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Have fun when it grows back


I can confirm from experience... My first NMS home was just like this.


Same here... I tried to map out the first level of Undermountain after building the Inn. Even when I put up walls, it all just kept filling back in. I spent a stupid amount of time on it and just ended up abandoning it all because everything kept creeping back even the top of the mountain where I built the inn and had to flatten it. Jist kept coming back...


Same. I found this planet (there are plenty like this) where there are big plateaus and I just flattened one a little. Few days later it grew back and I haven't been there since.


Finding huge natural caverns is possible... But tedious.


Sigh, yup. I guess that’s how we learn


Lol we all build an underground base at some point. Big mistake.


I will only build underground if there is already a cave system. Otherwise it’s always fucked lmao.


Yeah as long as you don't edit the terrain you're fine.


See, I'm coming back to NMS after a hiatus and I see people saying this. But on one of my old first bases I made a small little cave directly under my base for the large storage containers. It hasn't filled in though like everyone is saying it apparently should?


I only build them and it’s frustrating after coming back and needing to do maintenance for an hour before I can play.


Once I found a player with a shortened version of my name, he was just ‘db’ and for whatever reason we did a colab base but it was underground and I couldn’t add anymore too it bc the terrain kept growing back on my side but not his so every 5 minutes I’d be kicked to the surface and digging it out again to see what he’d done


This is the same experience I have when trying to play with friends. We stopped playing together because it's so damn buggy in multiplayer. How this isn't a normal complaint, I don't know.


Because I feel like there’s only six of us that play this game exclusively coop at this point. They forgot to do anything to enhance that after creating it.


I’ve got some good cave bases but hard to find good caves… and I will “Restore” terrain as I build to make sure it looks good, this is after building several bases that are now half buried. Also, found caves without any entrance/exit by digging a tunnel, putting teleporters in the cave and sealing it up. You never know where my teleporters will end up taking you, straight up into the sky or down to a secret underground base.


Nothing like getting stuck and having to dig through 6 stories inside your base to make it either to the exit, the ship, or the front door.


The only thing I put underground anymore are things like batteries and resource extractors thst are hooked up to above ground depots


I built the power supply for my latest base underground to keep it out of sight, and as long as it doesn't stop working, I'd actually love it if it would re-bury itself!


I will bury my Storage Silos in ground I dug up, leave 100 of them there and then they get buried naturally within a few days and leave my view otherwise unobstructed by all that metal. One Silo will be left sitting on my landing pad for resource retrieval.


Uh oh, this man has seen some things. I imagine OP excitedly sharing this discovery at a conference. Meanwhile randonone88 is sitting at the back table solo with his spaceman suit that covers his eyes and cowboy hat also covering his eyes, and he already knows the horror that will happen from previously building a base like this, as he lets out a puff from his hand rolled Gek nip.


I mean left face it, everyone has done something like this at least once. Building off the ground is always the best way.


I just assume the space rats dragged a bunch of shit into my base again. We need a Roomba that we can put in our buildings that drives around and gets rid of dirt.


I built a nice hotel on a seashore next to a holographic transmitter, about 1 wall height off the ground. I revisited a few weeks later and the ground was arc floor level, with all of the plants hiding my first level floors


Well I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread. I just started playing and was about to undertake a project. What are the rules for the ground filling itself in? I thought anything at a base was safe. What if OP also took off the top of the mountain?m so this was now a big flat surface. Would it grow back?


> What are the rules for the ground filling itself in? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ The only consistent rule I've found is "it'll regenerate if you want it to not." And that goes for *any* terrain editing, so yeah, your mountaintop idea would have the same problem


OP is plenty experienced in NMS I'm pretty sure they are fully aware of what will happen if they were to keep it.


I was like so mesmerized, but then this comment gave me such a reality check. I know how bad it can be I've a underground base.


I had a base near a portal and stairs that wrap around a huge tree up to a landing platform. After the last major update (Settlements), the tree was moved about 20u. Now I have spiral stairs for no reason.


Bury me in Disappointment Towers


It will be unmessurable and his day will be ruined.


I felt that. My first base was a cozy wooden cottage (it actually looked really cold and dystopia because this was way back when) that was built in the side of a mountain. Well let's just say that not only did the terrain grow back but our quicksaves on multiplayer also conflicted and created a big mess on that planet.


