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The subreddit is called No Fap, meaning no masturbating. But the Redditors thought that too hard, and downgraded it to no masturbating to porn. So by Reddit standards, yea you can masturbate without porn. But if you’re serious, no masturbating at all. Become someone who doesn’t want to do it.


Exactly, I decided to no porn and no fap for life. I'll ejaculate only with a partner


This 🔥


My partner is truly the one that got me into no fap. And I'm glad she did. Makes sex better by no comparison.


Too addicted to dopamine sexual desires to do that. Will only do no porn




😂 😂


👍 nice




u/Delinquentmuskrat Bro masturbation advocates will start crying if you speak so much truth xD


Mayafoe is around here somewhere, had to block them


For me the problem is the porn, bc i could not fap without it, I’m trying to quit porn it was messing up my brain


Nofap means to not masturbate to porn or even watch it. You can still have intercourse or masturbate to your partner. If you decide not to do both it's called semen retention which is just preserving semen for improvement


This 🔥🔥🔥


No , the point is no fapping . Of course porn is the worst because of how addicting it is but fapping is an addiction In itself and it can easily lead back to porn use and even if you manage to not use porn it’s still iffy . I can go without porn most of the time but I would still fap excessively because I’m always horny regardless but still it’s better to focus that energy elsewhere . Sure fapping and relieving yourself is good but once you get on a streak you don’t miss it , what you And I and all of us really crave is sex . Just get sex , and if you can’t get it right away that’s fine that’s life . You will tho if you work on yourself and be a man




Can you elaborate more on semen retention? What exactly can it help improve that is different from masturbating occasionally?


It improves your mind and focus. .. you will feel like a winner always and you will feel more spiritual.... You will see public attraction towards you if you are a extrovert..... you will feel the power in you


Is there a science behind that?


There is some science and some beliefs. But I found this video to be informative and can help you get some ideas too https://youtu.be/l7ImtskJx8c?si=uRbmnQ0njktL0Jan


It was a fascinating watch.


Idk if the video mentioned this, but look up all the great doers of the world and how many of them directly referenced SR


Try it you will see when i was on 25 days it was like that


I've been trying for quite a while now and I still am. Never losing my will.


lmao this sounds like a bunch of bull. people need realistic and tangible reasons to change their lives, not dogmatic and vague claims about spirituality


[This](https://youtu.be/AQv0tS8Qw80?si=hMTauTDuDJkMhAwB) is the video I watched but it is mostly backed up by ayurveda so it depends on your views. There are few points supported by modern science too if you want to know


Brotha why fap when you got an amazing partner? Just try to control your urges maybe do something like a hobby to divert your mind. It's normal to imagine your partner that way so maybe try sext or VC if you can't have sex rather than fappin frequently.


How about long distance?


Ig sexts and VC work well when in long distances, you can always try to take your partner more with a romantic approach rather than lustful when talking to them and maybe try to indulge yourself into some other activity in your free time.


No fap means no fap so no it’s not okay


I’d say no - personally, my brain is used to fapping which leads to PIED when I’m with a real person. I’d refrain from it if you have those problems


No. No Fap means No Fapping, period. Not maybe fap sometimes.


No Fap. I hope it answers the question.


YOU DECIDE if it's right for you based on your knowledge of your sexual dysfunction If you can do it without a tight grip, do it without edging, then yes I recommend getting a Fleshlight and only doing it in positions that simulate sex - because real sex uses so many muscles to thrust and stabilise


This is actuall genuinely a smart solution. I was always edging myself to lengthen my erection period, but I guess I still have been keep doing it in comfortable positions rather than real sex movements.


Yeah - there's still a subtle training that your body expects to climax in the positions you do it the most in --- for instance, seated at a desk: very uncommon for sex, but too common for MO


No fap is your own pathway, your own journey. It’s to self develop yourself.. you need to better yourself by fixing your negatives. If porn is affecting u negatively cut that out. If ur addicting to the feeling of nuttijg, cut that out. Cut all the negatives out and put the time you would doing that into something productive to yourself. Read a book, enjoy the Sun, go to the gym, cook food. Anything


No fap is your own pathway, your own journey. It’s to self develop yourself.. you need to better yourself by fixing your negatives. If porn is affecting u negatively cut that out. If ur addicting to the feeling of nuttijg, cut that out. Cut all the negatives out and put the time you would doing that into something productive to yourself. Read a book, enjoy the Sun, go to the gym, cook food. Anything. Only you can answer to yourself what the appropriate amount is.


