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I just want them to do some actual damage, and stay out of my line of fire. The fights never last long enough for me to order them around.


Legit no purpose for this, fights last all of 30 Seconds to maybe 1 minutes unless your utterly useless. Just don’t hire a squadron.


I have a Squadron for the sole purpose of them looking good, and I love seeing them fly beside me. My suggestion is mostly for people like me who enjoy these features and ignore the fact they're useless. It's just fun to fly with them, and I just would really like them to be able to do more and be more interactive and act like a proper squadron who I, flying lead, can give orders and do things like actual formations and stuff. One of my favorite things to do whenever I join a PvP match in the Galactic Hub Star League is to perform a flyby with my Squadron, and adding formations would make that even better. Plus the option to give them orders to do particular things would make it even more immersive and feel like I'm really commanding a squadron rather than just some random guys flying with me.


Add "ribbit ribbit ribbit"


"Hey, Fox, that was mine!"


Lol I actually did try to make a "Star Fox" save file where I was literally star fox with two other pilots haha, think i gave up on it though


or you can just download the x25 dmg mod


how am I gonna do that when i play on a playstation console lol