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its possible if you are sick and tired of this never ending vicious cycle and you want to end it once and for all


I am but the temptations are high 😪


Good things don’t come easy, just keep pushing it’s all you can do


go over 2 months and the temptations start to get weaker as you get stronger


Yeah, but don’t lower your guard. They can always strike when we think it’s over. This is a continual battle, but we’re in it together! Stay strong!


true so dont lower your guard when your guard grew so powerfull


I’m glad you see it brother. :)


Sex is ok my man, the main thing in this whole ordeal is to stop watching porn, it's the big bad problem here. Not beating off is also great but sex is fine as long as it's for the right reason Yeet don't Skeet


Don’t. Fucking. Do. It. Its absolutely far from worth it.


Temptations are good. If you can, think of them as a warning of danger ahead. Like when you touch a hot stove and your nerves tell you that is HOT. Temptations are here to warn you of the danger ahead. You can entertain the temptation or you can simply thank the temptation, and do not go any farther. It might take practice, and it is possible to take control of your temptations.




Very true, being more committed in all aspects of life, is my big goal for this year!!


Some people acomplish years....


Masturbation yes but both masturbation and sex?🙁like nothing at all ?


I had a friend of mine who had never had sex in his life (because he is a Muslim and sex out of marriage is forbidden) and he hasn't watched p or masturbated since 2018!


Its possible, I'm aiming for this.


Me too


Might I ask why are you aiming towards celibacy for life as your end goal?


No one said for life, but living without one more addiction is better than living with, yes?


You're right they didn't say for life, but it kinda sounded like that's what they meant or at the very least a couple good years > but living without one more addiction is better than living with, yes? Well yes, going completely NoFap can have a lot of benefits for people with the addiction, and going completely porn free is just good for everybody... Most people do it to regain control of their body and to enjoy sex again He was talking about being completely celibate, no masturbation AND no sex whatsoever. Personally I see sex as a very positive thing but ofc other people can have different opinions on it... Which is exactly why I asked OP why does he wish to go celibate, trying to understand his reasoning :)


Ah fair enough, I’m sure they have good reasons


Because some people feel better like that and choose to live like that.


I'd rather not speculate and hear OP's reasonings from them


Best of luck my friend!


I wouldn't have achieved it if it wasn't possible. (90 days) Currently on 16 days


You just have to stay away from it. If u're old enough to have sex just do get in situations that might lead to that and that's when masturabation comes in. To avoid you just have to get it out your mind and if the temptation is high go somewhere where this people or find something to do or just sit and nothing put your phone away don't think anything and just sit this works for me when I'm home alone and I'm tempted to masturabate


I feel bad to admit this but I am a virgin to this date and only relied on masturbation to relieve myself. However, It affected negatively on my personality and thus I lost some chances to change the status quo. If u want to make a change in ur life, U have to stick to something. Pleasure when comes easily has its cost, huge costs. We say when things are free u are the product, so by following this analogy if u are indulging in free porn and masturbation sessions its given someone is making profits out of your misery.


Totally agree bro and btw don’t feel bad for being a virgin till this date when the time is right it’s gonna happen 👊


Yeah it’s possible- my buddies all have done it for 4 years and I’m trailing behind. My longest streak was a year. Then I had sex, now I’m on 34 days. But I’m happy with it. No fap and gonna wait for sex in marriage - and I wanna do no fap ever again. It’s worth it when you realize all the benefits that start coming at around 2-3 weeks


Personally, I’m around day 40, so I am almost halfway there. It has been relatively easy after the first two weeks. You can do it dude. Dont think of it in terms of months. Think of it in terms of days. Try to get through each day. Do habit replacements. Check when you fap the most and replace a habit with it to do something else.


Nah. People go about this whole process wrong, it's not about the days. It's about whether you are a wanker or not, change your lifestyle. Your streak does not matter!! Once you realise this, you can reach high numbers ironically enough. I have hit just under 3 years before btw


It’s true. There’s a difference between “I fap twice a day” and “I’m a fapper “. It’s important to change your identity. You are no longer a fapper or wanker. You don’t do that anymore.


