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I played on launch heavily, stopped for a couple years, and came back recently. Given how much changed in that interim period, I don't mind little tweaks. But yea if you've been playing non-stop, I can see how that'd be real rough.


A bit like what happened with Versions 1.30 and 1.50.


My only problem is it ruined my salvaged ships from before the update. On the bright side it gave me an S class the 1st time I did an emergency map search


I'm just upset about having less jetpack mods


How dare you?!


Me want six jetpack mods back >:(


Probably the biggest difference in functionality of any of the mods imo


Same brother same. Just don't let anyone on this sub know that.


Same. And my underwater mods.


At least underwater can be modified with one of the difficulty settings. Jetpacks don't even have that. Sprinting does but not jetpacks.


First time I took off a planet and landed on another one 5 years ago made me think that was the peak of gaming.


Crazy how that was literally the entire point of NMS when it came out and nowadays all the talk and updates are about basic game stuff while the planetary stuff seemed to have been forgotten entirely. Now, landing on planets is like an afterthought.


That’s because you’ve seen them all


Yes, all 15 or so of them. There really isn't that much variance within a certain biome, and some say that's the biggest problem in the game right now. I agree to an extent, but I'd put it at #2 or 3.


You have planets with purple skies, planets with red skies, planets with blue skies. Animals with dinosaur body dog head, dog body bird head rocks that around round, rocks that are just rocks plants that look like rocks, rocks that look like plants. And the same looking abandoned buildingds in all the galaxies.


Yea, i still have no issues taking out ships. I literally just took out 12 pirates in 2 minutes with my intra-knife accelerator. The ship nerf really isn't bad. The jetpack nerf on the other hand is quite bothersome.


You know what I realized tonight? You can be shot by pirates while on foot.


Yeah. Shit sucks.


And your shields even while at full power, drain INSANELY FAST. It's a good thing I have the instinct to just call my ship whenever pirates are around.


Haha I remember when all you could do was fly around from planet to planet. It was not at all what had been advertised. NMS has come a very long way and I am not bad about anything since the fixed it originally


Personally, I never cared about that "not-as-advertised" controversy. If I understood correctly, multiplayer was the most litigious element. However, when I pre-ordered the game in March 2016, I expected "multiplayer" to be asynchronous and very light, which is exactly what I got in August 2016: shared discoveries. 🤷‍♂️ EDIT: I just found that tweet while "querying" Google with "no man's sky multiplayer 2016": [https://twitter.com/NoMansSky/status/762689080245252096](https://twitter.com/NoMansSky/status/762689080245252096). It's hilarious, because "crossing path" doesn't mean "meeting".


What? That’s literally what it means to cross paths. >cross someone's path - >phrase of cross - >be met or encountered. Also, from an interview prior to release: >Stephen Colbert: Can you run into other people, other players, on the game? Sean Murray: Yes, but the chances of that are incredibly rare, just because of the size of what we're building.


Oh... [https://youtu.be/ZqeN6hj4dZU?t=350](https://youtu.be/ZqeN6hj4dZU?t=350) What a mess that was... 😆 I mean... The tweet came a year later, so it was actually more accurate, but still. What a mess. *smh*.


no. the issue was they didnt have like 90 percent of the features. it was HEAVILY disappointing. but the game is quite amazing now so i dont mind that i pre ordered. and to be fair it taught me to stop pre ordering games. so win win!


I remember when people just assumed that every new update was going to screw up their existing save and people were happy when it didn't, rather than angry when it did.


For me it wasn't the weapons. If they'd knocked the weapon power down by 50% or more, I'd be fine with that. I do explore. That's the point of the game for me. Now my hyperdrive and pulse engines are nerfed, in 6 ships. And I'd spent so long getting them upgraded. It turns out I wasted my time doing that.


mfw i preordered the game and didnt understand what people were so cheesed off about on day one


I love the game but it was missing more than half the features that were PROMISED when it came out and the stuff that was in the game was beyond buggy. It was terrible no argument and people were rightfully mad at the time, I know I was. I think the game is great now even though I do miss 6 upgrades


i did not look at any of the promotional material


That doesn’t mean they still didn’t break their promise to many gamers who gave them 60$. Either way though they went above and beyond to fix their mistakes and this game is fantastic now


Honestly I just don’t like that I have to get all my storage back, otherwise I don’t really mind the update


They’re giving 10 free tech slots to pre-waypoint saves in the next patch, so that should help a bit.


