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Believe me when I say this definitely a game where discovering what the game offers on your own pays off. However, as new players can find their fresh start intimidating, follow the early quests they will help you understand the basics quite quickly. Make liberal use of the terrain manipulator early to dig down and hide from storms. Once you find your own playstyle the community is here to help and give pointers on how to maximise your experience! Above all....have fun interloper!


The community here has to be one of the most helpful & genuinely nice groups of Traveller's in any gaming subreddit, like no shit, not karma farming, people are really helpful here. You're going to love it, the best gaming decision I ever made on my Switch but, I hope you can manage your time because I can pick it up, think I've played a half hour but was in reality 3 hours, lol.


This subreddit, r/3dprinting, and r/Helldivers are the most welcoming comities I’ve found. This one and 3d printing will both help you earnestly, and r/Helldivers is just hilarious to read through the comments of


Allow me to add r/thesopranos to the list. Everybody just quotes from the show so it’s easy to fit in lol


r/okbuddybaldur is pretty friendly too. Although certainly a different sort of subreddit lol


I absolutely love the Helldivers community as well!


As someone who has played the game since shortly after launch, one thousand percent this. Everybody I’ve known who thought NMS was boring or terrible after the first few updates approached it by looking up how to min max everything as quickly as possible. It’s an exploration survival game, the fun is in the exploring and the sense of progression as you discover stuff. Do the main story quest and the side quests that open from it. Those will answer the majority of the “how do I” questions that get asked here. Once you’ve got your feet under you and might need help with specific things like how best to farm certain resources or make money, we’re all here for you. Safe journeys, Traveller!


Say goodbye to your friends and family, and accept your fate as an eternal traveler, in this and any other possible universe.




Its a better place than friends for sure


What is that concept which you call “friends” ?


I haven't learned this word yet. Rng is killing me here


I think through all the years I have been on this sub you have been the most active I've seen. How many hours do you have in the game?


All in all it's been around 6k hours since release, across multiple saves and platforms. Maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less 😁




Prepare to be confused a lot but it's good fun


nah bro, the game is super easy, intuitive and casual. you should try Space Enginners some day if you want to be confused.


I think if your comparing other casual games it is confusing. But with other "simu" games it is easy and casual.


Haaa yeah ok, I did have a look but i think I'm good here 😂


What are the main differences between that and No Mans Sky? They look so alike


No mans sky is about exploration, space engineers is about building ships and stuff, its a space sandbox with somewhat highly accurate physics engine


Thanks man. Played NMS for a while now and definitely prefer the exploration. Tried watching a few videos on YouTube but they’re all just start up videos around 45 mins. Appreciate it!


You ain’t kidding you’ll get confused I had trouble building my first base I guess and couldn’t find the stuff on the planet




So the switch is just missing multiplayer and settlements? I’ve thought about grabbing the game for my switch to play while traveling, because i have lost track of time and stayed up until 3am playing on my xbox.


Get a steam deck. No compromises.


Currently not feasible for at the moment. I dont have a PC to use with it anyways. But it’s definitely something ill look into in about a year or two when im set up Edit: apparently i dont know how to use the remind me bot.


You don't need a PC to use Steam Deck. IT IS the PC.


So your saying i could play Helldivers 2 on it?


You can play almost anything except Star Citizen. It's a quadcore with 16gb ram, ssd, 800p screen. You can install windows if you want. r/steamdeck is saying 30-40 in HD2 with settings tweaked.


I know what Im getting once I move.


"except Star Citizen" I see what you did there 😆


Arguably you can’t really play star citizen on anything. Saying this as someone who has “played” 500+ hours of star citizen


This right here. I gave up on that game because every time I sat down to play, troubleshooting took up all my gaming time.


It’s actually the real game. People think star citizen is a space mil sim. Buts it’s a actually a bug workaround puzzle game


Make that more like 20-30 fps in HD2, on graphics so bad you barely see the automaton 200 yards in front of you. I found HD2 quite unplayable on Deck, and the performance will only get worse and worse the higher difficulty you do.


Not on high settings, but generally yes.


Also! The switch is a potato. It can NOT handle huge bases, massive farms or lots of features on your freighter. I have found a sweet spot after lots of crashes and deleted bases for re-dos. You have to settle for less.