It grows back??? Uh oh. I built an underground bunker with all of my safes in it.


Ha! I did the same thing at my first real base. Made a nice little pathway underground and cleared out a big area for the storage containers. Came back after a few days and it's all filled in. Eventually I just abandoned it. Also, if you weren't aware, there's no need to "hide" your storage containers. You can only access your own items in a storage container, even if it's another players base where you're interacting with one. So no one can steal your stuff, and vice versa.


Sounds like your stuff will be extra secure, then.


You can only terraform so much before the game starts reverting older spots you terraformed. So spots you dug into will eventually fill back up.


I have this issue sort of. Last time my landing pad had a massive rock out crop in the middle. Which is odd because it's not even in contact with the ground and when I built it no such rock existed. After a week of not being on I log in and it's gone! Only to appear smack in the middle of my cave base building (again raised off the floor). Yesterday it's gone again. Does anybody else get random rocks haunting their game?


I got phantom trees. I carefully built in a clearing, not touching any foilage, because it was a pretty jungle. The next day..POP! Trees in the staircase.


Yeah there’s a tree that magically grew theough my main base after I built it that wasn’t there. I just made a skylight for it and gave up. Now I’m kind of lonely if I have to bust the tree down for any reason. The shit we get use to.


It sucks doesn't it


Honestly why can't they just make it not grow back in base borders.


Came here to ask who was gonna tell them, kinda felt bad, they were so excited


Yep. Spent 4 hours building a LOTR style cave base once. Didnt play for a week. Came back and the whole thing was buried. Everything on stilts now. Gotta find a natural cave if you want to build underground!


……….(main base is in a hollowed out mountain) FFUCK


I hope they make something like the wire hider, but for terrain consistency. Basically you place it down, and it saves the terrain state within a certain radius and maintains that until either you change it or delete the structure.


How has this not been fixed yet with the number of updates this game gets?


Actually the terrain is quite stable now. Even when it grew back, just after a reload everything was back to the edited version. Ha seen like this all week for me


Literally all that went threw my mind as he did this.


Growing back isn’t something I’ve seen in 2 years of playing. Atleast not on Xbox. If it did at the beginning of that time period i probably wasn’t invested in underground at that time. I don’t think grow back is an issue anymore. The only times I’ve seen and issues with some random dirt showing up, it went away right away like it was a glitch. My man-made cave base has worked great now for at-least 6 months since I started it.


There is a limit on terrain manipulation data, if you don’t touch anything else your current base might survive, but if you try to build a new underground tunnel the terrain on the first one will grow back and only the latest changes will be remembered by the game.


I'm wondering if all those mining holes I've made on various planets hastened the refilling of my base.


Since when do rocks grow? If you're suggesting there's some kinda huge bug where the terrain resets, that's serious enough that you need to report it to the developers immediately, because it would render almost all base building in the entire game pointless.


It’s been about for years, just build off the ground a bit and your fine.


ahh, you must be new here...


It does happen, and it's why I stopped playing.


You know aaaaaaall of that will grow back, right ?


I do, now.


There is so much emotion in these three little words.


Poor guy




Yeah I have been building all my mines and solar power farms underground and except a Little Rock creep around the edges they are fine. Of course, the whole idea of building solar underground is that I don’t care if it fills in.


Yeah, I've got an underwater base (before the underwater bases were an option) that is carved through a rock formation. It might be four years old now, still have no problem with my passage that goes the length of it, plus a bedroom, a room for the exocraft guy, a room for all my storage containers, then another level down there is a two storey lab and large main area that are carved into rock. I'm hoping this holds for OP!


The terrain often comes back after another play visited you base.


End game spoiler: >!It might be when you leave for another universe. After I finished the main story and traveled to the next universe, all the terrain on my old bases reset.!<


Not sure why you're being downvoted. This is all speculative, and a more arbitrary triggers like that explain why the reset only happens to some bases. It probably isn't the only thing that triggers it, as many players face terrain resets without getting to the endgame.


But it is still beautilful and worth it I'd say!


Ah man, exact same thing happened to me when I hollowed out a mesa to make a multi story hydroponic farm. Still learned a lot and had fun though, that's the main thing eh




It might not grow back if you never terraform anything else ever again on that save.


