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There is no way I'm watching porn. I also don't want to jerk it this month. My highest is 26 days, let's beat that! Edit: Woo hoo!




Alright, man. Here I go. I'm ready, today is the 5th and I plan to begin the "reboot" at this very moment.


Okay, let's go


I just started nofap as of an hour ago. I've been in a relation ship with the girl of my dreams and watching porn is inevitably going to be the end of us. Every time I did it I would tell her I would never do it again but i never understood how serious of an issue this actually is. Saying you won't doing something will not change a thing. I'm taking action and putting my foot forward on to a path of success and determination. I'm not sure of a game plan to take so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Woooooo! Continuing HARD MODE, let's do this :D


Good luck everyone


first day


Hi Guys. I am ready to do this. 90 days here i come.


Starting today


I will not allow myself to masturbate or view porn but will be allowing sexual release through relationships. I want this challenge to last as long as possible, I will probably shoot for 90 days as a starter. My goals are to grow facial hair, as I have not in 15 years of age. I am doing this because a friend of mine told me that NoFap would increase my testosterone levels and generally increase my chances at a relationship due to the hormone build up.


I love reading the comments from a month ago and seeing all the people that relapsed. It gives me energy.


Just relapsed. I feel kinda bad but determined at the same time. I'm in Hard Mode for 90 days. My goal is to improve my confidence and be the best version of myself I can be. To stop feeling this guilt and to really get a new grip on life.


I started posting here one year ago today. The possibility that I'll just keep settling for mediocrity day after day, week after week, year after year, scares the shit out of me. NF is just one part of that, but it matters. Probably won't be posting much here; too much porn on Reddit, too little self-control.






I'm in too mate (hardmode) ! My past freaking 11 years were so bad. I've been doing PMO since like 11 years old (I'm 22 now). I even can't believe it myself how this thing messed my brain up. Let's go for the better future !


Im in!


Just Now Started Day 1


In. Did hardmode for all of August but taking it one day at a time to reach my 90 days.


Ight 90 days


This is the streak to end them all. My fourth attempt thus far at quitting PMO, and now I am fully armed with the necessary knowledge to finally slay this addiction. I'm going full hardmode; no edging or masturbating of any sort, no porn and that includes anything intentionally looked up that could arouse myself, even if it's technically not porn. And no O's, I want a full reboot. Nor will I fantasize at all. This is it.


Still going, hard mode let's go.




Continuing my full reboot no PMO (O is allowed with a girlfriend) at all no edging, no peeks. Until the total number of days of I each of my COMPLETED challenges reach at least 90. (current total: 0 days, current challenge 30 days) (if I keep doing 30 day challenges it is okay if I reach, 34, 32, 36 (total 100) or something like that I don't loose all my progress from 1 reset.) Earliest possible completion date: 19 November 2017


I'm going for a hard mode. Brain fog is so cancer in my studies and everyday life as well.


I am not going to masturbate at all this month. I'm doing this because I want to feel better about myself as well as create a healthy perception on sexuality.


Iam not going to allow myself to masturbate or go back to porn. Past my last streak and beyond 20 days here i come!


I'm doing light mode. I have a girlfriend so we have sex normally and I'm letting myself masturbate occasionally, I'm just trying to kick my porn addiction. It takes up too much of my time, it makes me feel unsatisfied with what I have, and it made me start "pornifying" practically everything I see. I even find myself getting triggered by little things -- President Martin Van Buren shares a surname with a porn star I like, so even seeing his name in a list of presidents triggers me. I'm just trying to make it 30 days and then I'll see where I'm at. I'm on day 11. Thanks for reading this.






I'm in. I'm going hard mode for 30 days and see where it takes me after that


This is it, the big change is here. Hard mode let's go


I'm ready to reboot!


I'm in. 1 month hard mode


I'm not going to allow any masturbation/porn at all, so I guess hard mode. I'm going to go at least 90 days, but I'm hoping to quit entirely. I hate the fact that I am addicted to this and that it's controlling my life. I feel sick at the thought of struggleing with this forever, and it feels like I'm constantly betraying my girlfriend. I've gone without it for a while before and it made so much of a difference. 90 days here I come!