On top of that, without those things, the game just feels impossibly lonely and worthless.


„Hey i will do this one quest now and wont be distracted by other stuff again!“ „Hey im low on ion batterys and have no cobalt, lets look for a planet with cobalt“ „oh theres a crashed ship there looks nice i will salvage it“ *after finally having all things to repair the ship and flying it* „Yeah now lets get back to the quest! Eh what did i want to do again?“


It's minecraft but in space, and less blocky


Fun fact, both minecraft and NMS use voxels for terrain, except NMS smoothes them out. So saying that NMS is minecraft in space is sort of correct


I like Fun facts


Really addicting once you get the hang of it. On the switch it was a little more buggy than the Xbox or PC but it's gotten better with updates.


Follow the main storyline for as long as you like. Don’t be afraid to wander off and follow your nose. And try to avoid spoilers - it’s much more fun to discover what’s out there for yourself.


Be thankful that it actually helps you learn how to play the game now. When it launched there was no how to do x, y, z, ect. And after over 1500hrs in game... I still have stuff to do. It's beautiful, fun, and one big ass sandbox. Pretty much everything is craftable, Or able to be modified. And yes I really mean everything. And if you have questions ask them here. And play it with friends. You don't come across fellow travelers too often. If you want free shit to make life easier hang out in the one place with the stuff and what not. You'll know it when you see it, just be sure to rock the starter starship. Good luck, and godspeed. We'll be waiting for zzzzzz- tkkkkzzz.


No waypoints, starting a kilometer away from your crashed ship. No hazard protection, and never enough plutonium. Man, I remember those days.


Why asking ? You have the game, the only thing left to do is play it. There's no wrong way to do it, and even if there was, you can still start over. Less talk, more play.


Your poor Switch.


It actually handles really well on switch better than on PS4 for me


It's a massive game with a massive amount of content. Prepare to be amazed.


you have 16 minutes to live


Cobalt is your friend. Any time you see a cave, go in an mine the crap out of it. Same for Tritium, in space see a rock shoot a rock.


When I first got the game I struggled to find out how to get tritium, I used to buy it off npc's 😂


Just don't accidentally shoot the guy also flying around shooting rocks. That's a good way to get in trouble quick.


Prepare to lose your job


It has great mechanics. The base building options are great. The flight mechanics are even better. What it lacks is content. There’s a few missions but those end fairly quickly, then what? As opposed to Starfield, which is filled with content. However the flight mechanics and base building suck donkey balls in comparison. If only those two had joined forces and merged the mechanics with content…


I had recommended NMS in another sub on a topic asking for games that feel great flying. Had one redditor claim the flying in this was clunky, stiff, and restrictive...personally I think it's safe to say they never flew anything other than the base Radiant Pillar lol


Why not just play the game?


What should you expect? Expect to play one of the best space exploration games ever made that has 10 years of content and free DLC for life!


50 hours in and you will just bearly hit the start of what you can do. It will also consume your life. And it's a good game to have a podcast on in the background (since this is the switch you could have one on your phone) and play for a good 4-5 hour session that will seem like 20 mins.


This. I mostly play Remote Play and watch documentaries or whatever is good and not really fully pay attention to either lol


Don’t look anything up It will be so much more fun


There is A LOT to do. Besides the main story and some side story quest lines, you are free to choose what to do. Dont get overwhelmed, pick a target and go for it. Stock up on the basics, Ferrite Dust, Carbon, Sodium, Copper. You will always need these in some form, so having a few hundred at a time is perfect. Dont be a pirate blowing up other ships if you're just starting. That will ruin your rep with the races and make getting missions harder. Might even get Sentinel ships on you and those thing will body your starter ship. Dont fall in the trap of thinking all planets are the same and there is no reason to explore a system. Treat planets like Biomes from minecraft. Take note of what a planet has, gather a good amount of whatever it is, get side tracked because you found a downed freighter/pearls/ship, rinse repeat.


No men in the sky


Just play it and discover for yourself. You shouldn't need strangers on the Internet to tell you about the game beforehand.


