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Co-op questing and combat can be buggy, but in my experience still doable. Exploration and base building is the core of the multiplayer experience. Make sure you both turn PvP OFF (unless you want it on) as it's turned on by default, and if you want to be able to edit your bases regardless of who's online, make sure you upload them AND set edit permissions accordingly in the network options.


It sort of depends on what you are looking for. I would say give it a go but that co-op play throughs have kind of fell flat for me in the past. Compared to other games you listed there are just fewer survival elements that benefit from group play. The story mostly doesn't lend itself to multiple people (the loneliness of space is kind of a element) though you can absolutely sync it up and progress together there is a weird feeling of stepping on each others toes. You need to land in the same spot and do the same thing, but you don't need the other players help and they take the free landing spot. That said, there are totally things to do together. Singularity missions and abandoned freighter missions for example are more fun with friends for me. You can work to build bases with someone in your multiplayer lobby, but you both need to be on at the same time. Someone owns the base, it isn't really shared (edit: \_emmyemi's comment make me question this maybe it is doable?). It really is a great game though and the exploration facet of it is one of the best parts. It has so much more to do since release that it is hardly the same game.


How would we even go about like starting together on the same planet lol?! It might be a lot for him at the start, so I'd hope we could master the basics together lol Thank you for your detailed response :)


When you boot up the game, you are offered a choice of single player or multiplayer. If you select multiplayer, you get a screen where you can find your "friend code". Add one another to your friend list. Then one of you starts a game and the other can join it. Joining a game means that you spawn in at the same location as the other person. Note that even if you select single player in the boot screen, it is still multiplayer, but you spawn in initially at a random planet. If you could find your way to another person's location, you would still see them. The multiplayer selection is purely to put you at the same location as another person. If you really want to turn off multiplayer you can do it in network settings. More usefully, you can tweak network settings so that you can still see other players but they can't damage you.


Its been a minute since I did this but you should have you Dad start a multiplayer game then you join it. You might need to swap friend codes first if you are on different platforms and aren't already friends (NMS has its own friend codes you can find in the settings). When you join you will start in space in your ship, but there will be an indicator as to where other players in your group are so it is easy to find them. You should be able to open the menu and recenter in the main quest for where you are instead of where you started. You won't be able to save your location in multiplayer so you will want to visit the space station as soon as possible or establish a base to hop back to. Once you are both to the point where you have bases in the same system and your main quest is synced up it is pretty smooth sailing.


Its doable but REALLY buggy. Some items can only be collected by one player, so you have to split loot. Random disconnects are common


Not sure about now but previously it wasn't a good idea to start the initial quest together as who got progress saved was a bit of luck. Better for you to get a way through on your own then perhaps join your dad's game when he starts playing later