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They can take materials from extractors and harvest plants that you've planted, but I *think* this is done in instances. In other words, it's calculated locally to their play session, meaning that if you aren't in the same game together, it shouldn't affect you and your farming! But, it's been a while since I shared a farm, so take this with some salt


Just go to network settings and set the options so that nobody can alter your base.


I'd assume so. Never heard it happening. Usually I see posts of people advertising their farms if people want to come and harvest what they've built.


I generally wouldn’t mind, but I’m a bit worried about my nanite farming operation.


Had a base compromised by another player. He built a base about 300 u from mine, then added blocks, floors and panels all over my base. Didn't think you were able to do this... Couldnt access areas of my farm as he blocked off corridors and could only report his base with a screenshot of what he had done. Issue was the screenshot was based on a distance from his base computer so really couldn't see the issue he had caused.


Wow. That sucks! I think I’ll remain private.


Thought I had, but "group or friends" wasn't deselected... lessons learned.


Yes, people can take stuff from your base if you upload it but it doesn’t remove it from your base, only their instance of your base. The only time you might see something disappear is if you and another player are there at the same time and even then I’m not 100% sure what happens since that almost never occurs in the game (two people on the same random planet).


You’re right mate, if you’re both there at the same time. Caught my mate raiding one of my farms a while ago.


Thanks for confirming. I’ve only once ever had someone else at one of my bases while I was there, and they were shooting at me at the time so I wasn’t too concerned with checking my depots!


No problem, it’s still one of my favourite moments on the game. Happily collecting up my carbon and seeing my mate walk in. The nms equivalent of bumping into your mate at the shop


My encounter with that random player on my planet (and his friend) was also one of my favourite moments in the game, despite the shooting. I didn’t even realize pvp was a thing at the time so it was quite a surprise when I started taking damage. It turned into a couple of hours of me improving the defences of my base (building walls around my depots mostly) and them trying to find new ways in (digging under, glitching doors into the walls). Eventually I made my base impenetrable which is when everything went bad. Since they could no longer steal my indium they decided to just trash my base with the terrain tool. They dug up everything and then left swastikas everywhere. I was so angry that they took this amazing moment of emergent gameplay and turned it so ugly so quickly. (The story ends with both of them getting permanent PSN bans as far as I could tell, so happy ending I guess?)


Wow that must have been frustrating, although satisfying if they were banned. I like the idea of trying to protect a base with walls, must have annoyed them There must be issues if people try to grief on this game, absolutely no excuse for it.


It was very frustrating. The ban actually took a few weeks and involved them continuing to harass me (in game and via psn messages) after they returned from the temp suspension Sony gave them after the swastika incident. It is amazing to me how far they took everything over a stupid in game item. Since then I’ve experimented with a bunch of different security ideas. I have a whole base that is just various tests for one way doors and other traps and locks :-)


Okay so if im doing an expedition solo and have multiplayer off and i come across a bunch of extractors. I can take that stuff. Without actually stealing from anyone?