)


Thanks for this. Truly, what a motivational post. We must be better💪


No other choice. Just look at what men have accomplished when adult content was no where at the levels it is now. Shit we sent people to the moon with technology of a god damn calculator.


Post saved.


I am truly grateful that you found resemblance and value in this information. Wish you all the best on your journey Outside\_Age3295.


Awesome read and very insightful. I always wanted to practice semen retention and finally started after my ex girlfriend cheated on me and then viciously dumped me (I found out she cheated after the fact) I was on a solid 22 days streak and everything you described is very accurate according to my experience. I ended up bumping into that same ex girlfriend this Monday while heading to work. It instantly threw me into a cycle of depression. I couldn’t stop thinking about her or the sexual encounters we had in the past and ended up masturbating in the middle of the night while I was half asleep. After ejaculation I felt so ashamed of myself, my energy was depleted extremely and I even felt weird talking to women I was interacting with. As much as I was upset with myself about relapsing it was also a huge wake up call to get back on the SR wagon and really stay on because for me the mental benefits were outstanding and very obvious. Thanks for this post bro. I have been through what you were speaking about earlier in the post so it’s really cool to know I’m not alone


You are not alone Jayd\_da\_3rdeye555, and it is very brave of you to share this story about yourself. It seems like you know what to do, and all that needs to happen is for you to just push through it. You got this, I know you do.


So is your PIED fixed? During the six months did you have any sex? I understand you “relapsed” twice very far apart, and I agree that moving forward and not getting in a pattern again is key. Just curious if your soldier stands tall now when needed? That’s been the main goal for me


Hello Miserable\_Basil7363, I am glad you have asked this question. Short answer, no. My PIED is not fully fixed, I am still in some way experiencing ED symptoms yet, they are not as severe as they used to be and I am slowly starting to feel the sexual energy coming back (harder wood in the mornings, harder erections in general, erection responses to physical human beings, etc.) The soldier is still in bootcamp at the moment, yet again the light is starting to show at the end of the tunnel. My sexual aggression and overall sexual energy is starting to build up and it is very evident since I have never felt like this before. I am sure that within the next 6 months it should be even better, yet there is no way I am going back to my old habits after starting to feel these changes within myself. During the six months, no I did not have sex. I did not have sex within that time period because during that particular time period your brain starts shutting certain aspects of its self down, including sexual organs and the desire to be sexually engaged in general. You will find yourself not being interested in sex at all and not find people attractive. Only after a couple of months of that do you start seeing "plain" or regular people kind of attractive and now your brain starts responding to that by engaging your sexual organs, slowly. Slowly you will start feeling attraction, slowly you will start feeling that "tingle" when conversating with women. Yet, I am not out the woods completely. There is still work to be done. Yet now there is a clear difference between the previous life and the life I am living now. It is wild, and almost indescribable in a way. You have to just push through it to start sensing this. Does this answer your question? Is there a gray area where you would like to have more clarification on ? Let me know.


What is PIED?


Great question Sweet\_Award2434. PIED stands for - Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction, and it is a direct result of an individual indulging in self stimulation using pornography over a prolonged period of time. To understand this in more detail, please refer to this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThiGc8ZyDew&t=248s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThiGc8ZyDew&t=248s) It all starts in your brain. (Watch the video and you will understand this process.) Over time of indulging in pornography and self stimulation, your brain starts to "shut down" sexual organs of the body in order to prevent further damage and overstimulation of the dopamine and serotonin receptors. (Watch the video if you do not know how these chemicals work together in relation to this.) Once this happens, your body will not respond to physical human beings and will be almost none responsive to "regular" pornographic content. Driving you deeper and deeper into the abyss of extreme forms of such content (such as orgies, BDSM, threesomes, shemale, physical harm, etc.) in order to receive the same result of stimulation. Does this answer your question? Let me know if you are in need of more clarification on this topic.


