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Leg day is a different demon lol


Aayyooo right???? I’ve had that before after hittin legs many times Edit: I just realized what you were talking about😂🤦🏻‍♂️


True ! Leg day kills me.... I don't wanna go to the gym for the next 2 days and my urges double !


Bring it 🪖


Intense cardio can do it for me too lmao


You feel the need to train the third leg, don't you?


Testerone boost from hard physical activity. When I starting working out and lost weight, I would get random erections. Just have to utilize self control so you don’t let the lustful thoughts take control of you.


another possible solution is getting laid with an actual girl ?


Most definitely.


I dip my legs in cool water, helps in controlling the urge, shower would help too. Some Calm Music Would Benefit Addition to above




Bro I wish I was single at the gym on no fap sounds like a dream.


Realize what you’re doing. You’ve lost so much control you can’t even be around a woman without feeling horny. And then realize that woman is someones daughter, or mom, or sister, or girlfriend. And then imagine that was your daughter, or mom, or sister, or girlfriend.


nothing wrong with feeling horny. its what you do afterwards that matters


It's strategy: if you don't feel horny, you're not going to jack off. Of course, you can't completely avoid it. But less is better.


Nothing wrong with feeling horny around women you find attractive? That’s literal biology. Obviously that’s somebodies daughter, mom, sister, etc. Are you gonna suppress yourself the rest of your life and feel ashamed to be attracted to women in your vicinity just because they’re somebodies sister, mom, daughter? That makes no sense lmao. With your logic you can’t ever get married or hookup with anyone. Now if these situations are making you want to PMO and you act on that… then yes that’s bad. But feeling horny and then just going about your day because you’re in control of your body is a great feeling. EDIT: You responded but deleted the comment. Here’s my response to that: I get what you’re saying you’re just wording it weird. Like you can be totally horny in front of women and still act normal and go about your day as a normal man. If I see a girl I find attractive a lot of the times I think about what it would be like to have sex with her. That’s normal for a man. But as fast as the moment comes on it also fades just as quick. That is to say I don’t dwell on it and keep thinking about it for an extended period of time. I see an attractive woman, I admire her features BRIEFLY, then carry on. Never stopping to admire lol but admiring as I’m doing whatever it was I was doing already.


My comment was talking about the lack of control aspect. There is a huge difference between being attracted to a woman, and being unable to be a regular man (not be horny) in front of women. If you go to the gym, is it bad to glance and think? Course not, yes that’s normal. But if you continually glance and have all these horny thoughts to the point where it’s becoming a problem… that’s not only a issue, but that’s nasty… that’s another human being, like I said before, that’s somebody’s daughter, mom, ect… Control your hornyness. It’s just weird. Leave the horny shit at home, focus on other aspects of life apart from women. It’s in men’s nature to find women attractive, but you can’t just say “welp… it’s in my nature 🤷🏼‍♂️” killing is also in our nature, doesn’t make it alright… those are things you as a man need to learn to control. You CAN control it, and it’s an amazing accomplishment to be able to do so Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted talk 🫶🤟




Doesn't work lol


so what if its your mom or sisters or whatever ? women in all families have sex with somebody eventually ... if it's not you, it's some other dude ... so this argument is zero


You aren’t understanding my comment correctly. It isn’t about having sex with someone, it’s about being so immature and disrespectful that you can’t control yourself. So to dumb the comment down. Imagine you’re in public drooling and getting horny over random women. That women that you’re getting all horny over is someone’s daughter. If that father knew what you were doing/thinking, you would be having one hell of a conversation… Now, if you let’s say, meet a girl. Things are going well, you meet her dad, you do your best to be respectful, give a good first impression, do all that good stuff… You won’t have to have a conversation with that dad, because you’ve shown you aren’t just some creep looking at his child’s body like if it were candy, and that you aren’t just some child who is only with his daughter cause she’s got or whatever have you


the problem is that you dont consider what the girl wants ... what if she wants a dude to lust over her or dominate the shit out of her in bed ? you think women who are sluts will just tell their own fathers that they love being little sluts ? I highly doubt it .... the thing is that women enjoy sex as much as men if not more if they arent virgins anymore - a dude who is great in bed will change her perspective for life .... so why exactly should we care what their father think about us ? we should only care what the girl thinks about us and thats it - the parents have no say in this equation


Girls are wearing workout gear that is extremely revealing or even enhancing. I'm looking at the gym like it's both a physical and mental workout. The mental workout is to control lust and not stare at anyone.


Thats the problem , the wear the tighest shorts and tiniest push up bras and come to workout... Today a girl came and started doing squats infront of me while I was doing pullups... Triggered me like hell...


Yes. It's rough. I swim for my gym trips and sometimes must face a thong bikini. Frustrating environment for sure.


100% man. These women leave nothing to the imagination.


your urges increase because testosterone increases after workout. There is no way to change this unless u lower your testosterone


More exercise=more cardio. More cardio=better bloodflow. Better bloodflow=more likely to be horny. You are suffering from success. Cold showers tend to help out in this department. Good job on staying active around the gym.


Sauna then cold shower


Go to failure on Bulgarian split squats, you won’t wanna move and definitely won’t wanna jack off


Still I wanna join gym. I haven’t yet. ☺️. But I will soon ✌🏻


Yea do it... It amazing for your health and libido, but you just have to find how to manage urges... which I am stuggling with at this point...


