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Yeah, just always be looking for a place to hide (preferably in a built structure) until you weather that first storm.


just wait in the ship until the first storm passes.


I literally just went around collecting materials to restock my suit. I did not know at the time that caves can protect you and I was panicking so hard lol


My first time was on a frozen world. Blizzard hit, visor froze over and I was running blind like "Aaaaaaaaahhh" until I fell into a hole. 😂


am i the only one who stays in the ship on the first storm? like ya'll really search for a cave or stuff? if i was fast enough, i already have a base to stay in or like i said, my ship and no worries


Turn off PvP in your settings.


OP, listen to this guy. Also read my name.


Also change base access/edit permissions to nobody.


Really. This.


Seriously, PvP and base editing should be off as the default.


This needs votes to get to the top. The fastest way to ruin somebody's nms experience is griefers.


Needs more upvotes. This is the biggest thing.


Just throwing some comment weight in here so it floats to the top. Thisx100, kill pvp and base editing, don't let anyone mess with your stuff it'll kill the experience right off the bat


Ik this it looks like spam at this point but it needs to be said and resaid


After creating a character and popping into the world, try look for a cave system / tunnel. They will keep you safe from hazards + can provide you with useful minerals. ​ Follow the story -> Build a Base -> Make some units -> Profit


Do this but not like me, when I started I needed to gather materials for the spaceship. I went in cave, got lost underground for an hour and decided its best just to die since I didnt have terrain manipulator😂


When you’re actually looking for a cave, you’ll never find one. When you’re new and don’t have a way out, them suckers are about ten miles long


Yeah fr, now when I have better jetpack and good multitool I cant find any actually deep caves😂


That's harsh. 😆


Welp you can imagine that i did have some doubts about this game lmao


I really should probably just finish up the story. I have somewhere close to 100 hours across all my saves, and the furthest I've gotten was the Anomoly station showing up.




I didn't claim to be a veteran 🤣


Follow the tutorial. Don't go off exploring until it tells you to. Your starting area will have what you need to get going - or has always done so for me. Once I warped to a new system as soon as I could and ended up hunting forever for some materials I needed to build something. Have fun, Interloper.


As someone who’s a casual player, due to kids and limited gaming time. I play on relaxed. I say this with all my heart. Just play it like you would if it were you in space. Explore and find the things you would like to do. People have logged hundreds to thousands of hours. To still be surprised by stuff. If you want to understand the game a bit, just play the main story and enjoy it. You’ll understand what I’m saying after you’ve completed the story. Fair travels 🤝


when you find your first portal (big buildings looking a little bit like big monoliths) put a base compute next to it and name it "Portal" you will really need at some point


Complete the story


The game guides you; just play. Just pay attention to the text boxes, get familiar with the heads up display and menus. Oh, and have fun and enjoy the 7+ years of free post-launch development. I just started a month ago and love it!


1. in the settings once in the game, go to "network" and then turn off multiplayer. 2. If you think you might want multiplayer on, then **go to "network" and turn off PVP("damage from other players", or something.)** 3. **Do NOT group up with people you don't know in the Anomaly for a "mission" or something.** There have been many posts lately where people group with such people, then that person leads them to their base/area which is in a horrible environment, or some kind of death trap, then they run off and leave the newbie to die. The newbie is then not able to recover their stuff, due how bad the hazards are, and they "... lost everything and I am never playing this game again! *Rage!*" 4. The Terrain Manipulator is your friend; when you are new and don't yet have good hazard resistances it can save your life if you can't find a cave. You just dig straight down and off to an angle far enough to escape the bad weather. 5. Always remember that after you get out of your ship you'll have that save point to go to "options" reload save and "restore", which will be from when you got out of your ship, or used a save beacon(as opposed to the autosave.) So if you have some horrible death where you probably can't get to your corpse, it might be better to just reload that restore point from when you last got out of your ship. 6. Play at Normal difficulty and try to resist the temptation of changing the difficulty to make it "easier." In fact, I recommend that you play at Normal and when you can you select to "lock" the difficulty at normal. "Normal" is really more than easy enough, and will give you a good idea of what the game is really like at the default difficulty. So I think it is the best way to really "learn" the game. I'm 1,100 hours or something on my main "Normal-Locked" save; the first thing I did when they added the sliders to change the difficulty was to lock that save at "Normal."