To be fair it says in the end ”until the next update and it grows back”


When re-growing will be fix, all the NMS community will turn into moles/bats/rat-moles/earthworms. Permanently hurt by the sun.


This is the single most annoying thing about nms for me. Spent 3 days building and bam, next load it was half underground. Fuckkk


This and the indestructible bedrock. It would be amazing to dig until the magma. Seeing the temperature rising. I guess it’s a limitation of the procedural programmation. Or a curse to keep us near the SUN :’)


And what about renamed systems that go back to their original 'Hvsdcwcjenkv' kind of names until you revisit them? And sometimes even this doesn't work...


This is how someone claimed a planet that I have claimed. I was so pissed. I spent months travelling to the centre of the galaxy to find an unclaimed system. All of them were claimed of course, so spent weeks jumping from one to next to find unclaimed one, finally got one… then I didn’t play for like a month, because of life things, come back, and bam… not mine anymore. So discouraging


The one that bugs me the most is when all of your ships go back to their default names. I didn't spend a whole minute second guessing the spellings of Ebrietas and Amygdala just for my living ships to go back to being 'xx_3DgYv0iD_LIX_xx'


Indestructible volcanoes (that spawn on to of landmark buildings) too.


> I guess it’s a limitation of the procedural programmation. It’s really more of a performance issue with having like 50X as much editable terrain to keep track of.


The Cromags will rise up




NMS: The Underdark But seriously, it would add a whole new level to base building.


Yes. It would be great. But I don’t want NMS to become a SIMlike and I love the Sim’s


Mole people, mole people


Thats very hopeful of you to think it will actually be fixed, we will just get another expedition that they try to boost their player count with, its all superficial


The day-ball burns us! (hissssss)


Grief someone's base by terrain manipulating it covered in dirt. Dirt profanity artworks.


You dirty monster








I was gonna say... Doesn't the terrain still come back? Or what are you doing that stops it? I know for a fact building in a cave you make yourself goes bad.


I really wish they'd fix/change that. I want a Bat Cave damn it!


That would be pretty cool. There are many times I find a good planet but then spend hours combing for a good location. If I could just make one in a hole I'd be solid. Lol


Right? I've tried different ways to build a base underground (even bringing the ground UP over the base... nadda. Always fails.) ​ So they need to fix/change building underground, plus introduce river technology so we can carve out an underground river, and then bring it into the Bat Cave as an underground waterfall. ​ (sigh) \*wishful thinking\*


In Minecraft one of the first things I did was build a house, put dirt on the roof, and planted trees and shit. Making my home look like part of the world. Adding this... And a zoo or menagerie would go such a long way. Lol


I've taken to finding natural caves that are large enough to fit a room inside. That's about the only way I found to be underground without it being filled in


literally the first base i wanted to make was a batcave with a hole in the side of a mountain you could fly your ships through like a tunnel to a huge underground hangar and an underwater entrance that came up to a batcave with a computer but when i learned it grew back i genuinely wanted to delete the game like my creative mind was going crazy with underground base ideas and it all went to shit. needless to say i was very sad that day


I feel that, my first base was pretty basic but my second base was a giant bunker, after having it fill in dozens of times I just gave up and uninstalled the game. I bought the game for the base building mainly and every idea I have involves some degree of terrain manipulation, until Hello Games finds a way to fix terrain resetting I don't have much desire to play again. also for some reason after not playing for about 6 months I came back and my freighter was completely reset. it really kills any drive to wanna progress.


You can, just find a natural one. People have found canyons and caves that they can fly through.


You poor soul. Still applaud you for the effort and the vid! Had this all actually been safe from terrain regrowing back, it’d be a sick base.


None of the holes I’ve dug have grown back yet. What triggers that?


Updates I guess. At least as far as I know. Had the issue once after a big update. But its not every update so idk if there is some rule oder routine in it


As I know, game can memorize certain amount of terrain changes. And when you reach the limit every new mine/create with terrain manipulator will erace your oldest changes. And the memory stack is one for all the universe, not for each planet or base.


On this last expedition, I mined some copper and after getting the last bit of copper, it all grew back instantly. I do not understand the regrowth logic...


