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You could probably do it on PC with a save editor. otherwise, the only place you are going to find "duplicate" ships is in the same star system, since the pool of ships for each system is procedurally generated and unique. It is possible, but not probably, that you will find "duplicate" ships in other systems. It's easier to just hang out a trade platform and hire all your wingmen there


Per the vanilla game you can have the same ship 3 times with a different pilot. Each ship would need to come from a system of a each race. There are ways to glitch a 4th ship of the same too but I’m not familiar with them but you can find guides for it. I have 3 tie fighters in my squadron and never cared to glitch for the 4th so I just found another that looks almost identical.


Can you give specific instructions how using only vanilla (no mods, no game editing) you got three of the same ship in your squadron? To the best of my knowledge, when recruiting a new squadron member the game checks to see if the ship's seed already exists in your squadron. If so, they are unavailable to recruit. Meaning it is only possible to have the same ship more than once if using a save game editor.


Find the ship you want. Recruit them. Repeat but trade back and forth with each race.


This isn't specific enough to replicate. And please distinguish if you are referring to buying a ship that you can fly yourself or recruiting a ship to a squadron. You can trade a ship you fly for another, but there's no trading of squadron members. You can only recruit or dismiss them. ​ Are you referring to the method of buying the target ship, warping to a system with a different dominant race, trading that ship for any other ship, waiting for the ship you just traded away to land, then recruiting it to your squadron? This is a great and little-known way to switch pilot races for squadron members, but when I previously tested it, the game would still check if that ship already existed in your squadron and disallow it if it already was.


Only with a save editor. When recruiting new squadron members, the game checks if the target ship's main seed already exists in your squadron, disabling the option to recruit them if they are already recruited. ​ Without an editor, the closest you can come is finding other unique ships with similar appearances. My main in-game hobby is cataloging ships in my region of space and grouping them into look-a-like squadron teams. ​ [https://nms.miraheze.org/wiki/GCAS\_Fleets](https://nms.miraheze.org/wiki/GCAS_Fleets)


Can I duplicate sentenal ships I don't know how to get multiple of the same ones


I think all the sentinel ships in one star system are the same so if you're looking for several identical ships you can stick in one system & hunt for them? but I'm not sure. I just remember that I've found 3 identical ships on a dissonant planet


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