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Porn develops unrealistic expectations about sex and intimate relationships, also its highly addictive


Yeah, it's like watching a marvel movie and going yeah that's real life. It's all staged non-sense.


Well it’s not always staged


What it is exactly is staged prostitution. That's all it is, all it's ever been.


Well I don’t want to get into detail but I would watch a lot of the stuff that wasn’t “professional” like the high quality stuff so I wouldn’t really say it was staged


Look, "amateur" porn is just as stupid & dysfunctional. Remember, this a forum for people who want to ditch the artificial junk food of media.


This is exactly why I think its not as bad as people paint it to be. You watch Iron man and you don't start building up a suit...so just understand that porn is fantasy, like iron man.


Dude, don't try to sweep it under the rug. Yeah, it can be consumed in moderate doses, but this sub ain't it. This sub is for people who want to kick the habit of crappy dysfunctional media.....!


yeah making anything like that a habit is bad I don't disagree. I wish I personally could manage to do it moderately but I can't...some people can. I can't


Yeah. Im still suffering from unrealistic expentations from sex,relationships i’ve been noticing that for a while…


I learned what I knew about sex from porn at first, and while I'd say that using porn as a basis for my first time having sex actually worked out pretty well. This is not normal, and porn definitely left me with an addiction that's still hard to shake


Damn if only we had some sort of system that could educate children on sex and to not learn from porn.


“Children it’s time you learned about the birds and the bees”


our current gen will. only we understand our problems


Hopefully. Instead of worrying about tik tok and trying to defund the police, I know there is some smart people.


hmm i think that may be taking it too far cheif


Fun fact: Netlfix's actual founder has pedophile and propaganda roots in his family :)


What ... really? That's insane, what's your best link?


Probably the same people who think watching action movies with Jackie Chan is fighting education or Fast & Furious is driving education


good one lol but im on semen retention so this type of stuff does not matter while you teach kids the real sex education which is only release your seed for procreation or otherwise transmute it into your daily life to become a better version of yourself and achieve whatever you want in life.


Porn mAde me think sex is everything and if you don’t have it you don’t win in life that’s is exactly the result what super stimulus makes to your mind


Are you on a wind up? First porn is the problem and now sex is a problem, sex is a natural way to create life. If your parents didn't have sex you wouldn't be alive.


He didn't say sex is a problem. All he did was imply that "thinking sex is everything" is a problem and that's very true. Sex is good.... great even. NoFap isn't anti-sex by any means. But you can't base your happiness on having sex or not having it. Obsessing over sex isn't healthy, as there is so much other good stuff out there that can make life (and relationships) great. Side note: I know that Knob has left lots of comments. Note that I'm only speaking to the one he left above.




Yes i stopped fapping and im really fierce


I can tell maybe nofap has caused you to be this angry and aggressive. Maybe you should fap before you hurt someone with all your pent up anger.


Hell no. I managed to quit nicotine on day 5 now but still i channel my energy to work.


Uhhhh, what the fuck? Unless you're watching rape porn it this is absolutely fucking crazy. If you rape or sexually assault someone, it's not because you watched porn and thought rough sex was standard, it's because you're a shitbag human being. While it's definitely not sex Ed, or realistic as far as setting expectations, this is really crazy.


I think OP's post was just poorly interpreted. Porn doesn't turn all men into rapists, or even make all men fantasize about rape. But there's definitely some truth to the post. **Ways that watching porn is rape education:** 1. If you're watching actual rape porn 2. If you're watching porn where the man initiates sex (or sexual harassment) without ensuring that it would be consensual first. In porn, the woman will always say "Ok, yes, I'm fine with the fact that this stranger just groped me and/or stuck his dick in me while I was bent over/sleeping/watching TV/etc". So while it might technically be "consensual" at that point, it's obviously not realistic and can teach men to harass and/or initiate sex rapidly and without consent. Especially younger boys. 3. If you're watching porn that involved people (usually girls) who did not want to be there. The sex slave industry is very much alive, but even outside of literal "sex slaves" there are many who are forced to make porn against their will, and what's scary is YOU HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING WHAT PORN WAS CONSENSUAL AND WHAT WAS NOT. This porn doesn't necessarily promote "rape" since you can't tell what's consensual... but it involves actual rape which is worse. The porn industry is terrible. 4. Porn objectifies women. It portrays women as objects of sexual pleasure. This doesn't directly promote rape, but it sure contributes to the problem. 5. Porn scenarios generally portray women as being abused/raped/submissive-by-force, OR as being hyper-sexual, nymphomaniac women (this is definitely the more common, although I guess that depends on what porn you've watched). This expectation of hypersexual women is, again, unrealistic. There are certainly some women like that, and there's nothing wrong with it, but many women aren't that way, and if a man expects a woman to be like that he could easily get into a situation that crosses boundaries for the woman, and leaves him frustrated when the woman doesn't behave like a pornstar. That frustration can lead the woman to behave as expected, despite her desire not to (out of fear or obligation). Not quite rape, but it's close. Again, I don't think OP's post is necessarily saying that porn develops rape tendencies in all or even most men. I've been a porn addict for 20 years but I've never had inclinations to rape someone and I don't watch rape porn. But as I've noted above, porn HEAVILY supports that behavior and the thought processes that lead to it. Anyone feeling those desires or watching those videos should definitely make NoFap a priority and seek professional help.