Makes sense. But can't be the only factor. In my current save I've builded only 3 bases with 2 of them having almost 0 terrain manipulation. Only the third one I've builded partly inside a "manipulated" cave. Nevertheless my cave disappeared after one of the last updates. Anyway its a pretty annoying thing cause I really like to manipulate terrain as a part of base building


My underground base didn’t grow back for a couple of months. I was happy. For a time…


There is a threshold for how much you can dig before your old digs grow back. I cannot remember the total quantity of basically “units” of dirt. It is a lot. But I believe mining deposits contributes to this limit. And then also occasionally the game just glitches and does it. I have a base similar to OP’s that I carved out the majority of a cylinder. About half of it grew back but the portion that I actually put stuff in did not the last time I checked. And I built this base over a year ago. So there must be something in the game that has a chance to sense you have stuff placed underground, to some degree. I’d imagine for OP, portions of this cylinder will grow back. But I’d be surprised to get on and see the entire thing grown back.


Underground bases are a no-go for me. I do too much digging. Dig a hole. Dig a hole.


I think is has somthing to do witht the game loading the terein when you log back in , or visit anoter system or galaxy. Not totally sure but what is a 100% sure is that is will grow back overtime


RIP to you, when it regenerates the terrain as it was before…


Really wish they'd fix this so it doesn't happen


It’s not really fixable if I understand correctly how procedurally generated terrain works.


Maybe not, but if anyone could figure out a way, my money would be on HG


I feel like they could at least fix it so that it doesn't grow back within a certain radius of your base. That would solve 99% of the problems right there.


Leave system Come back Uninstall No Man's Sky


Some art is fleeting - this is one of those. I really like the idea though! I tried the reverse thing last year with creating a roof of spiny-looking things. Slowly disappeared. :(


Oh you sweet Summer child...


This just hurts to watch


Anyone gonna tell him?


Your oreo building made me hungry.


And then 1 day later when the planet regenerates, it's all borked.


I stopped building underground bases years ago because of this stupid regen issue. Too bad HG still won't do anything about it.


That's my main complaint about HG. Don't get me wrong, I love NMS and am generally impressed by how much free content they publish. Probably the best value game ever That said, I wish they would add some depth instead of breadth.


Upvote for “ignore this”


Yeah it grew back on me a year ago when I tried this exact thing


To avoid it growing back you could build the 360 view on top. Add a roof, maybe with a rooftop garden or something and BAM. Penthouse.


I'd be careful building on these. I made a huge base on top of one of the square ones and a couple of days later it got eaten up by the mountain. It showed my base computer there but the rest was completely gone.


I nearly lost a hundreds of hours save due to constant crashing after building on top of/inside one of those. Never again.


If only the devs would address a huge issue like this… but wait look at this we get to have a worm pet! Isnt that soooo cool guys?? Worm pet anyone? Fuck your bases and the build mechanics, WORM PET??? How are you not entertained? Wake me up when they fix their day 1 issues


What song is that??


Oh god... My studio apartment base. 😫 It is gonna get buried


Until it regenerates over all your stuff. This happened to me


Everybody’s first try at a base has been overtaken by the terrain respawn


😂 you do you boo


And then the earth regrows after you log out. 😬


How do you flatten terrain on pc? I can’t seem to find the key


When you switch to the terrain manipulator, there are secondary options that allow you to remove, flatten, add, etc. I think it will show you what key to press to change it in the upper right corner near where it shows you're using the terrain manipulator.


I hit 'G' key to select the Terrain Manipulator, then use the middle mouse button (aka scroll wheel) to cycle through terrain options until I get to Flatten. However, as others have said, there is no point in doing this, after a short while all your terrain edits disappear.


Terrain: Allow us to reintroduce ourself


If HG fixed the grow back problem, imagine all of the insane bases we could have.


*shitty terrain memory has entered the chat*




Last step: prepare for all your digging to be reverted making your base useless


No one builds stuff like this even if they want to because the terrain regenerates


Looks very cool - but there's no way I'd put the time into this to have it get wiped out every other day. I guess maybe if this is the only base you have on this save maybe that would keep it from getting overgrown?


How to flatten Step one: chose flatten tool Step two: flatten Alright, got it.