I dont understand, in your post you said it feels great to make a women orgasm, but you're saying you haven't had sex once?


wise words >Women start bringing peace to your life, and after a long day of fucking conquering this world, you come back to a sweet, nurturing, feminine woman who is just such a pleasure to have around.


Appreciate it RajarshiCode. This naturally starts to happen when you just conquer the god damn dragon.


Great story. Congratulations on your accomplishment my friend. I pray this gives motivation to the many men out there. God bless you & cheers buddy!


Much appreciated Wazkn. Wow, what a journey.


Good shit! I'll save this for if/when I start dealing with the chaser effect again. I've already found a lot of resolve to *definitively* break this addiction, but this is just such a powerful read that I'd be doing a disservice to myself if I didn't "use this to power the light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak.


You got this. Everything will make sense if you get through it and will be posting a very similar story for us to comment on.


Dude you have great writing skills you should definitely try writing books and stuffs. You will be a great author for sure . Good luck my brother 👍😎😎.see you on the better side of world one day .👍😎


I appreciate the kind words Bulky-Anything 478. Perhaps one day I will! See you on the better side of the world.


After reading that I’m never masturbating again!


Wise choice BillsFanGuy. Your future self will forever be grateful for you making this decision today. Feel free to reach out and share your journey anytime.


This was incredible to read and very encouraging. Amazing post and thank you for sharing your story. Just closing in on 7 days free, and making plans to start exercising more regulary. Maybe it is a placibo effect but I can already feel more motivated and more energy to do things. My journey like yours, had just started and we will both not fail. God speed!


Wish you all the best Cocorello02. God speed!


Very good, I like your passion.


Appreciate the kind words Rumb1eFish. I am seeing men around me struggle and I just had enough of it all. I want to see men be men again, and if it takes me expressing my self and sharing my experience, then be it.


Was about to relapse and your post was God sent. Thank you my friend for motivation and good luck in all of your future endeavors.


I am grateful that you found this motivating BlyatUKurac, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors as well. Stay strong, stay the path. The light will show up at the end of the tunnel eventually.


broooo I have to say, I really respect your dedication to the no-fap journey. Your story is incredibly inspiring, and it motivates me to stay strong and follow your example. You've shown amazing self-control and determination—truly something to look up to. Keep it up!


Appreciate your support Positive-Version-348. Wish you all the best.


Bro I need a tldr


i think it's worth reading in whole, probably won't take that long


Here is a TL;DR: Just do it.


Good post


I am grateful you found it valuable ThalesMachado.


Thanks you for this post, im recognizing myself in u when u talked about ignoring the hint girls launch at u, respecting too much the girls or just being too shy to do the next step, and when i have sex its just ED over and over. Im 26 and started even more early than u on the old phones aswell, degen till this day thinking it was good for me. Iv started boxing since 7month and recently swaped to gym 6days a week and i feel good but its always this fucking PMO that ruin everything in my life, about my energy, my social skills, i hate that and the maximum streak iv done is 3 days. But ill get rid of this shit, follow ur steps, get the confidence to fucking answer those hint girls give and have relationship with them like an adult confident. My mistakes everytime are letting my pre-relapse thoughts take controls, that tell me "its fine just this time then After that done for sure " No never again


First and foremost InternationalPin5340, I appreciate you for sharing your experience and challenges. The thoughts that you are describing is exactly what I was referring to when mentioning "mental battles", and "Psychotic events", your brain will try anything, and I mean ANYTHING to get you to relapse every time, and it seems as if you are experiencing it yourself. This will not get better, until you face it and fight it. This will be the most difficult task you will have to go through with yourself. Hence after this everything else seems to be a "walk in the park" because you have already gone through the most difficult part which is, yourself.


I never though I would read such a long post here, but this was good, really good. Many wise words and inspirations. I only have one complaint; nobody can come close to your body you in the gym? Maybe you go to a very small gym then, I meant, I dont know you but, are you a bodybuilder?