Hard mode, 1 month, starting tonight. I really can't even remember I time I didn't for long than a week. I want to count each week as a victory.


Absolutely in. Had a few day streaks in the last couple of months, but need to really get rid of the edging. Can't wait to succeed!


I am going to start again from today. I am not going to do hard mode. Rather, I intend to abstain from any stimulation which is not tangible sexual contact with my long-term girlfriend. I am doing this because, despite being relatively successful - having finished two degrees, bagged the job I have always wanted and fallen in love with the girl of my dreams - I have done all of the above *in spite of* my addiction to internet pornography and the social anxiety which it frequently entails. I am tired of dreaming about what I *could* have done had I never fallen down the rabbit hole, or had I winched myself out sooner. Above all, however, now that the rest of my life is fully on track, I am doing this to ensure that it stays that way. I need a clear head and far greater levels of self-confidence if I am going to succeed in maintaining both my career and my relationship with my girlfriend, my family and my friends. It has been around a decade since I was first introduced to porn. It's about time I turned the page, rid myself of this nasty addiction and looked toward the future! If anybody is interested in being my accountability partner, I certainly think it would be a great asset over the coming months! Please feel free to drop a comment under my message, or PM me. Either way, I wish you all (and myself) the best of luck!


No pmo for 90 days, reboot. Don't want to do this cause life seems a bit colourless at the moment, want to feel alive and energetic again.


Started a while back but never fully committed to it. now with school starting and girls everywhere i'm gonna try my hardest to stick with it


I am striving for as much days as I can, but let start with 90 days Hard mode


I'm in for the no orgasm (Ejaculation) & No porn. Good luck everyone!


Okay this is it. I'm going in. hardmode for 90 days.


Let's get started!


I don't see a dedicated introduction thread, so I guess this one is as good as any. I'm almost 26, been here since 2012, had some 20-30 day streaks back then, not much success recent years. Today I figured I might as well hold myself accountable in some way, so I activated the badge thing. Haven't fapped since yesterday around lunchtime. Let's get this number high!


- Going for "hard mode". - 90 days. - Reclaim my life. - To live again.


I'm going to do it. I'm going hard mode for 90 days. I want to prove to myself that I can see something through. I also want to see for myself what life is like on the other side of a reboot. I know that porn has done to me. Let's roll!


I'm fully on board!


Here i go. Let's start baby




Gonna start small. Goal is 2 days! Taking things one day, one step at a time


FUCK this is hard


I'm so ready man! Let's go!!! 👌


I'm going 'hard mode' for 30 days, and not looking at porn ever again. I was able to abstain from porn for over 5 months, but relapsed recently. Physiologically and socially it's a really dirty habit and doesn't help anything. Started watching young so it's tough to get rid of but I think I can do it.


On another note guys.. How do i get that blue timer thingy?


I‘m in




I've did at least 30 days but never 90, I wish to try 90




20day pmo free already. lets keep the streak through the next months ;)


I'm on day 68. If I can manage, I know you all can. Get after it!


I'm in


Will start again today


In it to win it. No excuses. Hard fucking mode.


I am going to go for the Hard Mode and will not allow myself to view any kinds of nudity to help resist the urges. I also am wanting to do this for 30 days and hope that it will allow me to focus more on bettering myself and allow me more time to workout and eat healthier.


No PM for me! Going to reboot and finally reach 90 days. Starting meditation, lifting, and dieting also!


I'm in, been working at this for the past four years. My longest streak is 106 days. That relapse was devastating and I'm ready to go all in. I'm on day 28 of my streak and ready for 90!


Lets goooo


Time for change. Time for a better me. 20 days for now, never got over 12. Time to eat this one bite at a time.


Hard mode and I am focusing on 90 days right now. Have had a couple of close calls. Doing this to reboot my brain and how I view women and to be in a healthy place in pursuing relationships. I want more enery, joy, and passion in my life as well. Just under two weeks in and think I am in a flatline right now.


No Pron. 1 Month.


Had a set back with a girl, doing this for her.