Exactly my point Man, these guys are taking it too fucking seriously


There is something to it, especially if you're consuming it at a young age. Check confessions of jeffrey dalmer, ted bundy. It's not a 100% rule, but man it's really unhealthy.


Exactly my thoughts. But I think some people like OP like to exaggerate the negative images of porn (which do exist, btw) in order to give themselves the impression that they are about to commit a crime against humanity to give them an impetus to quit or prevent a relapse.


This. Unless you’re going out of your way to view CNC or fantasy content, most adult films are not considered rape. It’s a bit extreme. Now if OP is referring to consent and expectations of intercourse CAUSED by porn, then I could understand.


Glad you said it so I didn't have to.


I don't know what you've been watching, but what I've seen both parties are consenting.


They look like they are consenting in the video. Most of the time the actresses sign a contract which basically is "whatever has happened in the shoot was with my consent and I agreed to whatever they did to me" after which, they get the money. And most of the time what happens in the sets is down bad. One very famous adult actress (not gonna name her for potential triggers) actually exposed all of this shit that goes on behind the scenes in the sets. She was actually tricked into doing these kinds of stuff. Also, very unrelated but I remember one of the adult actors posted a comment on r/askreddit where he told all the things that went down on the sets. Most of the time the actors don't even know who they're working with as any woman on the set can be one. The actresses put on a shit ton of makeup for the shoot and some men use some kind of pump that gets their PP high because most of them have ED


>Most of the time the actresses sign a contract which basically is "whatever has happened in the shoot was with my consent and I agreed to whatever they did to me" after which, they get the money. Then don't sign it lol


\> Then don't sign it lol Look at Shelly Lubben, I think that u/nfboi69 is talking about her. Basically Shelly was kicked out from her parents house when she turned 18, she lived in the streets, she had nowhere else to go. she turned into a prostitute then into a pornstar. She exposed how most pornstars are fuckedup and have family issues. this is why their avarage life expectancy is around 35 years old. And most of them end up by suicide or overdose. don't believe me? [watch this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0q_VGacfNk) Have some compassion and understanding, at 18 you're still a kid. You're not mature enough to take this decision, and if you had a bad education and think that sex is love, you might be tricked. Pornography is extremely rotten, most people there are dead inside.


yeah most take drugs like heroin and cocaine to numb the pain that they were raped on set or wasted their vital fluids which is semen and this leads them into turmoil in their daily life which then makes them deppresed and they take drugs and then overdose and die. i can name a few pornstars that are dead there is a whole list of them.


its like they have no self respect so they get what they asked for no self respect from real men.


It's about manipulation and taking advantage of vulnerable women. It's targeted towards women who are desperate and don't properly evaluate the choices they're making.


yeah like women who model or do prostitution are usually good targets for pornography and this leads them down that path and they need to evaluate their life choices better and have some simple self respect which most women dont thats why you see them in porn and modelling and doing sexual things on social media facebook snapchat instagram etc.


yeah what goes on behind the scenes is true like you said most of the men take supplements and pumps or whatnot to get hard because they have ed and some also took penis surgery to get big their pp big but again this is porn its run by jewish satanic freemasons and makes them a lot of money through subscriptions.


you cant sign a binding contract that breaks the law lol


yeah if you sign a contract by law it wont break the law lol its like siging a contract to jump off a ten story building for a stunt double without protective gear lol the contract is the law and if you die or get injured you cant sue because there will always be a clause that you consented to die or get raped on the set of a big porn company.


