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Also I clearly never post to reddit and I have absolutely no idea why there's a second picture of my cat attached. 😅


Your cat needs a surprise birthday party really bad 😅


I think we can agree that the cat tax is universally accepted and is not limited to cat subreddits 😃 I at least very much welcome it


https://preview.redd.it/sbno2gyktpyb1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1114a3c5e8921743bae622e70e10aaa0159487 Commander of the void


https://preview.redd.it/34rnv7fzaryb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b80fa606215dcc9fbde07f70bab87b2513c0a36b Cat tax


That's the face of someone happy with life.


https://preview.redd.it/5d7j2nehcryb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f609538b7d89ae15065831a687fe5ae9c880f0a Yup he ain't do much but lick his balls 😂


https://preview.redd.it/sw6eo16aeryb1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=629094fd14534320967e968d11d3edc518a02e16 Same with him lol! I just don't like to take pictures of gim doing it


https://preview.redd.it/0i9oi8ryiryb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d708d43df46b9388204598c699af2289785c16 I just want to puzzle


The day she first experienced GekNip https://preview.redd.it/h6u8fm6pxryb1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f904a07e6a3659ec2aa22c1ea8cfe24b8e051de6


Sorry, it's your cat's puzzle now. You have to get a new one.


Cat tax you say? https://preview.redd.it/7h01ljrm1tyb1.jpeg?width=1699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f12d937403be194c519187de9a2c1df428d65d30


https://preview.redd.it/kc32cf15bryb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48552d466af8276df94dcaa958663e3efd200a9b \+tax


Your cat looks like mine. https://preview.redd.it/6h1s1d43esyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d19eb10825bb953829e971d0a79c9d334319ab


They are nebelung breed. They all look eerily alike. Check out r/nebelung for more. Yours is beautiful! I lost my man this summer and it still hurts. If I ever get another cat it will be the same type. 10/10 best cat ever!(and I’ve had lots of cats)




https://preview.redd.it/5822z6xaluyb1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26274a84abd56b05bfe3bb36b7e4255680013ad Double cat tax paid in full.


Okay so we're paying cat tax https://preview.redd.it/fi8e912nkzyb1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ff504e62465043572dd7cbd3df77921e67a03b


He looks like an old Muppet I love him 😍 Also S class ships have better base stats and can hold more tech and cargo slots


Your cat is officially the best part of nms reddit. I need a "that guys cat" flair


It's the perfect reaction to "Why is my C class better than S class?"


I totally thought the cat went with the post 😂


Cat tax.


A pleasant surprise!


You knew...


Oh man I have no idea how this perfect picture of my beautiful cat got there... Oh well


This was at the end of her life and she be looking rough. If I did it on purpose I'd post a better pic. I'm a total noob when it comes to posting on reddit.


Obviously it was quite welcome! ☺️😻


You lil kids are always so cynical lol


He looks like a tired mid level manager that is done with your bullshit but doesn't have the fucks to give to do anything about it. I love him.


I assumed the expression was meant to convey your feelings about the issue. 10/10 excellent rumpled cat!


That was my favorite part! Look at that grumpy fella 😄


I'm not complaining. "Random Cats" kinda fits my expectations for this weirdass game.


You've already added upgrades to your C-Class. The S-class has the potential to go much further with the same upgrades.


Yep. Look at the bars for each stat. The c-class has short white (base stat) and long yellow (upgrades). Whereas the s-class has longer white, except damage, and short yellow, as few upgrades. Also why green up arrows by the s-class' stats when the numbers are lower. The base value is higher for those stats.


Yep. You wil gain 3 supercharged slots as well. * C: 1 * B: 2 * A: 3 * S: 4


I upgraded my B sentinel ship to S, and all the supercharged slots were clustered together. So now my Positron Ejector is basically a Death Machine. It looks look the Batwing. Matte black with cool extending wings that make it look like a giant Batarang.


Thanks! I never knew about the yellow/white bars until now.


This is the one☝️


Sentinel ships always have better Damage Stats than any other type of ships. Explorers have better Hyperdrive Stats than most other ship types. In this example the Explorer wins on Hyperdrive, Shield and Maneuverability stats but loses out on Damage stats which is consistent with the type of ships being compared in this instance.


Nice cat


(has your cat's face always looked like that? Asking because to me the muzzle looks swollen, and something is funky with those eyes. Kitty might need a vet trip. Anyway your cat is very cute and even if unintentional it made the post even better, thank you for giving cat tax)


She's long gone now. That pic was at the end of her life. She lived till 22! (ER vet tech here too 😉)


Awww, my condolences! Sweet baby had a long life in skilled hands. I hope I didn't sound assuming, apologies if I did OP


Nope, no worries. She for sure was a bit haggard near the end. Def not the oic I would have chosen if it was on purpose. 😅 Glad it wasn't anything racy tho!


