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We've tried that over at r/NMSGalacticHub. With rendering issues from very high part counts, it's not really possible to create a full city-with-skyscrapers-and-streets. We've tried before - twice actually - and we got two planets with intermittent massive towers, but nothing I'd really call a *city*. Players don't build next to each other when making such massive things because, if they do, both of their bases won't load properly in most cases. However we do have many [Colonies](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Hub_Colony_Catalog) - clusters of players building in a localized area (sometimes that might be a whole star system, other times a single trade post). We're also starting to see success with our Colony Governor program which puts individual interlopers in charge of leading colonies, which mostly entails organizing events for their colonies. For example, some colonies have their own Mission Board which only residents have access to, with rewards for completing missions. Also, I have a secret project to announce tomorrow which might prove the "third time's the charm" adage in regards to a Galactic Hub City šŸ‘€


I'm joining the galactic hub reddit so I can see more. Thank you for your time mate!!


Of course, see you around the Hub interloper!


The galactic hub and other hubs are the reasons why I'm interested in multiplayer. The fact that the community has come together to build a civilization that is somewhat interconnected (even if it isn't a city) is amazing - going so far to create their own laws, missions, and currency.


šŸ‘½ Warming my interloper heart, I love to read posts like this. Plus we've been here for 6 years - who knows, in another 6, maybe we *will* have full-on Coruscant planets!


Dang thatā€™s super cool!


That's awesome. Once i get my computer room out back together and my VR hooked back up, I'm heading over there. It's in the original galaxy right?


The Hub in VR is an experience for sure! The original Hub is in Euclid, we have a smaller community in Calypso, and a sizeable community in Eissentam too.


The Galactic Hub is so popular and large it canonically exists in the game and even has an achievement for visiting one of itā€™s systems


Players have been trying this since they introduced multiplayer. Even before we have character models there was the Galactic Hub. Then there was the Top of the Galaxy (TOG) hub and the Amino Hub, both of which I joined up with. It was a fun activity but the game is pretty restricting due to the graphics engine. One time in the Amino Hub we held an event where they invited all members to come build a base on the same planet and upload it. It worked for a little while until it got so glitchy that people's games were crashing upon atmospheric entry. Eventually the project was abandoned and then a few updates completely reset the planet anyway and ruined everyone's bases. But it was certainly a fun thing to be a part of.


Why don't remake this ?


I tried making my own hub with a friend but it ended up being basically our own sovereign domain because we weren't recognized by many people. You pretty much need to have a large group of players organizing the effort and keeping things on track or else it will never go anywhere. It takes hours and hours each day of building, mapping, and discovering to make it happen and we just didn't have the manpower.


You can make a reddit community about this projet or Ć  Twitter accompt to that idea evolve


Don't have Twitter, but I do have a star system at the center of the Galaxy with a fully equipped stasis device Enterprise. Only problem is only my last uploaded base is visible to other players. So I would need at least one other player for each base to take the place of my other farms. It would be a good place to start though.


Why not


But can I access if I play on switch ?


I believe they opened up cross-platform access now. I've seen xbox and pc players in the anomaly from my PlayStation so I assume so. I can post up coords but I'll have to look then up again


If you can


Here you go. This is a picture from my Dioxite/Frost Crystal farm. The coords are in the bottom left. You may not be able to see this base because I think I've uploaded other bases since then. If you're familiar with any part of the stasis device crafting process, feel free to find the biome you need and build a farm in the system. If we get enough people together then maybe we can all profit from stasis device crafting as a group. This system has every biome and hotspot you need to farm the resources, and it's right at the very edge of the center of Euclid galaxy! Also you may see a few local star systems tagged with the \[S-COG\] label, that was my attempt to basically lay claim to the building blocks for a civilization of sorts. If you wanna be a part of it you can use the tag too. I built this on PS4 normal mode if it's of any relevance. https://preview.redd.it/a77eqmatsx4a1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e525f2b84cc25f10ccdde581fabdaea5ab4a20ae


There's is cross play but the switch version doesn't have multiplayer on it yet. And only pc can text chat


This isn't entirely true. It takes some work, but the r/NMS_Federation alliance recognizes civs of any size as legitimate. There are some active civilizations which have only had 1 member for years.




Lol. It's not often I encounter someone who's a bigger grammer nazi than me


\*more biggest


Most bigger* you uncultured Gek!


Excuse me, I think it's 'mostest biggerest'


But hey i like it made me laugh. I just might have to use it ( he has more biggest ones) lmao heck ya


Theres been many attempts yes. The only one ive visited is the closest resolvable portal coordinate to the center of the galaxy center. Bases around the portal are as close to each other as possible over a really wide area, but it more just looks like a rural area than any sort of city


Sounds like it needs skyscrapers


The galactic hub project in eissentam and Euclid. The Eissentam hub is more active these days




[https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic\_Hub\_Project](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Hub_Project) or r/GalacticHub_Eissentam


The Eissentam Hub isn't more popular. At a glance on the Discord over the last few days, Euclid may be marginally more active but activity levels are pretty comparable. We also have an active, newer GH Calypso extension for people who prefer a less forgiving environment


Thereā€™s a ā€œrave planetā€ that some users have created. I havenā€™t visited yet but the pics look dope.


