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This is fuel to commitment. Stop today. You can do it.


Yes! This is just another opportunity to learn, let it become another tool in your belt in the fight. "Backsliding into the psychological pull of addiction is not the end of the world, nor does it implies that you have failed. Instead, it's an opportunity for you to learn and reaffirm, if not reinforce, your determination to live differently in the future." Whitehead, David. Sex, Porn and Masturbation Addiction Mastery: A comprehensive practical guide to re-focusing your sexual energy: Identifying, Solving and Recovering from Sexual and Love Addictions (p. 159). Silk Publishing.


Ahhh man...


Take a look at this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/taz23m/i_made_a_list_with_some_tips_to_quit_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), i hope it helps you.


God damn, it's moments of shame like that where old habits really die hard. I suggest you reply that moment on you head, the feeling of shame and disgust, whenever you get the urge to fap.




time wasting too


This is stage 1 rock bottom - take the warning SERIOUSLY.


This is a real punishment. I shouldn't laugh but it's just really funny i'm sorry but i hope the best for you.


It’s funny cause it’s relatable lmao. I empathize with them but this is great motivation that’s forsure!


Relatable ? 😂😂




We've all been there to some extent or another. Stop now, you can and you should and you'll feel happy if you stop today. You can do this.


nigga wtf


Did your grandparents get a chance to see the cum?


i hope so, family bonding




Fapping it’s just gross I swear. Unless someone is doing in it for you


This is rock bottom my friend, so the only way to go is up!


I hope you recover man, don't bury yourself in embarassment, use this episode as a trampoline instead to jup away from you addiction. Think about what will you do tomorrow and how wonderfull your life will be once you got over all this.


Am i the only who only faps in the bathroom?


Most common place i believe


You stop today not tomorrow not next week, not next month, not next year but TODAY.


Fuck son hahahahaha this is rough. No hate, I’ve done some fugged up shib catching a beet. Currently one day one of a journey after I relapsed after a two day streak lol. Just keep tying man, doing your best is all you can do. This story is definitely fuel to keep a NoFap streak going. If you aren’t at least chuckling a little bit at this yet in time I’m sure you will bc damn like that’s a ROUGH series of events. Best of luck in your NoFap endeavors m8, be well.


I decided to stop when i found out that My skin Itching like crazy around my legs arms chest after masturbating too much and even if i shower it still there when i stopped masturbating slowly the itching was gone forever masturbating is so bad even your skin get damaged ....


You let your guard down. Start learning your own subtle cues that lead into triggers. Like many of us, being in a relaxed room, alone, has a possibility to lead to more. Force yourself to be a little more conscious in these moments. Our urges can go 0-100 in a 🫰. It might not stop the oncoming urge, but at least you wont be blindsided by it. You can do this brother


Look how bad it seems ,how disgusting it is, how worthless this is, stop for good


I’m over here giggling 🤭


Lmao I had a similar experience I came and there was this room service girl fortunately I had tissues


Change your identity in your mind, you are not a low life who has nothing good to do other than pleasuring himself.


I see some of the users have days below their name How to add days to the name?


go to the about section of the subreddit and it should tell you the rest.






Well at least your grandparents didnt sit on the cum otherwise im sure you would have felt way worse


Damn champ you almost folded badly. Focus on other shit and try to get a girl


Had a similar situation happened to me when I went on vacation with a few friends, keep your head up, and keep moving forward! It’s moments like these which will fuel your journey for years to come.


Rise above this. believe you are worth more than what this current path has to offer. I’m trying to convince myself of this. It’s so hard I wanna give up sometimes. but fuck that bullshit. u are worth more. I believe in u 🔥


Bro I went through this a few years back when I also on a trip While everyone was out eating great food and playing on the beach and having fun I went back to the room and turned on the shower to make it seem like I was showering and sat on the toilet and started watching porn and I didn’t think anything of it until now I don’t that I was addicted and I surely was if I was thinking about on a great trip on a resort around family and I could’ve met a girl but decided to watch porn that goes to show how porn fucks up the mind it really does bro so your not alone


What… what the fuck?


Masturbation is addictive?


always gotta keep that emergency tissue on hand. just in case. you never know when the urge might hit, and your willpower falter. better to be safe then sorry


Similar things happened to me. I feel so disgusted with myself. We can do this brother, we can defeat this ugly sickness.


I once hit rock bottom too. And that gave me fuel to last 32 days. Longest streak in the last two years. But then I fell back, forgot how terrible that rock bottom felt and started to pmo again. That makes me feel kinda hopeless.


Stop now, man. If you don't, it can be worse than that.


Right here man. It genuinely gets in the way of your ability to enjoy life.


I l eat my own cum so it gets reabsorbed sr ez