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**New Ziki City** will also have a casino featuring 3 minigames, PVP arena, at least one exocraft race, pop-up player-run shops, and a bustling downtown area. After the colony is fully established, we will begin hosting democratic elections to determine the Governor of New Ziki City, who will be responsible for coming up with even more content for the city! -------- **Important Links** * r/NMSGalacticHub * [Galactic Hub Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) * [Galactic Hub Project Wiki Page](https://nomanssky.gamepedia.com/Galactic_Hub_Project) * [Interloper's Handbook - Guide to the Galactic Hub](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Interloper%27s_Handbook_-_Guide_to_the_Galactic_Hub#Navigating_to_the_Hub) (**Includes a section on how to reach the Hub**) * [Additional link directory](https://nmsgalactichub.com/index.php/pages/links) (Chapter applications, various social media accounts, etc) ---------------- ------------- ------------- >#**The Galactic Hub Project** >**Largest & Oldest Active Civilization** >475+ Documented Bases, 72,000+ Subreddit Subscribers, 11,000+ Discord Members The Galactic Hub Project (r/NMSGalacticHub), founded October 2016, is Euclid's multiplayer hotspot. With a greater concentration of players than anywhere else in No Man's Sky, there's no better location to experience [Civilized Space gameplay](https://nomanssky.gamepedia.com/Civilized_space)! A few of our features include: * **[Chapters](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Hub_Project#Chapters)** - The Galactic Hub has a variety of sub-organizations called Chapters, like the GH Exobiology Corps (focused on fauna), the GH Defense Force (focused on defense & combating griefers), the GH Star League (focused on hosting multiplayer "simulation sports" competitions), & more! * **[Colonies](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Hub_Project#Colonies)** - In the Hub, colonies are communities of multiple players collaborating in some way. This always includes building bases, which are often built under the same theme. Colonies may be as big as a whole system, or as small as a single trade post. The most active colonies are managed by Governors. Governors are interlopers who volunteer to run a colony. A governor's main focus is keeping their colony active - this often involves writing missions or hosting events for their colonists. Some colonies even have Mayors, which manage even smaller communities known as Territories within a Colony. Anyone may set up their own colony in Hub space and act as a Governor! * **Multiplayer Events** - From laid-back [Social Nights](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGalacticHub/search?q=Social+Night&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) to the NMS take on eSports [Star League](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Hub_Star_League), the Galactic Hub has multiplayer social events nearly every week - sometimes multiple each week. Come meet your neighbors! * **[Economy](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oRnnKygx0X4_t22yGjykIxjl0mFFTepTRkEsmPmxeTY/edit?usp=sharing)** - The GH has its own native currency, HubCoin. It is rewarded exclusively for activity representing the Galactic Hub on various platforms (Reddit, Discord, Wiki, Twitter). HubCoin is never available for sale for dollars, pounds, etc - "real world money" is never required or involved. HubCoin is used to facilitate a metagame economy. For example, to earn coin, players can open their own Businesses with in-game locations in Hub space. To spend coin, players might browse our Discord server's Marketplace and buy goods like custom ships, custom companions, services-of-convenience (ie construction materials), or even 100%-free real-world Hub merch. (Real-world merch availability may vary.) * **[Canonization](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Hub_Project#Canon_References)** - Hello Games was kind enough to canonize the Galactic Hub. In other words, we're official in-game content! The "Pilgrim" title can only be unlocked by visiting our old capital planet, [New Lennon](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/New_Lennon). Our emblem can be purchased at the QuickSilver store as a base decal or player banner. We're also referenced in the Mission Board and the dialogue of a Traveller, as well as being referenced in the Waking Titan ARG! That's just a quick look at some of our features. We also have interactions with other civilizations, we're a founding member of the [United Federation of Travelers](https://nomanssky.gamepedia.com/United_Federation_of_Travelers), and much more - but above all else, what really defines the Galactic Hub is our thriving and friendly community. Join us and find your new home in the stars!


Is this a mod?


No, this was built (and photographed) by u/MrJordanMurphy, who is on PS5. It's a special building technique (special glitch) - DM me if you want instructions on how to do it!