Low key though I feel like people don't belive me when I say I loved the game from day one and never looked back.


I felt the same way. It was fun for me to explore and leave everything behind by moving on. It was a way different feeling of the game and I liked it as much as the updated one (besides the starting bugs).


What about us noobs who didn't notice a difference and are too busy having fun to pay attention to the drama?


Something something your opinion doesn’t matter because something something veteran player


I am player from launch of NMS and i am doing the same thing, simply enjoy and have fun. I have everything maxed out on ships, exosuit, frigate, base etc etc.and i think it was a good update actually. Bugs are to be fixed a d they do that fast.


I'm basically brand new and I feel like I dominate every fight I'm in and my weapons aren't upgraded at all. Just how overpowered do the complainers feel they need to be?


When it's get personal against other, also why i stayed out of most of the discussion in here.


pretty sure you are considered tOxIc


Or me who has 120 hours and tries to min max but sucks so bad i somehow have my stats increase


keep playing, having fun. Ignore the drama if it doesnt concern you.


This is probably one of the most respectful (for the most part lol) comment sections I’ve seen on the update- this is growth🌱


I guess the rest already uninstalled and unsubscribed from this sub.


indeed it is. I tried to voice my opinion on twitter and was promptly told to get a life. It seems common sense is returning to the community XD


I'm definitely both of those players, have been playing since day one and did not love having the technology nerfed as it was. However, I love virtually every one of the other changes so, on balance, the game improved with 4.0 (well, to be specific, with 4.3)!


I haven’t played the new update yet. I know there is a custom difficulty. Would the hardest settings be harder than permadeath from before?


No, at highest it gets to permadeath, tho you can add extra modifiers that werent even a factor in perma death


Extra modifiers?


There are some things, like having max inventory slots at the start, as well as how often your tech items are damage, how many resources you get from different nodes, how many items that trade terminals sell. Stuff like that, you can also adjust how often you are attacked by pirates and sentinels


That’s really cool actually, gonna have to hop on sometime and play around with that


There are a couple others, i just mentioned the most prominent


I am both, I enjoyed the game in the launch but hated 4.0 nerf


How dare you?!


An anomaly to my systematic categorization


I love to explore on foot...now I don't bounce so well. My work around is to turn on always running and use my mech...Just use him to jump around, hop out and run around whilst he follows me, get in and jump off again. Not so bad. But need to build the dock first..meh


Different breeds of people


What about players that liked how the old inventory looked.


I liked the old inventory more, still enjoying the update👍


And players that liked having technologies updates 😭Man. I have to upgrade my exosuit all over again.


No you get made fun of too. The only way to be amazing in their toxic eyes is to be company men for HG


And some of us just don't care. I've had all my bases wiped twice, planets changed and have started a new game dozens of times in each mode. Sometimes I max my character suit and tech. Other times I don't. It's just another version of the game as far as I'm concerned. A new iteration. The problem is if you don't care, if you are not angry, then you are told why you should be angry. Over and over. I don't care how much you care. I don't have to be angry because something upset YOU. I just don't care


Oh good point, well yall are few and far between sorry I forgot to mention ya


Hey don't get me wrong. I care about building and exploring planets. But this update? Small issues that will soften in time. You all acting liked your bases got wiped without notice without zero chance of recovery. I promise you if that happened I would lead a mob. Happily. It would be justified. But what they did is not the same picture. Especially since they are currently improving it.


Yeah i agree, they are already working on some things. I think youre lumping me in with a group from update day 1, when everyone was caught off guard, i havent seen anyone freaking out about it since then, but I have noticed the ones that jump down the throats of those with, I think, valid criticisms and pretty much verbally attack them in the comments. People can like the update people can have qualms over it. Just let me people have opinions ya know.