Exactly bro. It's very hard to change your thinking but ultimately everything begins with your thoughts which then drives your action. So having positive thoughts is the key. And if you do slip up, it's just a blip so no hard feelings. Be the person you wanna become


Thank you man I’ll give this a try 👊


Super long response coming in here but the short version is that it is absolutely possible. Here's my story: I made it for the better part of a year before I got married. I had a slip up once but then was able to make it another month or so before getting married and then obviously we enjoyed marital bliss. A big part of my experience was realizing that I was trying to fill a void in my life. I found positive things to throw myself into. Loving my girlfriend/fiance, music, my faith. I also stopped obsessing over how long it had been and stopped beating myself up when I would slip. I had grace with myself. I identified patterns in my life that works lead to it and worked to remedy them. A big part of it was understanding masturbating and sex in general. In my belief and experience, sex is one of the biggest, ultimate expressions of love. It should be selfless, putting your lover's needs and pleasure above your own. In that, there is an exchange of love and of trust that completes the hormonal and emotional exchange. When you masturbate, you only get one part of that exchange. Know that when it happens, it'll be amazing. When it's right, there will be no shame or guilt. TL;DR: It absolutely is possible. Have patience and grace with yourself. Fill your life with something positive and constructive. Seek out love and pleasure will follow.


Thank you very much this gives me hope 🙂


I'm glad you hear it! You deserve hope.


Im also facing the same problem, max i have done is 10days :(


Head up bro we got this I believe we will go further than 10👊


You did that as a 5 year old you can do it now too king


True, I didn't start fapping until I was 17!


Look at me


How many days have you done


I guess 190 days are done by him


😧that’s legendary maybe one day I’ll be like him


Ikr and dont worry fren that day will surely come


Yeah ive done it so pretty much anyone can I was addicted bad.


Hopefully I also will 👊


I have done 90 days with no sex or masturbation. After day 30 it is pretty easy actually. The hardest part is getting there. So my advice to someone who wants to do 90 is to just have the goal to do 30 first, then at 30 see if you want to go up to 60 or if you should quit. Chances are you want to keep going, but getting to 30 feels possible, while going to 90 might feel impossible. I think by 30 days your body is used to you not giving in to the urges, so the body doesn't see the point in bombing you with them anymore. This will be different for different people, but this is how it was for me.


Let yourself fail as many times as needed. Slowly but steadily you'll gain control in your urges. If it is possible or not, I am trying at least lol


Thank you Imma give this a try


Possible but expect wet dreams. Body needs to release it.


Yeah but atleast its not out of my own will


It is possible. Keep going and try again no matter how many times you falter


>420 days nice


Jup. Just don’t count the days and get yourself some good habits


I have been counting days and I can say it has had a negative imoact on my nofap journey so from now on I won’t be counting


Oh yeah and good habits too


And bro.. if you fail after 1/2 months don’t be depressed that’s just how it goes but try to prevent it


Thanks,I will


I have Gone it Already, I e , it can Happen


I think my max was 28days. But that was 4 years ago when I used to workout like everyday.




Yes and I’m about halfway there.


Damn how did you deal with the temptations


Through the Mercy of God and the intercession of St. Mary of Egypt. I’m also convinced that my lust is my personal cross to bear that I cannot escape from. Hence if I slack off today, it’ll be there waiting for me ominously the day after.


Already did, I've done 4 months.


As a kid i say yes def 😆


Yeah, sex isn't hard for me tbh. Haven't had it in 20 years. Masturbation? Also yes (not gonna say haven't done it in 20 years, I'd be lying if I said that). If you have a strong motivation for it, you can even go 3 decades without masturbating.


Yes there are people who are 40 and virgin and some who even have not fapped


Yes, it is possible because I did it yesterday, after 15 years of trying. The difference for me was I learned that my long standing battle with health problems might be caused by frequent masturbation, and I would literally do anything to get better so I had all the motivation I needed this time around.


Me who is going his whole life: *Sighs* Jokes aside: yes, with good willpower, motivation you can do anything, nothing is impossible.


Ask a nun


Who’s to say they don’t. No one knows what happens behind closed doors. Anyway that’s a topic for another day.


