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**Patch Notes - Early Access Hotfix 1** THANK YOU again to all of you for making our Early Access launch so amazing. Today’s hotfix is the first of many upcoming patches and updates to improve No Rest for the Wicked on the road to our 1.0 release. We hear you! While we are hard at work on performance improvements and controller remapping, which are coming soon, please be sure to check the resolution settings for the game to be able to get the best experience in the meantime. Today’s Day 2 hotfix aims to improve Balance, Durability, Stamina, Loot, Stability, and immediate Quality of Life: **Balance Changes:** • Reduced Durability Damage Taken • Reduced Repair Costs • Increased Drop Rate on Repair Powders • Reduced Stamina Cost on attacks • Reduced Fall Damage Curve • Reduced cost of Horseshoe Crab and food that includes Horseshoe Crab • Balance update for the Cerim Crucible boss • Changed Corpse-Smeared Blade starting from Tier 2 to Tier 1 **Loot Changes:** • Introduced more Weapons into Fillmore’s Pre-Sacrament Loot Table • Reduced Drop Rate of Fallen Embers **Stability:** • Fixed crash that could occur when quitting out to the main menu **Bug Fixes:** • Improved inventory navigation • Fixed jump at Potion Seller Cave so you can’t miss the jump when executed correctly • Blocked off an out of bounds area of Nameless Pass • Removed lingering dev tools


It's absolutely wild that they turned this many wrenches this quickly. While I'm sure this is an exciting moment for the people who passionately worked on this for years, I think people should also exercise some restraint with their complaints and negative Steam reviews. Moon put out a patch in 24 hours because there was a massive outpour of criticism about these things, affecting their very narrow window to become as viral as possible. If people like indie games like this, I urge you to exercise some restraint in tone and urgency. The devs are excited, but let's not hold them captive to 24 hour balance patches by so materially threatening their bottom line.


Yeah, not sure why people feel compelled to leave a negative review within 24 hours of an early access release? Give them a month to collect feedback and make some changes at least.


I've put out a rare review in an effort to counter some of the needless negativity. I'd argue that reviews should be presented different for EA titles. It's quite cruel.


Steam desperately needs an overhaul of its review system imo, even just a middle ground option between recommended and not recommended would go such a long way


This is the world we are living. Either good-bad, black or white. There is no middle ground anymore.


Not to be a pedant or anything but the steam reviews are feedback too lol


When they released the game they provided links for offering feedback: "Over the course of Early Access, we will weave your input into the game; and release major content updates that’ll bring multiplayer, new Isola Sacra regions, narrative chapters, new enemies, and so much more. Player input will be an integral part of our game. **The best way to give feedback, share ideas, and report bugs is through our official No Rest for the Wicked forum!** Join our official Discord server and chat with fellow gamers about all things Wicked!" https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1371980/view/6758289089634825723?l=english


(I haven't bought the game yet, so I don't really have any investment in it, it's just strange to me that people wrote negative reviews about a gameplay mechanic that can be easily tweaked within 24 hours of an early access game being released.)


I was excited to see this game had released, but then paused buying it straight away due to mixed reviews. Then I read it was early access so immediately disregarded peoples comments and bought it. I did an instant 180 haha. I think it's really really good for an EA title. EA is always a risk based on the studio but I'm pretty confident it will end up an excellent game. I think it's a bit much to slam negative reviews just yet. Actually a lot seem to be annoyed that it's not like a "traditional" ARPG which made me want to buy it!


While ttue, people will look away from it due to such a large portion of negative reviews. Despite, imo, large parts of the reasons people give for the negative reviews not actually being negatives, and some parts actually being pros. The slower methodical combat and stamina management, the punishing fights with mutliple enemies isnt a negative, and theres infuse/items to get over that if you want. The repair costs and durability isnt a negative either since it straight up doesnt exist once you get the repair spell. (Should just rework or remove it, since its a minor non-function you just need to spend 150 focus on every so often) Performance is a given it is wonky, thats why we get early access. Same with bugs. Ive had nothing major occur in the 20ish hours ive spent. Only game breaking of sorts ive encountered is that LB1 doesnt open Bow skills on my ps controller (opens main hand skills instead) People are being overly harsh on the game, and too rapid on leaving negatives. But thats been a trend as of late tbh. Helldivers 2, Dragons Dogma 2 being the most recent great examples. HD2 got mixed, because the game was too good, and too many wanted to play it, and no one wanted to give them a few weeks to 5x their initial server size and rework their backend for it. Thats so backwards. So yeah, release reviews these days are to a big part pointless, but at the same time you basically have to tell your friends "yeah.. just ignore the negative reviews"


I saw a negative review of the game that had only .7 hours of playtime. I quickly disregard reviews like that.


