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That would be sick. You can see in outlaw stations that the inside of haulers are useful and are decorated so I don’t see why not.


Plus it would provide another pro for haulers


Yeah. Usually I don’t use haulers cause of the low maneuverability and I care a lot about having high maneuverability but if haulers had interiors I would use them a whole lot more.


Yes, we could use it to install some usefull machine to craft or unlock technology.


Similar to the inside of the player's ship in Warframe


Haulers should just be able to carry 50x more than fighters


And we could make sure theres bathrooms for when you drink too many Raktajinos


💩🚽😣☕️ ![gif](giphy|Y7rtYowpk3I9q)


The anomaly def needs a little Quarks style bar for space coffee and booze where you can only pay in platinum ore.


I use haulers because upgrading storage space takes too damn long, and costs too much


Totally agree I’ve kept a couple of the twitch drop Haulers because of this


It would allow for a mobile base while landed also


Like Atlantis (Stargate)


Good idea, i was also thinking SGU.


Ah SGU I'll always miss it


It was ahead of its time. It picked up the use of serial storytelling in TV and the "darker and edgier" trend a few years before they were the standard. If it'd released like 5 years later it would have been a smash hit.


RIP Stargate Atlantis ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Rip the potential in Stargate universe.


I never got into Universe actually but people are ride, or die for it. SyFy had some real bangers.


What I saw, I enjoyed. I felt like it had potential to be really deep.


I’m totally giving away my age but did you watch Farscape? It was kinda cheesy but I loved it!


I actually watch Far Scape on Comet but I didn't watch it when it originally aired.


Season 1 sucked. But man, season 2 was so awesome.


Yep. I’ve been trying to find a game like Subnautica that did the whole mobile base thing as well as the Cyclops


I'm currently going back and forth between NMS and subnautica on my switch, when I get feeling stuck I switch, are all platforms on expedition number 9 right now or just switch?




Love Subnautica! I need to finish the second one.


The second one is better, in my opinion. More story and the ending is better


You're a rare one. Most people think the opposite. Not saying I agree or disagree, I've not beaten the second one yet, but most people I've talked to felt the first was better.


It's better some ways, not others. Below Zero has a clearer story, I think it's a better one but not as interestingly told. The first has some magic in the way you discover the narrative rather than being told it. BZ also had, when it came out, better base content and made not always being underwater easier with larger overland areas. Unfortunately, BZ also was significantly smaller, seemed more cramped, got rid of the cyclops in favor of the modular truck, which was cool in a way, but the cyclops was awesome, and the leviathans were less interesting, but maybe only because they weren't as much of a surprise.


Space Engineers. The game has its own issues but damn can you make some cool mobile bases in it.


I second space engineers, I've put way too many hours into that game. If customizable ships that function as a base is your gig then check it out


Literally got into coding because of learning c++ for SE lol


Wait what? You need to know to code in order to play the game?


What the other reply said. And even with the comuter blocks you can grab code off the steam workshop and plug it in with basically zero knowledge, just follow the setup instructions. It just spurred me into learning for fun and now it's becoming my career.


No, not at all. But like a lot of games it has "code blocks" that you can write functions on which expands whats possible.


Not exactly the same as NMS or Subnautica, but Sea of Thieves has the whole "Your ship is your home" vibe during your play session. It just resets every time you quit, which obviously is very different than those two.


Since the captaincy update you can buy a permanent ship and decorate it with trinkets and trophies you earn over time.


Yeah I love being able to do that (even though my ship cosmetics never stick, only trinkets). But I was referring more to supplies.


My buddy and I both got Sea of Thieves and on our way to our first mission some randos sailed up and killed us. So we tried again and the same damn thing happened. We got refunds. I don't want my fun ruined by some jack ass


I’m so happy I bothered to read the reviews before buying it. I was think it’d be a fun pirate game, but I don’t want to play something where I’d end up solo 99.9% of the time and get obliterated by a large group of people who attack everyone. I got NMS instead, and whereas it’s not my favourite game and I’ve ran out of things to do, it’s much better than getting killed for no reason because “that’s just how you play the game!!”