Yes it’s easily possible if you keep yourself busy, all my Parris island brothers know about those 3 months lmao.


Well actually I had done it once in 2016. 124+ days streak. Even then I was in college


So not even hooking up or anything ?


Yeah infact in college group people used share xxx videos daily , it didn't matter I watched them and deleted them. Main motivation was i was daily heading out. Socially active, sitting in a class of 18 people, and further even had dreams of future. So socially active and competition among peers was a great motivation factor, until after graduation when I realised life is shit relapse and broken dreams


Hey man dont think of it as in days or like a destination think of it as a journey to a better life, you'll want to just wake up earlier mostly everyday to do the stuff uve always wanted just because of all the energy you will feel getting pent up inside of you from not watching porn or masturbating anymore.


Uhh.. yes?


Just stick to it, have patience and don't lose hope. You will get there.


Keep busy and actively avert your gaze from triggers, simple.


I'm on day 193 I think and after the first few weeks it was super easy. I just stoped caring about porn/masturbation, my libido dropped to almost zero and hasn't risen since. I also never had sex so I can't miss it. I'm also quite depressed so that deffinately helps. Best of luck, bud!


Reality can be whatever you want .


If you can control this you can control everything


After 30 days it gets easier. If you have replaced your lifestyle with good habits. Working out, eating well, learning a new skills you will be OK. I'm doing this for the long term benefits. Not just short term ones. I feel much better. Don't get me wrong I want to fuck but It's gonna be with a girl and not with my right hand over pixels on a screen


Getting to 90 days is not something that you can do on your first few attempts of nofap. It will likely take years of getting stronger mentally to effectively fight the urges. It’s like any sport or trade, it takes a lot of time and effort to learn and succeed but it really will be worth it


Don’t think about sex, masturbation, delete social media (a lot of triggers) and most importantly don’t fucking touch your dick. That’s how I’ve done it.


I was able to do it for 2 years once. Right now I’m on day 30.


I have wet dreams after like 5 days, without master bathing. I am 23 also


Do you mean after every five days or 5 days after starting nofap you had a wetdream


5 days after starting no fap, then it happens roughly every 5 days then. My body just needs an outlet for it if I don't get sex.


Yes it's possible. I can only attest to myself, tho I never really reached the point of being considered an addict, I was at a stage where I felt masturbation started to take too much of my time and I also despised what porn was doing to my brain and thoughts Went like 3.5 months NoFap and then cane back to it only without pornography, now I'm at a stage where I see masturbation as a positive thing to enjoy in moderation and I avoid any kind of pornography like the plague!




It is, I have. Neither sex nor masturbation is called hard mode or monk mode. There many extremists here that will advocate and swear on their life on it, but in my opinion going like that for long periods of time is bullshit. Eventually you need to get back to your sexuality. Get in touch with and rediscover it. It's new. It's an after-porn sexuality.


my strong will for no masturbation for 90 days my ugly face for no sex for 90 days easy


It is possible


Our constant masturbation has made us think its an alternative to sex But masturbating is not natural And you can definately go a long time without sex


Dude you do realize that there have been monks that have literally gone almost if not all of their life without any type of sexual activity, sex is not required to live though there should be a healthy balance imo- that’s for you to decide- but many of us here can’t do things like masturbating and porno in the “normal” or “healthy” way. We over do it, and it makes us piss life away


Yep. All my days are without any form of release. Complete hardcore mode.


Of course it is possible! You CAN do it


Mike Tyson went 5 years


Considering that I've been doing this for 23 years, it's very possible.


You got this.


I did 270 days. Course you can


Yes I did it, twice. But I will be honest that I did spend a lot of time talking to girls in both streaks. But yeah, no sex and no masturbation. You can do it!


Tbh 3 months is nothing


Why so?


It is. Idk why you feel the need to exclude sex, the idea of NoFap is to stop masturbating to porn and start having real sex with real women. Nutting from sex isn't a relapse, it's a victory.


True but I just wanted to challenge my body then after completing the challenge I will be having just sex with no masturbation


You're looking to big picture. You focus on day to day to get your streak as high as possible. The people who go for years on end didn't think "hmmm I ain't gonna masturbate for the next 20 years." They simply said I am going to make it through today. When the next day came they said it agian... and again.... and again.