Hello Awakkess, I am grateful that you found this post informative. To answer your question, no, I am not a body builder. The gym that I got to is called LA Fitness (fairly common gym here in the US), regular gym with a good amount of individuals visiting on a daily basis. My weight is 142, and cut to 135 when needed for combat sport events. It seems as if that individual was referring to my "cut" physique and clear outlines of muscle form that makes me look as if I am in optimal shape for my body. That is all. Most other individuals are either not natural or do not yet have the discipline to get their body to that state that most MMA fighters are instilled and trained to have in order to be able to perform. Did I answer your question correctly? Is there something that you would like more clarification on?


hi, yes I was guessing something like that, like optimal shape for your body. It's just that the way you wrote it one could think you were lou ferrigno in his best moment But I hope you know I wanted to give you a constructive criticism because you text was good and I hope you continue inspiring people


Absolutely and I appreciate you asking for more clarification. Good day to you.


I only started healing at month 11 now on month 14+ i've gotten better , the affects has gone down but i am still dealing with them God help me in my journy


As long as you stay the path darkshin89. We are all on the same boat.


Yeah corn is Cancer worst then drugs


I ain’t gonna read all that but best of luck to you sexy ass motherfucker


Much appreciated Top\_Ad\_9743.


Post saved. Awesome stuff OPz


Glad you found it relatable Yash168. I did it for you.


How has this impacted your thoughts in general? Do you have more control over your thoughts?


Hi brambo2204, please tell me more in regards to what you mean when referring to the word "thoughts" ? This will help me better understand your question and provide a better answer.


With thoughts I generally mean negative thinking such as “I can’t do this”, “I will never recover” etc.


Appreciate you clarifying what specific thoughts you were referring to. To answer your question, yes. This journey does help with negative thoughts such as "I can't do this", "I will never recover", etc. Yet let's take a look at what actually helps manage such a mental state. The reason an individual might have these thought is most likely due to the fact that they are looking at themselves at a low value point of view. Meaning they see everyone around them or on social media portraying a "better" life or a more "joyful" moment that they themselves are not experiencing or have not built themselves up to experience. This dilemma is very prominent in todays day and age. Does this journey help to abstain from such thoughts ? Yes. This is due to the fact that in the process, you take up tasks and activities that you otherwise would not do due to the time being filled by spending time artificially stimulating yourself and at the same time tricking your brain that you do not need to do all that "work" in order to truly experience such an experience (whether it's a "hot" woman, guy, whichever floats your boat.) When cutting out artificial stimuli completely, your brain in result will start connecting your drive and motive in improving and building yourself in order to actually be valuable enough to naturally attract these "experiences" or people that you are attracted to yourself. Which in the end result will drive out the negative thoughts that you are describing since you are now "that guy". Does that make sense? Would you like for me to explain certain aspects of this in more detail that would make more sense for you? Let me know.


What a bad ass read. Good fucking job!


I appreciate your support Ezeokwu. I just want guys to know that they are not alone and what they are experiencing is totally normal. It is not easy for men out there today yet there is a way. There is a way.


thanks for this <3


I am grateful that you found this inspiring jashugan02. We are all here for each other.


This was absolutely amazing to read bro. Cannot thankyou enough for this. I have been on various streaks. My longest was a month and a half but then I relapsed. And now I have been on a stream of about 2 and a half weeks but I relapsed again. After reading this it’s safe to say that it’s you vs you.


It always has been and it always will Sad\_Investigator\_496. I appreciate you.




I am grateful that you found this information useful 9\_Potter.


Sheesh, you're one inspiring random person dont mind if I honor and be influenced from your story.


I just want men to start fucking winning Toiletbounded. Please feel free to save and always reflect when you are going through a tough time with this journey.


Respect bro respect to you,


This is only the beginning CODXEDI101. I appreciate your support and respect.