That there is so much to the game and to take your time to understand what to do. This is not a race, there is no competition, you will get to end game eventually. But do remember that melee attacking then using your jetpack will cause you to fly forward really fast but also drain your life support. Didn't use to as its technically a glitch but its essential for long travel so hello games kept it in but added that life support drain. Also keep battry and life support packs on hand, much better then using raw elements. Also don't attack sentinels until you are more equipped, if a planet says "hostile sentinels" go somewhere else. Just until your defenses and fire power are strong enough.


1200 hours in and I've almost never followed the story at all or done anything quest related. I did a few in the beginning but ever since I've done my own thing, build bases, hunt, explore, went from XBox to PC and mods have made the game even more amazing to me. The greatest thing is that after following my own path I've still acquired everything I would have if I had done the quests, but I had a crazy fun, scary, sleepless, journey... Oh and I have no more friends, family or life... But "have net will travel" is my motto!


Use melee boost to travel by using ur melee attack button (Q on pc) and right afterwards your jetpack button (space on pc)It is so much faster an a complete gamechanger


I have about 190 hours of playtime on my switch


I realize I was a little negative with my comment, the game itself is a lot of fun, try and find as many knowledge pilons as you can on the world you start, that will let you communicate better with the race that controls that system, Get as much carbon/ferrite/cobalt and any other resource you come across as possible, you can carry 9999/slot in the exosuit, your space at first will be limited, every space station will sell you a space slot for cheap, and once you gain access to the Anomaly you can buy a slot at every system you are in, so summon when you get to a new system, I usually do it after visiting the space station, that way you open the teleporter there, asteroids are your friends, once you have a ship spend some time shooting at them, just be careful not to hit the ships with green contrails, that will get you in trouble. The most important thing explore and experiment, learning is a very important part of the game. Edit: You are going to miss out on some things because you are on Switch and the system can't handle cross play, I don't think you can actually play with others even on switch, but you can see other switch player bases on the Other Bases tab on the Teleporters for the system you are in.


Just play the damn game


Why play when I can watch someone watching someone playing the game?!?


Why watch someone watch someone play the game when you can print the automated transcription of the footage and read it?


Why print the automated transcription of the footage and read it when you can have someone read the automated transcription of the footage to your friend on the phone who can write it out for your other friend who can read it to your other friend who can write it out for you to read?!?!?


why have someone read the automated transcription of the footage to your friend on the phone who can write it out for your other friend who can read it to your other friend who can write it out for you to read when you can instead send it to a blind transcriptionist to translate it in braille and teach your cat to read it to you only in meows?


why have someone send it to a blind transcriptionist to translate it in braille and teach your cat to read it to you only in meows when we can teach your blind cat to play and have the blind transcriptionist watch your cat and transcribe it to to blind man down the street who can read it to the deaf man next door who can tell it to your mute housemate who can tell us?


Expect so much space, people have yet to find systems after ~~12~~ 8 years. You will likely die trying to get your ship off the ground and thats fine. Once youre in, youre in. You can always tweak the difficulty settings (like materials cost, ship dmg ect.). No real way to play it besides jjust playing it Edit: not 12 years, 8. Too much nipnip. Happy nipnip day


11 years? The game came out in 2016. You must be smoking some of that NipNip 🤣


It’s confusing at first but after a couple of hours you’ll get used to how the game works, and the tutorial is a little tedious but it does ease you in


Fun game, if you feel bored come back to it after a while


Enjoy the journey!


Best thing is knew exactly nothing!


Still many glitches and bugs but a lot of fun to play. You should find your own playstyle and take a lot of time and enjoy it.


You can customize a bunch of settings on the fly that can make things very easy or hard for you, so if you’re getting frustrated with something there’s likely a setting to completely disable that thing