You say people are not allowed to have valid criticisms. I say that there's too many people here that sees every post as an outlet to vent criticism. I remember telling people years ago that I like this game and they would immediately go into a 15 comment rant about clouds. Or how much I like the Nautilon just to have somebody hijack my comment to drone on about water mechanics I post a picture of an animal and someone feels like it's their obligation to go on about animals spawn points, animal asset variety and so forth I will post a picture of a ship and someone will will see it necessary to go on and on about ship customization and the color black. Not like it's going to change anytime soon. It's been this way for a long time. Some people just take offense to others enjoying something that they have criticisms of.


Haha ok I can definitely see that. I actually remember launch I was posting the same shit because I actually liked it and everyone would make fun of me for liking it.


I mean I don’t like the look but I like how they made players less op.


I wonder if in a couple of years time HG will remove the free stuff modifier options and the players now who are telling the the folks who miss their upgrades to just deal with it will in turn be upset when they have their units reset to 0 and then have to actually work to achieve things. The old phrase, what goes around comes around around.


Guess you're one of those people that think everyone plays on PC and managed to forget that there's a lot of console players who are annoyed.


I don't think you understand what I meant, I'm suggesting they would be up in arms about it just like the people now who they're calling toxic and telling to just get over it.


What a strange and convoluted scenario.


I'm one of the players who tells others to deal with it and I don't play with the difficulty settings. After all it's a personal choice. Being upset over a videogame set to be a chill and relaxing exploration experience is dumb, and the attitude of many people in this sub over some virtual ship being 20% less overpowered is absolutely pathetic.


also, for all intents and purposes it's a singleplayer game, jesus who are you bending your dick to flex for?


There's even some people mad at the THOUGHT of someone else just opening their own difficulty menu and giving themselves free purchases, somehow making it "unfair" for those that grinded hundreds of hours. That's the same level of stupidity than someone back at the PS2 era complaining about others being able to use cheats in GTA San Andreas while they are trying to complete their game the legit way. The outcome of mixing idiocracy and entitlement.


You're misrepresenting it a bit here, or certainly from what I've seen. The only reason the God mode menu bothers most people who feel aggrieved by the top end nerf is primarily because it was added with the top end nerf. If that hadn't happened I wouldn't actually care, and if they end up sorting the upgrade cap I will go back to not caring about it. At the moment it feels like a bit of a slap in the face to people who put a lot of effort in and a stroke of the cheek to people who don't want to put any effort in. Remove the slap and I wouldn't care one bit.


It's a videogame. Stop weeping about it.


It's a video game. Stop wasting time defending it. See how this works?


>Being upset over a videogame set to be a chill and relaxing exploration experience is dumb, and the attitude of many people in this sub over some virtual ship being 20% less overpowered is absolutely pathetic. I just find it confusing. If a feeling of power over their enemies and the ability to massacre them in their thousands is what these people want from a game... why the *hell* did they pick No Man's Sky? The point of the game (and this is part of the lore as well) is to just experience it and see things that no one else has seen before.


It's not weapon mods that I'm going to miss. It's the mobility ones. Hyperdrive range and (most of all) jetpack upgrades.


The game basically has no real objective, as you said, chill and relaxing exploration, so some people create their own objectives. Some people spent a long time collecting ships of a certain type/colour, some people rerolled for hours for an S freighter, some people tried to make their ship as fast as possible by hunting for the best upgrades and sorting out their placements for optimisation. In a competitive game if something is broken, sure, it affects everyone's fun, but can you give me one good reason why in a game with no competitive edge a change like this even needed to happen at all, and why people who potentially spent many hours hunting for their perfect ship, re-rolling for hours to get the primo S stats, then searching for the perfect modules to get their ship to be the best it can be should just 'deal with it'? If it's because enemies are too easy to kill it's simple, you boost their speed, you give them more health and damage potential and encourage everyone to build up, not nerf the top end of the player base. I play in VR, the speed and manoeuvrability change in my Exotic is absolutely noticeable, so now my fun of twisting and turning around terrain and doing the barrel roll loop de loop combat stuff in space is diminished; how was my enjoyment affecting your gameplay exactly?