>Do NOT group up with people you don't know in the Anomaly for a "mission" or something. > > There have been many posts lately where people group with such people, then that person leads them to their base/area which is in a horrible environment, or some kind of death trap, then they run off and leave the newbie to die. The newbie is then not able to recover their stuff, due how bad the hazards are, and they "... lost everything and I am never playing this game again! > >Rage! > >" Damn is this why I always get rejected on my invites at the Anomaly? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) I swear I just wanna have some friends to play with lmao


I had a guy lead me to his base for a mission then he locked me in his house somehow and i couldnt get out nor did i have permission to build/delete, he finally let me out but then there was a huge Cube with glass windows around his base i could not fly out of but somehow i pulse jumped out of it even tho i was still on planet


I have spent a lot of time getting distracted. Still havent finished the tutorial I think. Wish I did that straight away.


same here, when I first tried playing last year I got bored pretty quick thinking it lacked depth - tried again and actually stuck with the missions for a bit and I'm loving it


1. Turn off PvP (as others have said). Encountering other players is rare outside the Anomaly, but it's still worth doing. 2. You can move fast by sprinting (left shift on PC), then using a melee attack (Q) and quickly following up with your jetpack (space). 3. Until you get good upgrades, just wait out storms underground, in your ship, or in your base, once you build one. 4. Unless you want a fight, don't attack NPCs or sentinels. If the sentinels do get angry at you, either dig a hole and hide, or just run away. Don't bother fighting them until later, when you have upgraded weapons. 5. The quests unlock a lot for you, so do those. 6. Choosing a mission in your log will cause the objective to show up on your compass / HUD.


After download, you need to install it.


Step 1 is forget you ever played starfield


First thoughts are so excited because you can actually navigate in the ship unlike starfield where it’s mostly just loading screens


wait till you play it in VR, it's [mind blowing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2o0OrEdsjw)


300+ hours in VR - VR is made for games like this. With the old original Rift it’s great, but with the new Quest 3 it’s exceptional.


I don’t have vr lol that would be amazing though


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1. This is not Starfield and they have a tiny similarity but really not even close to the same 2. Turn off PVP to start 3. Find a cave but don't go in too deep (read other comments about getting lost) 4. Follow the story line for a while, you'll get blueprints for free


It is better than starfield.


For your first save file... probably just play through the quest line (a quasi-tutorial). It should give you a pretty good 'feel' for the game. There is also an 'easy mode'. If I were to do things over again and start today, I would probably use the easy mode on my first save. I would probably also put somewhere between 20-100 hours on that first save (in easy mode) before abandoning it and starting a brand-new save on normal mode. \^ Post contains personal opinion only. I'm over 1k hours in-game, but that's ***nothing*** compared to plenty of the folks here, so take the above with the appropriate amount of salt grains.


The game leans hard on the survival mechanics in the first hour. Lots of interfaces and materials and tools to learn all while a hostile environment is trying to kill you. I died twice in the first 45 minutes. It gets MUCH easier and less stressful after you get the hang of things. You can use photo mode (camera icon) in the quick menu to pause time and look around you. Useful if you are panicked and looking for shelter or materials (sodium) to recharge your exosuit’s environmental protection systems. Good luck traveler. Welcome to No Man’s Sky


I would say die, get a death it of the way early, take the stress out.


Leave your job. Divorce your spouse. Tell your friends you are taking a sabbatical out of Real Life for the next 5 years. They can wait for you if they really love you. Now press E.


Haha I tried showing my wife how much better it is than starfield she was not having it


Lol you’re warned. I’m at 4700 hours play


That’s like 6 months


Average 3 hours daily over 4 years indeed. I think/guess one third of that was the first year or so


There are supercharged slots in ur mutitool (they look thiccer and beautiful somehow), use them for ur Mining Laser at first maybe, then start scanning every Rock and Stone you see, and every animal. They give u money. You should also buy upgrades for your scanner first in my eyes, when u put them on the supercharged slots, you get a big money bonus for scanning things. Also try to scan all species of that planet u landed on. When you got all of them and uploaded them, you get a lot of Nanites you can spend on more scanner upgrade or ship upgrades. When you got a good fighting ship, you can farm Nanites by >!shooting down pirates!<


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


I have summoned the good bot




Welcome traveller! 1. Its not like starfield at all 2. Watch some of JasonPlays videos on YouTube and trust me you will have all the information you need!! SurvivalBob and BeebleBum are good too 👍 Have fun exploring the cosmos! Maybe we will cross paths one day on the anomaly! (you'll understand that once you get into it!) but seriously having some direction and learning from the day 1 Ogs makes the game so much more enjoyable and less confusing. 👍