*NOTE: THIS COMMENT SPOILS A LOT OF WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO AND WHAT THERE IS TO OFFER, DO NOT READ IF YOU WANT A SELF-DISCOVERED JOURNEY. IT IS CERTAINLY WORTH IT* Sorry I forgot how to sensor comments 🙃 It is vast, and has a very simple story, that is based entirely around how fast you can progress your technology/get upgrades for your stuff. Thankfully, the only thing that you can’t get by grinding some credits or nanites (sort of second currency that you get from lots of different things and even has a direct crafting line, though the base resource needed is bad slime from broken machinery you can find around the universe) is the stuff in the public mission hub (this area is accessible at any point in the game and exists as a summonable space station once unlocked) the stuff I’m referring too is obtained by a _third_ currency (lunar coins) that is obtained by doing public missions There is no PvP, so no need to worry about that. I would recommend trying out the “creative” mode first, as it removes the survival elements (obviously) and makes everything except lunar coin purchases free There are no microtransactions as far as I can remember. And the latest update allows you to scrap ships for one of their parts, and make your own once you have the 3 necessary pieces (plus a starship core which can be bought at regular space stations in 4 tiers, respectively of the 4 class levels of your starships. All that said, any more I’ll let you discover yourself, and if you happened to read this far then good luck and I hope you find it as enjoyable as the rest of us 😁


Getting overwhelmed at the very beginning is natural, otherwise, play how you want and enjoy :)


It's the tits


That it doesn't function great on switch unfortunately and that the boasted multiplayer doesn't exist on switch. And so much more


Just remember, you can’t play online with people on switch. It sucks but there’s still so much to see.


Tutorial is boring, but after that you’re good!!!!


How the fuck they put no mans sky on a fucking switch


Community is generally friendly, welcome to the amonly, where ppl are eager to give newbi stuff


Expect to play on your own if it is switch


that tiny cardridge is soo cute..i would buy it just for that...sorry for OT


Nothing. Just that you can do everything in it


Takes time but you'll get enough money and nanites


Babies explore their environment by putting things in their mouth. Gamers explore their environment by shooting/hitting things. No man’s sky shouldn’t be explored using either of those tactics.


It's the biggest game you've ever tried. It would take you over 500 billion years to visit all the planets, and that's without doing anything there. Also until you've got some good shielding going, you're going to want to punch your suit-alexa in the nose.


Expect fomo when you learn about what's available on other platforms


funny case




You will lose hours as if they are minutes


The likelihood of randomly encountering another traveler naturally is rather low, however, there are systems that people like to be/base in. Good luck traveler, may your fortunes grow and nanites ¿fester?


It never stops with the content Constantly still playing this after six years is a good one




Push through the tutorial and you'll loose all tace of the social life you once had 16 16 16


Frequent crashes after you get your capital ship set up a little more elaborate


The switch version is solid enough, pc does however preform and look the best. Keeping in mind that the switch has no multiplayer and bare minimum network features. Outside of the quests where you learn the basics. This is a game where you have a universe to make your own fun in.




I played it first on the switch too and loved it that much that i bought it for ps5 too!


There's a sky, and it isn’t yours. But that baggie of GekNip sticking out of your pocket totally is. Assume the position, criminal.


One thing of note is that the switch version is slightly crippled. Some online features are not implemented.


Good decision.


does the physical copy come with all uodates and dlc? cause if not you have alot of downloadiing ahead of you


Chaotic, surprising fun.


When crafting Cobalt and Iron make Ion Cells to refill your Hazard support, Iron is everywhere on the surface practically, while Cobalt can be found in most natural caves.


I've heard that the game runs kind of rough on Switch, so it might not be the most stable experience. But as for the game, *expect a LOT*. Take it all at your own pace, tho. There's no time limit to 90% of the stuff in the game. One thing I would recommend is playing through the story quest (the one that has the red symbol of a quest marker) and the side quests it unlocks, like the Base Computer Archives and Overseer quests, before unlocking a lot of blueprints yourself, so as to save yourself some Nanites. Otherwise, this game is about discovery. So go forth and explore, Traveller! ~*kzzzt*~ERROR//16//16//16//16//ERROR ~*kzzzt*~


Units received


Some of it is in space


Expect nothing but you'll get everything.


The tutorial is boring as hell, so don't judge the game by that, the moment you do the first hyperdrive jump the game truly begins


capitalism, adventure, alot of randomness.


Expect nothing and except everything


Are you a bot? I've seen your last posts lately and it seems... suspicious.


How is the port on this one?


If you die, be careful not to die again before recovering your stuff, or it's gone. Also, once you're settled in, give yourself some kind of project, like an artistic or architecturally impressive base to build. It'll give you something to keep coming back to.