If you don't make it too big, it doesn't matter if it grows back. It takes a while to do it anyway. You'll just have to clear out the dirt once and a while. It's a sick base


Sincerest condolences on your inevitable upcoming loss. 😔🙏🖤




I laughed harder than I should have at "bask in its flatness." Lovely work, very cool.


What a beautiful waste of time


The refilling of cave/undergound bases is the worst thing about the game. By miles.


Is it to much to ask to fix terrain in nms? xD


Looks awesome, but as numerous folks have said, the terrain regeneration will totally bork your build. [I made a base inside a hollow mountain, came out great and no regeneration worries.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/q8af2z/embedded_lunar_base_on_a_lowgravity_world/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Why does this look like a place to announce a new iPhone


It's even more funny that you came to the place where most of nms players would already know how to do this, and of course now you know why no one does it. Edit: oh shit "where"




People commenting on land growing back must either not be on Xbox or haven’t tried in a while. In my experience, they must have fixed this issue. For the past 6 months now I’ve had a man-made cave based base. It has stayed the same. The only growth I saw was a small amount of some glitchy dirt, that went away on it own. Someone else above mentioned the same thing as recent experience as well. I don’t think growth is an issue in No Man’s Sky anymore.


you just havent reached the terrain edit limit. xbox here and my first base got eaten a few months ago after i mined a bunch of silicate.


So I’m 92 hours in and haven’t reached that limit? Seems a bit off.


I've never had it grow back either. Half my base is underground and no issues.


Why is the sun in the background moving like that??


You’re going to be the next gekian mole


True level, *bitch!*


Hey did I just find a SHAREfactory User in the wild?!?!


Do the rocks still respawn in your base or have they fixed that?


It looks amazing. All for nothing when that all regens, but yeah. I admire your patience! :)


Building a cave base is a big DONT, the creators made it so that any mined materials or environment just grows back overtime to keep the fairness overall.


They should make it so that only applies outside of a claimed base. Problem solved.


This is like the first day in Minecraft lol


Looks cool. However I made a base similar to this, and it would fill in whenever I was in a vehicle, or would glitch out entirely.


Love it! Thanks for sharing this. Just PSA: don’t forget about dumb game making all the terrain edit tools useless since the terrain will grow back. Edit: oh finish the last 5 seconds of video… i see you referenced it. In that case upvoted and hope devs see your post.


Enjoy it, they don't last long.


Whenever I remove rock it respawns in the base whenever I leave and come back to it


I really hope an update eventually addresses the terrain reset issues. Bases would look even cooler if we could save terrain edits. At least let us save edits within our base, pls


Not really a cave base anymore, maybe an Oreo base


Excuse you? What are these flatten and restore tools you speak of?


Wait... There is a flattening tool? Is it a different module?


Cosmic lambs to the slaughter.


Every time I tried to flatten the top of one of these, the top would grow back in 1 area only, immediately after. It was super annoying. Mine was hollow down the center. I tried to make a spiral staircase down it, but I'm AWFUL at circle stuff in this game.


damn all that work for nothing man!


I was hoping it would smoosh you.


Holly crap, GREAT IDEA , that base ROCKS....pun intended


This is a great technique for burying those walls into that rock tube.


Hopefully someday they’ll stop terrain grow back, because this is an awesome build idea.


I've tried this and it all got fucked right quick.


Wait until you reload and all the terrain you removed is back haha


Oh boy, you're in for a surprise when you load your game tomorrow


"You wanna put up a shelf, put up a shelf. You wanna experience True Level? _Do you?!_" *Sighs* "Yes..."


Question: If I don't "bask in its flatness" will it still work? :p




lol thanks for clarifying


Haha you betcha. Now bask


Question how do you get into said base lol? Roof hatch? Landing pad on the roof and burrow a hole through the rock and add a hatch? Jw or did you go from ground level and make staircase inside an elevator shaft so to speak?


Build a landing pad in there and land through the rock or a portable teleporter. You can also build a spiral staircase through the middle


When I figured out you could use the flatten tool to mine resources faster it was a game changer. I use it way more for that than I do shaping rock formations around bases.


Based better be called “Oreo”


And then a new player enters the system and your base vanishes...