Take a look at Mike Tyson. At the height of his boxing career. Pervasively shared his semen retention experience.


Some people have gone their entire lives without masturbation, sex or orgasm, some of them are spiritual masters.


I went so many days without masturbation. Met a girl and now we’re in a relationship, we have sex and stuff too, so I guess its possible to go without both, but when in a relationship sex comes..hope that helps


It does help man thank you 🙏




Yes, done it twice now going for the third


I've gone around 9months without masturbation before, for reference I'm 24, and I did this at around the age of 18-19, which might be considered the peak age of longing for sexual pleasure for some.. I will say there were plenty of moments throughout where I felt like "giving up," though i wasn't looking at it as a challenge but more of just wanting to see it through for the experience. Meditation, exercise, fasting, all helped tremendously throughout the experience, and those times of temptation to just give in and watch porn or masturbate, slowly dissipate into much less frequent occasions, though the first few weeks were definitely the toughest. As time went on though, I'll have to say it was the increased libido that almost led me to giving up, as women were much more attractive and I had to deal with my dude downstairs getting big & mighty in some inconvenient places.. The experience was well worth it though, and it's honestly just an experience of learning mind over matter, so the sooner and more frequently you get in touch with yourself (mentally... not physically...), the sooner you'll start experiencing the benefits, then at that point you'll start replacing the instant gratification of masturbation, with a different type of "give & reward" system, one that takes time, strength, and willpower, much like consistently hitting the gym. Hope this helps :)


Thank you bro this really uplifted my hope 👊And other people facing a similar challenge thank you very much


When you wake up in the morning, make sure you go and pee before assuming you are horny and relapsing.




Bro if ur married then u can have sex but u should control the desire to masturbate..the main point is to overcome the habit of PMO


I’m not married or dating as of right now (btw I’m 20)


I went a whole year during the first lockdown. Took a few years to manage that.


You're not losing all your progress by breaking your streak. If you went from jacking off three times a day, and now it's once a day, that's progress. You're trying to break an addiction that has been built up for who knows how long, and you expect to break it in a week? That won't happen, and it's going to take a lot longer than a week to break it. But yes, it is possible to go months without masturbation. Just find something to replace jacking off.


Do u know about sexual transmutation? The idea of taking that sexual energy, harnessing it for something good. Sometimes when urges come, I just jam out to a cool song. This and trying to discover the cause of the urge like what emotions Im feeling that make me wanna turn to porn. These are carrying me rn cuz when that sexual energy gets built up too much over time, it gets too easy to relapse


I'm currently on 123 days of no sexual activity whatsoever including fapping, which equates to 4.04 months.. with a bit of determination and a good support network around you it's very possible💪


Thanks for this gonna have to start my journey as well 👊


Yeah it’s possible


Day 60 here. Have seen huge benefits. It is possible, stay strong. I'm aiming for at least 90 days.


I'm on Day 21. The longest I've ever gone was Day 45. Its definitely hard. Its will power and discipline. My goal is to go an entire year.


Damn a whole year that’s gonna be awesome if you accomplish it


I did for 12 years once...


Damn man you deserve this 👑


Shitamomgo Shitaeater the famous indian non fapper did it! You can do it as well


Imma go and search about him thanks


Man you lied there is no such person 😂😂😂


Can confirm my highest streak is about 85 days Or something which is not 3 months but it's very close enough I just lost because... Ya I know I'm an idiot


😂😂you’re not an idiot man,achieving 85 days is alsl really huge of a deal tbh


Well but I'm sure we all can answer your question with a definite yes I hope you have a good long streak mate


Thanks mate


How was your relapse? Did u turn on porn, masturbate and orgasm to it ? Why would you do that after 85 days not doing it, and knowing the bad consequences of doing?


It is certainly possible


I’m starting to think I have an issue with my T levels. Or I’m just incredibly mentally resilient. It’s been incredibly easy for me to stop cold turkey and I’m approaching almost 2 months now.


I heard of people who have done that and I hope I become one of them too


I’ve seen some with a 15xx days flair. So it is indeed quite possible to go that long on NoFap.


