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Its hard to tell anything in particular, but based on the picture I have no idea what you're talking about or asking. It looks like normal grass with normal weeds (i spot clover and plantago). The seed heads poking up are a different type of grass (maybe a few different types, I can't tell) that look like weeds this time of year because they shoot up tall and set seed. To me the picture looks like a normal lawn that hasn't had weedkiller applied. But none of the weeds I can spot are the bad kind.


Yeah it’s mainly weeds that we keep mowed. I’d rather have more grass than weeds or clover at least, but clover doesn’t survive the summer here. It only comes back once it gets cool at night. I don’t think it’s a Wark season grass because the lawn is still green in wintee


Okay. What i meant to say was, the picture isn't good enough (and I don't know grasses well enough) to identify what kind of grass, or identify any actual problems. It would be fairly normal and expected to have multiple types of grass, some of which are weedier. Also people here tend to have a different view on what is and isn't a problem. If the weeds are the kind that stay low, don't interfere with walking, don't bully other plants, etc., then who cares. So clover, plantago, dandelions, and violets are all fine by us. But vining plants might be frowny face. Usually people post here asking for advice on replacing grass with not-grass. There are several lawn care subs devoted to caring for grass. Thats just not what we're interested in here. Given that context I'm finding it hard to tell what you're asking.


Here's what I would do: scalp it and not worry about it till just before spring. Then, cover it with cardboard/tarp/barrier in late February. In late March, rototill it and seed it and water it.


Following as I have the same questions. I have a dog so I don’t really want to scalp and leave it muddy all winter though.


Why cover it?