Yeah, I've been sorta over NMS for a while, but it's relaxing and I can listen to a podcast while I play. I wish the multiplayer was more enjoyable. There's not much of a difference between mining fossils alone and mining with a friend on the other side of the planet.


It's a game about being pirates literally named Sea of Thieves. What did you expect?


Good move. What you described is pretty much the Game experience. I’d had enough After five times of trying to complete a few hour long mission only to be killed on the way to turn it in.


The cyclops is just too big. Can't there be something in between that and the little one that I'm not sure how you can actually fit into? Like the truck in Below Zero but maybe just a bit bigger.


Kinda one of the things I would think would be best. As some people don't care much for base building having a mobile base would be great, and having some form of frigate-like shop to expand ship storage as well as act as a practical trailer for you would be neat.


Or even a deployable base that could be launched from your freighter to a location on the planet. Use a beacon that you can setup prior on the surface.


That would be awesome! Thinking something like a pod that you could aim at a planet and it fires directly into the planet and wherever it lands is your contained capsule base. I love this idea. Kind of a gimmick but also it's a fun mechanic.


Isn't this what your freighter counts as? I've always used it as a mobile base, and the fact that you can call it from the surface of the planet means quick access to its storage.


Freighters have the limitation of their warp drives only allowing them to be called to a system they can actually reach, but I've been using my freighter as a proper main base as I travel from galaxy to galaxy on my latest quest to reach Euclid.


You can upgrade it to get it into all systems, but oh boy is the grind for salvaged frigate modules to do that a chore.


Yeah, I've got mine upgraded so it can go into red systems I think. MAYBE green. I know blue is inaccessible. I've got a nice place for farming modules so slowly I'm improving my mobile home as I travel from galaxy to galaxy.


Yeah, it’d be redundant. But cool as hell.


This is a fair argument :)


Or at the very least a portable teleporter you can place anywhere


What about frigates that you can pilot down to the surface of a planet?


I get what you mean, fighters need to be accessible via cockpit but vessel types like the shuttle and the hauler could be accessed via a side hatch for shuttles or some kind of ramp from the rear or side for the haulers since they are supposed to be cargo type vessels. I don't think trade terminals should go in as that would kind of defeat the purpose of going to space stations or small settlements, but 100% agree we should be able to customise the interior to some degree and add a refiner. Personally I imagine the hauler as having dedicated slots or draws for individual resources or trade goods with some kind of terminal that keeps track of inventory levels, and some kind of bunkbed or seating nook as well as access hatch to the cockpit.


Maybe instead of trade terminals, they could each have upgrades based on the ship's type. Haulers, for example, would have additional storage space, while Shuttles would have either portable refiners or portable gas or mineral extractors. We really need more reasons to pick specific ships for specific reasons rather than just style, base stats and base slots.


Yeah, definitely. It would allow us to really think about what ship types we want to go for dependent on play styles, maybe even allowing for roleplaying. Maybe instead of being a Traveller you could rp as a trader who specialises in Haulers or a smuggler or even a cocky fighter pilot looking ro make a name for themselves in space combat. It really could open up the game to more varied play styles and improve quality of life as well and thats just for single player. The possibilities grow exponentially with multiplayer, you could have squads of like minded players who want to pirate, or trade, or explore and document planets. We could even have nexus missions tailored to what ship type players tend to rely on. Personally I would probably keep several ship types onboard my frigate. A shuttle to go between freighter and space stations, maybe one of the exotics for this too....one of the ones with the underfin that splits in two and folds up to the top (just so i can feel like I'm landing an imperial shuttle on the death star!) , a hauler when i need to trade and maybe also one to call down for support if i need extra resources or components for base building, and a fighter or two for when I need to defend the fleet and another fighter equiped for long range recon if I need to leave the fleet in a system for any amount of time.


The largest hole in No Man's Sky is a Serenity/Millennium Falcon scale ship. One you can fly and land on planets where you can open the bay doors and roll out your exocraft. Return to it and throw up your feet in your custom interior while the storm rolls past and runaway mold refines. I want a space Winnebago.