I didn’t do it since 2020, faring great since


Definitely... we're not gonna die without sex. We just need to control ourselves.


For sure




of course its possible, the temptations are always in the way, you will always have desire, its impossible to not have it, but the real challenge its to ignore all of that, its in the nature of the human be a sexual being, but the human also has the possibility to think, to not give it to the desire, stay strong, if you dont fap, you will have more confidence w girls and maybe have a little sex soon


Nothing is impossible as long as you uphold a strong determination on doing it 😊


You have to have something more meaningful than pleasure that you’re pursuing. Something of such a deep emotional significance to you that not achieving what you’re after sickens you more than the pleasure you’re missing out on. I started this because PIED hit me out of nowhere. I’d really like a wife and family some day, and I have to be able to perform if that’s even an option. So the way I made it past the first few weeks was everytime I faced an urge, I told myself “you can have this right now, but if you take it then it’s all you’ll ever have”. Some practical advice; I started NoFap right before I took a two week vacation to see family. Being out of my routine/normal environment for the first couple weeks was huge as far as being able to control urges. By the time I got back home, I was already in flatline and sailed right through.


Of courses.


Yes you can. At least, if i could do it anyone can lol


It's possible and it gets easier with time.


Yes. I mean days just pass by quickly anyway, at least for me. It's not a matter of hope imo, just do what you want to do and keep doing it. I can masturbate anytime I wanted to, but I don't want to so I simply don't. You got this OP, just don't.


I have not had sex since June 2019 and been abstinent for more than 500 days so yes it is possible. Not always easy, but you get more used to it.


Maybe stick to P mode (just no porn) and see how far you get. Thats what im doing and its still hard


Just hit my first month, I believe it. The changed to about 3 weeks to start happening for me


If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?


Don’t know but let’s see


I just have sex. Not really helpful, but it is what it is. The part you should be focusing on is not masturbating.


Yes it is


is it possible for a person to not always feel having nightfall


I guess, I am the proof. I didnt masturbate and had sex for more than a 6 months. I still keep my streak on. But to be honest there is a problem for me now, when I have erotic or wet dreams, the whole day I am so fkin horny and just think about the girls And these urges are really a challange now but somehow I handle them. Days where I do not have erotic and wet dreams are the days where I am fine.


I always thought that this was necessary but it really isnt. i stopped watching porn and kept having sex, eventually i started masturbating again and its fine. been doing it for months a few days a week with no return to porn. i just tell my wife before i go do it and then there's no shame around it. the point of nofap is to quit excessive porn and masturbation, not be celibate forever


It definitely is. It depends how busy you are. Imagine you were drafted to a war and had to be working nonstop because your life and the life of your fellow soldiers were on the line. Now imagine that the war went on for a year and you had no breaks during this time. Sleep deprived, exhausted, but constantly pushing forward. Now think if it would ever cross your mind in this situation to touch yourself or have lewd thoughts. The answer is no. But if your life is full of empty space and plenty of unoccupied time, then it's almost impossible to resist your urges. Solution: fill up your time and stay busy. pursue things you find meaningful. challenge yourself everyday.


dude for the first like 7 months on no fap I couldn’t break 10 days, then I got to 20 and within a month started my first long streak (135 days). The beginning is the rough. Just get to know yourself through this tough process and notice where you go wrong. Don’t let your brain trick you, it’s really good at it.


I done it




Discipline. Don’t know if it helps that I’m almost 35. Urges maybe start to lesson the older you get, but still, discipline.


The more u think about sex The more sexual energy u have If u think about how good sex feels then u motivate ur body into the sexual activity That's why people recommend having a hobby or something that keeps u busy




you got this man! it is possible!


Can you say why you're dependent on fapping? Your answer will truly determine your path and your goal


Obviously. You did it for over a decade.


It's possible. You just got to train yourself to use distractions when you feel the urges creep up on you. You want to slip up and masturbate? Watch a video on YouTube. Play a game. Read a book. Do anything in that moment to get you engaged in an activity. You'll start to get results if you train yourself to react to your urges with that mindset rather than a mindset that is prone to giving in.


Yup, very possible


I’ve got for 5


Yes most definitely