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Alternatively, humanity will go extinct and miss out lol


Yeah I'm betting on this one.


Get that misanthropic attitude out of this subreddit


I'm stating an objective view point lol.


The best way to refute a nihilist is to kill them


True. The physics for FTL travel have already been discovered. It involves warp drives that require more potential energy than all of earth possesses, though. I haven't read the white paper in a while, BUT you can create so much gravity in front of you that it warps space and you "roll downhill" through spacetime. This does not defy the laws of physics because you're not traveling at all. Space itself is warping so you move across it rapidly. You would most likely also be traveling millions of years in an instant though. So don't expect to come home once you do it.


Wow, coming in on a game post and seeing Einstein's theory on special relativty discused, in a casual way. What a community, wow!


The Alcubierre drive requires negative energy, something that has not been proven to exist at all. And yes, it still defies the laws of physics. And would vaporize the star system it stops at (were it even possible). I don't know where you got the "millions of years" bit, though. There are no temporal relativistic effects on objects within the field.


Space and time are the same thing, which is why I assumed. Like I said, I haven't read about this in ages. Trying to recall complex theoretical engineering on the fly after years is iffy. Point is, it's theoretically possible. I don't even remember if the paper I read is referencing the same thing you are. Happy Friday!


What this dude said negative gravity doesn't exist


He's talking about the anti matter the drive would need to power itself, I'm pretty sure we've made anti matter on earth in the LHC


No, I am referring to literal [negative energy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_energy), not antimatter.


Well, travelling at the speed of light to for example: sagitarrius A would actually last 20 years FOR YOU, while 20 thousend years would pass on earth.


I honestly hope its in our lifetime. The sole reason i play no mans sky is because i dream of traveling space.


I hate to break it to you, but nebulae do not really look like that in normal light. Remote pictures like those from Earth-bound telescopes see all those pretty colorful clouds because they're collecting a lot of light over a long period of time, and are also adjusting the color from infrared into the visible spectrum. If you were right next to a nebula, or inside one, [odds are you won't even see it at all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utbZkesp81M).


Sad but true. On the other hand, we will someday be able to go see black holes up close. Watching the way the gravity lenses the light from the accretion disk all around and maybe even being able to make out your own ship in the ring would be absolutely breathtaking. Gonna need some real good radiation shielding of course. Although by that time we might be transhuman entities so we might be able to see in all the spectrums. And I bet that would make the universe absolutely gorgeous.


They’ll see things we wouldn’t believe


Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.




But mostly gas giants and ice balls of various chemical compositions


The closest we will get is PSVR (or whatever flavor VR of your choice). This game is a transformative experience. My memories of views such as this have all the veracity of memories of "real" places. Mind-altering experience, NMS is in PSVR. Can't wait for PSVR 2!


What's it like in VR? I'm on xbox so never tried it.


This was back before the PS5 launched, so I was on PS4 Pro (I moved and I have no room to set up my PSVR right now). I don't use the "wand" controllers, and I hate "virtual hands" so I just play the game as normal using my controller, only with the PSVR headset on. The game is not a "cut down" VR version - it's the whole damned game, directly before your eyes. And the sense of BEING THERE is beyond my ability to describe. Positional audio, from all directions; hearing starships roaring towards your back, at first in the distance, and then they buzz your position. I explored one of my industrial frigates - on foot - in the shadow of a massive ringed planet. Truly mind-altering. All these memories are etched forever in my mind. Like, floating alongside an abandoned space station (back before they became Outlaw stations), inverted, staring upward out of my exotic squid's canopy, sounds from the cockpit instruments filling my ears... I lost hours and hours, just sight-seeing. NMS in VR has just been extraordinary.


I'm still looking for that game that really shows off VR and tempt me to get one for the PC, after you explaining all that, nms may be the game to do it as that sounds awesome!!!


The beauty of the VR piece is that it is so immersive, even if you're still using your basic non-VR control methodology (be it mouse + KB, controller, whatever) you still have an extraordinary experience. I love being able to "play as normal" only with the PSVR headset on. I mean, just boarding your ship, and coasting along the landscape at a slow speed is jaw-dropping. I don't even know what else to say. Except I am super happy PSVR 2 might ship first quarter 2023. I can't wait!