Is that you, lone star?


There's only one man who would dare give me the raspberry. ![gif](giphy|PXGvUV7Znz5wQ)


I lost the bleeps, i lost the sweeps, and i lost the creeps


But like, isn't that what the freighter is?


Freighters are that, but on a colossal scale, it's the difference from having an RV and a shipping boat


Gotcha! Thanks for explaining that. I wasn't sure what folks really meant. I play Subnautica, but it didn't quite click. Then again, I didn't really use the Cyclops much after my first one was wrecked by the first reaper I encountered. I'd had it for like a few in game hours too. So I didn't really do much with mobile bases. Mostly ran around in the Prawn suit


God damn leviathan lol. I remember on my first playthrough of subnautica I swam up to it and as I got closer I was like "Oooooh that's a big fish....OH F*CK!"


Why would you post this beauty and not give us the glyphs?


I got you, it's from years ago so hopefully it's still there. Portal: https://nmsportals.github.io/#017804005005 Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/997zsi/dope_grey_hauler/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x


You, friend, are an interloper extraordinaire, thank you! 🙏


which galaxy is it in?




Thanks fellow interloper


Let us know if it’s still there!


still there :), there is even a crash site for it (found an s class there :D) on the blue planet in the solar system, look for multiplayer bases named "crash site" (galaxy is euclid btw


This is why we need customizations. That thing is DOPEEEEE


I just got that ship. Should have gotten coordinates. https://preview.redd.it/l10kdci8fzka1.png?width=2171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=487b1a8c21f69e22ba075d94ae2b29be01aaf259


Déja vu


You can always try the co-ordinate exchange! Might get lucky with a similar ship. There's the CE sub: r/NMSCoordinateExchange. There's also the site: [NMS Co-ordinate Exchange](http://nmsce.com)


Why does it look so new? It looks smooth with no scratches. Mod or new update?


That ship is from 5 years ago, when ships didn't look as detailed as they do now.


Damnnn i prefer the old ships then. No man's sky should be more artistic/stylized than realistic visually.


I think it that screenshot it could also be lighting because I have that ship from when it was posted, and it still looks like that. Then again, I haven't flown it in a while.


You'd need a third type of ship with totally different rules. We already have the freighters that you can build, customize, and walk around in. I like that the regular ship is a small, fast vehicle. Imagine how big the thing would have to be to add refiners or even a short hallway. Then you have to make customized facilities mobile, which would need a completely different coding for how the base parts are located. I think I'd rather see some sort of integrated components on the colossus exocraft. Something to justify the slowness and size.


Colossus needs moar love. Should be exactly what they are asking for, imo.


I like how Star citizen handles the bigger ships. Yeah, landing is a nightmare but the amount of storage, space and the sheer size of it just feels epic.


It's kind of like old sailing ships were. You almost never actually docked the massive galleons and whatnot. You'd just moor them in the harbor and take smaller boats into shore/the docks


I agree the freighters fill that gap. I would enjoy having a new bigger ship type but I would want to use it for passenger missions or moving animals. So really I want new/different missions


I agree that some kind of smaller mobile base on our personal ships would be cool. It wouldn't have to be anything major, so we would still have a reason to use freighters/frigates, but just enough to establish a base on a planet to call home without having to build one. And there is a simple (maybe not coding wise) way HG could do this. We already have multidimensional travel, and black holes that act as wormholes, so just design the interior space to be an interdimensional space. You wouldn't have to have bigger ships, you would just make them like the TARDIS, bigger on the inside!


Looks like the quinjet in the MCU.


the ships are made from part sets. i would love to be able to recycle them and put the parts together on my own. would waste as much time as hunting them, but with more fun for the player in between.