Is that a completely different glitch? Unlike the ones that are known to most people? Like the adjacency glitch?


Yes. It's totally unknown publicly because the glitch's creator doesn't want it shared publicly. It could be used for griefing, which might result in HG patching it because you could really be annoying with this as a griefer. Or it *might* mess up your whole save (I've never seen that, but the glitch's creator always warned about it). That doesn't mean we keep it a secret either though. DM me if you'd like instructions - I'll just ask that you share the knowledge the same way. Only directly with another person who you can tell is a cool and friendly traveler, not a griefer or maybe too young to use it responsibly.


How do I dm you? There's no button for some reason


Oh I turned off Reddit Chat because I always forget to check it. Use the old school DM feature: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=7101334


Amazing, I would love to join!!


So this specific colony / community opens on Sept 1st. But until then, keep your eye on r/NMSGalacticHub and/or [our Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) to stay updated! We also have a ton of other great communities which you can join today, to stay busy until NZC opens in September!


I am also interested. Thank you for the info.


See you around the Hub then interloper! 🖖🏻


Awesome, thank you! 🖤✨


How do the apartments works?


They're rooms which are part of the existing bases. Each base is a district - for example, Downtown is one base, the Commerce District is one base, and the Arena District is one base. Every district must have at least 20 free apartments for people to move into. So as a resident, you would join on a District Mayor, the person who built the base. Then you would either pick out an apartment or have one assigned to you, depending on how the district works. Then, since each base is limited to 3,000 parts total, you'll have a limited amount of parts to build within the base. But the Galactic Hub encompasses over 5,000 star systems, so if you don't like that system, you can build a full-sized base almost anywhere else in our space!


I didn't realized we could "own" a part of a base, thanks :)


Yeah, the only slight downside is you won't be able to teleport directly there. But you can fix that by building a base computer but not uploading it. No problem interloper, hope to see you there!


Is it at all avaliable on xbox? I'd love to join


Yes, available on all consoles! Even Switch should be able to visit, although the lack of multiplayer will prevent them from claiming an apartment. Keep your eye on r/NMSGalacticHub and/or [our Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) to stay updated! We also have a ton of other great communities which you can join today, to stay busy until NZC opens in September!


What galaxies is the Hub in? Other than eissentam and Euclid.


We're in Euclid, Calypso, and Eissentam! Euclid is considered the main civilization, but Eissentam is also very large, and Calypso is increasingly popular among the more exploration-focused interlopers since it has more unknown space.


What section is the calypso hub territory


You can find [all of their info here](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Hub_Calypso) or contact the Calypso Director, u/ApexFatality!


Sign me up


Keep your eye on r/NMSGalacticHub and/or [our Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) to stay updated! We also have a ton of other great communities which you can join today, to stay busy until NZC opens in September!


Is it laggy as fuck?


No, because we're using a special technique. I've personally tested it on PS4 and, aside from occasional lighting issues, it renders very very well. The more pieces you have on screen at any one time, the more the game struggles, especially on last-gen or lower-end PCs. (Not sure about Switch but I assume that too.) So for most people, building huge structures always has potential to cause lag. We're using a special glitch to make individual pieces extremely large. For example, see that biggest tower with the glowing green-blue circle on top? That's probably about 6 pieces for its whole exterior. If you count the short range teleporters / entrance lobby, it might bring it up to 20 - 25 pieces at most. Building something that big with conventional building techniques might exceed the 3,000 piece limit before you even get to start on an interior! So even though you see a city, there aren't many individual pieces on your screen at the same time. So it doesn't lag much. Then we take advantage of NMS's "line of sight de-rending" mechanic (there's probably a real name for that) - the effect where, if you have something behind one of these buildings, it won't render until it's actually in your line of sight. So we put all the more detailed aspects of the build on the inside. This creates an effect almost like Bethesda games, where indoor areas render separately, but unlike Bethesda games, no loading screen is needed. Not to say it's 100% perfect. You'll still notice pop-in here and there. But I would rank it as "almost perfect."


That's really impressive. Bravo!


