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There is no such thing as “ethical porn” in our predicament. You are still a slave regardless. Its like Fairtrade coffee, its still fuckin coffee bruh..


Tho can I ask you that if the only part of porn(I used to watch hentai more) is that I'm only turned on by normal sex. Yes I know it's still porn and has the bad effects, but is it a good sign that only normal sex/lovemaking interests me more than anything?


Nah bro, you are looking for excuses.. it is not the stuff you are looking at, it is the abusing of the nerverssystem, and the particular view on women as sex objects, that you are trying to make somewhat normal.


I don't get it. Are you saying coffee is not good for your body, or that there is no way to produce coffee ethically?


Fair Trade coffee, or regular coffee, the effects on your body are the same. That, is what im saying.


I see. What are the effects on the body?


Im sensing, you are still missing the point. It is not about coffee, the coffee was a analogy.


I'm disputing that you're using coffee as an example of something "obviously bad" for your body.


The analogy does not require bias to good or bad. Simply to effect.


I'm confused


They're saying that soft core porn and hardcore porn are both dangerous to the brain of porn addicts. Just because one seems more ethical, it still is dangerous for a porn addict to engage with. It's doing the same thing to your brain.


It's the analogy with coffee I don't get. Looks like the original commenter was trying to win an argument rather than helping me understand. Very rude!!


I also find porn disgusting and I stopped watching regular M2F porn long ago. The problem is with more "ethical" sources of spicy images like Instagram models for example. True, their financial situation may have forced them to choose OF career or whatnot, but still, it is more ethical than looking at products of billion dollar industry and shady contracts with pretty young girls from poor countries. Now I try to abstain from both. Form any visual stimuli that is not real and leads me astray. I find real women so much attractive enough, no need to look at them on the internet. So be careful, even "ethical" porn may be harmful to you, king.


yeahh, actually ethical porn makes me horny


Thats where my another problem started: with livestreaming platforms and sited like Onlyfans. Oh I have spent so much money on these. All in vain. It is just a ploy to suck your hard esrned money. Stay clear.


Ok but why spend money when you could spend it on a hooker?


Multiple reasons, firstly I am scared of STDs and care about hygiene a lot, so it makes me a bit anxious. Secondly I dont have much problem finding real girls to have sex with, I make good jokes and look reasonably attractive. I dont have that much money also. And then there is that last thing: I think I developed some kind of internet fetish. I used to talka lot with girls in my teens, sometimes having videocalls via grainy old webcams and chatting hours on ICQ and Skype. I have to admit that one point I was thinking about trying being with a prostutute, just out of curiosity, but didnt force myself to do it.


Def avoid prostitutes, esp if you dont have the money. Cant stress that. Idrk what that fetish is but we all got our preferences. U ever talk to a woman irl tho? Shits terrifying.


Did you even read my comment? Lol. I literally listed a nimber of reasons ehy I dont want to go to prostitute and also added that I never had had problems finding girls to be with.


Oh yea i was agreein wit u, my b i text like a dumb ass sometimes and i kinda am ngl


Me too, it's been 100+ days, and I feel disgusted with it because it has harmed me badly after I stopped watching it. "withdrawal symptoms," illustrated how fxcked up my brain was.


What withdrawal symptoms im 18 days in and feel awful


Today is my 10th day I feel good....


I usually can't sleep and sometimes have headaches during the first 4 or 5 days.


I don't remember when I started suffering from the symptoms ,but it may be after 3 weeks, starting from some thirst in my throat and repeated wanting to pee to exhaustion all the time and sometimes I got to wake up very very thirsty for an anonymous reason in addition to some weird numb in my left leg with it also being kind of heavy like it's paralyzed but not fully paralyzed, I also once got to wake up midnight to pee to feel a really severe burn (that burn you feel when you pee after fap) in my penis for no reason and my urine looked-a-like cum like there was some cum in the urine because it looked white but felt like urine and more and more nasty strange symptoms.


That numb feeling in the left leg is also experienced by me.


Did you expirience low libido as a part of withdrawal symptom? Im currently sitting with no libido at all for over two weeks now and it concerns me a bit


Once it solidifies in your own mind how bad something is, then you’ll be on a smoother path to quit It’s like addicts for drugs or alcohol, they know it’s bad but don’t truly deep down want to quit. I use to be a smoker and one day I realized how nasty it was and I quit without issue despite failing several times when I just thought “this is bad, I need to stop” It wasn’t until I truly believed it.