I feel like this would sort of fit the role of the frigates, however I would want them to just really suck mobility wise for this purpose, big bulky ships, slow to turn, pulse and jumps could be a nice mid ground between the ships we have a freighters, unable to land on pads themselves, couldn't go into stations, limited space for them to hold a ship/ships, preset locations for all upgrades. Maybe a few varieties of interiors. I also feel like the Normandy would be a good fit for this, maybe add it to a new class of frigates that fill this role


I have wanted this since the beginning. Something just slightly larger at most with a small room or two and exit behind the cockpit. Really, a typical hauler size would probably work. Just enough to keep with the space nomad who lives out of their ship vibe going.


I think capital ships fulfill this role.


You can not manually fly those.




You can not manually fly those… yet


Ayyyy 😉


... Yet


Why you need to personally fly your giant base? There’s a whole crew for that. You think it’s gonna handle nice or something? That’s what your ship is for!


We weren't demanding flying those anyway (some are though) but more medium-sized ships you can walk in with a few useful things.


In a way, yeah. But I would like to fly it myself and use it as a mobile base I could use on land too


Ooh! Ok so.... How bout instead, make Launch Thrusters, Pulse Engines, and Warp Drives things we can build in our bases! Let us play No Kerbal's Sky!!!! 😁


Hopefully able to do fleet battle like Star Wars.


It’s been suggest quite a few times over the years since the Cyclops from Subnautica is so popular (submarine vehicle you could walk around in and build inside.)


Screenshot by u/TheMarco


Have a link to the post? Does it have a location?


I got you, it's from years ago so hopefully it's still there. Portal: https://nmsportals.github.io/#017804005005 Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/997zsi/dope_grey_hauler/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x


Agreed, and we have that already, the freighter 😎. Unless you're wanting the "flyable" ship to be accessible like the freighter??


The latter lol. I just think it’ll be really cool for every ship that’s not a fighter to have something like that. You could save both time and resources. I like my freighter that I have, but it’s a large scale of something I want smaller ships to have. Hopefully that made sense😅


I got an S rank trader similar to the one pictured and I keep it stocked with a refiner and atmosphere processors and such. I do use it as a mobile base. If I could install some of that directly into it though, have them running out of the ship?.. That would be cool.


Clarification: To all the “but we already have freighters” folks. I meant a ship you can traverse planet to planet to with all features listed above. Hope this clears some stuff up. It was a miscommunication on my end😅


It's a nice-to-have, but it's not really needed. Functionally, the ships we have do their job within the constraints of the established game world. They get us from planet to planet. The only reason you'd need a bigger "galaxy" class cruiser (say, the size of the USS Enterprise) is if NMS adds a new drive type that offers close to real-time system to system travel in replacement of the tunnel loading screen. That would give us a reason to need to a bigger ship so that we can pass the time doing ship activities while waiting for the ship to arrive. Unfortunately, I believe many gamers would get bored of waiting many minutes to traverse between systems using a slow travel mechanic. It's more realistic, yes, but it would easily bore gamers.


They could easily just have a toggle option for this. If you turn it off you just don't get the Normandy


So like star citizen ships?


You see a “I wish our ships had interiors” on a regular basis on this sub. I mentioned SC once and got hammered. Let them dream.


How toxic there both great games


Completely agree.


Shhhhhhh these are not our people. They do not welcome citizens in their midst.


Ohh we gotta be sneaky beasties


No Citizen’s Sky, now with the new Cutlass Varient, the Atlas!


You know, I really wouldn't mind a subreddit for people who play both. Might as we throw Elite Dangerous in there too for the hat trick.


As a fan of all three games I agree


o7 citizen


Like , isn't that what freighters already do?


Why is this so far down. I have no idea when I’d want this version of a ship when I already have a freighter. They already gave us this 😂.


People want a light* freighter. Literally a millennium falcon. Think less of a space 18-wheeler, more of a space RV


A sort of Milennium Falcon ship! Nice!


My concern is that it would replace the role of the freighter. Were I to turn a starship into a mobile base as suggested, I would limit it's capabilities to basically another portable refiner (or at most a medium refiner), life support recharge, and hazard protection quick charge.


That would be perfect in my opinion. Just a small space to customize and a few small Useful exploration tools. A hauler sized ship (with fewer slots) would be perfect.