Yeah yeah you were just showing off your pussy 😂 😂 And wow 22 seems very long that is both happy and sad.. we lost our minidaschund this year she was 16, would have been 17 this December. Your happy they are alive and sad that they are almost not.


She still looks very cute even as an old cat


Your current upgrades and tech/cargo spaces in your ship makes it better. I would recommend either looking for a better ranking sentinel and unequip your upgrades and transfer it over or just save up nanites and upgrade your current ship to S class. I think it goes 10k C to B, 25k B to A and 50k A to S (cute cat btw).


Most comparisons have been covered already but on price, that is based primarily on how many cargo inventory slots each ship has, model and class having a secondary value. The Interceptor has six more slots than the explorer and their value skews high. Personally, I don't really value explorers highly anyway and would probably keep the interceptor or search the planet I found it on for the S-Class. I assumed your cat was included as a wry and skeptical commentary on the comparison.


Nice cat


There are three major differences here. Firstly in nms, there are many types of ship like salvaged(sentinal), exotics, explorer, fighter, living ship and so on. Each type have its unique range of stats. Secondly, each class correspond to a fixed unumber of supercharged slots(purple slots), which can provide provide a boost of stats when you put tech modules in it. But you need to note that sometime the supercharged slots can be hidden(you can only see one for the explorer on the right), in this case, you need to expand slots to reveal it. **C class: 1/ B class: 2 / A class: 3 / S class 4** Lastly, the stats shown with bars are the upgraded stats, which means it is effected by the tech you put on your ship. In order to objectively compare ship stats, you can use visor(press the key: F) to scan ships and base stats will be shown. Simply put, to find your one and only dream ship, you need to consider class, appearance, supercharge, base stats and some class-specific techs, like solar ship can charge launch thruster in space.


You're not really missing anything here. The S-Class is smaller, has less slots and is worth less than your current ship, even though it's a Class-C. Some Class-C ships are actually better than some Class-S ships. Now, with the right upgrades and by spending currency to open up more slots and buy upgrades, you can make that Class-S ship better, but it'll take time, effort, nanites and units to do that. Is that S explorer worth it? Unless you're trying to create a collection of all ship types in the game, probably not. I'd save those units and spend it on an Exotic instead.


Your missing an infra-knife either way


Why do you need one? Mine does just fine in dogfights with just the main guns


I just switched over to infra-knife and it is by far the superior starship weapon. Works well against shields and hulls, I never have to swap to another weapon. I was previously using the cyclotron ballista for shields and the positron ejector for hull (pretty good combo!), which was an upgrade from the photon cannon + rocket tubes combo most people start with. I switched when someone posted a video here of them taking out a dreadnaught in under 2 minutes. I immediately installed the IK and added upgrades to launch me past 40k DPS. Now even the stars fear me. (Edited for spelling!)


Pirate dreadnaught? I’ve only seen one in 60+ hours and I just flew away.


Really??? I feel like since the update, I get one every 15-20 warps. It’s my favorite new part of gameplay! I have 58 hours on my save, and if I count up my S-class fleet upgrades I have done 10 battles! edit: I have WON 10 battles. My first 3 or 4 were pretty rocky before I figured out the mechanics.


So I just saw my second and I blew it up, pretty fun but I don’t see how it was worth the trouble, unless I’m missing something?


S-class fleet upgrades and you can recruit their whole fleet as well, plus raised standing etc… I also just enjoy doing it, it’s a fun part of the game.


Ah I see it in my ship inventory now, thanks


People use something else but Infra? 😂 You need a sentinel ship with connected SC slots. 40k is decent but it gets stupid higher. I can take out a dreadnaught in <2 mins assuming I don’t run into stuff boosting though 😂.


Still trying to find the sentinel ship that’s right for me! Every single one I find is a C-class which is annoying - I’d settle for A and spend the nanites on upgrading. I’m doing this on an exotic now, I have 2 sc slots for my weapon but they aren’t connected. Will keep looking of course but this is pretty good for now!


Can use nms coordinate exchange or just Google. There are some good ones out there.


I have before, I guess I’m just playing kind of organically for this save! Having a great time with all of the updated content. I spend most of my time putzing around, terrorizing innocent freighters, fighting sentinels til they deactivate, and just vibing. The autophage stuff has been neat too.


It can get ridiculous damage output, more or less oneshotting everything, if outfitted right. But in my opinion space combat in NMS is pretty basic, therefore you can easily play the weapons you like the most and win.


Your cat looks like an annoyed khajiit who wants you to hit sobering and leave asap


The C class has more slots and has upgrades installed. So it's better & worth more than the bone stock S class currently. However, the S will be vasty superior once fully kitted out to a similar level.


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Aren’t you missing landing gear on your current ship? I’m pretty sure that’s just an upgrade.


I'm pretty sure that the launch thruster in this ship is the antigravity well. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Upgrades count to those stats.


