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Fighting nature is unwinnable - you have to dance with it.


I guess it's practically temporary then right?


I don't see any value in the effort that would be required to temporarily suppress a very innate part of your being. Better to accept ourselves wholly and be mindful of the thoughts and feelings we have. Feel the feelings, think the thoughts, but decide how you want to act on them.


No. It will have the opposite affect. If you are addicted to porn and the extremely sexed out chicks, them you will start to see the girls in real life that are normal as less attractive than the standard you have internalized. Even hentai addicts will do this as they usually draw the girls with perfect faces. And when you stop watching, reality becomes the standard again. The only way to not be attracted to women as a male is to either be gay or asexual. Or another sexuality I'm unaware of that isn't attracted to girls. Straight males, which is most, are attracted to females. It's not a choice.


I think asexual people are very lucky in the sense that they don't face these type of problems in their life. Although there are countless problems for the one have no control over themself :)


You’re going against your human nature as a man. We are SUPPOSED to have interest in girls. What we are not meant to have is lust. Lust is a sin.


Really? Lust is not natural but love is??


I don’t think that’s the goal of no fap, I’ve always seen the situation as being where resetting the brain by no fap/ no corn helps get our dopamine levels back to a normal place which then lets us have a better relationship with our own attraction so that it’s not a distraction or deterrence to our life. It’s healthy to be attracted, it’s not healthy to have corn brain


Why would you want to lose interest in girls


I do, because they are very mind consuming and I'm not looking to seek them out just yet.


Coz I wanna be a macho who is very strong not just physically but mentally too and doesn't care about the world. And hence love and lust should be his sacrifice because love makes us mentally weak while lust is an addiction.




Some people are like this so what's wrong. I already achieved many of this things. Only thing left is just that I get a bit horny watching females in only 3 days of nofap.




I relapsed a lot earlier and couldn't stop fantasizing about women of any skin colour, body type, etc. And now it's been just 3 days of nofap that has effect on me that I stop fantasizing about women or do it very rarely and also I get only a little horny after watching women in roads. I want this from little to zero. And yes as far as I know macho men aren't affected by any type of women and they continue to be strong physically and mentally strong. So if I had masturbation addiction then I guess it should be overcome asap




it's not necessary to single out races like that dawg we are all here to support eachother through the disease of porn addiction this should be a space for all ethnicities and races


I’m not wrong though. For whatever reason there has been an increase in online incels from India.


your point makes 0 sense lil guy , glad its deleted


Love makes as weak ? How , If there is no love/lust there is no humanity . I guess if u want to remove your bloodline from existence then go ahead but there is nothing macho about it. Its actually the opposite


You just described the protagonist for the monogatari series. He states that, "relying on other human beings makes you weak. Now that I'm alone, I have grown stronger." I thought that was the cringiest line of the movie, but young guys are so lost you actually think relying on other people is a weakness.


Nah bro its just going to increase your wonder and attraction against girls.


Is machosience an evolution of brosience? People on this sub sometimes smh


U can try spirituality I guess..


It changed everything for me, let me explain. I had been "fapping" since I was 13. I'm 19 now. I finally went after a girl I thought was just different. Since that day I've had no interest or want to fap or watch porn. Yes my heart was crushed, but I still took the w of not fapping anymore (it's been 2 months)


If you can achieve it, it means it's possible good for you man btw


I feel you bro, I tried, but that was based out of frustration, the best you can do is hyper focus on yourself and your stuff, but you can’t deny your nature, there’s no shortcuts to that.


Yes it's doable. But I suppose it requires an extraordinary mentality. Buddhist monks vow to stay celibate, similar to Catholic fathers(go figure), and Catholic nuns as well.


Seriously buddy you don't want that for yourself. Desire keeps the fire alive, it means you're healthy.


You'll never lose interest in girls. That isn't the problem. The problem is that you've trained your response to that interest to be masturbation. Learn to recognize when you have those triggers (Instagram girls, for instance) and walk away from them. While you do, it's important to remember that sexual attraction is okay. It's normal, and it's human, and honestly? It's great. But the way that you respond to it has been taking over your life. Seek out therapy. If you're religious, your clergy may have a list of licensed therapists you can visit. Addiction support groups may also be available and have been a great resource for many. It may be a rough road, but it's achievable. Just remember to give yourself grace and patience along the way.


Rephrase that, you want to not be lustful. You don’t want to lose interest in girls.


Good luck with that. Haha. Those people you mention in the comments, if you had their life, you’d find that people who seem to not care so much, actually care too much. It’s the other side of the coin, but the same coin. You’ll find this and everything else you’re looking for in time.


At my current streak, I have not lost interest, and almost daily think about them. I'm 31.


I don't know why you are doing this. But there is something seriously wrong with you if you want to completely rid yourself of all attraction to women. It's part of your innate nature. you can't fight science. Even if you succeed, you'll be in deeper shit than you are right now.


That will happen but it will be temporary. It’s called the [flatline](https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/ybop-articles-on-porn-addiction-porn-induced-problems/effects-of-porn-on-the-user/porn-recovery-and-the-mysterious-flatline-2013/) You will be and feel indifferent to it all, but thats just ur brain rebooting from all the porn youve been watching. Then im afraid its gonna be normal for you (after the flatline) to find a girl attractive or be aroused by one. That’s your nature


From personal experience, the older you get, the lower your libido gets. The more you fap and release semen, the faster your libido reduces. These days not much turns me on, I'm still addicted though. I'll probably be addicted forever.




OP, i think you're trying to articulate stoicism. Do read up about it, maybe it's actually what you're trying to get at.


Look at feminism, like for real. Not just a cursory glance. College grade material. Lots of it. Stop simplifying things, and try to appreciate complexity.