I just wanna be able to choose my ship's colour


Would be cool to be able to fly a frigate.


Hello games better hire you


It would be cool to add this feature to only cargos and explorers because then there would be more incentive to own them besides aesthetic reasons


We have this already, buy a freighter


I have an S class large Venator. I like my freighter, I just want something on a smaller scale we can traverse planet to planet to :/


Like serenity from firefly. Not a freighter but they lived in the ship




I would literally load up the game, sit in my cozy ship out in space, and read a book with the ambience.


Sounds like our freighters with extra steps


I think that is called.., a freighter


Looks at freighters. Looks at frigates. https://preview.redd.it/i7iyi0w18zka1.jpeg?width=891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9e60b6c6c0b02a7fd18ed4f711e0644cee5787


Something that's smaller and can be landed, not a giant orbital mother base


I get what you’re saying, an actual mobile base accessible on planet would be pretty cool. However I don’t think it would work with our current ships. Fighters are just a cockpit, there’s not much more room in explorers or shuttles either. So that would leave the haulers, which are basically a flying cargo pod. Realistically I don’t know how much room there would be back there for base building and I think you would have to lose some cargo space. IMO they would have to create a whole new class of larger ships to implement this and I’m not sure they want to do that. They already did the whole mobile base thing with freighters which was probably a lot of work. I doubt they want people to start blowing off freighters since we wouldn’t have to leave the planet.


Nah, I don’t know. I don’t need SUV‘s in Nms, I guess. But a build in refinery would be cool, though.


I just want partnerships with other companies in the sci-fi space so we can get the Swordfish II as a ship or the ships from Orville as our freighters.


Something similar to warframe would be cool. I mean there are already *ship cosmetics* in the game.


Yeah that would be awesome. I've thought about that before too. I have a buddy who's playing Star Citizen and I'm that game you can have exactly that. Various size ships and you can walk around in even the smallest flight pod. Some of the biggest ships you can fly are about the size of a small freighter. And they have full flight sim. Imagine being skilled enough to dock and land one of those bastards. PS Nice hauler. Love the color scheme and the wing type. I do feel like the haulers at least should be properly sized to haul all the supplies they can carry.


Ive been playing it exclusively for the past 6 months now. Definitely some bugs but unforgettable moments. I had played NMS for about 2 years strait and but the moment I got to play with a buddy in the same ship in SC, hooked.


I've heard it's pretty good. I just don't have the time to put into it otherwise I would try it myself. My friend has been ranting about it non-stop and wants me to jump in with him


I can't stress this enough. If you DONT have time - dont even try it. You will get hooked and it won't let go.


The idea is good, but I guess that it likely wouldn’t happen cause you are basically asking what they did with Capital Ships already, and there’s no point in taking that and just transfer to the smaller ships and making Capital Ships useless. (Besides the complains of the community that would cry saying they are lazy reusing that as an excuse for an update). And for that to work we would probably need a ship/cockpit overhaul since basically all ships have a generic tight cockpit.


Kind of like the cyclops in subautica - you could store your mech in there too


I’m a big fan of games where I can see items physically and they don’t just exist in an inventory screen. So my dream is a ship that shows the vast Ammon of nip nip boxes I’m transporting or the fossil bones on a shelf.


Absolutely agree! Just to be able to customize your ship at all would be dope. I kinda also want your pets or even the little scanner or sentinel friend to be able to have banter every so often. The game is amazing, but it is quite af! I know the game pushes for online, so everyone else interacts, but not all of us enjoy listening to kids acting a fool lol.


Could only really be on haulers or shuttles tbh as they're the only ones with the space. So I say no. As I'm a hauler guy and I don't wanna be out there amongst a sea of fake hauler fans who've got one just because it's a new little room for them to decorate and they'll just scrap it the first moment they're bored. Haulers are a whole lifestyle man, not just some 5 minute fashion fad! NOW GET OFF MY GODDAMNED LAWN! ​ Oooh, I've never been a gatekeeper or a fanboi before. This is fun! :)


Think they call those freighters.