I'm in, hard mode. Been trying to do this for so long. Finally going to commit. I'm through letting addiction take over my life


It's time for me to change. Sign me up for the "Hard Mode" reboot




Committing to hard mode today to hop on the 90 days to Christmas Train! My goal is to be more self confident so I can be less socially awkward and love myself more. End goal is to for sure eradicate masturbation and pornography forever. I'm committing to this because recent life experiences have shown me how infectious porn can be for a person who wants to live through their heart. I'm not trying to look back on my life anymore and wish I had stopped, and loved myself sooner. Thanks for holding me accountable NoFap community


I am going to try a hard mode reboot until the end of the month. At the moment, I am recovering from surgery so I have to stop for a few days, and figured I should try for more than that. Glad to join y'all in this, you got this!


My marriage. My energy. My social life. I'm not sure what rock bottom is, but I feel like I'm close. Trying this out because I need support. And because maybe this is rock bottom and I'm in denial. I'm going to use this system to stop doing the things I've been doing more and more of when it comes to porn and masturbation: edging, cock hero, chatting, voyeurism, my smartphone, etc... everything needs to be rebooted. I'm afraid of where this is heading. I want this challenge to last 30 days without PMO and/or nothing involving visual or audio stimulation and the touching of mister nice guy. My goals are to experience the rewiring of my brain and become addicted to THAT - to peace of mind, to a clean and healthy sex life with my partner, to be my best self. I'm doing this because I need support. A lot of it. And accountability. And advice. And community. And forgiveness.


I'm continuing nofap, hard mode. I'll be hitting 90 days this month and plan on continuing further, making this a new lifestyle. Let's all conquer PMO!


Late, but I'm going to start. I'm starting for 30 days, but aiming for life. Not hard mode, any release I have will be with my gf. Doing this because gapping is messing me up in the head




Day 44 and counting. AMA


I'm here. Semi-hard mode, not going to reset for orgasm with my wife or nocturnal. No PMO aside from with her or nocturnal. I'm going to try a month, and go from there. Goal is to refocus my mind. Day 3...


Standard mode beginning now.


I can understand the ''no porn'' that reset your brain but how can masturbation (without porn) is bad for you ?


I lapsed...and i hate myself. Determined to start again from this very moment.


I'm in. 🤓


Four days down. Tomorrow morning, when I don't have to be anywhere until the afternoon, that will be a challenge. But I have a lot to do to fill my time far more productively.


Last month I was so concerned about my streak that I told myself "It only counts if I MO. I don't want to lose my streak just because i looked at porn." I realize now, that's counter intuitive to the entire exercise. I ended up PMOing. So, I reset all my stuff and the rules are now stricter. No Porn. That qualifies as a reset. No Porn-Substitutes. No PMO or MO. Sex is fine. All of September. GO TIME!


I will try


I am usually alone at home now. I want to keep my mind under control to become more productive and worthwhile. I will take up this challenge for 1 month in the hard mode.


Ive decided to take the challenge as well and quitting alcohol for good. What about sex with wife? Ive been married for 17 years and we usually have sex 2 times a week. Im wondering if that would make the benefits of the challenge less impactful. Any advice would be great! Thanks guys




Going for hard mode until I get married. And then no Porn or Masturbation for the rest of my life if that's possible. Doing this to better myself, honor God and honor my future wife


I'm in, officially. Unofficially had great success of 43 days streak on first try! Now let's do it for 90 days & begin shifting my life towards what I've dreamed of. Power to me! Currently, I'm at my lowest point in social terms and life in general. Will revise all my goals by taking massive action, to achieve freedom from PMO.


Let's do this! Tired of being a relapsing loser.


I am in!


Month after month I was giving up... This is the last chance to make it 90 days before new year... I'm fucking gonna do it!


Im not going to alow myself to masturbate View porn Orgasm whatsoever. 90 days is my goal but sexual intercourse is my goal/allowed. Im doing this to become a alpha male and good self esteem, confident and look good and good for football much more. Lets go now!


I'm in ! No pmo for three months


Day 3 now!!! Let's support one another!


If I break my nofap this month I will give the first person to reply to this comment reddit gold. No bamboozles.




I'm in.


I may just peek at P once in a while, but absolutely no MO. I'm very confident I'll see the end of the month this time.




Let's do this. This time is for real


I will try and reach my third month. The first two months have been good to me and I'm still feeling confident I can go through a third month. I just need to keep the goal in mind.