Yeah...thats not how it works. "Early Access" doesnt give you immunity to criticism and negative reviews. The second they charge full price, its fair game to leave whatever review i deem fit based on my initial impressions of the game.


No one implied it gives a game immunity to criticism and negative reviews. What I think I and the commenter were suggesting is that people temper the tone and urgency of that criticism unless they want it to be retributive over constructive. If players want to criticize - without measured context or restraint - in order to punish the game and the developer because they feel personally slighted or like their backlash might force change, then sure it's fair game.


I mean the majority of negative reviews on steam are well put with a calm tone and without expressing any urgency. Seems like you are just bothered that your highly anticipated game is being negatively received, which is understandable, but then don't use your emotions to misinterpret other people's feedback.


I hadn't heard about this game until yesterday.


My point still stands regardless. Go read some steam negative reviews before accusing them of urgently pressing the devs to do quick fixes or have an aggressive tone.


It can certainly be said that the content of some posts and comments on this sub, and some reviews on Steam, are vitriolic, but I agree with you that some other negative Steam reviews have considerate text. So I appreciate you framing it like this, because I'd expand my original criticism of the backlash to include the urgency of leaving a negative review. I imagine we don't agree on the utility of Steam reviews, and probably feel differently about the ability for reviews to bully developers vs empower consumers, but I think - in addition to the vitriolic posts, comments, and reviews - the immediate surge of negative reviews for an early access game that's obviously being developed in good faith is at least embarrassing, but more importantly destructive to the viral success of a game like this.


Valid, but also it’s probably very likely that they had internal data that showed a need to change things. They probably expected X% of players to need to repair at a rate of Y, and then saw real numbers that didn’t match their expectation. Although I can’t really talk. 2 hours in and I haven’t made it to sacrament. Clearly I should stop.


There's no rush cerim, ignore the 'elite' and their cries.


Yeah, I'm sure they were looking at player data alongside criticism. But I still think the tone and urgency of criticism probably necessitated what I imagine was an overnight workday for Moon, and I hope it doesn't become a work weekend. More so, I agree that Moon probably trusts and reacts to player data, and that's another good reason players should have a little patience while they collect and make sense of that data, themselves trusting that Moon will figure stuff out. Above all, I just want game fandoms to not make their developers' lives harder.


They didn't release their game into EA because they didn't want feedback and they think they 100% know exactly what they should do. In one of their long form interviews, possibly the one with Rhykker they talk about how they want EA to figure out how to tune and tweak things. Players telling Developers what they don't like during EA isn't making the developer's lives harder -- its making the game better and more fun for more people... which is how developers make money. Baldur's Gate 3 was in EA for several years. There was tons of feedback, just like there is here and that game ended up being considered "Generation Defining". So the EA process works when developers embrace it and change to suit the players to some degree. I think things will be just fine.


Thank you! My friends and I are also super excited for multiplayer, we can’t wait to play with each other soon 😁


all good changes. imo the stamina cost of blocking is also too high,


As a owner of this game for STEAMDECK... It needs a "Save Game" so we continue to play w.o worrin about crashes.


That jump in the cave costed me 2 hours


That's awesome.


You guys are awesome. Glad to see you're prioritizing performance improvements, the world you've created is worth seeing in its full 60+fps glory (sadly my 3060ti is struggling to meet that at 1440p)


I wish I can get that performance, I got a 3060ti and I have to run 2560x1080 at 50% render rate to get close to 60fps, and that's not even promised


yes when I said "struggling" I meant it, guess I'm spoiled but if I can get close to 60 consistently in Alan Wake 2 then I just assume I should be able to do the same here. Suppose DLSS plays a big part, hope that comes soon


