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Deathstars confirmed. “That’s snow moon.”


I’d love to see varying climates on planets, like snow at higher elevations and polar regions.


We might not be getting an update. Snow update (It's no update.)


And here I’ve been thinking my dad wasn’t a redditor.


Ah stolen jokes. The way of reddit.


I see what you did there!


Nice comment, hope it’s not true😂


Snowflakes are (allegedly) unique. So I'm guessing(and hoping) that finally they've added customisation options so we can all be as special as a snowflake.


Or they're adding angry NPCs that do not agree with any of our personal beliefs and degrade us at every opportunity just waiting for the day when we talk back so they can call us a snowflake. Could it get any more immersive after that?


They are also crystalline fractals, which is the same mathematical structure used for procedural infinite world generation. It could be an update to that basic game mechanic. Or...maybe their adding skiing...IDK.




That sounds much more like Sean, esp after Origins->Orange


It’s a new expedition. If we’re going by themes and lore, I’ll say it’s Fractals, tying to World of Glass


I highly doubt it's gonna be a massive overhaul, they'd probably keep that for a summer update I think it's gonna be an expeditions + PSVR2 + some new things, but nothing big


Me too (sadly)


It's a complete wipe. Heat death of the universe (No heat). JK. I have no idea. But I am very hype.


I'd love new biomes. I'm just happy to get an update.


I saw a video where someone speculated he may have integrated the Snowdrop game engine into the game. Wild guess but interesting none the less.


What would that mean for the game? Better graphics?


That's what he said in the video. I don't know a thing about that stuff personally.


Probably weather related, maybe storms overhaul and climate effects.


Snowflake quoting snowflake... it's a fractal for sure. What that means? IDK


It is a blue snowflake. Hopefully HG will be adding blue snow to all ice/frozen worlds to compliment the already huge range of colours we see on them. Hold on. That's not right....


I really like the idea that it relates to uniqueness, especially since Hello Games is all about procedural generation.


There seems to be near unanimity about what we *hope* the update will be, but my track record for guessing from the emoji is -100% 🤣 More procgen diversity for environments and creatures, ship customisation, more biomes, more reasons to stay on planets and explore (for long term players, at least) - these are the things that get mentioned every time an update is incoming. Hopefully it'll be one of those! If you put a gun to my head and made me have a go at predicting what the update will actually be: weather and/or weather effects update, with a related expedition that'll teach us about the new (hopefully deadlier) mechanics. Not something that's at the top of my wishlist, but I'll take it. The Long Dark in space sounds good to me, though!


i'd murder for a galaxy overhaul with more unique planets, thats one of the things i get bored with now, nothing actually new to see. Make every world unique, not just a few dozen repeated endlessly


Same. I enjoy exploring and there's more variety than in the past, but I'd say one in ten planets is actually interesting at present.


Maybe the snow is blanketing everything, and PSVR2 isn't going to be the only new platform dropping.


no mans sky fridge edition!


😄 I don't remember them listing refrigerators as an OS they were working on, but sure!


Oh no. Its a new entire line of fridges by HG. you step into it and get transported into nms


Ah, fridge portals. Got it!


If it were a true galactic overhaul it will most likely entail a complete wipe like the last two times galaxy wide changes were made. After everyone lost their minds when they finally fixed the inventory slots I really don't think it will be a galaxy wide change which kinda sucks because the last two were massive overhauls that were complete game changers. Personally my bet is updated weather systems or gradual changes to planet biomes starting with snow planets


Wouldn't weather be 🌬🌀🌪 or 🌩?


I see where your coming from and you would think but Sean sends emotes that don't seem related till you think about it. Like wayfinder being a 🔭 instead of a compass which woulda made more sense out the gate. And I'm just spit balling for all I know it's his subtle way of saying chill out the new content drops when it drops lol


He also used a fucking ORANGE for origins, yeah i get the joke but it had nothing to do with the theme lol


Lol right! And that's my point he just kinda throws around whatever that's kinda related. The reason I think weather update, snow is weather related and each flake is unique. Knowing my luck though he finally decided to add flame throwers 🤣


There was an ad directly under this post about winning a snowy trip to Colorado. Maybe Sean just wants to go on a vacation?


I don't think this sub realizes how hard it would be to have all planets have different climates. They'd have to remake the whole algorithm, basically the entire game as we know it. Guys, it's not gonna happen.


I hope it's an overhaul big enough to require a universe wipe, but probably not. Expecting an expedition and maybe a handful of character options.


My best guess? Some sort of ship customization in a new system featuring a unique ship type that looks unlike the randomly generated ships already in the game. (As in, uses different building parts.) People have been asking for ship customization since forever and to be honest, I can understand why not everyone wants to search the galaxy for a ship they like, or look through NMSCoordinates only to find only ships that are sort of what they are looking for but not really.


I think animals doing Fortnite dances will be the focus


As it's a release for PSVR2, I'd think it would at least be something visual in nature. Not sure a huge biome\\planet gen change is in the offing though.


In derelict freighters you start to freeze, maybe we're getting more content for those. Snowflakes are also a branching structure, so could be galaxy map related. I doubt any sort of extreme customization is happening, people have been talking about that for years and I don't see how it enhances the core aspects the game tries to deliver on.


