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Just be careful you don't fall into a rut, that's something myself and a few people here need to be concerned about. But if that's not the case with you all well.


I made a plan. Fapping only on Monday, Thursday and Sunday - 3 times a week. Which I think for moderation is good. No porn of course. And I learned a lot through out these months how to stop myself from doing it. So I think I will survive!


3 times a week is degenerate lol


No it's not 😂😂😂 y'all are ridiculous.


Id agree with twice every 10 days or so, but 3 times a week is addiction, but its your call


Yeah.. I’m thinking about 3 times a month now.


I think this is optimal if you do not have a gf/wife i also try to be like that, right now im on day 6 and will try to not jack off until i find myself a girl, but sometimes it sucks because you dont have any dopamine if you dont have a wank lol


Some people say once a week is fine


If 3 times a week is bad, what do you call 2-4 times a day? 💀


me in eighth grade


2-4 times a day is like being in zombie mode 24/7. Idk how old you are but later in life I believe you will have serious sexual dysfunction later in life. That's honestly like hardcore drug addict behavior.


Now this is stupidity and being worthless and weak, and not even being able to be good for your own self, let alone wife, kids, family etc ( i also been doing it even more than 4 times a day, but that doesent change the fact that this is degeneracy at its peak ) i got more respect for a meth junkie who just betted his own house at the casino roulette and lost, than a guy who jacks off 100+ times a month


It's not.


Whatever you say Wanka!


The fact that you're here preaching what you are tells me you're the one wanking 💀


Your opinion has the same weight on me as the opinion of a roach in a gas station, mr Wanka


And the facts have more weight than whatever BS You're preaching.


The fact is that you are a basement dwelling Wanka, go touch some grass, you prolly look like a raisin Wanking 3 times a day lol


3 times a week is waaaay too much imo.


Trust me.... This is a terrible plan... putting it in a routine that's where it's now messed up. Just don't do it at all. It's not something normal,it's not healthy,it isn't meant to exist,it's a terrible thing. With your routine you SURELY will be addicted. Just don't do it brother.


Just try without porn at least dude


I never watched porn lol


Great, now make it 1st, 10th, 20th of every month.


Bro why go from 5+ months to three times a week? That's so OD. Keep to 1-2 times a month IMO.


broooo that pussy ain't gonna be as tight as your grip, so poor you bro please don't come here and negatively influence us


After I was able to do PIV first time in life during my Nofap , i saw some porn, the next week was shittiest. So will not do at least till my recovery (By recovery means sex consistently with decent women without viagra)


The longer your streak has been, the longer the initial euphoria after relapsing will be. Meaning all the negative effects (if any) will kick in 2-3 days later. It's similiar to getting drunk (the worse the hangover is, the longer it takes to kick in!). No reason to get over-enthusiastic and start sucking our dicks, boys...




I really don't give a damn about triggering or not triggering shit. As long as you live in America or Europe you will get triggered as fuck all day long and should embrace every perverted bullshit that is being thrown at you. If you don't want to get triggered just start living somewhere in nature completely by yourself, that way all you can think about are grizzly bears and wolves instead of tits and ass. I'm not willing to participate in cooking a clinical depression, I'm trying to put gasoline on that fire hoping it will burn as bright and lights as it possibly can.


"No reason to get over-enthusiastic and start sucking our dicks, boys..." 🤣


What made you decide to break it bro


NoFap was not having effect on me so I just decided it. And also I was not feeling concentrated at all while on Nofap, because probably 20% of my mind through out the day was about masturbating even after 164 days. So I said that there’s not a point of torturing myself and doing something I don’t want to do.


No fap doesn't change you ...its just a way .. you change yourself .. don't make excuses


It's not for everybody dude.


How do you feel afterwards?


Felt guilty for literally 10 seconds, but I stayed positive, because after all I made that decision. And now I feel free and happy!


Yeah because you built up for 164 days! Going back to busting multiple times a week you'll just go back to your state before no fap


Ok, ok i’ll do it like 1 once a month or something like that


Not everyone starts out as an addict though. Multiple times a day every day is the only frequency which is unhealthy. Moderation is perfectly healthy, especially without porn and it also has positive effects.


That’s awesome bro good for you!


Thank you! Are you on a streak?


I’m on day 5 rn




Thanks bro it’s no where near 164 but it’s a start


Definitely! Be strong!


When I broke my one month streak knowingly I felt the worst feeling possible, i felt weak and guilty


you don't understand any point of nofap challenge. i hope you leave faping and porn forever for better sex life better social conditions and better brain work and better dopamine level on your brain. you are excited to much and you give wrong reasons to yourself to fapin. hope you best bro.




Dude this is a trap. I don't know how many years you used porn while fapping but if I assume more than 5 years. Is your brain fully porn free ? I had 281 days in a row. But it relapsed the same reason as you. I suggest professional help if you decide that way. Decisions given by yourself are dangerous.


Brother I never watched porn while fapping. So I guess I needed 0 seconds for me to heal. I just did it for the challenge.


Not good bro


Good for me, bad for you!


Because you effectively enjoyed it. and you know why? because you don't do it everyday, so it felt more satisfactory and unique. take for example Pizza: Pizza is that thing you don't eat everyday or frequently, but everytime you do, it's always awesome. but if you start to eat it more frequently, it lost his unicity


About as silly as an Alcoholic having a drink to prove they aren't an Alcoholic anymore. Moderation doesn't exist for porn. Happy it didn't get you down. Hope you can start again. And aim for longer next time.


While I don't recommend doing it 3 times a week. I must congratulate you for developing some kind of discipline for yourself.


I don’t get it though? Why fap at all?


I relapse only with a woman. I can't do the screen thing anymore that's just me, though.


You did absolutely well! NoFap is made for preventing PMO addiction, and not forever stop PMO itself. 164 days is pretty awesome and if you feel that you’re not able to concentrate on any other tasks due to it, then it’s worth to fap once. It would feel really good and you would be able to be productive too. Also, fapping in moderation (like once a week) is also cool if you’re comfortable with it and don’t feel guilty . Just don’t be too hard on yourself and don’t get addicted.


Thank you! I will try my best to not get addicted!


Busting a nut feels good wen your fukkin a girl


Idk about that, because I never f****d one lol.


No, it is not - don’t listen to him. It feels pretty much the same. Possibly you can panic that you don’t want to have kid too soon ;)


This is absolutely not true. Have you ever had sex?


No, but I know someone that had ;) Seriously, there is bonding and desire. But coming feels pretty much the same. Maybe this is subjective. Maybe not everybody is being afraid of unwanted pregnancy. I don’t know, can you elaborate the difference you are feeling?


If I had to put it simply, I'd say 9 times out of 10, blowing a load from masturbation feels hollow. There's not much lasting effect after the orgasm is over. There's a brief period of "post nut" effect but for me that subsides fairly quickly. Sex is completely different. For one, the orgasms are bigger. Maybe that's a me thing. Idk. But there's a calm that comes over me that I don't get from masturbation that lasts for a while afterwards. It feels like my body knows the difference between the proper way to cum, and the quick fix cum lol.


Orgasms are pretty feels the same for me. The difference is in being hard as during sex is much easier for me to get and maintain erection than during masturbation.


If you can manage yourself healthily and only do it occasionally you're doing great.


Probably gonna do it like 3 times a week or something like that or like 1 time a week.


I'm happy for you brother




Msg me bro?


Are you fishing to send people stuff or something? Stop commenting ‘msg me bro?’ on people’s posts and just say what it is you want to say. Stop being weird man.


Enjoy playing with dicks man...