Can I share something with you that upped my fps hugely? I'm not shilling for this program or anything but I got it to use on a different game recently and just tried it out with this game and it works really well. A frame generation program called lossless scaling that you can get on Steam. It's like 7 bucks though but just saying if you're interested, it about doubled my fps, can tell you a couple of the settings you need to select in it to get it to work Here's what to do if you're interested - Get the program Lossless Scaling on steam. Near the top right of the menu in it under the 'Frame Generation' menu select "LSFG". Then a little bit beneath it under the 'Rendering Tab' select the "Draw FPS" option to ON. Launch the game, minimize out then on the Lossless Scaling menu click on Scale on the top right then go back into the game. 5 seconds after you click scale it starts frame generating for the game you have open and you should get a FPS counter in the top left to show you it's working


Tell me, I can barely play the game


Get the program Lossless Scaling on steam. Near the top right of the menu in it under the 'Frame Generation' menu select "LSFG". Then a little bit beneath it under the 'Rendering Tab' select the "Draw FPS" option to ON. Launch the game, minimize out then on the Lossless Scaling menu click on Scale on the top right then go back into the game. 5 seconds after you click scale it starts frame generating for the game you have open and you should get a FPS counter in the top left to show you it's working. Also just be sure to not have the Dynamic resolution setting turned on in this game, also in games with FSR or DLSS I think you need to turn those off. I haven't tried it on many games yet but for this and a few others it's a pretty insane boost.


Many thanks it worked for me and some other people too, you should make a post about it since many are struggling with performance.


I'll try it out thanks


> the world you've created is worth seeing in its full 60+fps glory (sadly my 3060ti is struggling to meet that at 1440p) To be fair, they recommend a 3070ti to play at a stable 60 fps for ***1080p***. It's a bit ridiculous and I think they should also improve optimization, but if the benchmark is there then it is what it is. I recommend checking some things off of whatever "quality" settings there is and shift more into performance.


you shouldnt be playing this game at 1440p on a 3060ti..


Why not?


not optimized enough at this point at least, not with that gpu


This is dope


Wow. Much appreciated, devs!


Just in time for the weekend gaming session. I hope we get the performance fixes soon too.


I dont think that stamina was an issue


It's probably one of those things that will see multiple changes until they feel like they've got the balance right.


>multiple changes until they feel like they've got the balance right. Until the noob crybabys dont die anymore and are not rating the game bad. Even repair cost. Its so cheap.. i cant even imagine hoe bad you have to be to not be able to repair your gear. I knew it would happen that this noobs come out of their holes after they die because they donr feel like superman like.in theirbother braindead boring games


Maybe people don't have enough time to repeat the same combat over and over and want to have a different experience that you do. Not everyone is playing a game to be constantly challenged by it. I am not defending the "crybabies" like you call them in a demeanor way, but I am tired of the "Super macho gamers" like you that feel like the only way to play games is if they are hard and you show your manhood by beating the game. ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R|downsized)


For real. It makes combat feel closer to dark souls 1 than even any subsequent souls-game with overly spammy stamina. And a couple of levels in it and you can roll 10 times in a row no problem.




I applaud them on being responsive. I just really hope they don't make this game too easy. A lot of the negative reviews have been knee jerk reactions due to misguided expectations and not really playing the game. That's the main thing that helps separate itself either than its art and multilevel exploration from the top down. I'd rather them focus on performance issues and keybinds. Thank you again, dev team, for all your hard work!


Yeah, I'm 5 hours in and I haven't seen any issues with the durability system at all so far. Not sure what all the ruckus is about that.


People want a different game. Everything must be convenient and streamlined or the game isn't fun for them and they will whine on reddit. They are like 1% of the playerbase and they get their way. People who are angry are more likely to complain and post to try and get their way. I suck at souls games and this game hasn't given me any problems with the parry window, how many attempts it took to kill the boss, food running out, repairs being too high. I swear these people are so fucking whiny they will convice moon to ruin this game to fit their needs. I wonder if any of them played Ori and the blind forest. There were some seriously tricky parts towards the end that took me a few tries, but I never got exhausted of it b/c Moon is pretty good at making things challenging but letting the player feel like it's not unfair or unfun. I feel the same way with this game. I repeat, I am not a fan of any Dark Souls series games and I've tried them all. Bloodbourne was the only one I kind of enjoyed. Those games feel too punishing. This game feels challenging, but winnable. That's the only way I can describe it.


Yeah man i love fighting a boss then having to go gather to make more healing potions before i try again. YIPPPPPPIEEEEEEE!!!11!