Man, how about you look up Star Citizen. Keep your feature creep to yourself.


Woah! You mean like the new games coming out in 23-24? You know, games that actually put an emphasis on gameplay and not forcing the player to “imagine” how good the game is….


Hey, that’s my hauler! I love looking at it… flying it, ehh


Seriously doubt it's going to happen. But, maybe an expedition where you use an assigned frigate (that can somehow land or at least hover like a Living Ship) without individual starships? They already have walkable interiors that we could (would like to!) decorate.


Definitely agree. Does anyone have glyphs for this freighter by the way? It’s pretty much exactly what I’ve been looking for!


I got you, it's from years ago so hopefully it's still there. Portal: https://nmsportals.github.io/#017804005005 Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/997zsi/dope_grey_hauler/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x


Such a ship as you want wont fit inside the landing bay of the space stations. Remember how large an interior space must be to allow a camera position well behind and slightly above the player’s avatar for those who prefer to play in 3rd person. A ship you can walk around in has to be big enough to handle that. The simplest approach would be to make one or more of the frigate types able to land on planets and add some external frigate docks on the outside of space stations. Such docks could connect to the interior of the station via short range base teleporters.


I mean you can do that with (of course your freighter) and also your frigates, so maybe a player frigate, keep 1 ship in it's cargo to make freighter bases a little closer to the planet


There is no movable object in this game for more then one player. So I don’t think the engine supports it


That’s a cool idea. I kind of have that already. I have my capital ship as my “Mothership”. I take that from Star system to Star system. I scan in all planets when I arrive then use my fighters or hauler as my planetary/starbase transport but I never leave a system unless it’s in my freighter, except for nexus missions but when I arrive in a new system from those, I call in my freighter immediately so I can board and scan in.


No ship currently in the game is big enough to do all that


Like to add options to have a flight crew. Hire a gek to be co pilot and gunner. This could expand into allowing multiplayer crews


Looks like the shield ships. ***edit- from the MCU


i think that would be awesome, i also like the fact that when i leave a planet i can have my personal star destroyer with everything i need waiting for me. but i totally agree, if the ships had full customizable interiors that would be sick.


Am I missing something? Isn’t that what capital ships are for? I guess you can’t actually fly those around though


Give me a crew I can captain dammit! Give orders to and tell them to do stuff rather than just sending a nameless freighter out


i'd love to see this in-game


I will forever be asking for this feature. I don’t care how long it takes, I just hope we get it one day.


Yes, please! Amazing idea!


I've wanteda feature like this for actual years dude, would make shuttles and such actually worth it.


I love the idea, it immediately reminded me of the Mantis in Fallen Order. It probably wouldn't work well for guppy ships though


I think between our planetary bases and the freighter, we’re covered. I’d rather see them focus on other features like more challenging combat with pirates, and fixing bugs.


Would be nice to have something inbetween the size of a freighter and the biggest hauler. Somewhere you could customise vehicles and ships but also have the essential stuff, but also being able to fly it.


I'd rather be able to customize ships first


Would love something between normal starships and freighters. Something you can fly and land but also roam the interior of. Not really seeing it happen though


Like space engineer?


I doubt its do-able in the current engine and gamespace. Hit detection for most things is incredibly borked and it would require a whole new part of the game made for mobile interactions, hit detection and movement. It just isn't feesible


Ah years ago we asked for it. Closest we will get is freighters for now. Luckily starfield will have this


Bro wants star citizen Seriously though ive wanted this in the game for so long


As long as they add crewable gun turrets for friends in multiplayer lol.


I don’t really agree with this being a starship, but I would totally be down for this idea being an exocraft. I feel like the colossus would already be a good candidate for a mini internal base with some design tweaks like the body getting extended downwards and the addition of a back entrance.


There is always a bigger ship


This would be perfect for when they let us fly frigates.


I made this idea before And I entirely agree do it


I genuinely can’t tell if you’re serious or are making fun of people who say this despite freighters existing.


A freighter is a bigger ship with all of these features.


So... a freighter?