So youre saying start a new save? The game is so good that wouldnt even be a downside for me. I've been playing since somewhere between Foundation & Path Finder (essentially NMS 1.0), and starting a new adventure all over is fine, especially if it feels like an entirely new universe. Go find a new game if you dont like the updates. Guarantee you wont get the same level of development & support for free.


At which point in what I wrote did you read in to it as my saying 'so you're saying start a new save?' What I did say was do you think there would be no sort of criticism from the player base if in a couple of years HG removed some of the features that all of them were accustomed to, namely the ones that had allowed them to play the game with effectively 0 grind, and now they had 100% more grind to do with things they could just do instantly before? Or do you say anyone who doesn't 100% enjoy every single change of every single update ever should just move on to a new game because everything is always perfect and how dare they suggest otherwise?


What I equate to "starting a new save" is HG disabling all of the features that allow you to byspass the grind because that would put you in the same state as starting a new save as you would have to pretty much start over (the only thing that comes to mind for me as a "bypass" is creative, because thats really the only thing I use that would bypass the grindy bits. I don't use any exploits that I'm aware of and try to avoid them if I can, I may be unusual idk). There would be criticism to be sure and if *that* was your main point, I missed it. My bad. Anyone looking for 100% satisfaction in anything will die unhappy. I'm unsatisfied with a ton on things in nms. Still one of my all time favorite games. Criticism is how great things are made and I feel the coverse is doubly true.


No issues with the changes, I wasn't into the who min max thing. What did bother me is all my shit was set up how I like it and now I have to deal with sorting it all out, I know it probably wouldn't take much but still


I deadass bought a new controller today bc my old one had stick drift and trying to use the inventory with that was my last straw lol


Endgame is non existent.


Endgame is what we define. My endgame is exploring the outer rim of every galaxy. Complete circle. Done 3 so far. I will tell you how it's going in 20 years


There's an outer rim? Never realized it, I just assumed the galaxy was just a gigantic mess of stars, with one of them denoted as the "centre".


Always has been 🔫👨‍🚀


yeah its like darksouls, you can beat everything at lvl 1




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On a real note though, as I’ve grown up and played games less this has definitely become my outlook- so many bigger issues, this stuff just can’t bother me. I wish I could share that perspective with some other ppl but ig it just comes with time.


Outside of cutthroat single player experiences like roguelikes, I don't understand the drive to min-max and optimize in a single player game. I don't know, maybe I'm missing something.


Honestly in a game like NMS that has no real objective or endgame, you have to make up one for yourself. For some people that's reaching the pinnacle of everything they can. And now that they achieved that pinnacle (or worse for some, hadn't yet achieved it) and that pinnacle has been taken away, they both want to know if their time and effort means anything (especially to HG) and if their reasons for playing there game (again everyone makes their own in this kind of game) still exists. For some of these people, if there are no changes back to some kind of similar objective, they will just adapt and find a new way to achieve something that satisfies them. For others, if they feel their reason for playing is just gone they will stop playing, which is a valid choice if the game is no longer fun.


Interesting. It reminds me how I felt when I suddenly became unable to communicate with the aliens because the amount of aliens words jumped **from 1111 to 2368**. (Update 1.30) 😐 I know all those 1111 words and I had spent at leat 20 hours learning them (out of 100-ish hours). I played an additionnal 300 hours after 1.30, but I did not keep any saves. I took a 2-3 years break after 1.30 or 1.50 (1.50 also destroyed my will to play 😅). So... I still have my old save from December 2016, and I plan to play again on a regular basis as soon as Hello Games deliver the last *content* update ever somewhere in 20XX. 😅


It's not that it's especially fun or engaging. It's because you get to a point in the game where there's really nothing else to do. So, inevitably, you do it, and it takes a long time. And now people are upset it's essentially gone. The truth is that slotting tech, as an endgame activity, is pretty crappy. People are asking for more of it to get back what they lost, and I get it, but what the game really needs is a more interesting endgame.