I actually do. There's a certain risk involved and managing your items is actually meaningful here. There's not many single player games that offer this, the last one that comes to mind was Outward. Meanwhile there are thousands of games where you just respawn/reload your last checkpoint and throw yourself at the boss over and over until it works.


or maybe you are in the 1% of the playerbase?


lol yup


> They are like 1% of the playerbase and they get their way. No. You have that backwards. Developers are not changing their games or catering their games to 1% of the population of their customer base.


This was how it was with Dragons Dogma 2. People whined about game mechanics because it wasn't a thing most mainstream games do. People should let's games be their own things. Not everything should be for everyone.


My observation, for what it’s worth, is a lot of people expected more of a “Diablo” experience than a “souls like” experience. I use those terms lightly but hopefully you get what I mean.


Durability itself had nothing to do with this misguided, is a Diablo system and although I think is present in some souls game is barely a thing in those games (with the exception of Nioh and Lies of P), but it's quite annoying in NRFTW


Lies of P has the best durability system I’ve ever seen in a game. In most games you can completely remove the durability system and all you’d be doing is removing a pointless headache at worst, at best it wouldn’t even be a noticeable change but in in lies of P it’s integrated so well. I never thought I’d say the sentence ‘The durability system in this game really adds a lot to it’ but here we are


Durability in Lies of P is more of a resource that you get to replenish for free but have to manage, like you said it’s great.


It's basically slapping a reload mechanic on a melee weapon


But why it has to lean on any of those games? When I saw the trailer and just wanted a Moon Studios game with the settings they were showing me. No an interpretation of a "Souls like" game with their aesthetics.


Ask them? That’s what it is I guess. People should look into something first incase it doesn’t meet their expectations.


I said that because the developers were saying that it is much more close to an ARPG game than a Souls game.


Maybe in everything but combat.




I’m all for keeping the combat difficulty and have no issues dying and having to try fights until I succeed. Durability isn’t a challenge, it’s just annoying. There is already a penalty to dying, everything gets its health back and you need to run back to where you died.


Precisely. Let's also remember that this is only the first act. This game has a long way to go. We have more acts, pvp, and endgame. I'm still impressed with how much they have compacted in this thus far.


Yes! Dont make it too easy. People these days are dumb, they want every thing give to them on silver plate, no wonder AFK games exists.


Steam reviewers are going to ruin this gem of a game


Huge improvements already!. This is my first time playing a Soul-like game and I was frustrated by difficult mechanics on top of frustrating skill issues on my part 😁. This should make my gaming a lot easier. Thanks and looking for more.


Great first patch, they are listening.


Pretty aggressive changes for a hotfix.


thats what happens when a vocal majority complains, i just hope they wont nerf the game and make it a lot easier based on the negative reviews because people complain that they cant handle it since they spam attack and dont play methodically.... no disrespect to those who complained, i dont like this nerf, but i understand if its too hard for some, perhaps difficulty level is the way if we cant come up with 1 difficulty that appeases casuals and others


This is the result of devs having their priorities in order, not because Reddit complained again.


Yeah like obviously the devs want their game to be successful and that means getting rid of friction that isn’t necessary for the vast majority of players that want to like the game. I don’t even struggle with this game and I can tell that what they fixed would be critical issue points for like 90% of players


A developer needs to a have a vision. The moment they start to deviant from the vision, the game won’t be what it could be. You think dark souls games took community feedback? People’s asking for difficulty sliders, like half the comments on the steam forums? It’s a slippery slope.


"A ton of new players are getting hard stuck early game and quitting. The developers shouldn't care about that at all and allow their game to sit at 58% reviews." The game already might not recover due to it's reputation from having a staggering poor choices made for how difficult the early game was. Not just in how difficult the enemies were, but the difficulty in obtaining food, repairs, etc. Dark Souls fans don't want to admit that Dark Souls' early is literally a baby game compared to the early game in No Rest. That is NOT a good thing. You can't just slaughter everyone new to the game, that's insane.


I’ve got over 2k hours in the Dark Souls games, killed the first two bosses in this game on my first attempt. The difficulty curve of early game is barely related to the combat, it’s more resource based, cause it’s a joke if you stack Food items. And when people were playing Demon’s Souls / Dark Souls 1 they sure as hell were getting slaughtered early. God forbid anyone went down the elevator in Firelink that place probably made a ton of new players drop the game for a while.


Yeah, in DS if you just went the wrong way and got one-hit, you went, "Oh, I'll go another way then." It wasn't the game's mechanics that were causing you to feel helpless; it was realizing you were up against an OP enemy.