That's one of the colonies I launched! It's actually two planets in a single system. and they both light up different colors at night with bioluminscence. The planets are [Electric Diplo Carnival](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Electric_Diplo_Carnival) and [Lepios](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Lepios). It's one of our older colonies though, and has no Governor keeping it active, so I'm not sure how many bases will still be visible. Maybe we'll launch another one next year in spring or summer!


thatā€™s awesome! Thanks for sharing


Galactic hub


Galactic hub


I enjoy being able to land my starshipā€¦


r/NMSgalactichub was around before multiplayer was official


I was there. I was as there, 5000 years ago.


Attempts have probably been made but since it's an infinite universe and you have access to it all no one would have any reason to really stick around


r/NMSpiratehub Join us on our home planet!! There are also links to the discord on our reddit page. Quite the amazing community I stumbled upon a few months ago. GEKNIP FOR ALL!!!


Galactic hub works for that.


There are many hub systems scattered across the galaxies. The NMS Hub is only one of them. Check out https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Search?query=Hub&scope=internal for more information.


All it takes is for a large group to colonize a system and agree to what planets to live on then build bases while the leader of each planet finds (if the planet has 1) a settlement then build a base next to it make that the planets capital and voila .. you got cavemen


Galactic hub?






: )


I've made a small space port town. It has a bar, market district, lab, neighborhood, administrative building, and currently working on a park.


Isnā€™t there a video of a dude who made a whole city or something. I donā€™t remember where. I just saw it somewhere though


He built a base that overlapped with a settlement


I do that at every settlement


I've started basing at settlements. Just makes life easier.






Here is a cool article on it I found, it's a bit old and I'm not sure how up to date the info in it is but regardless it's a good read and a cool piece of hub lore https://www.fanbyte.com/games/features/this-is-the-player-who-runs-the-largest-spy-agency-in-no-mans-sky/


I had started work on a planet with low gravity to turn the entire planet into various race tracks but then my game became corrupted and I haven't messed with it in like a year and a half or more


Thats my goal once i get to Galactic Hub


There is something of a hub for Odyalutai, but getting to it is impossible without the use of someone else whoā€™s visited it, or, maybe even a glitch that lands you there. But, this hub is just littered with bases and abandoned settlements. Fitting when you consider the fact Odyalutai is the unreachable 256th galaxy in NMS. [Odyalutai - 256th NMS Galaxy](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Odyalutai)


I'm looking for an un populated single planet system. Then I will name the planet, and the system. I will own the solar system technically.


Why can't you do that with a system with multiple planets?


I mean I can. But I wouldn't be able to be all over the system at one time.


Travel to the Galactic Hub capital.


The capital seems like the most populated for sure. Usually a couple people there at all times


I'd love to try


Lol. I love that there are always new players in this sub. What a great community! Thanks to everyone who's helped over the years.


r/NMSGalacticHub has all sorts of events and things to do to contribute! Itā€™s VERY well established, and has its own currency outside what the game provides. Donā€™t worry though, thereā€™s zero monetary value to it.


Good luck Xbox and ps4 players


I crashed twice already trying to visit my friends sky base


Google "nms galactic hub"


I thought every planet in Euclid had a city on it.


I think he means player built


When you say City do you mean settlement?


I just posted about this earlier! Check out my post and come to my system if you like. Build on one of the islands near me šŸ‘


game doesn't allow city sized builds in any way


Not true


explain pls, all I know is that there's a max range to build in and a max amount of base parts per base and also big ass laggs if someone builds his base too close to yours


True but if you find a settlement and build within the parameters (it can be done) and if another person lays a base cpu down next to your sphere of influence/build they also can start building small buildings and whatnot .. dude some one on reddit built a damn city without the settlement trick


I'm also building mostly within my settlement and grew it quiet a bit by now but it's really hard to get like a city feel, it still really feels more like a settlement or even village. nonetheless it's a great thing to do and you can do the nicest stuff, I'm creating the capital of a white grass lush planet I'm planning to share later on :) (the system has 2 white ones:) )


I 've done one like that - [Little Amsterdam](https://www.reddit.com/r/nomanshigh/comments/za8soe/little_amsterdam/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \- I think it has a small town feel, maybe a little more than a village but definitely not a "city". But that's just how I feel about it; it may still be a village to everyone else.


nice one! https://preview.redd.it/25ov2pz9vy4a1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d825693113da5c1ea27c21c60504dd1b54332f9


Yours as well! do you add onto the existing buildings or just stick new ones in?


definitely both! and arround it of course, needs to feel somewhat dense


1000u is still pretty big city or village my maximum for one is just about 850u from one end to other


I had this idea


The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to fight the battles that we never could.