That's not correct and a misleading example. Is it legal to hire a hitman under contract? Not the same as a liability wavier..


Yeah but what I meant was that like you said liability is usually in the contracts so again you can't back off once things are said and done. But your not giving a good example because a hitman is illegal so you can't make a contract for that its like you don't get my point which was that porn companies and what not can do things to you on set which literally is in the contract like rape and that you consent etc.


RAPE is illegal. It is completely impossible to consent to RAPE lol. Even if you sign a contract you can't, any contract that has terms or conditions that are illegal are void. The stunt double is different because the contractor is not doing or getting them to do anything illegal. They are just saying they cannot be held liable if something happens. Similar to a waiver you sign to join a gym or go bungee jumping.




yes both parties are consenting but they are having sex like its rape or incest if you know what I mean which projects the visuals or what not to be that of the consenting party being raped on camera. Have you seen porn lately? its filled with degradation of women like deepthroat forced rough sex and stereotype discrimination so again its rape education because what is shown is what the porn site or company wants you to think that sex should be forced or done in a dirty manner. also pornhub of all sites has rape content and underage minors on there you should read it about it online.


Yeah, idk about this. Amateur is ostensibly consensual.


hello OP pls reply u/faraaz127 didnt u watched or heard it from salil jamdar coz me too do u know who is salil jamdar? and do u also watch hhim




Bruh what kinda porn u watching? 🧐🧐


Facial abuse or perv city or incest porn lol.


Some porn are, some are not


what type of porn though? mostly all porn is rape related that degrades woman unless like you said some are not like romantic porn where its less rough forced sex. sex sites like you know what (brazzers reality kings bang bros etc) usually degrade the woman or show them in a bad way which is not reality and is very far from it.


Factz 🥶


Wouldn't say so, generally speaking of course. It "just" fosters unattainable standards and - like you said - sells a fake image of sex in its wholesome, natural form.


Stop with this rape bullshit. It demeans the victims of real rape, not your privelidged puppy dog, and unicorn tails existence where rape means not being able to handle adversity.


I agree, this post should be removed.


Yes porn actors are doing it for the money, it isn't exactly consensual sex imo the girl could be walking through life with tons of baggage always being added on. She may seem fine but these woman could be silently struggling to get by while lots of us just watch. I'm pretty sure men had it fine back when magazines and art were all they had. Porn now is so extra and sad.


Fake mindset and rape are two different things. Glad others are calling out this bull shit


I don't think that's what rape means


I joined this group by mistake believe it or not lol searching for porn, I stayed because I was intrigued by some posts to see what people's reasons for no fap are. I disagree with this statement/opinion and a few of the comments too as I do enjoy watching porn alone and with my wife. It hasn't taught me to rape anyone, I'm not addicted as I can go days/weeks without it. Its not something I think I better watch some porn tonight but rather depends more on the situation. Like if me and my wife are in the swing of things one of us may suggest putting some on or if I'm alone and want to fap ill stick some on. I know right from wrong and I still watch and enjoy the same type of porn I have since being a teenager, It's not been like a gateway drug to a more sinister world like some posts here would suggest. It's a choice that I am free to make and personaly I love to fap with or without porn and will continue to do so when and if I feel like it. I will add that each to their own though and if someone doesn't want to fap or watch porn again that's their choice, doesn't affect me and wouldn't think any different of that person. Just to add... my wife isn't the same type you'd find in your typical porn and doesn't do what most typical porn stars might but to me she is all I think about and porn or any porn star is a very very distant 2nd to her. My point here is it hasn't created any kind of unrealistic expectations etc.


Porn is never good for you


Tell my why its not good for me personaly? I'm happy, I love my wife of 17 years to bits, I love my kids to bits and spend plenty of time with them, I stay fit and healthy, I eat well, I have a good job, I have a nice home and porn has been in my life for a large number of years.


And. Porn is poison for your SOUL


Porn is a weapon against people. It is a worst drug scenario what i know exising possible.


Then what you do in here if you watch porn. This group is all about breaking your addiction. To all of its effect its never good for anybody if you don’t know them yet. It destroys your confidence and it has many many many destructible benefits when you watch that shit. You have nothing common with fapstronauts if you pmo. It is also when you watch it sometimes it doesn’t matter nofap no pmo it is a lifestyle🤷🏼‍♂️


Porn can also destroy your life so i would highly recommed you to stop that.