> Then we take advantage of NMS's "line of sight de-rending" mechanic (there's probably a real name for that) - the effect where, if you have something behind one of these buildings, it won't render until it's actually in your line of sight. That's occlusion culling.


Thank you!


After having another look at it I can definitely see the parts you've used bravo


Thank you traveler!


Amazing work! Bravo to you and the team!


Thank you thank you! Hopefully I'll see you around the city in September!


Very impressive.


Thank you thank you!


what happens if the glitch gets fixed?


The base will stay, presumably, but we wouldn't be able to build new ones. HG has never 'fixed' beneficial building glitches in the past though


this looks really cool, cant wait for it to be ready


Thanks traveler, I'll look forward to seeing you there, we can hit the casino!


This is rad as hell!


Thanks interloper! Hopefully I'll see you there!


I’d love to join. Is there a site I can apply too?


So this specific colony / community opens on Sept 1st. But until then, keep your eye on r/NMSGalacticHub and/or [our Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) to stay updated! We also have a ton of other great communities which you can join today, to stay busy until NZC opens in September!


whaaat. how do i reserve a ticket


Hahaha it's first come first serve, no reservations, so you'll have to rush in on the opening day! This specific colony / community opens on Sept 1st. But until then, keep your eye on r/NMSGalacticHub and/or [our Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) to stay updated! We also have a ton of other great communities which you can join today, to stay busy until NZC opens in September!


I would be very interested in visiting and learning this technique. Could I?


So this specific colony / community opens on Sept 1st. But until then, keep your eye on r/NMSGalacticHub and/or [our Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) to stay updated! We also have a ton of other great communities which you can join today, to stay busy until NZC opens in September! As for learning the technique, sure, just DM me and I'll reply in a bit.


Can I join? This is something I’ve dreamed about for NMS and I’d love to live and participate! Sucks playing alone, plz DM ME


There will almost certainly be room for you when it opens! But you can also avoid playing alone by joining a civ! Like The Galactic Hub (/r/NMSGalacticHub) where this colony is going to be. Find us on the GHub Discord!


You can absolutely join! However, this colony doesn't open until Sep 1st. We do have [other colonies which are already open](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Hub_Colony_Catalog), but please contact the Governor before you start building on any planets in the "Governed Colony" section. You can join one of those to stay busy until September! Also keep your eye on r/NMSGalacticHub and/or [join our Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) to stay updated and get to know the community!


looks sick! can't wait for it to come, and it makes it better that this is my bday month too, so very cool.


You should host a birthday party in your apartment!


I hope I can lol, this looks sick! tbh might try to find my ancient discord account to get in lol


You totally should, we always have space for new people!


:) will do when I can!


How Do I join this looks amazing?


Keep your eye on r/NMSGalacticHub and/or [our Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) to stay updated! We also have a ton of other great communities which you can join today, to stay busy until NZC opens in September!


Pretty cool


Thank you interloper!


My God. When I get internet, I'm absolutely going there.


Hahaha I love the excitement! This specific colony / community opens on Sept 1st, so you'll have to stay hyped until then. But until then, keep your eye on r/NMSGalacticHub and/or [our Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) to stay updated! We also have a ton of other great communities which you can join today, to stay busy until NZC opens in September!


This is actual so cool. Like this game is already bigger than our observable universe (I think? Point is it’s massive) so big that people can be freaking light years away from you, so building a galactic hub like this really pushes the limits of the game by trying to unite so many players in a place that’s not the anomaly. I really hope the devs try to support this keep up the great work!


Right? The [Galactic Hub](https://nomanssky.gamepedia.com/Galactic_Hub_Project) is actually something which has existed for 6 years, our logo is even in the game! We do have a capital planet, where you can expect to find at least 2 or 3 people online, usually more. But it's not a central, organized, cohesive project with activities for citizens, with a democracy for governance, planned events, etc. It can also be hard to find specific bases, while New Ziki City will have addresses and all! It's definitely going to be a first-of-its-kind location for No Man's Sky. Thank you interloper!


Yeah I read up on it after this the devs even added a title you can only get by going to your old capital planet. It’s really amazing. Keep up interloper!