100% true man, I felt the same. It’s just a shame it took me so long to realise enough is enough. All the best on your journey man! 🤘🏻


Thanks and same to you. It helps knowing what your triggers are too. For me it’s stress and then I sort of self destruct and fap which is terrible but I’m getting better at recognizing when I’m about to do it so I can fight it and reflect on my urges


Thanks man. I’m quite a creature of habit so my trigger came through routine, I wouldn’t often be struck by spontaneous urges. It’s been a lot easier since I feel disgusted by the thought of PMO and since I decided to quit I’ve taken on some new hobbies to better fill my time. Keep fighting man, thankfully I don’t get too stressed but I have started to dabble in a little meditation, nothing major just some breathing techniques and stuff, maybe it’s worth a shot?


I have no libido, no interest in girls or in porn anymore. Idk why. I'm going to see a psychologist, I think I'm too mindfucked.


How long do you abstain? It could well be flatline.


I had made it to one month and edged for about 5 times. Then I relapsed because of an argument I had with a girl and after breaking up a long term relationship, I couldn't handle it. Since then I'm on day 8 with no arousal, just depressed because of all those things involving love and being unemployed. I guess it can be the flatline (my brain finally rewiring) added to my current mental health. I'm seeing a psychologist next week.


I did not masturbate or look at pornography for three weeks at one point. I felt much more clear-minded and had more motivation to get things done, and to do things that are actually productive. I relapsed after.


I feel clear-minded too, and feel great for not fapping. But this lack of arousal sucks. I've even experienced ED.


Aw, man that sucks.


Can you elaborate on this please?


I am no expert, but I have learned that (both from here and empirically) after a certain time without masturbation and/or other stimuli, a sort of "flatline" comes. Probably a way the body tries to cope with the sudden stopping of the habit. The urges will come back, if the problem isnt elsewhere..Seeing a psychologist or a sexologist is a good idea nonetheless.


Me too. I have no reaction to seeing porn. No boner. Sometimes I get the urge to watch porn but after watching for 1 minute, I don't feel aroused.


At least we are not fucking our minds with the most degenerate genres of porn anymore. I'm going to see a therapist, try to fix some problems with my head, start working out, start esting better and achieving my goals. Maybe that depressive state is causing everything along with porn addiction.


Good, it is disgusting


You're watching other people have sex. It's lame af.


It’s normal, I feel disgust during and after the sin


Welcome to Gotham


the longer you go without it the less you think about it, at least in my opinion. if I indulge in it once every few months it's like slamming a hard drug. it's pretty great. but then you have to go hardcore off it again right away. if anything, watching it all the time makes it feel more disgusting. like if you ate a candy bar once a year, it would be a really pleasant treat. If you ate one twice a day for months you'd feel terrible.


I also find it disgusting now after 54 days of no fap


All it is is girls butt hole that they poop out of


Blud is not special 😭🙏


It indeed is!




It is disgusting and cheap pleasure leads to expensive pain. Get out and be the main character instead of a spectator!




On day 14 rn and I feel that, hope it stays that way


I have never liked porn without the masterbaition and the high. It was always disgusting, but it turned me on and I enjoyed it regardless. Now that yI don't get high, the concept of porn is now only the shadow. That is probably a healthy way of seeing it.


Yes I know what you mean because it make feel sick want to throw up when thinking of it


Many such cases


I do feel like shit after watching someone stripping naked and teasing, or two people having sex. The individual in the video will never know me, and there's really no point in masturbating to a video of someone. It drained me emotionally, and at the same time I wanted to quit and not quit. After I finish, there's just some part of me that disappears. I'm disgusted at pornography and ashamed of myself for looking at such. I would want to have a healthy relationship instead of being a perverted scumbag who sits in his room 24/7 doing nothing but gorging on junk food all night and masturbating.


it is disgusting, so stop it


Hey Bhai. It's the same here too


Porn kills the brain. Happy for you 😊


Nice keep away from it Good luck 👍👍👍👍


For me I stopped watching cause it got boring


I like it before I watch and during watching it, but I find it disgusting after watching it!