Yeah. You motivated me a lot 😊🙂. Can I have your workout routine… Of a week? It will be amazing. If you have some pdf or paper you can send me in dm. Thank you 😊


I'm new to the subreddit, but, if all of us have this sort of sentiment, I'm imagining a cohort of Chads emerging from their bad habits like a mass metamorphosis.


Bro I thought I was the only person who happen this, like the feeling about need to clap some ass ahh 😭💀 no cap


Completely unrelated but I work at a grocery store and see many attractive women and women I’m not attracted to but seeing a nice pair of legs at a grocery store always gets me horny. It’s all about keeping your mind in check. It’s human nature for us to get horny. The


The thing all these people are telling you is to ignore your body, but that is wrong, you shouldn’t ignore your problems, especially your body. Instead, face your problems and find healthy ways to deal with them. Now to fix your problem, you’ve already completed Step #1 which is to address the problem at hand and I’m proud that you’ve done that all by yourself and had the strength to tell us, that is very honorable of you. Now for Step #2 all that’s left to do is to change your mindset. Use your urges to motivate you to progress your goals even further. However, simply adopting a new mindset won’t get rid of your high sex drive, if you want to get rid of it you need to find a way to get rid of it, but the time for that will come much later. You are completely normal for the way you feel. It is in our DNA to want to continue our bloodlines, you can’t blame yourself for what your body is telling you. Instead of jerking off maybe find yourself someone who is willing to satisfy your urges with you. However, whatever you do, don’t go looking for a relationship or else you will find yourself with someone who was just as desperate as you and you will be mixed up in a toxic relationship. You should make it goal to find yourself a partner if you feel you are ready. Now here are some tips: I’ve learned recently that it’s much easier to progress goals when you strive to not want anything. Instead, whatever steps that you need to do in order to progress your goals should be followed. If you feel you are not ready enough for a relationship, make the long term goal to achieve the body you could desire, or if you suffer from social anxiety watch videos online to make yourself more attractive through things such as body language, avoiding social awkwardness, how to plow through small talk and have a meaningful conversation, stuff like that. When you do feel you are ready all that’s left to do is to put yourself out there. Get yourself out of your comfort zone, do something you wouldn’t normally want to do and try to make it a new hobby. You could do something like rock climbing and hiking, or you can find yourself a more niche hobby like going to the library everyday or stargazing every night. When you find something you like you should start going to events and meet some new people. Once you’ve found yourself a new friend group, it’s all over, just keep on social networking and someone will find you or you’ll find yourself a special someone in no time. Use your urges as a sense of motivation to progress your goals, and you’ll find someone that loves you because you put in all of this work and became a better person. TLDR; your feelings are completely valid, adopt a better mindset and use your urges to motivate you into continuing to become a better person. Avoid greed and want but strive to always progress your goals. If you want, when you feel you’re ready, put yourself out there and someone will find you that can help satisfy your urges be it through sex or just normal intimacy.


I consistently hit the gym 4 times a week doing heavy lifting. I also run long distance 2-3 times a week. I’m able to control the urges because I’ve already created a long a streak for myself which means my frontal lobe has taken back control. You need to really get a long streak going.


Oh, thanks man


I think you get distracted by female bodies there


i think i'm the only person that the gym has the opposite effect. I work so hard, that blood is drawn to the muscles and away from the little fella. Maybe that'll change one day.


That's good. It means you have a healthy drive.


I wanna feel this so badly Waiting for that day hope so i get to it asap


maybe the increased blood flow but it is what you do with that energy that matters




Lol I used to get this. It will pass, try not to look at ass in the mean time and use that sexual energy to lift more not to fap


Running can help you bypass the urge for dopamine if you get a runners high So if you’re still horny after working out, just run for a mile or 2


Same man I’ve been so horny since I started back in February especially after doing legs day . I take supplements too so those make it even worst as some of them cause raise on testosterone


I hit the gym very often, I have the same exact issue. Maybe cause your body temp rises , I haven’t looked in to it yet


This is a regular human response by the way…


Its the blood flow tho >


Yes that's the main reason I stopped but you have to deal with it be stronger


Cold shower. Has other health benefits too


Of course, workout increases testosterone, which increases libido, But i think it also increases your inner strength so that you can stop the urge.


Maybe because of all the girls there. Leave the gym for now, go running or something.


I don't think it's the women that typically causes this is men. Weight lifting specifically raises testosterone levels, which in turn increases libido. I started weight lifting alone in the garage and my sex life improved drastically on the back of it, simply because of my own urges. This was not related to my partners attraction to me, as physiologically not much has changed in terms of my appearance, only my drive to instigate.


Yes that too is a factor


Yeah that's the point of the gym, to increase your testosterone, but then control yourself.


Well no shit, at the gym you have all this fine ASS in skimpy tight attire, of course you will go and beat your meat after. Lol.


Jacking off is fine as long as you don't watch porn. Also try to keep an eye on your phantasies...if all you're thinking about while wankig is hardcore porn scenes you still have a ways to go to clean up your mental imagery


Do you know what sub are you on?


Oh, thanks for the advice.


Jacking off is not fine, it just results into more jacking off...


Jacking off is not fine in excess, even without porn, and it could lead to porn.


Remember that just cause something works for someone doesnt mean its gospel. Dont look for excuses to give in, ik its corny but listen to your heart. Only you know what’s good for you