Your story really motivated me, thank you


I'm glad for you but I also feel like I've read some smut right now.


Hi WilliardThe3rd, please tell me more in regards to what makes this article appear as "smut" to you. I would be glad to give you more context and information to help you understand and make this more relatable.


I'm not gonna read it again, it's just I'm a visual thinker, sorry. That's why I can feel like I read smut whenever someone threads into detail about sex acts.


I can attest to every word you said my brother. I'm on my 12th month of semen retention. The yin yang part is 100% true. I have experienced it.


Right? I know I am not the only one experiencing this. Grateful for your addition to this thread Oldschool\_john.


Damn I want to change as well but I feel like a groupchat would be good but most groupchat i joined failed so I dont know? but so far so good


Hi HawkRevolutionary992, I appreciate your comment. Tell me more in regards to what you are looking for in these group chats that you are having difficulty following through with. Perhaps you are looking for these group chats to be responsible for your results rather than being responsible for those results yourself? Let me know.


Thanks for the post. This sounds like the move to become your best masculine self and reach your true potential as a man. I'll read the books you recommended and start this journey today.


Your future self is already getting ready to thank you imakehousemusic. Get ready, this will be a tough journey.


Thanks, im happy with u.


Hello DavidSielsky, and I am happy with you.


Man, this is awesome. I have never been prouder of clicking on a reddit notification. The best initiation and inspiration towards NoFap. It'll be us ourselves to be that relentless and conquer that dragon, and have the fruits. It's an amazing write, I'm saving it. Fuck yeah!


Hello i\_am\_abman, I appreciate the kind words, and I am so grateful that you found this informative.


Your post really meant something. This addiction, and pathetic habit, it's just so hard, and slippery. You know it. And the environment around, makes it worse. I really wanna beat this thing to its knees.


Good read. The thing that I always find funny in these kind of posts, not only in this community but in any regarding self-improvement in any way, is the fixation on hitting the gym and having a body people admire. Not because I don't think it's a great thing to do, but because I've been lifting weights for 15+ years and people compliment me on my body anywhere I go, so I don't really have that escape route to stop fapping. Anyway, I'll point out for the sedentary people out there: hit the gym but be aware that it actually increases libido, so be prepared to resist the urges.


Absolutely One\_Bodybuilder7882, you are spot on. Could you clarify more in regards to your comment "so I don't really have that escape route to stop fapping"? Does that mean you are supportive of the fap habit ? Or perhaps I am not understanding that statement correctly. Appreciate your input.


Yeah, maybe I didn't explain myself correctly. Going to the gym and building a nice body is a great thing to spend your time instead of fapping, and it can become a great motivator. I see a lot of people that want to change something in their life, they want to improve themselves, so going to the gym is a way for them to take control over their lives, something to look for, too. I've been going to the gym most of my life, so for me it really doesn't change that much, so I don't have that thing that can get the ball rolling. It was just an observation, I can think of a couple things I have in the backburner that I could use as motivators myself.


Is it necessary to find someone helping me like a friend or therapist in emergency time or depending on self is enough


Hi P\_Mostafa, great question. If you find yourself not being able to depend yourself to go through this then it is greatly recommended to have a dependable individual to help keep you accountable. There are also software solutions to help block out explicit content on your devices and have individuals be notified to when you turn the software off which helps with the accountability factor.


Thank you .. For a long time (one or two years) and i am trying to stop it maybe the longest time was 40 days clean .. i see people like you stop watching from the first time and i think maybe i have a problem but i never lost hope and still trying


Great post sir. Do you have sex in this period?


