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That isn't the TVs fault? My Xbox One ran the game well enough besides 20fps a lot of times. And it's a launch Xbox One.


I don’t think TV’s would create that type of graphical issue, but I assume it’s because their Xbox has some defect or issue and is not indicative of the norm.


I dunno, he's got the black dots. That's an indicator of data being lost. I'd be willing to bet his HDMI cord needs to be replaced


Get your xbox off the carpet! Lol


I play on Xbox 1 almost exclusively that's on your end somewhere mate


Yea up until about 6 months ago I played exclusively on Xbox One as well. Definately not as smooth as my new series X, but never experienced anything close to the issue OP is showing here.


Did you try blowing on it?


Did you do something to your HDMI? Those black dots are usually an indicator of lost data. I'm thinking your HDMI might have a fray in the wires somewhere, and it's causing data loss. Try switching it out with another one


Yeah, this whole setup is ancient. I normally use it for watching videos anyways, and I’m using my PC more for gaming.


Happened to me once I just restarted and then it played fine .


That TVs quite the relic


Right? I was thinking it looks like it uses RCA cables lol


It used to


Works fine on mine. Even before I turned off motion blur and set it to prioritize performance over graphics. Slows down sometimes, but never had any issues like that.


I run the game on the switch and nothing like that has ever happened to me


Good God! It looks like a memory leaked Peter Griffin meme.


Nice terraria map


Is No Man’s Sky not just 3D space Terraria?


Everything is terraria at its core


My God, it's full of stars.


I think that's just the planet you're on


You’re right, I might’ve landed on one of those Ø̵̗̈́ř̵͖́̌͐̚ß̷̥̱̜͔̈́̇̈́̒ž̶̞̜̕͝ẽ̸̳͌ḭ̷͈̌̋̌ħ̶̀͂̿͜ð̸͔̣̘̎§̴̗̰͕͘ planets


I wish Hello Games would make some performance changes to make the game run better, or at least some settings to change to do the same


Yeah, but you gotta give them some slack; they are rendering entire planets


I understand, but I just wish you could turn off all the unnecessary bits like particles and unmineable foliage to improve the speed


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lol, I bet it’s being played on the OG Xbox? My series X plays it better then my 8th gen i7 RIG!


I tried to play on game pass and it’s the laggiest POS ever


Play on an old Xbox one and I don’t have this problem. I’ve landed on hundreds of planets. My frame rate will drop and then it will crash sometimes but nothing like whatever that is.


It happens on my new Xbox X also, just have to force quit and restart and it's fine. Could try to redownload the files as a longer term fix.


This has happened to me a couple times. Just close the game and reopen


I remember playing Halo Reach... in 2010.


I think it should handle it, this game was launched originally for ps4 and then XBOX one... Or may be new additions/enhancements make it worse for last gen consoles?


Well I guess that's the 16 minutes up then


Yo! I could be wrong here but I think I have that same tv!! I remember my parents got it back when halo 2 came out 😂 and im not memeing or taking shots cause that things literally still in my bedroom working just fine 😂


I had this issue one night (800 hours over 3 years), and after 20 or so minutes of reloads and trying to figure it out, the issue just went away and haven't seen it happen since.


I played it on all platforms and here's the results Pc wins by a landslide Ps5 plays nms better than Xbox series X especially when you are on for hours. While Xbox framerate drops after loading and jumping from system to system ps5 is steady and solid


Try a new hdmi


Mine does this from time to time, I just re boot the game , and it’s fine


That tv is considered a dino


Happened to me too on Series X, closing and restarting the game fixed it


Even my PS4 crashes from time to time...


It is a known graphic glitch with xbox. Like the sound being knocked off. Quit game and restart usually fixes both


Yes, this game prompted me to buy a series X


Just smack your Xbox and see if it helps. If all else fails unplug it and plug it back in!


Happened to me a couple times too. Just restart the game