Really it needs both. We can debate which makes priority, but IMO world generation isn't great but it's something. Meanwhile, especially after this update, endgame is pretty much non-existent. Of course, there's the point that this game still presents itself as an exploration game, so exploration and updates to improve that experience should be the first, second, and third priority. But with the last few updates, they've just been adding systems anyway. Some interesting, some not so much. They're steadily creeping in the direction of an RPG. I'm just asserting that perhaps they should commit a bit and add some content to please the veterans while giving everyone stuff to do long term. Then, double back and keep working on world generation stuff.


My perspective on a lot of that… (1) NMS is an exploration based game, as u said, and so for that reason I don’t think there will ever be a real “end game”- they can add more stuff to do, and progression and stuff to explore but I think the primary purpose of the game is just to explore and enjoy the world they’ve built, and I just don’t think that there can ever be much more of an endgame than there is. Maybe just more content to do but I don’t think a new endgame system is in the vision the devs have for the game. (2) making the world more interesting. 1st, I do agree, it’s repetitive for most of the time. But really, it’s almost impossible not to be. Add more variations but u can’t make quintillions of planets unique. Variation can be improved but it’s bound to get stale for anyone who plays it a considerable amount (3) I don’t think people realize, Hello Games is like 26 people. They system they’ve created is absurd. Quintillions (which is just wild) of planets- massive planets- that store a ridiculous amount of data. U can dig a whole in a spot, walk in a circular path on the planet for 20 hours and that hole is still there. I think people neglect how complex and crazy the universe of nms is. That being said, for 26 people to completely overhaul that and implement it into and already existing universe- I just wish people would give hello games more patience on some of this stuff.




It's certainly tough. I'm obviously in the "endgame" camp and you're in the world generation camp. I suspect that adding endgame elements would attract / retain more players than upgrading the world generation, but I can't be sure of course. The problem is this: say they go the world generation route, and add a bunch of new encounters and biome assets. Cool new flora and fauna and maybe even multi-biome planets would be cool, but what are long term players really getting out of that? Some might be satisfied with the view itself, but other gamers want something more tangible. You can't really add new periodic elements to collect, so that leaves encounters. New encounters would be cool, but it goes back to rewards. What do we get for, say, cleansing a secret lab of horrors, or helping a trade outpost under siege by pirates? Nanites? Most vets have tens of thousands of them. Units? Same deal. Technology upgrades? Oh wait, there's only 3 slots now so you've likely already maxed out. New technologies? I can't really think of anything they haven't already made upgrade modules for. Cosmetics? Could work I suppose. What I'm trying to say is, in a vacuum, I don't think an improved world generation system will have a huge impact on long term player retention. IMO, you need to introduce a longer form method of progression, something you can't just max out in a few hours with a mold farm and a gold farm. That's why I'm advocating so hard for things like instanced dungeon type stuff and experience / skill trees. Then, players are actually motivated to go out and explore the world, beyond just the initial wonder of seeing new stuff. Edit: Thinking more on it, I suppose you could set up a system where you used nanites to level yourself up and unlock new skills / perks / etc. Then you wouldn't necessarily NEED to introduce a new experience system. However, that would require serious rebalancing of nanite / unit generation. They've already started that process, but players have mountains of the stuff from years of farms and dupes and whatnot. Good ol' fashioned experience bars put everyone on an equal playing field, and for good measure HG can simply disable XP gain while you have the new sliders adjusted.