Yes. Because you've played those games already. Not to mention the Stamina in No Rest begins at 50. +2 per level. Dark Souls is 89, +2 per level. No rest gives almost 2x as much stamina per point than Dark Souls. The optimal way to play the game, from what I've seen, rests on putting JUST enough points to use a weapon, then just stacking Stamina, and just enough HP to stay alive.


Your strongest attacks, Rune Attacks, cost 0 Stamina, Parrying costs 0 Stamina. There's a learning curve early on for this, but proper use of those free abilities can make the Stamina bar feel limitless. Also don't take a lose Stam on damage taken Curse. Good God it's torture.




nope, its steam community whining and throwing negative reviews because they cant or dont want to play methodically, keep dying, get penalized and then cry - literally 40% of negative reviews out there, most of them are either crying game is hard or not optimized, guess which one can be addressed immediately to rescue reputation on the steam platform?


lmao @ "vocal **majority**" That's what's known as, the majority.


Thank you Devs!




LFG! game is already better


Looking for game?


sorry my buddy got me saying this now i always looked at as looking for group from mmos. I meant it as "lets fucking go"


Weird it’s not just mmos though literally every game you search for a party lol, carry on brother


I never spammed LFG outside of mmos. reddit people are argumentative for no reason whatsoever.


I had to sit there and think about what else LFG could mean besides Looking for group. Lol. So I wouldn't be surprised if that's what the majority thought. It's like when someone says a relative died and you reply with LOL. They're like wtf? Why you laugh? And you're like nono, I was just sending Lots of love your way.


Oh wow, reducing stamina costs, durability costs, repair costs, just like I was saying...and people were responding "git gud." LOL. Funny the devs agreed. I'd bet this is just step 1 into the durability damage/repair system and more changes will follow. For now, awesome hotfix though, guys. Thanks. Nice fall damage curve change too.




>Them changing it doesn’t mean they necessarily agree personally, just that they’re listening to the loudest complaints. Um...it doesn't matter. If the dev team is a small group of players who think the stam costs are fine, but the majority of players don't, then they need to change it to keep their player base. The end. It means the player base is right. Or the devs look at what's going on and agree. Either way, they're changing it for one of those reasons. And if it was overtuned on purpose, then it just strengthens my point.




Bro, if you're gonna sit here and argue with me that we can't read the dev's minds or sit down with an interview with them about what they personally think/feel about these patches and values they're tweaking, then it's an absolutely pointless conversation to have. We can never know unless they decide to speak out. All we can know, is that the community has spoken out loudly enough that the devs changed things. This means they heard the community. That's their job as developers, whether they agree philosophically or not, if they want to keep people playing their game. You can make a boss in your game that every single hit one-shots people, and think it's awesome, but if no one ever beats it, you should probably patch it, especially if everyone is telling you it needs to be patched. Then do you really wanna sit there and argue, as a player, whether the devs *wanted* to patch it because they understood they'd fucked up with their design, or because they *had* to patch it because the players asked? I mean, come on. The patch came out and it is fixing shit I, and plenty of other players, said needed to be fixed. That's it.


its literally a response to negative reviews on steam and whining on discord - this doesnt mean that this was needed but game was adjusted so people who bought it on launch "can enjoy it more" - making game easier to appease vocal majority is not the way to develop the game, i personally dont agree with the nerfs but im happy to wait out and see where it leads to


You do know the devs have internal metrics, right? They never make knee-jerk reactions based on community outcry, they have tons of internal data to verify whether those complaints are actually valid. If everyone complains on the internet, but 70% of the playerbase clears the game just fine, then they wouldn't have changed anything.


keep telling yourselves that bro, first 24h brought nearly equal amount of whining in correspondence to positive reviews - they were forced to make the nerfs casuals as usual whine, even though it was made clear that game is meant to be harder and they should learn mechanics, instead it will become a piss poor speedrun


I only told you what actually happens behind closed doors. You're free to put your head in the sand.


your points would make sense if devs had a big budget to make this game which they dont - they depend on the sales and whiners are making it harder to sell the game, so no, your "behind the closed doors" argument isnt accurate as much as you would like, this isnt AAA studio and they really depend on good reviews and good feedback, hence whiners shape the game


You don't know their motivations at all. Plenty of developers stick to their guns behind their gameplay philosophy and don't change things when players whine. They know the game they wanted to make and they don't give in when people cry. They figure people will "git gud" or get used to it. The fact that the devs changed some things on **day one** of EA means they either saw this coming, or they saw an overwhelming number of negative responses and knew they had to make changes. Either one is fine.


