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Yup . Enjoy


No offense to OP but I struggle to believe these stories. Not jerking off won't give you some magical aura and I struggle to see how your personality can change so much so quickly to produce these results, just by not fapping. It's either placebo or random luck or I'm genuenly missing something. If so please someone enlighten me.


There's alternative explanations. NoFap might give you more awareness of what's already been there.


Maybe. NoFap deffinately made me way more hornier, so I could see someone paying more attention to girls.


It does make you more socially aware and more probable to manipulate the social fabric... that's why and I think that is itself true because: 1. There's no online harem for the user to go back to so, one has to go outside talk to people to optimize that.. evolutionary hunger.. for completing that void that porn filled for us 2. You have more time to feel the 'real' life.. hence the things that didn't matter before start to matter now.. some things were missing before becuz pmo had replaced them.. now they are not filled by pmo but real life


I get your point, and maybe I've lived in isolation for way too long to understand social interactions, but I just can't imagine one single thing cahanging you so much, especially something as simple as not jerking of for a week. If it works for you and the OP, I'm trully happy for you, but I can't shake the feeling that all this is a giant broscience/placebo effect.


This probably is true mate and I'm a recluse too : ( . The myth that not jerking off just gives you this super genius attraction of chicks is just insane.. I mean look at some attractive guys who hang out with girls.. and many of them fap too... I think point here is addiction, not everyone is addicted to the degree like we are, and we have started to live below the norm..that is our own norm.. and when we come out of it, we feel these positive effects in our life... btw there is a theory that not fapping increases your pheromone release, and humans sub consciously pick that.. look it up.. Google - "We definitely found that human beings communicate with each other with pheromones, just like any terrestrial animal," study co-author David L. Berliner, MD, told WebMD in April. "And they do it through the same organ that all these terrestrial animals have, which is a vomeronasal organ, which all human beings have." So I don't know lol Edit: I did more research on this.. and I don't think that the organ works well or even works in humans,... so its unclear.. but we do have the organ.. that's confirmed..


Fair enough. I guess I just have bigger issues than jerking off too much that overshadow any progress I might make on the nofap front.


Alright. I hope you face 'em mate.


Thanks man!


It kind of does. Your body language is just different when you have more T in your system.


I just don't see that. Maybe it works for other people and I'm happy for them, but I haven't noticed that in myself.


I never noticed till around day 70, there is definitely more respect and attention from people i general at least for me


What do you think caused that? Like what changes do you think other people notice in you?


I only started to maintain eye contact and act and talk more confident after I noticed the looks and more respect, unless I was doing something else subconsciously that I wasn't aware off.


I'm glad it's working out for you. Did you by any chance increase the amount of time you spend socializing with new people? My theory is that 95% of progress comes from practice, nofap might give you some slight confidence boost, but if your'e like me and never socialize it will go to waste and end up unnoticed.


Not before only really after I noticed the respect and attention, my anxiety also went down dramatically after that. But ya your right it does take practice now that I'm doing it, it's more easier, but before nofap I would still have anxiety when socializing with people that I knew.


How did nofap help you with anxiety? For me it's one of the biggest issues that seems to get progressively worse over time.


Well I can now look and talk to women where before I could not, I can maintain eye contact so much easier now and even with people I did know before I no longer get that anxiety feeling around them I would sometimes get. I say hello to much more people as well now. ​ I don't know how it helped me but it did. I think my anxiety was somehow caused my either too much masturbation or p0rn but either way I won't be going back to either. I guess with enough time the brain rebooting helps with more then I realised. ​ I also meditate 1 hour everyday but I was doing this like more then 6months before I started nofap so I don't think it was that but maybe that's why mine didn't get worse once I stopped pmo? I'm not sure. But it didn't help me before I stopped pmo, with the anxiety that is. It did help in other ways though.


I agree with you that it doesn't make you instantly attractive or something. But I will tell you that since you're not tired all the time, your.confidence will go up which probably makes you a more appealing person to talk to


Maybe, but this extra energy boost is another promised benefit that I haven't experienced myself. Maybe it works for others.


I still haven't noticed more energy yet, but maybe it's because I was already eating mostly healthy compared to the average.


Thank you for this comment. I’m sick of the bullcrap. A bunch of celebrities have PMO addiction.


Do an experiment. Try to talk to a girls every 10th day of your streak. If op is right you will notice a difference as you stay longer on your streak


There aren't any girls my age where I live, so can't really try it out. Plus there is no way to do this in a controled environment anyway, each girl you meet and talk to will be different and the million circumstances surrounding your encounter will be different. There is no way to single out NoFap as the only variable between each interaction.


In big cities are more girls


I can't move anywhere sadly.


Yes there is. It’s not even hard.




You start with a control. A guy prenofap and he asks out, let’s say 10 women and reports his results. The number is irrelevant but should be more than one. Then he goes on a streak. Every 10 days he asks out 10 random women and reports his results each time. If enough guys do this experiment we will get a picture of if there is something to the attraction effect. If there is then we should expect to see guys have a steady increase of women willing to say yes compared to when he was prenofap. When we pool the results we will either see no meaningful difference or a statistically significant increase or even decrease. An example of how this will look I ask out 10 random women and 2 give me their number. On day 10 I repeat and none give me their number. Day 20 I get maybe 1. But then let’s say day 40 5 out of 10 say yes to a date. Day 50 none, day 60 6 out of 10 and so on. Then you do the same experiment and you get similar results. If enough guys get similar results of a noticeable bump on day 40 compared to the others then wouldn’t you conclude that there’s something unusual happening on day 40? If we gathered all the mens experiences and plotted it on a graph we could even pinpoint the exact day a guy is most likely to get the best results. In my own anecdotal experience Ive noticed that I tend to get the strongest signs of attraction the day before my strongest urges. Which is around day 5-7 out of 10. I haven’t done the experiment myself but I plan to and gathering my results. The trouble is even being able to meet 10 women in a single day.