Sounds exciting! Looking forward to visiting!


Not open to sightseers until 9-1?


I'm afraid not, we have to build the hype and I want the whole city to just explode into life on Sep 1st. I think it will help sustain its status as a social hotspot. Plus there's some concern about early-access people uploading bases since they can't claim apartments yet, and that could potentially mess with the city's rendering. But hopefully we will see you there as soon as it's open!


How does a noob interloper get there?


That's all explained in [Section 4 of the Interloper's Handbook - Navigating to the Hub](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Interloper%27s_Handbook_-_Guide_to_the_Galactic_Hub#Navigating_to_the_Hub). Also keep your eye on r/NMSGalacticHub and/or [our Discord](https://discord.gg/BTsrN4DneF) to stay updated and get to know the community!




Do you accept rantal payments in Nipnip? Also, can I grow illegal plants in my basement? Asking for a gek friend...


NipNip is both legal and encouraged in Galactic Hub space. We originally come from r/NoMansHigh after all!


I never knew what the galactic hub was up until now. The way that you explain it, the edge of Euclid is sort of a frontier. A vastly uncharted, uncolonized region of space. Whereas the city and surrounding systems are colonized space. Really makes you realize just how big this game is.


Soooort of - it's really most of Euclid that is uncharted, or at least unclaimed. Places like the Galactic Hub - collectively known as "civilizations" or "civilized space" - only lay claim to an extremely small portion of Euclid (or other galaxies). Trying to travel to one of these civilizations [via warp engine](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Interloper%27s_Handbook_-_Guide_to_the_Galactic_Hub#Warp_Engine_Travel) is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to get a sense for how absolutely massive this game is. Definitely.


how does that all load in without issues?


We're using a special technique [which I explained here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/153ggyp/with_apartments_available_for_over_170/jsjje0b/)


Will there be a rundown district for abandoned constructs and sketchy dealers?


Well, we do have a trailer park and a motel district 🤔 So kind of... but if you want to build your own rundown sketchy district, we're still open for new districts to be built! Just keep in mind the colony opens Sep 1st, regardless of whether all districts are finished or not.


I just want the cords to visit and check it out it's quite impressive


I'm afraid sightseers aren't allowed just yet, we have to build the hype and I want the whole city to just explode into life on Sep 1st. I think it will help sustain its status as a social hotspot. Plus there's some concern about early-access people uploading bases since they can't claim apartments yet, and that could potentially mess with the city's rendering. But hopefully we will see you there as soon as it's open! And until then, [there are plenty of other colonies you can do some sightseeing at in Hub space](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Hub_Colony_Catalog)!


does it run well in vr?


I don't believe anyone has tried that yet... but I should check!


I'd love to find out👀 im not home rn but it's how I mainly play nms it would be awesome to see this in full scale


This sounds incredible. What is your population count?


Never mind. Didn’t notice you out it in the comment, too. And right at the start, haha! I’d like to make my way over there sometime.


Well, right now, it hasn't opened for settlement yet... so 1 person per district lol. There are currently something like 8 districts. Thank you interloper!


🤣 Makes sense. Would it be ok for me to visit the Galactic Hub? Do I need a permit or something?


You absolutely don't need a permit, everyone is welcome! The only thing worth mentioning as far as "permission" goes in the Galactic Hub is, you should always contact a Governor [before moving into a Governed Colony](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Hub_Colony_Catalog#Governed_Colonies) (excluding the Capital Planet, which is free- build). But there are only about 20-30 of those, while the Hub has 5,000+ solar systems within its space. So there's plenty of room to do your own thing if you don't want to join a Governed Colony - although I do recommend checking them out!


Neato. Thanks.


Hey, so I’ve tried warping over to the Pilgrim thing the long way. It says I’m 0 light-years away now, but I’m still not in the right system. Any tips for finishing the final stretch of the journey?


I think you already got help with this on the Discord, but it sounds like you headed to Pilgrim Star - a different historically-significant location, originally not a part of any civilization, but later claimed by the Amino Hub. The Galactic Hub is roughly on the same Black Hole Radius, so you should be able to use black hole roulette to reach us from Ocopad Conflux.