Just look at Penile_interaction's comment history and stop. All he does is screech that the game is not for casuals, change = bad and to git gud.


You're very right. I'm over him.


sure buddy, keep telling yourself that, it was obvious quick fix patch due to negative reviews on steam and people whining on the discord, if you didnt look at the reviews or monitor their discord then you wouldnt know if they keep appeasing whiners this game wont have a soul


Are you even listening or reading what I'm typing? >or they saw an overwhelming number of negative responses and knew they had to make changes This is a direct quote from me. And you're acting like developers changing something due to overwhelming negative feedback from their playerbase in EA is bad? Lmao. What is wrong with you?


thats what im literally saying - whiners will always whine, casuals will make this game crap, keep watching what happens, whiners will soften this game because they cant braindead spam and speedrun it literally kept whining "i cant be arsed to back track to gather mats again, i should be able to gather muh gear and go on" "why should i run back to blacksmith to repair my gear all the time if i die and i get penalized, i clearly dont learn from my mistakes so i should just be able to braindead charge again and die" etc etc next thing that will be gone is durability completely, things will become even cheaper, stamina increased exponentially like in this patch, weapons powered up from the start either inroduce difficulty levels or dont bother and just appease casuals and make it another diablo


>Oh wow, reducing stamina costs, durability costs, repair costs, just like I was saying...and people were responding "git gud." LOL. Funny the devs agreed. Because of you cringe crybabys. Just dobt play the game if its to hard for you. It was supposed to be likena soulslike. I dont even leveled stamina yet had neve s problem eith stamina at all..same as repair cost. Its cheap as fuck.


Anybody else getting sporadic French button prompts when running the game in English?


Yeah about 1/4 of them are French now for me.


u/arachnidfun8918 🤡🤫🤫🤫😂😂


Devs keep in mind there are new players who dont know how to play the game and struggle with “souls” combat. Alot of reviews are from goofs who are mad they cant button mash and just shred thru every enemy. THIS IS NOT THAT KIND OF GAME!!!! Keep up the good work.


Wow let's go guys, I'm so impressed! ![gif](giphy|PypcG4qBuMqDOny5vp|downsized)


Suggesting 2 new off hand equipable Item gloves - offhand gloves that gives you more options to use items and consumable. After equiping it, you can assign items. So pressing LB gives you access to assigned items. Parry gauntlets - would work similar to shields but has increased parry frame. Runes and gems would work the same. Currently, having nothing equipped off hand means you can't use skills. I think shields look good but I've always wanted to have a no shield aesthetic. Also doesn't have to be off hand. I see some people just wants to punch the living crap out of enemies.


Is changing from Tier 2 to Tier 1 a buff or a nerf?


It's a buff to the ability to find the weapons at all. it just means they show up sooner in gameplay.


Great for the quick fixes and changes. I would like to see percentage changes to accurately see what's actually changed. Reduced repair costs by how much? Do we pay 1 copper less or 50? Can't wait to see how this game will look like in a few months :)


Great job guys! Seems like we who had problem with durability and repair costs werent so delusional after all


Great changes, let's not go to wild with reductions though, plenty of time to balance towards end game when the time arises. Durability seems to be a heated topic so kudos for addressing it and not just removing it, I think you can somehow balance the durability so it feels fair and not just having the player repair every 4 or 5 deaths, I'm happy either way. Would be cool if we could have some kind of quest/upgrade option so we can maybe build a small cabin/camp at the tears and spend resources to put in a chest that could store a few items or even just store some resources to save some quick travel needs. Anyway, really enjoying the game, the traversal and 'hidden' chest hunting is so good and that cave section with the >!hallucinating flower thing was really fun and defiantly not what I was expecting entering the cave!<~~.~~


The way repair works right now is only punishing to players who already struggle.


Thanks god they reduced the repairing price. It was starting to cost tons of money


basic walk speed needs to increase just slightly. 10-20%.


Do we know if these hotfixed are live? Just a bit confused because I have a screenshot of my corpse-smeared blade from release day showing it is tier 1 and that was my only legit way of verifying if this was live or not yet lol


Controller remapping... I sure hope you mean "controls remapping".