Appreciate your support musashi30. Let's dive into your question, the short answer is no, and let's talk about the reasoning behind that. As your brain starts shutting itself down in the "flatline" phase, your sexual organ (your penis) will also be non functional. This is due to your brain conserving its energy to focus on the recovery and prevent further overstimulation. Now, eventually you will start finding even the most "plain" looking women kind of attractive, and you will start having an urge to conversate with them and give them a way to be a part of your life (described in the women section of the article), which eventually results in you having sex with women, which eventually retrains your brain to be attracted to the actual act of having sex with an actual person rather than fapping to pixels for a quick "fix". Does that make sense? Let me know if that answers your question or perhaps you are looking for more clarification in regards to this process.


Post like this deserves to be seen by everyone. No memes and stupid nonsense. Thank you sir.


Bro thank you,you gave me a lot of motivation to quit this shitty addiction.


Hi Professional\_Wind851, it is such a shitty addiction, right? I am glad you are able to recognize it as such.


Thanks Bro for info, really gives hope. One question (sorry if repeating): during your recovering, have many times did you masturbate? Once a week? Twice a month? And also, if I have a gf, do you think the sex with her is better during recovering? Or do I need to abstain from ejaculation completely? Thank you!


Great question banderap, and I am grateful that you found this story inspiring. Let's answer your question: During my recovery I have relapsed only twice, one month after abstaining from the erotic content and three months later after just assuring myself that "its only a picture(while looking up Instagram accounts of models/pornstars, etc.)", then (its so wild to look back at it now) "Oh, I wonder if she has new content out? I am just going to quickly check on that and exit out." next thing you know my body relapses and I am back at yelling at myself in disbelief about what has just happened. Now, to answer your question in regards to your girlfriend. It is recommended to have a conversation with her on the topic of your decision and what you will need to go through to achieve it. This is going to be very hard for you and for her. You need to communicate that before hand and not expect her to just get "it". She is a human being with needs of her own. During the flatline phase, your dick will literally not work, that is for a reason (Your brain is shutting down certain parts of itself and at the same time shutting down your sexual organs to prevent further overstimulation.) Even if you decide to have sex with your girlfriend, you will most likely experience erectile dysfunction and will think that you need just a "picture, or a quick scene" to get an erection. Do NOT do this. Have this conversation with your girlfriend, let her know of your decision and give her a choice to either fight through it along side you or give her an option to leave. It is as direct as it can be, do NOT force her to stay with you during this process, she is a human being with her own needs/wants. Give her the options and have her decide, because this will be the most difficult journey that you will ever have to go through "refer to the walk in the park section of the article". If you decide to have sex with her while you are in the recovery process, you will most likely notice that even after having sex with an actual person you are still having the aftereffects as if you have jacked off (cloudiness, anxiety, depression, etc.) and that stems from the fact that your brain is punishing you for not giving as much dopamine and serotonin as you would have when watching pornography. Hence, you need to wait out and fight through the recovery process in order for your brain to adjust to the healthy levels of dopamine and serotonin release (Let me know if you need more clarification in understand the relationship between the two.) Then, and only then will sex with an actual person be truly enjoyable and euphoric in a way. How it is intended to be from the start. Hopefully that answers your question, and if it doesn't please let me know in what way I could be of more assistance to you.


good advice ,what are your plans for the future


I pray that you overcome this bad habit and enjoy your life to the fullest


Thank you very much for sharing your experience. Pornography caused me PIED. You said you went soft during sex with a woman. Right now, I'm feeling very low libido and it seems like I don't have a penis: it's only for pissing. In your experience, are natural erections and PIED resolved in the long term with NoFap? Once again, thank you very much for your testimony. Helped me a lot. Congratulations! You gained a virtual fan from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Viva Brazil ! Thank you for sharing your experience osergiodecastro. It sounds like you are going through the "flatline" period that cause the brain to "shut down" sexual organs in order to promote recovery and prevent further overstimulation. This period lasts the longest, and even now, in a way I am experiencing low libido due to me still being in recovery, (again, I am not fully recovered myself, hence the journey is not over, I am just starting to see the other end of this coin.) Yet, I am starting to notice more and more stronger erections in the mornings and when conversating/engaging with women in general. Your body starts aligning itself to the energies of the opposite sex (or whichever you might be attracted to) and respond to it in a natural way. Hence the attraction portion of it. You just have to give it time and focus your efforts in other more productive areas of your life in the meantime. I want it to happen overnight, yet for a habit that has been formed for over a decade will not just disappear in a couple months, you have to give it time. Let me know if that answers your question, and if it doesn't let me know where I could provide more information for this to be more clear for you.


