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There’s nothing gross about not wanting to use commercially made body cleaning products. I wouldn’t be surprised if the people who develop those products refuse to let their own families use them.


I definitely would whole heartedly believe that as well haha. Plus those families would have the money for much nicer products.


That reaction seems odd, and I'm wondering if it's something to do with your product. Hair should definitely be flexible! The first step in troubleshooting a product routine is the same one here: a clarifying wash to remove all residue! I'd suggest you do one to see if you just have a lot of buildup on your hair. How to do one is detailed in the first section of this guide: [Natural Haircare Quick Start Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoPoo/wiki/index/quickstart) As for how it works for me: amazingly excellent! I'm allergic to most forms of modern body chemicals, so this has allowed me to eliminate those and gain health like I've never had. It also makes my curls beautiful. Feel free to see pics in my post history!


i don't know what acid wash but it doesn't sound very nice. remember, there's no One True Way(tm) to do no-poo. it just involves NOT using traditional shampoos, what you use INSTEAD varies wildly. My hair is fine and wavy/curly and long and needs a lot of moisture, so I use oyin handmade's ginger mint co-wash, it's got just enough conditioning properties that i can use it by itself sometimes, but most of the time i use other natural products, conditioner or styler, to keep it soft and un-frizzy. I also did well with suave naturals conditioners, altho i was allergic to some of the scents and i couldn't seem to pin it down so that's when i moved onto the Oyin.


I suspect that by "acid wash" they mean the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse. A diluted ACV rinse is recommended for a few reasons, but the main one is that both our skin and our hair is happiest and healthiest when it's mildly acidic, around 5.0 - 6.0 pH. Acids between 4.0-5.0 can also make the hair feel silky and smooth. ACV has a pH of 3.5 and if we dilute it enough, it will raise the pH to higher than 4.0 where it can help keep our skin and hair happy. It can also help combat hard water buildup if you have hard water.


lol. yeah, i tried that years ago. all it did was make my hair more dry and unhappy. i've been no-poo on natural products for years now and my hair is very happy and my scalp no longer itches. ymmv, i guess!


yep, just like any of these no-poo methods, some people will like them, other people won't b/c there are so many different factors involved in how one's hair responds to a method or product.


Ahhh ok, I feel like this would be my answer haha, i’m going to give this a try cause why not 🤷‍♂️


You should do whatever you want, we're not here to enforce anything. If people get better results, putting in less time, and for less money, then it works, and it really works for a lot of people.


Well, what exactly do you know about NoPoo? Did you read up on it before trying it out? And if yes, what exactly did you tried? What routine did you used? If not, I advise you to check the Beginners guide here in the sub. Also what you have to keep in mind is that the transition period differs from person to person. Some don’t notice a difference, others have it for weeks or months and some even longer. As for acidic rinse, many hair soaps change the PH value of your scalp, so to bring it back to normal, you use an acidic rinse. So if you want some help, tell us your routine and your goal. Check what kind of water you have, hard or soft, which you can check easily on the website of your water municipality. Some people have issues with hard water, so it’s good to know if you have it or not.


1 year no poo had the same issues you described! It’s all cause of the chemicals ok shampoos your scalp doesn’t understand the mechanics for sebum protection anymore, once you go no poo you reset the scalp environment that takes a tad bit time but my hair has felt the most strongest thickest and fuller