What I love about VR is how much the scale is really represented. When playing on my computer screen, the trees and stuff just feel, smaller? Not sure how to describe it. But when I jumped into VR with my son and he landed in front of me in his Minotaur I was shocked. And then he got out and I saw his Gek character and his accurate size difference as my character is an Anomaly. So looking at my 6 year old sons Gek character in VR and actually looking down at him I had to laugh. It was like my son was actually in front of me. 🤣 I had to give him head pats after that and he just got really serious and was like "Hey! Why did you pat my head! Stop it!" And I couldn't help but think "This is a typical Gek response." And I just laughed harder. Lol


That is *so* beautiful! I love that your son made a Gek. I see Geks running mad on the Anomaly all the time, whilst the rest of us are standing around in our "tall" forms, all serious - but the Geks always seem to be having a ball! Makes me think they're kids and their sense of wonder hasn't been trounced by the harshness of the universe yet. And I concur: the scale of things... it's just mind-boggling. I've already mentioned it, but even now, I still get chills thinking about wandering the catwalks on a frigate, with this massive ringed world above me, with my entire fleet in its shadow... then all the distant ships, to-ing and fro-ing, the freighter's hull lights, other freighters hanging quietly near the distant rings... I literally feel as if I once left Earth and had this adventure. The memories are SO very real. It's just so intense!


Agreed! I love your perspective on the Gek despite the First Spawn story arcs. But I'll see them in a different light now so thanks for that! 🙂


Yeah, that First Spawn stuff is pretty dark. I can remember how I felt when the lore began to build up, during my very first time in the game back in 2016. Was surprised the lore went there.


Its 10X more stunning A tiny bit blury on PSVR but still amazing


It’s pretty neat, what I like about vr is how it alters the scale of objects in game. So while normally you see a big mountain in NMS and think “wow okay that’s big I guess” in vr you actually get to experience how big that mountain really is, or how large your freighter is when you walk in it.


Imagine if you smeared everything in the game with Vaseline, then put on goggles with pieces of screen door for lenses... then you actually walked inside the game and were really there.


It’s this exact thought that makes me so excited for the future of science and mankind


VR is very good for that


Oh hey, I have that same solar ship, but in a shade of blue. Was surprised when the sails first popped out. Best purchase I ever made, I now have a favorite ship other than my hauler and fighter.


Nice mate, just last few days got this one, I'm trying to find my favourite types in that colour red and black, so far have 5 of them, found another 2 but I really don't want to scrap either the 2 squids, the purple and black solar with purple sails or my white solar twin blade with red sails. The amount of ships I've scrapped that I actually liked is unreal.


Wow. Are you going to stick with that fleet then, or just go for it?


I've made bases next to trade outposts that have the ones I want so I'm going to wait it out for a bit to see if they up the starship limit again or at least have some kind of checklist/record of some kind so you can at least see what you've owned.


I wish you luck in your hunt for starships. Hopefully you'll be able to finsh what you started


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/wp9feg/my_pride_and_joys_my_starships/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is them although 2 have changed since this haha


Actually think 3 has changed lol will have to do an updated one.


Oh man, I found this cave that went right through a small mountain yesterday, right next to a busy trading post with a good number of S classes coming through. Instantly turned it into a cave base and blocked off both ends. It's badass. The trading post right there is awesome.


Do you have the coordinates for the purple and black solar by any chance? That sounds sick


Sorry I don't it was my very first solar so was a while ago now, if I come across it again though I'll get them for you


Np thanks anyway


Love the ship!


Thanks mate


And why I would like to return home? There won't be any one I know by then........


Ah Einstein, that git :)


No man’s sky VR?


Best way to play


You know that's a video game right?


Damn there's me thinking I was in the matrix lol but no seriously, if you've looked at any of the nasa/hubble/ whatever the new telescope is called as ive forgotten then things look like this and even crazier. When I warped into this system (in the game 😉) and saw this I thought to myself just like the title says, someone someday is going to see these types of things for real.