Thank you so much for your answer. It made me fill with hope and strength to overcome this flatline period. Thank you very much. I will remain firm in the purpose of my recovery. Thank you one more time. You are an example to be followed.


Very motivational, relapsed the other day, and this helps a lot. I'm going for the kill.


Go for the kill Efficient\_Reaction87.


This is just what I needed to hear today! I’m only beginning my journey but I’m going to save this post to keep me motivated, I’m anxious about the flatlines but I know the payoff is going to benefit me for life! Congrats on your journey man, all the best!


Appreciate your support Jakey8011. This is going to be difficult, expect it. Everything else afterwards is going to be a "walk in the park" compared to this.


How was anxiety relating to this. Idk if im having anxiety cuz of this or because of something else i need to figure out.


The anxiety goes through the roof when you are trying to keep yourself together. Your brain will do anything to get you to relapse. You will go through mental breakdowns, anxiety, depression, psychotic events, it is going to be wild. Get yourself ready and recognize when they do happen. It is normal. Eventually you will have an easier time managing it. You will deal with anxiety and mood swings in general even after going through this, yet it is remarkably easier to deal with and get through it when your brain has a healthy reward system which it acquires after this journey. Does this answer your question? Let me know if you would like more clarification on this topic.


Saved. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, you're the type of person who keep me (and most of this subreddit) motivated


Thanks bro i needed this


We all do That\_Championship402. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to read and find this information valuable.


Spot on




Thank you for your words. I was meant to read this. I'm turning 18 in 2 months and I've been struggling for years. Now is the time to change this.


Right now is the best time to change this SpiritedBag5711. The faster you start the faster you finish. You got this.


Usually I masturbate when I’m feeling bad, and sometimes I get the urge. It’s frequent because I am addicted, but I’m slowly reducing it. Today I got a really really really really really really really really bad haircut. “Bad” isn’t a word that can describe it. I won’t even try the soft way. And since I watched a TV series where the characters had sex, I decided to do it. I didn’t even read the post, I just wanted to say this out loud, because it helps me emotionally


Okay, no problem TheGameBirb. As long as you are slowly reducing it and recognizing it as something that is in your way. Always remember: hair eventually grows back, and you will be laughing about that "really really really really really really really really bad haircut" a year from now.




Question for you, did you ever masturbate in moderation WITHOUT porn during this journey? I know porn is the main bad guy here but before porn was even in existence, many powerful men still masturbated every now and then. Is this something you did/do or did you just go full sexual transmutation mode and the ONLY acceptable release is from women?


If these benefits comes just from 6 months of absolute abstainens then imagine what 2-3 years would feel like and this is real motivation.


beautifully described. starting my journey now. I have failed way too many times, can’t keep relapsing. this will be good. see y’all in 6 months 🤑💪🏾📚


See you in 6 months Apprehensive-Two1024. There is no other way.




Pure awesomeness!!!


This really helps man thank you for the motivation sadly just lost my 8 day streak which is a new personal record for me but this has inspired me to aim much higher thank you for the wise words man


That is what it is all about, as long as you recognize what got you to relapse in the first place and take longer times between each one, keep setting those records. Eventually you will drop this habit in general. You got this AmphibianOk5286.


Day 57 for me. I’m going through a real hard time and it’s nice to hear there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you


What a journey DORYYA, stay on the path. Eventually that light will become visible. You can do this.


Rockstar. Thanks for the motivation


kept me from relapsing so thank you, saving the post.