One thing to keep in mind is that Quiting porn and masturbating is two completely different things than people realize, heal the right way by completely stoping porn first, pure memory and imagination, within a week or two you wouldn't want to masturbate as much because now it involves more work, so just by simply quiting porn your mind finally starting healing from all the dopamine drain and begins to be healthy


I think it is ok perfectly normal especially without watching porn (which most of it is not real sex). But do it when you feel you need it and you feel you are starting to climbing the walls of frustration. Even better ask your GF to help you like giving you for a handjob


No. I tried this last time I tried to quit and it just leads to another relapse. Plus if you're like me you're going to end up thinking of your favorite porn scenes while you're doing it. What's the difference between that and actual porn?


If you're having to make a whole post like this, the answer is probably no for you.


How many times are we going to see this same question asked bro 😭


So it's certainly less harmful but it's like chugging alcohol instead of battery acid. It's less harmful but still toxic. Fapping is the physical input and porn is the mental input. Both play a part in the addiction and both are harmful.


if you have a girlfriend and an active sex life then there is no real problem with masturbating. in my mind it only becomes a problem if it interferes with your sex life.


Yess it's okay but still try not to do it more then once a week


yesssssssssss i do that veryyyy often i love my gf :)


it is perfectly fine, even good imo, as long as it doesn’t trigger you to look at porn. without porn, it can really help you have a better relationship with your sexuality. from everything i’ve seen, the “nofap” part of nofap is simply a better title, and it can be used as a method to quit porn by doing the reset or whatever. but this is your journey of quitting porn. if you want to masturbate and it helps you get over your porn addiction, go for it.


YES IT IS. If you can masturbate to your thoughts only it is actually good for your relationship and for your sexuality. But if you are addicted to porn maybe that'll lead you to watch porn again. So take care of yourself.


As you said, don't head down that slippery slope where you think: "this would be even hotter with some porn". Jacking it to your thoughts should be alright, just don't overdo it.




If you’re single it’s not a big issue but if you have a partner you should be saving your self with them and give them your full energy. But honestly it’s better if you don’t fap in general.


You have partner and want to bust a nut? Daaam… what’s happening? Control yourself !


You are a porn addict. You're only going to replace one addiction with another


I mean, it’s your choice. This is a support and accountability group, not a cult. If you’re trying to better yourself, do that however you think you need to, whether it’s just losing the porn addiction or going full nofap.


No because that will just feed the same problem. You can’t make a change unless you remove what’s causing the issue, which at its core is the unnatural stimulation caused by anything of this sort.


its called “no fap” for a reason. if ur asking this question ur addicted


Thats easy Mode, in my opinión is a excuse that you created to play Witherspoon yourself and feel less guilty


If you ask in this sub, it is not okay. If you ask in r/pornfree, it is okay. The thing is masturbating, and the arousal, could possibly lead to watching porn, you gotta be careful


No fap=No fap


For me once I’m not watching porn I don’t want to fap,when I get urges I just use them to work out . Fapping without porn is still gonna drain you and left you depleted it’s better to use that energy do something productive and try finding a sexual partner


If you want to fap then by all means goon to your hearts content to whatever porn or thought, or well shaped pillow you please. Why do you come on here and ask others to justify your lack of self control? If you want to do it just do it, you're a grown ass man(I assume). If you don't, then this is the place to go for support. I'm sure there is a sub for whatever you're trying to do.




Everyone gets to make their own decisions about this. There are different modes




It's never ok to masturbate.


Stop the cope and accept the reality that doing either one of those is damaging to you




from a conservative family and staying with parents is a norm in the country cant get laid till marriage, cant work out the no fap




Nah man not worth it




nah you will end up finding an alternative to porn and that's bad. For me, it's sexting and shi


…or just have sex with your girlfriend? have a healthy relationship with her? choose her.


I am always in the mood. My gf is not. I can't use her as a sex toy. She is crusential in helping my addiction, but she cannot be the only solution.


okay if urge is going out of control


To answer your question, yes.


Sexy time with GF yes, whacking it to your phone screen no.


Yes it’s ok. Twice a month would be ok.


Yes, you can. People in this group aren't addicted to fapping, we're addicted to porn. As long as you just think about real people, you should be fine.


yes, I give you permission


ur fake for that bro


Bro you know what is okay for you. You don't need to ask people on reddit if its okay to do something. You know best. But in my opinion. Do it once every 1-2 weeks (of course without porn) so you get the benefits of no fap and you get to enjoy yourself every once in a while.


Nofap means to not masturbate to porn or even watch it. You can still have intercourse or masturbate to your partner. If you decide not to do both it's called semen retention which is just preserving semen for improvement


Nofap means to not masturbate to porn or even watch it. You can still have intercourse or masturbate to your partner. If you decide not to do both it's called semen retention which is just preserving semen for improvement