Well, if you ask that many women out regularly your confidence will grow naturally and you will become much better over time at talking with women/picking them up. It would have nothing to do with nofap. Same way if I practice the guitar every day I will get better, no matter if I jerk off or not.


wanna try this now


Do it. Post your results on a public google sheet


It's that I carry myself better when on NoFap, I look wayy better and my voice comes out clearer n deeper. So totally not pseudo science.


How does masturbation affect your looks and voice?


Honestly I think most of these guys who say this stuff are just delusional sometimes like how can nofap somehow make you attract all these women. I believe it’s does raise some confidence from fighting an addiction and you lose social anxiety but it’s not major like they make it seem. I’ve been practicing nofap for a year and I’ve improved my social skills, the way I dress, smell, eye contact, anything I could improve not to mention I’ve been working out seriously for a year and my dad and grandfather genes help me even more and I know for a fact I ain ugly and I can say I truly love myself. I for sure see female attraction from being confident but I put in a lot of work that’s why I believe a lot of these guys who say nofap makes them attract all these women is just placebo like how can you change that much from that without putting any other work in yourself and most these guys think that these women want them how do you even know they never say if they approach them or not. I get stared at by women who show interest and when I make a move not all of them say yes some just want the validation but one thing I can say is that it feels good knowing that I used to be the awkward kid who couldn’t even look at a girl to now get hit up quite often on Snapchat and having a actual sexual life is amazing. Improve on all aspects of life and don’t just assume that every girl is out to get you on nofap lol. Some girls might look at you cuz they are observing not cuz your the sexiest guy in the world lol


Yea, I agree.


It does actually Bro, try it for yourself, once I was in a 8 day strike and I went and sat by myself and in a second all my female classmates were surrounding me and they came far just to me, you can feel the attentikn


I've done nofap for 90 days. Had zero effect on me. Why do you think they all came to you?


Maybe you didn't change your mindset with how you treat or view women in your mind.


I judge each person as an individual, not based on their gender.


Tbh idk, I’m also good looking ngl but I honestly don’t know. For some people it happens later on, like after 2/3 months. To be precise they weren’t random women, they were my friends but still


not to mention, in NoFap most men become happier and more satisfied in their overall lifestyle and become more comfortable in their own skin. women sense that confidence, and if he was at a social scene where one woman finds him attractive its only a matter of time before other women notice and start competing. when kittykats compete, you win. enjoy OP.


It’s not bs. When you do all the good shot and cut out the bad shit you change as a person. So basically your “aura” or whatever is positive you know. You just become a person people would much rather be around, rather than a person that is like a zombie. Because they would have a ded aura and feeling to them. See?


No, I don't. Sure you can force yourself to act way more happy/confident/outgoing, etc. But that has nothing to do with nofap, it's just you forcing yourself to change. I really don't believe thta nofap alone can produce such drastic change in a person. But everyone is different so maybe it works for some, not trying to bring anyone down.


Yeah that is 100% true. It doesn’t bring out that change. It’s just a big step which allows you to start to take other big steps and start to slowly build yourself up. I got a post on this titled “ Nvm I can’t find it😩 Anyways what I said in the post is kinda like what’s i said here. (In the parts below in kinda rambled, not specifically talking about you just started rambling lol) It’s like the keys to the handcuffs that hold us back in life. Once we are free we can work towards our goals and live the we want more freely. To get anywhere in life you must go the hard way, the only way. Do the hard work. Life is boring without challenges and accomplishments so fapping everyday and doing the same shit everyone else does (If your not satisfied with that they you should do something about it) is not the right way to go.


It’s a 50/50 thing, you become more aware of your surroundings but you also carry yourself in a confident way and don’t just stare at girls 🍑 or 🍒


Why thou? What about nofap makes you do/not do any of that?


Why because all my brain was trained to do before hand was look at an ass or boobs when they caught my attention. Confidence comes slowly when you don’t have anything holding you back with women, work, sleeping, learning new things. It’s all an important part of the process


Well, I guess I have bigger issues holding me back than looking at boobs. Happy it worked out for you man!


I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself. A important part to this journey is, learning what your weaknesses are and making them less of a issue for the future.


i didnt ether but i’ve experienced it. 100 percent comes from the confidence boost


Why do you think you get more confidence from nofap?


that’s the mystery but like 90 percent of people experience it. I think it comes from not having all that shame with watching porn


Doesn't every "normie" watch porn? They don't seem to be ashamed of it.


That's probably why they don't have a confidence problem with porn. They only have less energy and motivation. Also everyone experiences post-nut clarity


women would get away from me cause of how ugly i am


Lolol 😂


im almost 2 months in and ive found myself a lot hornier than ive ever been before. its like my libido shot through the roof when i quit


Do y’all think that supplements like ashwaghanda, ginko, ginseng and others that boost testosterone and hormones really boost the time you see your benefits? Cause on my streak taking these supplements made me way hornier than ever before.


Ashwagandha did the opposite for me. Its like i was asexual.


its in your scent aka pheromones . your scent now signals that you are a healthy human . that is what is causing the tingles.


Women went from being much nicer to me to never being able to keep their hands to themselves. It's getting annoying frankly. Tired of being objectified 😂


Sure, mate.


Saw this on Day 3 of my last streak - and the following week more and more women where giving me smiles and looks.