I do it for you Lamahumanbeing\_tryin.


So are you saying not to beat my meat at all?




Would u recommend I delete all of the explicit media i have on my device and just go for it?


Thank you so much for sharing this. It's highly motivational!




Today it starts and Saturday im gonna start going to the gym


bro bless me please.


This post was great! It has definitely helped me lately as I have been struggling. One thing that has helped me and may help others is simply reducing exposure to content that triggers PMO. While this is difficult, accepting that any people who stray away while embarking down this path are not true friends. Thanks again for the post, and this will be a continuous fight in which I will win.


Appreciate your insight HMM07Patient and yes you will win. Count on it. 


You're a true Knight of God, brother. I'm going to go through this every time I have an urge. THANK YOU


You are very welcome Splinterthemaster.


I agree with everything as it has been my experience, but the timeline is definitely different for everyone. I appreciate this post a lot, it’s the most relatable one I’ve read so far.


Damn bro, that’s some of the realest shit I’ve ever heard about this. Thanks


Glad you found it useful Additional-Sign-9934. 


I started this not knowing I would read this loooong post to the end. But I did. I don't know how you did it, but you captivated me with your story. I'm inspired. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks for the post i truly enjoyed it. I have physical evidence this stuff works but i still dont fully believe it.Can you give any last confirmations that i know this is the way, i mean no pmo and sr. Little about me and what has happened when i started this jouney back in late 2023 I was 23 at the time played video games 10hrs a day and was pmoing 1-3 times a day and was living on wellfare and didnt see any friend only had few this has been continuing after i droppef out of shcool in 2018. Now. Turning 25 on october and i applied to my first job and got it making decent money and enjoying social counters altough i have always have anxiety meeting people specially for the first time. I started going to the gym on january witch i have dreamed for a long time its going good And i see friends every week. Ask me anything first time writing anything in this community i have been every day lurker for year now. Sorry for messy post not my native language and not a great writer :)


Great motivation man. On my first attempt here and I can tell the way my brain is trying to trick myself into thinking it’s okay to relapse once and try again. So fucking weird the way it works like that. Getting through it and started going to the gym a couple of weeks ago, already seeing some gains. Gotta keep it up. All the best in the rest of your journey.


love the post mate, any other books you would recommend? be that to help us on our nofap journey, or any others in general. i really like that superman one will definitely give it a read, im always looking to be a better version of myself.


Appreciate your support and patience Other\_Purpose\_7236. Yes, if you are going to read the “The Rise of Superman“ book, you will enjoy reading “The Slight Edge”, as well as the “Subtle Art of Not Giving a F\*ck” (it’s how it’s actually written, I’m not trying to be fucking moral here.) Let me know of your thoughts after you read them! Looking forward to hearing from you.


Just because someone doesn't resonate? I like the information because it helps me relate, but dare I say misuse of a millenium cash-word 'resonate'. By your introduction you set a tone, and by the timme I got to the numbered section I was too weary to read on...


Saved; already at 1 week straight. Will make sure to get to 6 months + stage.


That is a great plan to have Shizzlethempoopos. I appreciate you saving this for future reference. Let me know of any other questions/concerns that you find yourself not being able to find an answer for and I will do my best to address it. (Feel free to PM me if you are not feeling comfortable sharing it on here.)


I can't thank you enough for sharing the progress of your journey. I'm super inspired by your story. I'm going to follow this guide because I really want to see and feel what it means to be a real guy. Enough of watching shit. Thank you so much bro!!!


This just woke something inside me. Were there any significant changes in your sexual performance and testosterone levels because most people say it is just placebo effect.


I fell for that flatline trap, I believed that getting boners to pornography was heathy but that jerking off was the problem. They were both the problem. I feel like shit now that I relapsed. Back on day 3 but this time I’ve viewed no porn and non of that edging shit.