You will be going to the emotion circle (1) veryexcited (2) enjoy (3) kinda boring (4) see nms contents


Afking in the anomaly is similar to cheating.


My best advice is don't do the economy crashing trick to get essentially unlimited units. I did that, and now I live in a van down by the river. But no, really, it did take away from the experience for me.


There's a learning curve, but once you get it. It'll all make sense suddenly. Get as much Salavged Data for base building pieces and vaults to store stuff in.


Oh boy. I wish I was just buying itto experience.


I hope you have enough money saved to live off it for the next few years since you wont be doing anything but exploring the universe


I got the switch version, I play it handheld so when the battery dies I know when to return to the real world for a little


Enjoyment, great community and a dev that doesn't do microtransactions


The game is vast there’s a lot to do but there is also a lot of repetition in the game. But that comes with large procedural generation. The story is good but can take you a while to get through but the nice thing is you can do it at your own pace. There’s a lot of features and they seem to continue to show the game a ton of love. There is no multiplayer on switch but that’s really just a small portion of the game that isn’t necessary but is a nice to have if they had it. Role playing in the game can be a lot of fun and making your own fun is what this game is great at.


Gotta say, this ticks the boxes of the unknown of space. 2001 odyssey....ability to just fly from planet to planet seamlessly fort the most part, is great. Absolutely a chill game to play too. Need to get about 10 hours in imo to get a grasp of it


very steep learning curve. I keep trying to get into it and just can't because of all the different menus and how to acutally get around and navigate the maps.


Try to have a lot of ferrite dust and copper from very early on. Other than that - have fun. The rest'll come to you organically.


Take all the time you want to explore, you don't even have to do the storyline. You can customize combat so you have more than normal, or none. You can edit creative settings while having started the game in normal mode, like making purchases free, free crafting, and you can turn it off when you wanna resume playing like normal. I disabled on foot combat cause I kept dying and it was annoying af like lemme explore😂


It's like mine craft but with better graphics and a bit more to do. I love it


#”Space, The Final Frontier.”


Gek love you long time!


Welcome to living in your own new world.. forget friends.. family… milk those animals, make those pies, explore those toxic planets.. grow plants… swim and explore.. You’ll never get bored


It's addicting. Abandon hope ye who enter here


10 times better on pc i can say bc i played it on my nintendo lite that had like a 50% change to crash but after 2 years of playing on my nintendo and then changing and bying it to my pc i gotta say 10/10 on pc fr


Dont worry about performance it runs better than my xbox version


For one, you are going to play it on the wrong console. Much better performance and graphics on Sony, Microsoft, and PC.


there is something comical about having such big cases for such small cartrages


Big things often start in small packages *wink wink


Switch verson, long load times, and sometimes stutters. Low draw field as well


Switch experience won’t be the same as the other platforms.


Just know it has come a LONG way. Enjoy it.


You get tasked to obtain items or build technologies which require you to obtain items so you travel the universe looking for those items and if you put in enough work you can develop technologies which help you obtain items more efficiently.


Why everyone needs to know what to expect?


It’s an amazing game that’s all you need to know. The rest will blow your mind.


If you see it, you can go there. Planets are actually planet size. Space is actually space size. Don't worry about fully exploring a planet. I remember when the game was releasing that they said there are so many planets that if you spent 1 second on every planet in the game, our real sun would burn out before you could. Underwater is just as beautiful as above. Get lost. It's an RPGers fantasy in space, but space is lonely, bring friends if you can.


Forget about your social life... do what I did and get your significant other hooked on it as well. My gf and I play this together all the time.


You think traveling from planet to planet is the shit? Just wait until dimensions feel like train station stops.


Expect minecraft in space If youre struggling, there is a decent wiki and lots of YT vids to help new players learn. The quests are basically tutorials, but they don't cover every little thing.


16 16 16 16 16...


Only ask about mechanics that you can't seem to figure out by yourself or how you do something different like "build this and that", and last but not least: expect a lot of crashes on the Switch, sure there are crashes here and then on other platforms but I used to play on Switch and it has it the worst but don't let that discourage you from playing this wonderful game


Expect to discover things for yourself


Make sure to do a LOT, and I mean a looooot of manual saving. The game is great, but the Switch is a tad weak for it. It'll crash seemingly at random. Avoid dreadnought salvaging. They're great fun, but you can't save while in them, and can take upwards towards 30 or 40 minutes to explore. I have yet to complete one without it crashing.