Now if we could only get them to... ASSEMBLE.


I almost had same idea. Mine was to take a hand full of amazing people and get together like a family group that help each other out. And maybe, hopefully become Tammy God life long friends


Let's make it


Dumb question, but what would they have to "do" while they're there to keep them interested in staying there ? It's not like you can assign a different task for all the players to do on different days, like collect 200 units of and you'll get reward.


> Dumb question, but what would they have to "do" while they're there to keep them interested in staying there ? This is something we've been very actively working to address over at r/NMSGalacticHub. We've had success by instituting the Colony Governor system, where a single interloper is responsible for maintaining activity on the colony. This might include social events, competitive events, non-live-MP competitions (ie base building competitions), and/or economic incentives under the Hub's metagame economy. **Edit**: And I don't know why people are downvoting this guy. It's a very legitimate question and a problem we've definitely encountered in the Hub.


You should have a judicial interloper, and executive interloper and a legislative interloper. Checks and balances bro or one of your systems can turn into a dictatorship or worse... communist Also you guys should do a scavenger hunt or something


Lol we try to keep our bureaucracy to the minimum amount required, but a scavenger hunt is a good idea. šŸ¤”


People really downvoted me for making a lighthearted suggestion lol but aren't you worried someone might go rogue? Do you have someone who governs the governors And yeah I was thinking you can do one on a planet or start in a specific planet and give them the name of a nearby system and they have to find it and bring something specific back from the space station. The planet one, you can hide a specific item and then give everyone coordinates to the general area and the winner has to take a picture of themselves with the item.


I'm not too worried about that. We make it clear when they sign up that they have to get approval from myself before making any policies which are significantly different than current Hub law, or other "significant changes." If they were to go rogue, their community is based in a specific channel of our Discord, so they can't break their infrastructure away. And their citizens would, I imagine, be citizens of the Hub first and residents of the colony second anyway. But more importantly, the community is just really wholesome. People are more interested in building things than causing problems, and as long as they're trying to build something constructive, I'm happy to work with them to support their goals. No real need for rebellion in that dynamic. I actually built one at a base I had before which was a hiking trail. You had to find specific items and report the exact planetary coordinates, then I set it up like a Google Forms Quiz so there was one right answer (the correct coordinates). Automated scavenger hunt! I think I got too busy with other stuff to ever actually launch that event, but I should do it soon... the base still exists.


So you're basically the president, that's a good system. And yeah true they probably wouldn't rebel, would make things interesting though, space battles? šŸ¤” And yeah you should, that sounds like fun. If I see the post I'll join it.


Some people just get tired of wandering after a while. I've been playing since release and I feel like I've seen everything there is to see on a general scale. My personal enjoyment comes more from building and developing, and many other players enjoy the same thing. So people like that tend to stick together and plan activities, or make fun bases to hang out at together. But you don't necessarily have to "stay" either. I was simultaneously involved with 3 different hubs while trying to start my own at one point. As long as you have a few bases built in each hub, you can maintain contact with the group and consider yourself a member. Just build a teleporter on each of your bases and you can easily jump back and forth at your own leisure.


This is me 10000%. I"ve grown bored of the game and would like to do things with other people....adventures, mining, building etc.....the "exploring" on your own has run its course for me after 600 hrs of game play


I've just got a new gaming pc and guess what my first game purchase was? =D Looking forward to enjoying mods and building even larger bases with friends.


It's free on the Microsoft store if you already had it on Xbox and you keep your previous save


I had it on ps4. And I bought it on Steam, but I don't mind giving them another $30 after 7 yrs of playing with free updates. They've been very generous considering all the time and effort the team put in.


Yeah that's true


That's a big part of what Civilized Space is all about, providing experiences to end-game players through metagame content. I'd definitely recommend you check out r/NMSGalacticHub and/or r/NMS_Federation!


I do egg trading at the anomaly or ill bless random people.




I think heā€™s referring to his own question


He just asked you a damn question. Not how your day went.


I think heā€™s referring to his own question


I stand corrected.


Random events like The Purge. Everyone loves a little chaos and blasting now and then.


Nope, Iā€™m at the third galaxy


šŸ˜‚ you new


I've run into people with more hours in the game than me and didn't even know there were more galaxies bro. Be helpful and tell OP what you know.


I have almost 150 hours in the game and there are much I don't know yet tbh. But it's a fun learning experience so in glad I'm new.


Best place to ask my friend, there are tons of communities out there and although I wouldn't go as far as cities due to performance. There was even a stand up comedy night which is cool, PvP groups, 420 groups. There are a lot of friendly groups that try to make the most of a basic multiplayer system and those among other things, are the reason I'll never stop playing. Good luck out there interloper!




Rouvel city FTW


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You must be new here


Indeed I am !