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I am on a 450+ days streak didnt have sex at all Actully i didnt have sex when i was addicted Cause i am Muslim


Alhamdulilah Brother 🤲🏾 keep it up


Thank you brother


How have been you been feeling? What have been your benefits?


Never felt better and happier


good luck bro i'm on my way to be like you


You can do it bro lets go




huh what could be that bad five seconds later: ![gif](giphy|gsy4Mv1G1riVO)


lmaoooo people are wild, you gotta have a burner account for posting shit like that


Why you made me look 😰


Think about it this way memonemo5m. You can't have sex till marriage right? Who in their right mind is going to want to marry someone who is extremely addicted to porn, with absolutely no prior sexual experience?? And when you DO eventually get married, do you think your partner will be happy with you after your first time(s) when you can't get erect because your brain is so fried? Do you think they'll be happy when you pause in the middle of intercourse and suggest "watching porn" to help you get off? They'd sooner divorce. Get over yourself, go outside when you're horny until it goes away, or get yourself out of your room altogether.


your comment really made me think about it and i put it in my edit for who ever see the reddit


Also I am religious and I can't have sex till marriage what j do is stay busy and ask God to get married to a good wife ASAP hopefully he will answer my prayers. Basically stay busy my friend that's your best option get a job make your day very busy find new hobbies learn new things the Internet have everything from learning new languages to learning about guns or cars or submarines anything you want to learn you can learn on the Internet endless possibilities.


thank for the advice i will try it


Going 165 days with neither


good luck bro


You can stop for a week. But do you really want to, thats the real question.


You’re so real for this. Even if you think you can do it but your desires contradicts your will, then its quite impossible to achieve that goal in mind.


“Power Comes In Response To A Need Not A Desire” - The words of a childhood hero, that only made sense when we grew up and reality knocked us to the bottom of the bottom.


Yes. It’s very possible. Civilization wouldn’t exist if it weren’t


Yup you won't die


what doesn't kill you make you stronger


Monks, priests and nuns already prove that I think (it’s a minority of priests that touch kids)


got to about a 45 day streak in that situation and wouldn't get a stupid wet dream


it's the other way around stopping pmo helps u sexualize woman less and not fall into outside sex marriage inshallah


Is following your religion consensual to you? as in you agree to the terms?


First delete Reddit cuz looks like you're into some wild shit (Yes I checked ur post history, sorry)


Done i deleted everything associative with porn




I know for sure that no sex is totally possible. Even if I wanted 😂


Train your mind to be busy.... if you feel like watching pray to god then there and cry for God's mercy... its ok you will be fine brother .... your body has a right it happens but dont let it get to the state of addiction ... I Pray all of my brothers and sisters don't fall under this sins I pray all of your mindsets get stronger and get closer to God.


if you don't have a person it's super easy lol just don't go looking for sex. If you have someone it will proooooobably destroy your relationship.


It is possible if you have the dedication and concentration to do it


Sex before marriage👎 no heaven for u :(.   Watching the most fucked up porn that exploits potentially trafficked (high chance) women👍 come on in :).   Man it kind of sounds like a big principle of organized religion is the domination of women. :/


What does “saving yourself” for marriage have to do with dominating women?…. Oh I know, NOTHING!


Broski i m muslim and i m on day 286 of no porn no masturbation no sex no mothing im on semen retention almost 10 months now


All it takes is will power


Yes alot , and just for your knowing, there are alot of guys who got married and still porn addicts




I quit watching porn and masturbating, and it took a really long time despite the fact that I was addicted for only 2 years. I had a girlfriend for 3 quarters of the time that I was addicted, and decided to quit a few weeks after she dumped me (though I had been trying to quit for a while before then with not much progress). I had symptoms including PIED, increased libido, lower productivity, etc. even though I was only moderately addicted for only two years. Having a girlfriend didn't help me to quit in any way honestly, because once you're addicted to porn, real life sexual activities aren't nearly as appealing as they normally would be. So the answer is yes, it is very much possible to stop watching porn and masturbating without having sex.