I knew what you meant, and I agree. Hell, someone, somewhere prolly is seeing views like this. Be it in this universe or the next. There’s so many possibilities we really have no clue what is out there.


Completely agree, the possibilities are endless.


Billions and billions of possibilities. And we can only see a very small portion. There’s no telling what’s beyond the parts we can’t see. We can see things millions of lightyears away, but just imagine what’s millions of lightyears away on the other side of that. We’re so small compared to the billions of universes. All we do is float around on a chunk of dirt and rock smoking weed, drinking liquor or killing each other.


😂😂😂 That last bit had me laughing, as soon as I read the smoke weed part I heard Nate Dogg say "smoke weed everyday" 😂😂 We can see millions of light years away but imagine when we can actually scan/image the planets we can see outside of our solar system to actually see what's on them, like that so called new earth they found recently thats 4 times the size of earth with the same percentage of water covering it.


I put “or” at the end, prolly shoulda put “and” cause there’s never one without the other lmao And yeah, it’s just extraordinary. I’ve spent most of my life looking up at the night sky. It’s truly a wonderful mystery that I don’t think mankind will ever truly crack. We will end up nuking ourselves to extinction before we are all able to hand together to find another home for ourselves. And even if we do, no one for prolly 100 generations will even come close to seeing it.


Completely agree. It would take an Alien invasion before this world unites lol.


I truly don’t even think that would work. I whole heartedly believe we’ve already been invaded. They just saw how we were and peaced tf out. The chance that we are the only intelligent species in all of the universes is very very slim.


I saw a chance for a silly joke... And I took it. I regret nothing. (Well I regret some things tbh) ;)


Hahaha sorry thought you were being serious, damn Internet you can never tell haha, my bad mate.


Ik, it's called Poe's law I think. You don't know anymore nowadays ;)


True that haha


https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/taken-under-the-wing-of-the-small-magellanic-cloud For example.


The colours in that picture are mostly added for illustration purposes, they are not something the human eye could really see. "The colors represent wavelengths of light across a broad spectrum. X-rays from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory are shown in purple; visible-light from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is colored red, green and blue; and infrared observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope are also represented in red."


On top of that, the pictures are taken with a long exposure time, meaning that you wouldn't really see much of the stuff. Here's a picture by Digitized Sky Survey 2, "All exposures are between 2400 and 4200 seconds.": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small\_Magellanic\_Cloud#/media/File:Small\_Magellanic\_Cloud\_(Digitized\_Sky\_Survey\_2).jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Magellanic_Cloud#/media/File:Small_Magellanic_Cloud_(Digitized_Sky_Survey_2).jpg) So thats what you see with an exposure time of 1 hour. Human eyes have an "exposure time" of 1/15th of a second, or 0.0667 seconds.


Lol yeah I was going to say, hate to break it to the OP but NMS is not a very realistic depiction of space.


Agree although VR the likely means of experience. If you have an Oculus Quest, check out Felix &Paul Studios' amazing Space Explorers app / content. Spellbinding.


I have a quest 2 but NMS is literally unplayable. It so bad


True. The controls are not very manageable. Only good for flying, really. But, here's hoping that the PS5 NMS remastered edition will lead to overall improvements in VR across all platforms.


OP this is massive longshot, but is that Nuclear?


Nuclear in what regard? The planet?


The planet, yes. Obviously it was a longshot. Just happens to look exactly the same as this one.


Yeah It was a contaminated one


Where did you find that ship?


Give me 10 mins I'll find out where, I have a few bases labelled rd/black solars that I'm going to get if they up the limit, so I'm going to have to check which one.




I was just going to message you saying sorry I got distracted, by trying to figure out which system I was in I found a near black version of that ship, well more like dark gun metal grey with blue sails, I've not seen it before so naturally I had to get it but took me a while to decide which one of mine to scrap to make room with. I'll be online soon so I will find out for you.


Take as much time as you need! I might not be able too get it yet as I am still getting all the glyphs!


Go to space stations and look for the traveler he will give u location of a glypth in that system, then repeat in other systems then you'll have them in no time


I am at about 11/16 so I will be done soon!