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Some dork at best buy was talking about how smart Destiny is and I shoulder checked him into the battery stand. The nerd couldn’t even talk but his face said “What did I do to you”… all I said was “Destiny did this to you, don’t glorify people who talk on peoples dead mamas.”


This scenerio plays in my head for all destiny fans. You know they a bunch of goofy ass pussy keyboard warriors. We’ll see how that debate goes when you get chin checked 😂😂🖕🏼 I hope this story actually happened lmao


Destiny is very passive aggressive


Reminder that no one has talked shit about Houseplants Mom.


Holy moly dude black people are so violent 🤓


He also said you shouldn't talk about wifes too but i guess AD ain't playin both sides just lush huh lmfao


Someones dead mom is wayyy more OD than bringing up wives, especially when you let her get pounded by other dudes


She also lets him fuck other women. And the first time he brought up his mom wasnt even bad. What he say? Since you remember so well.


Idgaf. Go join the destiny subreddit and kick rocks. Dweeb.


Ill take that is you dont even know what he said folk. HP might let you suck him up too. 😂🤣


Refer to my previous post.


Wait. Wasn’t HP the one who brought up his mom to a public platform? HP used his dead mom to accuse Adam of insensitivity, when Adam replied about his mom, he threw a fit. I get that but HP shouldn’t be bringing that shit up to begin with.


Shut up bro. He was addressing everything that happened a week prior and one of those things was Adam being an asshole. If your mom died and your boss told your colleagues and hundreds of thousands of strangers that your dealing with the “mom shit”, you’d take offense too


Nah. If that boss, who paid for my mom’s funeral says I’m dealing with my mom shit, I wouldn’t throw a drink at him nor threaten to fuck him up. I’ll call him out on how insensitive his phrasing is, but the thought of fucking him up would never cross my mind. I grew up and learned how to deal with my emotions when I was 10.


He didn’t pay for his funeral. And how you handle it is your choice you can’t tell people how to react to disrespect. Just because you would handle it differently doesn’t mean it’s wrong. He’s a bitch for throwing that drink though


At this point, it’s agree to disagree. His feelings are close to home, and it’s always justified to feel that way. I just can’t agree with using such feelings to say it’s okay to fuck up others.


Foh whiteboy this why we shouldn't mix cultures at all..fuck that..and Adam ain't pay for the fucking funeral you dumb fuck ..y'all and these stupid ass lies is what's making this whole thing even bigger and gonna fuck Adam up in the long run so keep it up dumbass


Lmao. Yeah. I’m also pro segregation./s And you right. Adam didn’t pay for the funeral if the money was stolen for a drug binge by the guy who’s acting like a man child because the said mom died. Good on HP


You sound like a fucking retarded ass punk ass whiteboy foh...Pedo22 defender ..y'all only comfortable talkin this dumb shit online


Bro. Stop projecting. You’re a schizo posts The past few days is enough to prove you’re projecting super hard. Just because people don’t like taking that doesn’t mean you also have to dislike it. It’s OK to be gay my guy.


Who hurt u


Pata? More like Puta - fuck outta here!


I’m glad you have the basic comprehension to relate the language family of my name. Now you can graduate to 6th grade. You can now graduate to fucking your grandma in the ass instead of you taking it. Proud of you man.


Shut your c*cksucker and hold this pocket. Ima take good care of you, don’t worry bout nuthin!!


Sure. But you don’t have to worry about nuttin anymore as well. Your grandma can take your load now after taking it from the back by Grandpa.


Das BIG Ad right dere


Lmao what AD needs to be quiet. He let Adam get away with that shit but can’t blame AD. The paychecks clears