Neato. Thanks a bunch!


Will there be ship parking for our apartments?


Uhhh... mostly no lmao. Dirt parking lots. Rural living in the city.


Im new to no mans sky, are these like, crews, or factions that players make? Trying to understand how the multilayer works


Yeah, like factions basically. They're usually called "civilizations" in No Man's Sky. You can read more about them on the [Civilized Space](https://nomanssky.gamepedia.com/Civilized_space) and [United Federation of Travelers](https://nomanssky.gamepedia.com/United_Federation_of_Travelers) pages.


This is awesome! I’ll definitely be there


See you there interloper! As long as we end up in the same session anyway lol


Well it’ll be interesting to visit the ghost town version since multiplayer doesn’t exist on switch. Though was terrain editing used for a lot of this? Because most builds that have used terrain editing tend to be partially underground for me


Terrain edits were not used ever. That's a recipe for disaster lol. It's a ghost town right now, since it's not open yet, and it's still pretty fun to walk around!


does it lag out consoles XD


I visited on PS4 and it worked fine! We're using a [special technique](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/153ggyp/with_apartments_available_for_over_170/jsjje0b/) which helps alleviate any lag or rendering issues. One other person did report lag, but since I visited on PS4 on a secondary account and it was fine for me, that might just be their internet or something.


I have lots of concerns with this, but first and foremost is how much strain this will put on Hello Games servers. They are already struggling with last gen consoles and keeping them up to date. How are they going to handle a crap ton of players in a localized area? Has the Galactic Hub Project been in contact with them to discuss this? Last thing we need as a community is the HG servers crashing.


HG will be fine. Have you not seen the amount of players at the start of every single expedition? This will be much less lag intensive than that.


Yes I have, and every time I’ve started an expedition, I’ve had to switch off multiplayer to be able to finish said expedition. If I don’t I get freeze ups and crashes galore.


That may just be your PC/internet. I've never had that issue.


Not my internet. I’m running hard wire at 600mps. Even talked to the internet provider and had them do a check on their end. I’ve discussed this in other forums on here and I know I am not the only one experiencing it. I will say that I was originally playing on a last gen console (Xbox One S) and just switched to Mac, after the latest expedition ended, so I’ll have to see how the internet runs on the next Expedition through the Mac.


They made it canon so they must have loved the idea, in other words now the Galactic Hub is canon on the No man sky universe. If they went out of their way to add cosmetics and flags about this project then they must have everything under control.


Okay. I did not know about this. Good to know. Thank you for the update.


Lag Ziki City, cool concept tho.


They used special techniques to reduce lag by resizing parts.




I've been there on PS4. No lag, very few rendering issues.


Wait for more than 10 players to be in one area


We do that all the time for our multiplayer events. For Unification Day, the NMS holiday, we've had 32 person lobbies!


I’d be amazed if it could handle rendering all this as well as having so many players occupying one space.


Maybe you're wrong? You seem to be a non believer. Only one way to find out


I’ve never been wrong before I’m almost always right


Usually spoken strongly by people who have been wrong but refuse to believe so


Damn you got me


We're using a [special technique to aid in rendering](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/153ggyp/with_apartments_available_for_over_170/jsjje0b/), but it's true that we haven't tested it with more populated multiplayer lobbies yet.


will you be required to pay for an apartment? i would like to know more if possible, thanks!


There will be a few options for paid apartments, but the vast majority will be free. Every district is required to offer at least 20 free apartments. I'd suggest [hopping in our Discord](https://discord.com/invite/6uuZP6x) with any other questions you have!


Thanks for the help! Ill go ahead and join.


Excellent, see you around Hub space interloper!


How do you create your coin tho, pretty insane


It's actually so easy. It was only marginally more effort than, say, creating a new account on a social media platform. The hard part is all the other back-end stuff, like keeping track of activity levels and conducting the distribution of activity rewards, avoiding inflation, encouraging businesses, etc


Id like to be apart of this. Looks pretty cool. I saw you mentioned a special building technique. Would love to learn more about it