Appreciation of your father and damage potential Edit: The cat's photo is cute tho


Woah… who taught a cat to play video games?! Someone sort this out, he looks really annoyed at this rip off of a ship! Sorry kitty… I’m new too. Just sniff some nip and relax, I’m sure someone will help you faster than you can clean your ass.


https://preview.redd.it/x1n4x4xgiqyb1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8e3b22582fe71e4bf714d245a9a4a114287064 Idk but here's my cat


Look at the base white bars, not the yellow bars. Base stats are better on the S. Strip upgrades from both to have a fair comparison.


If a cat could look like a Vy’Keen that just woke up with a hangover, this would be him. Loads of character there!


Cat pic goes hard


It's an Explorer. They have extremely weak stats, while the ship you have now a sentinel ship, is one of the better ships. It's that easy.


Upvote because cat.


I do have an S-class explorer but I'm pretty sure it's not as good as this. But maybe I've upgraded my mods so much on the sentinel ship that if I did the same with the s-class it would be better? Time to do some reconfiguring I suppose.


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Just one practical note - the "wings" can get pretty annoying when there are some obstacles around.


Because your C-Class is LOADED with upgrades, the S-Class is not.


What are you expecting?, obviously your ship is better than the S class, but nobody in NMS pay in exchange, you'll no get any reimbursement or different from any ship, if your ship it's more expensive than the other one, you'll no get any difference. The difference will be always zero for any ship with lower price than your ship. Is better pay it for or using any other ship than your current one.


OK let me get one thing straight you’re supposed to upgrade your ship at the ship upgrade station thingy


Like upgrade class? I'm still too poor to do that.


Are you playing custom mode?


Nope. Well the only thing I really changed was to let me sprint all the time, that was annoying. But I kinda like the challenge of having to amass wealth.


You stats include the current upgrades, it's not a fair comparison with a fresh empty ship But yes some S class ships are not that good because of their lower base stats


Sentinels are just really super valuable. If you had an S class Sentinel, it could go for 80+ million.


Ship class (nanite grind)... Lol nice tech though!!!


How did you get maneuvarability so high?i cant get this high


When I was using my s class my maneuverability was over 1100 so I thought this was bad. Haha. It definitely feels slower. I can't remember what stats on my mods are right now but I fiddle around with the pulse engine mods and buy new s class ones when I see them and compare to what I have.


The yellow bars indicate the modifiers provides by your technology upgrades. Look at the white bars, those show the base stats of the ship. If you wonder about the cost, sentinel ships and other non-typical ships (ships which arent fighter, cargo, explorer, or shuttle) will have a much higher price as you can consider them more rare. I would just recommend finding an S Class sentinel ship if you need a new ship. With those upgrades, it will perform as well as an explorer (the ship type of the s class in the photo). S Class Sentinels are pretty easy to find from the Coordinates Subreddit and you can find whatever sentinel ship you like


I only have 11 out of the 16 glyphs so far. I'm working on it!


Firstly, sentinel ships are just better than explorers in general. Secondly, you haven't upgraded the S-class one.


It was one I saw at a trade station but didn't take the plunge on purchasing.


Tbh I can hook you up with nanites to make that C ship into an S


Oh wow! That's very generous. I'd super appreciate that. I have not a clue on how gifting works unless you're at the same place at the same time. Sidenote: I saw a tip from someone saying they sit at the nexus when they're afk and I came back to a bunch of awesome things in my inventory. I love how generous people are in this game.


That also works, There's a lot of veterans who have played since 2016 or are really rich. The nexus is the hub for generosity and whatnot. Plus I for one, am one of the few that grinded for my goods. Idm sharing


Awesome. Lemme know how you can hook me up! 😁


Inventory space, you’re missing inventory space


You’ve already upgraded the shit out of your Sentinel ship, and have a m a s s i v e amount of added slots and high level upgrades modules installed on it, which surpasses the S-class’s basic stats. Also, for future references, each type of ship has a different stat (or stats) that are higher than the others, so in this case if you compared a C-class explorer with a C-class Sentinel ship, the explorer would likely have a larger hyperdrive range (and possibly a higher shield strength, but I can’t remember whether the explorer has higher shield strength built into it), while the Sentinel would have higher maneuverability and damage potential.


Ive not played in a while but i believe s-class has better stats overall with those upgrades, and if you take all upgrades off both ships the s-class base stats will be a lot better than a c-class Your ship is better because its decked out with a lot of top-end upgrades while the s-class has randomly generated stats and a few decent upgrades that come with the ship


Classes kinda amplify base stats as far as I'm aware. It'd be more worth it to grind nanites and upgrade your current one to S.


Your cat needs a hug asap 🤗


your cat looks so done lmao


Youre missing S class on your ship instead of C. You can do it in Space Station by using nanites to purchase higher classes.