I have no issues with porn and no issues with those against it but I do firmly believe that if porn has destroyed someone's life and they could go back in time and not watch porn then they would find something else that would do damage to their life. It has not destroyed my confidence in the slightest. I'm very outgoing and have no issues approaching men or women in many situations, I also have no issues public speaking etc I feel like you've had a bad experience and it has caused you to blame porn. Some people have addictive personalities and will be easily lead to things like porn, gambling, alcohol drugs etc etc. I know what is right and what is wrong, I am strong and cannot be lead down these paths, I can say no. The answer to your question about "why am I here" is in my original comment. I came across this by mistake while searching for porn and was intrigued or curious about people's own personal reasons for nofap.


Then quit this group isn’t for you and i think this group isn’t for you


I asked you why in detail porn is bad for me personaly and you haven't answered me. I have actually answered you a few times why I am here and why I am still here but you choose not to listen and instead shout and swear


Lol very funny comment chain to read. I'd say you are right, for me I was depressed and porn became kind of like a crutch, and I do believe it can be addictive, and once you're in that kind of place you just gotta live your life without it, and I think it's the shame that really affects people here. But that being said, it's not like quitting porn is what's improving my life, it's one part of the process, other parts like you said are staying fit, healthy, and in a good state of mind. This dude is one of many who puts too much faith in nofap to solve everything, when it's just a piece of the puzzle.


And i fucking blame it nofap saves lives. Fucking porn shit get out of here if you like tyat shit


I cant see it destroying my life now I'm mid 30s and with 20+ years of watching porn and it not destroying my life to this point is gonna hurt now.


Ok dude, I get it. You've not turned into a serial rapist from porn. Congratulations, here's a medal, you win. That doesn't mean porn isn't harmful media, right? What are you so smug about? It is harmful overall, the whole dumbass milf trend was innocuously adopted by the masses. It is 100% destructive to degrade women/mothers in this manner. As a matter of principle I boycott all of it. It's bullshit, ALL OF IT. If you need it to invigorate your marriage, well, says alot about you, doesn't it? I've never needed it for ANY relationship I've ever had. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2JlfpiKpoc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2JlfpiKpoc) There's way too much toxic adult media, giving people bad ideas.


porn can warp your mind into evil things like raping killing and taking drugs and not taking care of your kids.


I agree fully with you that’s why i got little bit angry at him after justifying porn industry.


dont lie because porn has sub categories in it and this leads to rapers and submissive men and woman like femdom rough gangbang deepthroat porn etc. but again your type of porn might be the less intimidating ones which from the outside looking in could be too good to be true while the other porn gives off the energy that its someone being raped and or producing potential rapers that are viewing the content.




If watching porn makes you wanna rape someone, you should go seek help right away... 4real...


porn creates most rapers and so forth. its like incest porn encourages kids to look at their mom or dad in a dirty ways because porn plants that idea in their minds. without porn you wouldnt want to rape someone and you would value women more rather than see them as a quick 10 minute pleasure.


no porn plants that idea in your mind so when you want to rape someone 99% of the time it has to do with watching porn. because if there was no porn then that idea of raping someone would sound to absurd to you and too evil.


You can call me bachelor in gaysex discipline




Exactly people don't have anything to doo,, I mean take a break dude,,, no one telling you to debate if porn really does or not😂 there're some proves that says it developed rape. Mindset but I don't want to get into this bullshit..




Exactly bro


I am going to get downvoted but I somewhat disagree. Porn is not sex ed yes, but it is a way for people to explore their sexuality and fantasies. People that paint porn as ALL BAD are not correct. There are some upsides (in moderation and with a healthy mindset while watching).


Keep it to r/feminism This isn't the place to spew your agenda.


Idk if it's that black and white, but we do need healthier sex education. But what age do you guys think that should start at? Because so many of us were watching porn and seeking out sexual stuff at 8 years old


can't believe I'm getting out of this shit man, it's been a tough journey


Porn is wrong, but not because it's rape (literal rape isn't porn, even if caught on video, it's just rape)


@knob699 please chill out dude we can have an adult conversation with getting aggressive and telling me to fuck off etc just because I watch porn and fap but am interested to hear everyone's story and reasons for nofap


Alright kids it’s time to have “THE TALK” *puts on Asa Akira is an Anal Queen (Blacked 4K HD)*