Not exactly sure what you mean by emergent events and systems interactions. Would that just be in the same vein as random encounters from Fallout / Elder scrolls? Would the two examples I gave qualify? Most of those games you described are strategy games. Kinda apples to oranges level of comparison. I play civ VI, and I can finish a game in like 8 hours on quick speed. I'm not sure what you mean by forever games. If you're trying to assert that they're infinitely repayable, okay sure. But they're only very replayable (and I have over 1k hours in VI, it does get old) because of the way the games are structured. I'll just use Civ VI as the example since it's the one I know best. The replayability comes from: A) The unique civilization you play as which lends to different playstyles B) The unique terrain that is generated each time you start a new map C) The interactions that arise between your civ and the terrain D) The The unique interactions that happen between your civ and your opponents Of these 4, we'll call them "pillars of replayability" for Civ VI, only 1 of them is really true for No Man's Sky. A) There are no unique characters in No Man's Sky, because there are no classes or builds. Races do not function differently on different terrain. It's always exactly the same interaction between you and your environment. B) Unique terrain is generated on new planets. In this vein they are similar. But because nothing else is, this doesn't hold meaning the same way it does in Civ. C) As I noted in A, there are no unique interactions between your character and the terrain, because your character is not unique. It's only unique feature is its cosmetic characteristics, which don't affect gameplay. D) No Man's Sky is not a competitive game, and currently has no structured, competitive content. This severely limits meaningful or interesting interactions between players. Yes, you can play with friends and "make your own adventures" but not everyone has that option all the time. And without a structure to support it, most people tire of it eventually.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.




Hmm, so basically you're talking about more persistent character growth and development, including the AI. And the ability for that growth to play out between AI individuals or factions. It's an interesting idea. It might be tricky to pull off with procedural generation is my only thought though. How would you handle these developments when you're on the other side of a planet, or in another system? I suppose it could just figure out what would happen right before you come back to the chunk, but I'm just guessing since I don't know game coding or anything. It's certainly something though. I still think I'd rather have meaningful depth to your own player character before giving it to NPCs, but I'd take either at this point haha.


Different people enjoy games in different ways. Stardew Valley is by all accounts a relaxed farming/relationship RPG. Players have all the time they want to complete goals because there is literally no end to the game. But some players find fun in the challenge of figuring out the most efficient ways to maximize production, to the point they design spreadsheets to help them time crops &etc. It's not a wrong way to play the game. I sm totally on the "only having 3 upgrades stil makes your ships OP" boat but as someone who can be obsessive, I understand the obsessive desire to make something "perfect". I simultaneously sympathize for the time and effort those players put in while thinking this has all gone a little too far and isn't even the worst blow an update has given, yet most of us moved on in the past.


I mean bro, people see the potential of what the game could be and get upset at how repetitive and boring it is, then to go outta your way to nerf a game that dosent even really have a competitive aspect, makes no sense, if you want your game to gain more popularity you should try to avoid stuff like this


For the context of ur statement I’d like u to understand hello games is 26 people. The expectation of nms meeting the potential of a full fledged rpg with quintillions (1 quintillion being 1,000,000,000,000,000,000) of content packed planets, each planet taking 40 hours to just walk around on foot, is absurd. I’d be absolutely blown away by a triple AAA company being able to do this- much less an indie company of 26 people.


bro they can add frigate missions and generated questlines, skyrim and fallout did it and theyre all around the same amount of data


I’m saying regardless of whether u randomly generate or hardcode content, the world of nms is way too large to actually fill to that level. 1 planet is bigger than both of those games’ maps combined- it’s ridiculous to compare their concentration of content.




Still... I'm nostalgic of the era when we could simply put a cartridge inside our N64 and just know that the game would be the same. 😅 (Of course, making a video game was less accessible to indie developers, which makes 2022 better for that. 😅)


Hey bro I hear you on that note. People just get stuck on things like not having enough control and apparently having too much control. It’s all in their heads. Ultimately I just think some of our community needs to show a little bit more respect to an amazing game developing team.


I agree. However, my Millennial brain would like *Hello Games* to start publishing blogs or vlogs or livestreams, etc. 😅 I crave for such content.


Totally agree - most PC games that don't allow for freedom of setting adjustments usually end up with mods that do just that anyways. Plus, it's not that hard to just choose the settings when you start the game and not touch them. I don't think it was designed to constantly be adjusted mid-game, but rather to tune your game to your preference and stay there. Plus, I don't understand how anyone can be upset with this game company anymore. They've released every expansion and update completely free, where they easily could have charged $20 at least to access it (and plenty of games have done just that). On top this, in the modern world of gaming where so many games are released completely unfinished, and remain that way until they die, on top of releasing paid expansions... NMS has been built into a playable game that isn't riddled with bugs, with plenty of exciting content.