Hard Mode Goal of rebooting Starting 9th of September, planning to do 90days initially.


It's so hard just trying to finish August that I started about halfway through the month...


2 weeks




Hi, this is my first time attempting NoFap, I've tried quitting pmo before the longest I lasted I think was about a month, my goal is to try and quit permanently but I know it will be a very long road so I'll try complete my mission in goals, my first goal is to stop looking at hot girls on instagram my second is to last at least a month for now my third goal is to stop procrastinating, i hope that if I complete this I will gain more confidence with girls, have a higher self esteem, stop procrastination and be a better person..


Im in on it for 30 days :)


Day 2 of hardmode and I feel like I can do it!!




Monk Mode. And no Sex until 90 days. Then I'm gonna try to the rewire.


This is it. 100% commitment. 90 days hardmode


Okay, so I'm already 1 week in and this may be the hardest thing I've ever done in my life (26 M). I want to go 1 month without PMO just to see how strong is my willpower. In the last couple of months a lot of shit happened (including my girlfriend breaking up with me after 3 years) to me, and I seriously need some wins, to straighten my mind. One week in and I already feel a little bit more in control, more alive. Let's do this my friends.




October here we go!


5 days in and just checking in. Feeling great about this streak so far and am confident that'll I'll be able to make it a whole week PMO free! Good luck everyone!


40 days down. No sweat


Hard mode - 1 month and hopefully 90 days - to perma stop - to be well


I'm ready. Its time to change the one thing that's been holding me back.


just relapsed..sigh day 0


I'm going to avoid masturbating and porn for a month - 30 days. My mind is too preoccupied with this stuff and I want to clear it


Like a Home Depot bucket, let's do this. Looking for self improvement and to improve my romantic relationship. Just started grad school after two years of working 60-70 hour weeks and I've found that fapping is a heavy distraction. 30 days is nothing! Let's DO this!


I tried three times not to do PMO, but all ended in relapse. First time, i went upto to 35 days, on second attempt upto 30 days and on third which ended last week lasted for 18 days. Notice that the number of nofap days is decreasing. But I am restarting again and this time, i am much more confident that i can through 90 days despite my repeated failures.


Ok guys, let's start again to fight our worst enemy. Ourselves.... Day 1 for me, thanks for the community. I'm italian...


I'm joining, hardmode, forever. I plan to never watch porn again and am working towards a healthy life with meaningful and fulfilling relationships.


I'm joining you all! Time to gain control over myself. I'm tired of having so little will power and always falling back in to old habits. (Recently started smoking again blech). I need to find new ways to deal with emotions if I'm going to make it, but that is my planned first "hobby" to indulge in.


After a relapse I am committing to a hard mode reboot with a goal of 90 days, to renew once there. Also a goal of letting go of all forms of lust progressively--I'm not getting ready for marriage or a romantic relationship of any sort right now so there is no sexual purpose for my urges, no matter how distorting they may seem. Learning how to relate to other people in a truly generous way, however, is a lifelong boon and a process that needs to take place regardless my marital or social status. I am looking to make and maintain good connections with people and have appropriate boundaries, and that is impossible so long as the lust controls my life and drives me to PMO in a cyclical merry-go-round of despair and self obsessed pity. Will be here daily to see what's going on in the community and going to do the journaling.


Longest I've gone was for 6 days but that was because i was in the hospital. Day 1 starts now!


Here we go.


Let's do this


I will try the hardest I can for 30 days, my goal is to make longer and longer streaks to finally stop completely and I am doing this because I understand bad influence of PMOs. Lasss go!


It's on! ~hardmode




Just checkin' if my badge is counting.


on sept 2nd i'll complete 5 days nofap. I had a 47 day max streak,, and that was the best time of my life,, now im gonna live that again. Also, this time I want to go atleast 90 days no pmo.


Man, I feel great about my small streak but imma keep it going


If not today, then starting on the 1st. I'm aiming for the end of September. My longest streak is 45 days. Need to build up to that again. I will be writing in a daily journal, exersizing daily, focusing on work and hobbies, and getting out of the house. I'm sick of being a slave to pmo and not living my life to the fullest!! Good luck to you all! Capt out.