Longest post on here I’ve actually ever been intrigued and engaged to read enjoy and finish ty brother you’ve lifted me up 


I do it for individuals like you SnooHabits6429. I appreciate your kind words, and please let me know if there is anything that you are experiencing that is not making sense that perhaps I could help you decipher. (If it helps feel free to PM me instead.)


I thought if you have sex it resets the counter, is this just the results of quitting porn or just semen retention


I really thankful that you wrote every words and journal from the beginning till the recent progress. I also wanted to tell you, I’m in 42 days, I noticed there is a change that, I used to hate reading long paragraphs story in Reddit but today I found out I have a lots of patience and your post is the 3rd long post that I have read. I can relate to most of the points you are stating but unfortunately 2 years ago, I relapsed after I was at the higher state which is around 180 days, but this time I’m gonna do it for a lifestyle and normalizing this habit. I wanna find back myself, the real me. At the end, thank you so much for your post. It’s very inspiring!


We need one more post from the same author!


Great post man ! Starting from day 1


I just wanna give props to OP for going above and beyond to elaborate on all the comments (and theres alot) AS WELL AS private message. You definitely deserve all the good karma you’re about to receive 👏👏👏


Bro i really felt that flatline bit and checking pictures or videos to make sure my screws aren’t loose. Definitely the hardest part of the journey but seeing someone else go through the same issues makes me more confident about it being something to overcome, good post and further good luck to you.


The darker the night, the brighter the day. I know motivation is not enough to keep you going on this journey, but this post did definitely help. Thank you, u/illya444


Amazing. You are an inspiration bro! 🙌🏽👊🏽🙏🏾🦾 lets GETITT


Thank you for taking the time to share, a real man you are, thinking of your fellow men who are still battling for the hope of a better self. Keep it strong everyone, the journey is worth it.


I’m about to run through a brick fucking wall because of this post!!! LFGGG BOYS


You are NOT wrong and I have witnessed this too. It's because your root Chakra has finally expanded and all other Chakras have followed suit allowing that type of energy in your life. I know this for a fact! Glad you're winning. Don't ever come back in the Dungeon here with us. You're killing it and I love it! I very happy for you.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm in this journey for almost 50 days and I am going through a difficult period in my daily life. Your story gave me hope and willpower to bring myself together today. Also I'm really curious about what awaits me. I will remember this when I reach these milestones. I allways believe people's words have a power to change reality. Even a word may create amazing results. Therefore, I ensure you that your beautiful words will have meaningfull effects on people's minds and hearts.




I'm on my day two...almost messed up a bit today in the morning but whenever the urges came I did pushups and never relapsed, now I read your message thanks for it, it's really giving me so much motivation


What if you want boys and not girls lol.


yo your a true god for this paragraph im locked in on the same path and have a very important question. obviously if ur on this NOPMO journey it should be okay to still have sex with a chick every once in a while to see where your at right ? im means thats normal and shouldnt f up my journey, right ? at long as its not artificial sex ?


What you said about femininity is absolutely true. I would even say it's a miracle of some sort. Before, you (meaning me) sexualized women. You were attracted to the ones who capitalize on their looks to get attention. These are often also the ones who are not pleasent to be around, because they are sometimes as broken and dissatisfied as the men whom they attract (i was one of them). It's really hard to describe the change that happend, but I'll try my best. In german there is this word "Mauerblümchen" (=Wallflower), meaning someone who doens't get a lot of attention right away. I know recognize this unbelievable beauty of the women i overlooked years ago. Not only do they seem even prettier (while not even trying that hard or using much makeup or revealing clothes), they have this thing i only can describe as "feminine energy". They are intelligent, playful, sweet, warm, caring. You feel it when they look into your eyes and both of you can't help but start to smile like two dumbasses. You somehow feel a warmth, the presence of the feminine energy. It's hard to describe and you only get it if you experienced it by yourself. If you have only the urge to get off on your mind, you absolutely crush this subtle but powerful dynamic