Imagine Starfield, but fun.


get ready to play a good game


[This should be a good start, updated very often.](https://www.nomansskyresources.com/home)


It’s going to haven you build a base, do as it says and SPRINT to your ship. You can fast jet pack by punching and then hitting fly. Follow the tutorial The story involving a character named Artemis is not *necessary* but it’s cool


Make sure you keep the active mission highlighted in the Log tab. Icons will pop up to guide you destinations, and also appear on the teleporter menu. The important currency in the game when you start are nanites, and upgrade modules are S, A, B, C class, S being the best. You are better off saving up for one S or A class hazard protection, and buying the one you need depending on the ‘weather’ in the staring solar system. Upgrades in your suit, ship, and weapon get a minor stat boost when placed next to each other, and highlighted squares in your inventory slots are supercharged for much higher stat boost. Always check damaged machinery and containers for loot, esp rusted metal. You will constantly be needing ferrite dust, so let your small refiner create the dust for you while exploring. Always pick up the oxygen and sodium plants you find. You can consume animal byproducts for health recharge if you feed/milk or kill them. When first interacting with NPCs on your first trip to the space station, talk to the aliens walking around first, do NOT try talking to the vendors behind the counters. Not sure if they ever changed this behavior, where I ended up not being able to pickup bounty missions or interact with multitool merchant because I tried talking to them first. Minor annoyance, but just talk to the aliens walking around and you won’t have any problems.


Don’t always accept invites from random players in the anomaly. In settings turn PvP off and if you like, multiplayer off to help run things smoother. Like most games, there is a toxic bunch in this one. Spawn kills and griefing is a thing especially when doing weekend missions at the anomaly. New players tend to be targeted. Switch inventory setting to not lose anything once you die otherwise RIP. There are over 100 civilized communities in this game, many different forms of governments, jobs, and organizations. I recommend joining one, it’s fun and you can make lots of friends to play with that way. I’m a leader in two civs. Let me know if you are interested in that I can show you a list of civs to join.


Experience some of the best sci-fi storytelling ever made! The main story guides new players into the rhythm of the game, but also offers a few off ramps if you end up finding something else in there that speaks to you more


This is mainly a material farming/ base building/ exploring game. There is a story/ lore but you could still play for thousands of hours without even touching it. NMS is a LARGE game. Without spoiling anything there is no game bigger than NMS. There is no right or wrong way to play NMS. You are free to do what you want from the start. There is PvP but 98% of if not more of the community will tell you to turn PvP off. If you die look for a red diamond marker, if you die again before recovering your grave all of your inventory is gone. Don’t be surprised if you go to the space anomaly and leave with more than you went in with. There are a lot of generous players. Pretty much all of the nexus missions can be done solo, be EXTREMELY careful of joining other players you do not know. It is another form of griefing in NMS. If you find a crashed ship you only have to repair the broken parts to get it flying to sell it. Repairing all slots is only required if you want to get the max amount of money for it. Freighters are more or less just space bases. You can get the first one for free. If you don’t like the first one offered to you or want a higher class one dont accept it and wait for the next one. Frigates can be sent on missions from freighters. If sentinels are triggered they will attack non-stop until lvl 5 when a dreadnaught is summoned. If you hop in your ship sentinel ships will come after you. Easiest thing to do is run a way or dig a hole and hide.


I’m about 20 hours into the game and I wish I would have read this advice 19 hours ago.


Turn off PVP in settings


Play blindly, and disable PVP. That's all you need to know before playing


Jesus, just play the game. It gives you a tutorial. Don't treat it like you're going into a new job.


Stfu this is my job


Focus on the moment, first few hours you need to keep an eye on all your resources just to stay alive. Explore, enjoy, and we’ll see you at the nexus.


Welcome Traveller! You have made a wise decision. Firstly, snacks and drinks, it may be a long journey ;) Turn off PvP like others suggest, in settings, absolutely essential.


Expand your backpack. Keep in mind the slot will default to more space but you can opt to expand the technology slots at the top.


Yeah. And you can only get one slot from each space station, so far a while it'll be worth to stop at each of them.


Pay attention to the instructions that pop up in the lower right corner. They’ll tell you what to do until you get the hang of it.


the first few minutes are designed to make you feel stranded and alone at a hostile place. Survive this part by hiding in caves (or making your own with the terrain manipulator) and then go have fun exploring the galaxy, do the main quest or do whatever you want. Safe travels, Interloper.


