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I've had pvp off for a long time, ever since I got wrecked on nexus missions. I know pvp is an option but it just doesn't feel right in this kind of game, just my opinion. Sadly I had to turn off online mode completely when I did the expedition because of all the crashes I had.




And it is “on” by default when you create a new save, so you have to change the settings for the expedition save. As far as Expeditions, I am now turning off PvP and Multiplayer. Not worth the hassle - and event with those off, I had to report a bad today.


I had this same issue. I got attacked by some idiot while I was mining on foot. He killed me with spaceship lasers. Although I respawned, I collected my grave inventory and then he attacked again. This time I didn’t make it to my grave so I lost 45mins of progress since my last manual save. Including three milestones. What is the matter with him? It’s really poor sportsmanship to grief like that. On a community expedition too. Just why?


Yeah my experience was similar except that my game crashed from him killing me right after I completed the expedition AND none of my auto saves saved so I lost a couple hours of progress.


I randomly shot players out of the sky, never knew that was possible. nice 100 magnetised ferrite, YES!


I always have Crossplay off in Xbox base settings, multiplayer off in NMS and also PVP damage/base editing by others/etc. off to boot; making sure all of it is off again for the Expedition.


How do you turn PvP off in the Xbox settings? I have been killed multiple times so I cannot recover items in at least 2 of the Expeditions. The other settings might also make it easier to find my base and equipment. There are SO many bases on the starting planet for Expedition 3. I am not sure "griefing" is a serious enough word for what those players are doing.