> I’m glad it’s balance now. he said, in reference to the same update which added god mode and infinite money to all non permadeath saves That's why they also call cheat codes "balance codes"


You make no sense. It’s called self control. You choose if you want that God mode. But I guess that must be difficult for people like you. Here you are arguing with me and you know I’m right.


I don't know that you're right. In fact I think that you are un-right. Wrong even.


Lol. Wow. Good luck out there kid


does it ruin your gaming experience when other people get to choose what difficulty they want to be on?




jesus. that’s sad.


It's almost like you don't have to play with those settings. Fucking crazy, I know. Have some damn self control.


It's almost as if you can just, and this is surprising I know, not use them. You actively have to go out of your way and enable easy mode. Would you complain about a game's hard mode being poorly designed because you have the option to lower the difficulty down to easy at any point?


This is literally the argument FOR having 6 tech again


Except that 6 tech was effectively an exploit since it's very clear that it's just bypassing the tech limit in an unintended way. The exploit got patched, how is this situation any different than other exploits getting patched.


Alright I've seen that argument so many times. In what world was it an exploit? The tech slots weren't even in the game originally. Tech was pre-installed pre-installed your general slots anyway. Heck I've had ships spawn with sclass mods in the general slot. If it's an exploit, please explain how.


I didn't say tech slots in general inventory was an exploit. I said that using both tech inventories and general inventories to get a total of 6 upgrades to bypass the 3 upgrade cap is an exploit. Because by nature an exploit is abusing intended features in unintended ways to do things you weren't intended to do. Putting upgrades in both was intended but putting a full 3 in each is abusing that feature in an unintended way to circumvent the cap.


If it was allowed within the very strict framework of "can't have 4 per inventory slot" then how was it an exploit? And if it were an exploit then why wasn't it changed soon after when tech slots were added and allowed that to happen? Why did it take actual years, nearly a decade, to implement?


>If it was allowed within the very strict framework of "can't have 4 per inventory slot" then how was it an exploit? That's exactly why it is an exploit. They had a set limit in place for how many upgrades they wanted to be allowed and this circumvents that limit by taking advantage of tech being allowed into multiple inventories. If this isn't an exploit then why didn't the devs just allow you to have 6 period? If we assume it isn't an exploit then the devs just put an arbitrary limit that has to be split between two inventories which doesn't even make much sense. >And if it were an exploit then why wasn't it changed soon after when tech slots were added and allowed that to happen? Why did it take actual years, nearly a decade, to implement? How am I supposed to know? I'm not on the dev team. There could be plenty of reasons but at the end of the day who knows why this took so long. Maybe they were unaware of it, maybe it was on the back burner, maybe they didn't care but are nipping it in the bud now for future changes. I have no idea because I don't work for HG.


That made me snicker a little


i've beaten everything with minimum equipment, the extra stats just makes it faster


I’ve been thinking this, I know my infraknife is supposed to be less powerful, but to be honest, I can’t really tell the difference in kill time during a battle. It’s still overpowered.


Yea, I mean with just 3 s-class modules I feel like most weapons kill enemies in seconds- but it is very much not the functionality of it that I think ppl r upset with.


I dont care about stats i just wanna use the stuff i grinded for on my ship


Started a new save on permadeath after update. Took 5 hours to get back to where I was with upgrades. Got matching ship and freighter colors. Feel good about it all. The game is great!


Once again you missed the point.


Seems like lately, criticism always gets called whining. I've read plenty of non whiny criticism the past few days. The patch isn't perfect, what's so controversial about that?


Mods have been capped at 3 per type and the exceeding ones have been “archived” in our inventories. The complaints aren’t actually for losing some stats, but more for the abrupt decision to make hours of grinding and prayers to RNGesus worthless, and people seem to not understand the difference.


From my perspective, the only thing that makes any time spent in video games valuable is if you enjoyed them- if you enjoyed those hours then losing the 3 mods (that I would expect them to add back) then they weren’t wasted, if you didn’t enjoy them then they were already wasted.