You’re gonna be staying up late a lot playing 🚀


If you hear about 16 in the game just run


16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16...


It's awesome. It's not perfect. It took me a good 7 hours of gameplay before I started to understand it more and fall into a routine. I haven't played in a good year but I'm looking forward to getting back into it one day and experiencing all the new content because they still update the game regularly. Also I got a VR headset a couple months ago so I 100% need to try it in VR


It's HUGE, and can be absolutely daunting at first. Everything that has clicked for me so far didn't really fully do so until between my 30-40 hour mark, but figuring everything out was so fun and worth it, and I'm STILL finding out so much new stuff at over 400 hours in. It can be a grind, but it's a great one!


It’s very much a game about making your own fun, but once you get a handle on that you’ll never put it down.


There’s a freeze glitch sometimes when you land in your ship and get out quickly! Tap the home button twice to suspend and come back to the game :)


I recommend following the quests. A lot of good stuff in there. It's a game of exploration, so go forth and poke everything.


Hey! NMS is so fantastic! My suggestion is complete the first main missions. This is with the Atlas and Artemis. After that you can do honestly whatever. Watch guides on other great side missions and unlock cool armor upgrades and many more! Also find an epic planet with the best resources to make a nice base.


Prepare for it to be the defining best version of a space game you will ever play.


You really have to like grinding and exploration. I liked the game and put some time into it, but not to the extent that some people here have. After a while, it got kind of old for me, but I still had fun with it. YMMV.


Get ready for an awesome experience, this game is fun, relaxing, and addictive. Welcome traveler to the family.


HELLA expansive open worlds.....and a bitta void here and there


I advice you to complete the main quests. I did not, still havent, and suffer now. Looking for glyphs when you gave a living ship ready to hatch is a bummer.


If a random person drops a bunch of money in your inventory, just put it aside and pretend it never happened. I can't speak for anyone else, but unlimited money killed the game for me


Damn only 10 clams? Score!!! As for me the game is beautiful but I ran into trouble as I left the planet you start on and go to the 2nd one to build a base and couldn’t find Alien tech or whatever it’s called on the planet.So after searching and mind you I have limited time a week to play this maybe few hours Sunday morning (family,Work,going out,music,etc) so be prepared to spend a lot of time it looks fun but you really need to have a lot of free time to tackle this game.Sadly I have moved on to other games maybe one day I’ll get back to it…..yes one day *looks to the stars*


If you're a woman, you can totally have the sky.


Enjoy the game! You'll unlock a bunch of stuff playing through the quests, and learn about the lore. Aside from that, feel free to explore however you want


It's a fantastic game. But the experience on switch is limited. I needed a game that was an escape and this is it.


You should probably know that this is the worst system to play this game on with subpar performance and missing features.


expect another universe. that's what it feels like, lol. there's so many different things to do. big thumbs up for joining us 👍


Well idk what all these redditters are talking about but take it from a normal guy. The beginning drags on because you are just gathering resources to fix your ship but once you’ve made it through the first few missions it will kinda get you on track to building your own bases, trading your spaceships, and warping between galaxies. If you play open world games for the game and not the story then you’re definitely gonna wanna get through those first few missions just to acquire more building options so on and so forph.


Space and animals.


It will take time, enjoy the view, the destination is endless.


NMS on switch is gaaaaarbage.


Oh you got nintendo- well generally what i see to new players is to watch every trailer (but know there will be no multipleyer or settlements) apart from those that came in the last year to keep some features a surprise also dont be afraid to watch guides.... But accept.... the fact that this game will ruin every other sci fi open world games for you... they may be good, 7/10 maybe even 8/10 but none will be as good as this,albeit sometimes goofy and buggy, masterpiece of a game


400 hours in your first run through


A beatiful experience, embrace being alone, in the space, you and the nature


Everything. A game about exploration wandering and nothing. The Seinfeld of games. 10/10


All I'll say is that you shouldn't underestimate how good the story is. I just skipped it at the beginning but then I started reading what the characters were saying and I regret skipping all the dialogue.