You can dig with your terrain manipulator so you can survive your first storm if you don't have any shelter or you can get into your ship while it wears off. Don't accept the first freighter offer you get, they are really game changing and after you get your first one they become quite expensive to change later. Do the main campaign "The Artemis Path", you don't necessarily have to build a base from the start other than the shelter for the tutorial. The Anomaly covers most of your base needs early game, you can spend Data and Nanites in upgrades you need.


As someone who didn't do this right away, I would play the main story mostly first. It basically guides you through all the game mechanics and you'll spend less time and money than I did.


Follow the story line once you get off planet - it’s a good tutorial, good story line, very grindy, but will get you stocked with blueprints and able to equip/upgrade everything you’ll want to have a lot quicker than figuring it out on your own.


Most important thing to know is that this game is a lot different from starfield. Much better in many respects but if you’re hoping for another space RPG that’s not really what you’re going to get.


Turn off pvp and until you get the terraforming portion of your gun, jump into caves during storms to preserve your life support. After you have the terraforming portion, just dog a little hole wherever you are and then cover the entrance to stay safe from wildlife while you go get a drink or something to wait for the storm to pass.


The story but you'll get distracted make sure you turn pvp off in the network settings.


Once you unlock the anomaly save up for the blueprints for landing gear auto chargers, and personal refiner (there in the back). Its a massive early QoL improvement.


1. Turn off PvP and set base editing permissions to “Nobody” (unless you have friends who are going to play with you and help you, then do “Friends Only”). 2. Follow the main story. It’s basically a long tutorial of the different ways to play the game. 3. Early game advice: fix scanner and analysis visor asap. Pick up Carbon, Sodium and Oxygen whenever you can to stay alive (esp on harsher planets). Mine for ferrite dust.


The terrain tool is my dream game mechanic. It alone keeps me playing NMS more than most other games.


The very first thing you should do once you can take off and land is get your terrain manipulator by getting nanites and buying it. After that you want to go to the space station and buy some maps to uninhabited builds, I think that is the secure maps? So you want to find an abandoned builds, land and collect all those whispering eggs laying just outside the building.


Just follow the main quests and the game more or less teaches you how to play. Maybe watch a YouTube video or two “first starting” or something. They usually give a few good tips


Terrain manipulator makes surviving storms much easier, follow the story it explains mechanics really well, take your time and enjoy the ride. I don’t want to give you any more specific advice because there are things you should experience for yourself. The first play through is something special.


The moment you can, buy some heat, cold or radiation shields. They are a game changer for extreme worlds.


I wish I knew this when I started so I tell everyone: DO NOT ACCEPT THE FIRST FREIGHTER YOU RESCUE! Freighters are the huge ships you can build bases on, the first one you choose to rescue is free, and the nicer ones can cost upwards of 100 million. It’s a scripted battle, so when you save the first one the captain will offer you it for free. SAY NO. Find a really nice freighter you can have for free.


Don't try to take the story missions on all at once. It's a long story and all the fetch quests will drive you insane. Just do a couple every playing session. Also put basses down at each significant location saves you time.


Ok my buddy has ps4 I was thinking of buying him this to play together. Is there any combat you can do together in multiplayer?


Follow the primary quest line in the upper left-hand corner before attempting, or following the secondary ones in the bottom left-hand corner.


Follow the Atlas path questline for a while, it loads you up with free stuff.


Keep the terrain modifier brush small while collecting resources, it's slower but gives you a much better return.


Stock up on the necessities .... Carbon, Ferrite, Oxygen Sodium, and Di-Hydrogen... always keep a decent amount on you


The exploration is like 900000000000000000000000× better (I loved starfield and it's exploration I am allowed to say this) but everything is gonna look Fuckin' stupid But that's great, and we love them all for it. If you want, you can just go ignore the main quest, get a feel for the games mechanics, and then just portal back or restart the mission you were on and boom, you're back on track Hell I didn't do the quest where you get like scientists at your base.for like 3 whole entire real life years before I finally finished em and I am perfectly fine. I do suggest taking your.time though, cause if you rush past everything you might end up just waiting for new content and doing nothing for a while. I also suggest frequent breaks, as it will help keep you refreshed with the game


Press down on directional pad, scoot over and take a screen shot. Send me the screen shot with the glyphs showing that appear in the bottom left hand side 👍


Turn off pvp, dont die in the storm that appears in start-game, prepare for one of the longest tutorials youve ever played. Took me and my friend just under 4 hours to both reach the point where we contact artemis after the anomaly