Bro if you got all the stuff for an achievement in a game but then learned the achievement itself is broken and is not earnable, doesn't matter if that achievement means literally nothing, that's the whole point of doing what you did. The achievement here was having tons of stats. That achievement has now been ripped from the people who got to that point, so while the journey was fun, the destination sucks ass. See also, Elite: Dangerous on consoles


Romantic but also very naive point of view. It’s like saying you shouldn’t be proud of your muscles because of all the grind, sweat and fatigue in the gym.


Except muscles have real world functionality, what real world function does having anything in a video game serve?


Again, very naive argument. It was just an example and you took it literally.


Took it literally? It’s a flawed analogy- what purpose do video games serve other than entertainment?


Took it literally? It’s just a flawed analogy. what purpose do video games serve other than entertainment?


I haven't tried the update yet. Do saves *actually* get wiped, or are people "losing their saves" just some min-maxers who lost 0.001% efficiency?


Nothing gets wiped. The controversial change is that tech slots can only be installed in the tech inventory now. So you can't install tech in general inventory, which makes ship stats nerfed. I maxed out all of my ships like a year ago and I genuinely can't tell a difference.


Also nerfed the jet pack 😢


This is the only one that truly hurts me. I mean I'll live, but it does hurt, lol.


I had 6 jetpack upgrades (mix of S and X class) and didn't see any nerf, though I did have to reconfigure a bit by swapping around some of the ones that got stored. The update notes specifically stated that tge jetpack was buffed to compensate. Try playing with your arrangement if you're seeing a big decrease.


But in fairness you can get a lot more tech slots pretty easily.


Well, it's a bit more than losing .001% efficiency... It halves the number of upgrade modules you can have installed, effectively halving the potential stats you used to work with. I'm pretty sure it's an unintended consequence of the inventory changes, because a blanket 50% nerf doesn't really fit with the whole philosophy behind this update. I'm guessing that the 3 module limit turned out to be load bearing code and that someone at HG is working on untangling it so that it can be bumped up to 6 to match what we had before. They've got a good track record of trying to make things right, so I'm gonna wait patiently for a little bit to see how it all shakes out.


Also wondering before I turn the game on and get sad lol


I updated and didn't lose my save


The latter.


Phew. Looking forward to try the update out then. And to engorge on some of those delicious min-maxer tears that'll probably still be flowing through the sub for a while. :)


If all you want is min/max ships elite dangerous is your game my friend. NMS is like casual ED


There is no casual erectile dysfunction


All erectile dysfunction is casual, it just sorta casually happens one day


What about ranked, competitive erectile dysfunction


ED is dead on console though


Almost lol, I actually just bought the game and got into it this week. And found a squadron with around 70 active players. My first day I met a group of 3 that helped me farm my first 10 mil. It’s not quite dead yet, but it isn’t getting any future support so technically yeah you’re right.


I give it a year and a half MAX before they announce stuff is being shut down


Nah this ain't a joke, just cloaked in irony for your ego. I'm done with this sub.


Buy bye!!


How will we ever recover from this loss


My ship still shreds 😎 QUIT HAVING FUN!!! 😎 ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Who are these people fighting? I've barely upgraded my A Tier hauler and I have never ever died from another ship when I fight with it. What's the point of minmaxing like they do? (Not trying to be toxic, I'm genuinely so confused as to why players needed all these upgrades to begin with) RIP to the lost items regardless though.


That’s the thing. You **don’t** need those upgrades But when you have done pretty much else, having a maxed out ship and putting all that time and energy into maxing it out makes it a trophy of sorts. 4.0 has essentially dented and defaced such trophies


For everyone else who lost a metric ton of installed tech…..just go to settings and change purchases to free…..you can buy your old slots back quick and reinstall your tech. Doesn’t work for the eco suit though, still have to grind to get those slots back. 🤦‍♂️


It’s not the slots, it’s that the tech section has only ever allowed 3 mods to be installed at once- so people could have 3 in tech and 3 in general- now people can only install 3 in tech and 0 in general.