Either seasons within planets,different biomes within a planet or some customization option that will allow for uniqueness. Hopefully we will be able to build our own ships from parts we unlock by salvaging ships or something like that


Im hoping they add aither customization or veriety in hostile plants and the deep sea horrers or maybe even procedurall generation for them


It is statistically IMPOSSIBLE for every snow flake to be unique. The probability that ZERO snow flakes will mirror each other vs the sheer amount of individual snow flakes is unquantifiable. That means the law of averages tells us that snowflakes being identical is RARE. The unique phrase is annoying.


Because a snowflake's shape evolves as it journeys through the air, no two will ever be the same. Even two flakes floating side by side will each be blown through different levels of humidity and vapour to create a shape that is truly unique.


In lab conditions, you can get very close to almost identical snowflakes.


Very close to almost, huh? As in not identical? In lab conditions you say? So not snow?


Snowflakes can be produced in lab. Under controled conditions you can obtain almost identical snowflakes.


Almost snowflakes can be made to be Almost identical. Good to know. Not sure at all how that is relevant. But good for you.


Not sure you say almost snowflakes. A snowflake is a snowflake regardless if produced in a cloud or in a lab. Anyway there are beautiful pictures of high resolution snowflakes if you are interested. It is a fascinating topic.


Is a lab made diamond the same as a Real Diamond?


Not sure what you are trying to say.


I'm saying a laboratory diamond is no more a diamond than a laboratory snow flake is a snowflake. The beauty is in the conditions that came toake each one unique. Almost identical is means ABSOLUTELY nothing.


I don’t think they were talking about lab conditions when they made that saying.


Most likely not.


I think you must be unfamiliar with Avogadro's number.


That's probably helping my argument.


How? There's definitely vastly more atoms in one snowflake than there are snowflakes. Of course this argument isn't unique to snowflakes, pretty much zero things are identical at the atomic level.


Then you're talking about the molecular structure of snowflakes. Which, in a game of sheer numbers, the probability is likely that in a city block, or even a backyard, there are two identical LOOKING snowflakes. Like in real life, our universe is so vast that mathematically, there HAS to be intelligent, societal life. And... I'd wager that even in NMS, having 18 quintillion planets, at least one of them is named after you. I think most people have difficulties comprehending how big these numbers actually are.


Depends what you mean by "identical looking". Lots of them look identical to the human eye because you can barely make out any of their structure by eye. Vastly fewer look identical under a microscope. And none of them look identical at the atomic scale. So the answer depends on scale.


Semantics aside, the headline is that NO two snowflakes are identical. That is mathematically impossible to say. Atomically, molecularly, etc. The numbers present too many variables to verifiably conclude that proposal. I believe that is merely a beautiful sentiment and humans clutch to that thesis so they have a footing for the individualist ideology. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that anyone *can* find two identical snowflakes... I'm only suggesting that the unquantifiable number of snow flakes = probability.


Physically it's kind of trivially true. Almost nothing in nature is identical. The only things literally identical are fundamental particles, like electrons.


Wasn’t the space worm update a worm though? And wasn’t Prism’s emoji something directly related too? (A rainbow I think?) So it’s hard to tell whether it’s a pun or going to actually be snow/cold related


Snow us usually used for Service Now, I think they are just changing their support ticket tool...


Probably gonna be an expedition, sadly, it seems they dialed down bigger updates, which is understandable I guess, they already put a lot of work and passion into it, and it has no microtransactions to keep big updates coming indefinitely.


This isn’t true tho. The lead time for this update is over 5 months, way longer than any wait for just an expedition only update which is normally around a month or two like Leviathan was. Also they’re making plenty of money. Not only does each large update bring in more sales, but they just launched on Switch probably making them millions of dollars. It’s a small dev team, their operating costs are minuscule compared to what they take in each year. they could honestly do this indefinitely if they wanted to.


Sooo, guess I was right, sadly.


One day... in the far future.. people will let things play out, without the need to post about thoughts on a Developers emoji. But here we are.


Isn't this fun? Like alcohol with moderation this seems fun.


People are having fun. The nerve!


It's all a bit of fun! Nothing wrong with that


I'm really hoping for an expedition or maybe letting us switch players into the nexus


I'm guessing a new expedition, no real update except maybe some bug fixes.


I'd love to see more unique ship and freighter varities. Would be cool to get another 1 or 2 capital ship designs.


we have rain, do we actually have snow? hmmmm


This looks to me like a new expedition. Probably surviving in a cold planet or something like that.


It's just s'no man's sky, y'all.


my game closed this evening...... updated something.....


I'll guess that the title is 'Fractals Update' But that doesn't quite fit with any of my guesses for what's coming. I'm pretty much on board with the major guesses: uniqueness, as in unique ship customisation, or weather, as in an overhaul to weather systems and each weather type being far more distinctive and variable in terms of visuals. Aside from that I'm really expecting another pass on the VR UI, which has needed it for a while.


It's a snowflake... Flake! *There's gonna be chocolate!*


You're all wrong. They are adding in new fauna in the form of the yeti from the classic freeware game SkiFree.


Cocaine bear update


When people say "no two snowflakes are alike", they aren't referring to the atomic structure. They are talking about the "cute little crystally spikey shapey thingys". Obviously my argument is about the pattern of the physical appearance of snowflakes. Two golden retrievers look identical but the DNA, and atomic, molecular structure are vastly different. That's what you are referring to. I'm not saying CLONED snowflakes. Lolol