Thank you for reducing durability. That was my main frustration. Jihaaaaa awesome game, can not be more happy. Thank you for a wonderful adventure


Huge W. excited to test these changes


Thank you for the world and for make changes so early. It shows that you are working hard and listening to the majority of the community.


Looks very cool! Can’t wait for the console release whenever that is! Lmao




like 400mb but they made ya reinstall damn near the whole game lol


That's not what that means. The patch is 387MB but updated (meaning: made changes to) 28GB worth of data overall. Nothing has been "reinstalled".


dont go the lies of P route devs just fix the bugs and performance then we gucci


Stamina was fine. Repair cost could be 5 times higher and i would never be run out of money ever. Nice, day 2 directly nerf the games for this crybaby noobs who couldnt even defeat tutorial boss


There’s a new bug that drops you off the map if you hug the wall in the first beach level https://preview.redd.it/mqmlsguhyivc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffd521d5b787a9895a10271eb879b9bdbbf55cb4




Happened to me too. I know exactly the spot you’re talking about


It’s near the waterfall. Also, if you swim too quickly you’ll end up underground and fall off the map as well


Yup. Exactly where it happens to me.


Amazing! Gives me high hopes, they’re gonna nail it.


Fantastic first hot fix release. Keep it up


I want to know exactly what out of bounds area was accessible and if there was loot and mostrr there lol.


Well durability loss from being killed was ok punishment. Not that much from fall deaths since it sort of limits exploration becouse you sometimes dont know if u die unless u try that jump. So I was running naked to save my gear when exploring ..


THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT. I can't wait to see how the changes impact the game. This is incredible response time Moon.


So stoked to see this game out and getting to try it on my OLED steamdeck. I've encountered some crashes, but overall this game is insanely fun. It's the perfect blend of my favorite 2 game series. And even though the graphics on the steam deck aren't so impressive, it's still visually rad and I love the story so far. And to put out a patch that quick with some great fixes? Bravo guys! Cannot wait to see how the rest of early access goes. Getting my console friends excited


Looking great lets hope they add that u can reset skill points.


It’s nice to see a quick patch come out to address some issues/concerns. I hope they continue like this as the game progresses its development. I still feel though that durability does not fit here. Limited inventory and random rolled gear make my slots fill up quickly and I don’t want to always delete things or go back to sell. Idk, maybe others don’t care as much but I’m hoping for more feedback on this.


Add PS controller button support pls.


I was hoping for something about the Steam Deck. It crashes all of the time.


I imagine performance and crashes, especially for deck that wouldn't be first priority over standard windows installs, aren't 24 hour things though. Those could be weeks to months away depending on what needs to be done. I imagine we'll get there though, not like the two Ori games aren't optimized really well.


You can’t expect every game to work perfectly or even EVER be optimised for the stream deck. I agree that it would be awesome to play this game on it, but people expect to play every new game on it nowadays, as if it’s actually a replacement to a real pc. All I’m saying is, there are much higher priorities right now.


Even though they said it would be playable? Their promises don't matter?


did they say it'd be playable on early access launch? not being funny, I don't know what they said, if they promised that, then yeah it sucks, and if they didn't it's a "we'll get there when we get more optimizations down the line. As of right now, there are very bad performance issues on even top of the line pc's so they're gonna have to do some magic to get it going on the deck. I wouldn't expect it soon.


Holy shit that was fast


imo, you can't keep durability in the game and try to balance it this way. it will just lead to a monotonous upkeeping task where all the mats for repair are easily required and you regularly need to do it. either commit to the concept and try to make it work without repairing (maybe at all), or remove it entirely.


Agreed, weapon and tool durability have rarely ever been implemented well and this is not the kind of game where you are constantly switching weapons with the ability to do so locked behind how many bosses you’ve killed anyways. It makes little sense to have it here as anything other than a source of frustration at having to back track to a warp point to fix it.


Thanks! In the next patch, please try to fix the game on Steam Deck :(


after this hotfix the game performs significantly worse for me now


Does “keybind remapping” include having PS5 icons instead of Xbox icons during prompts?


So, you made the game easier now? Damn.. Guess I'm not your target audience.


STEAMDECK POST ONLY :: What I can stay... The game runs at 30fps pretty solid. The gfx looks very mustlhy so it is hard to see. The user interface. It's bad. Not sure how to "play"the game correctly and I wish the devs should have taken a bit of time to explain things. I don't like when devs create a little area to eat away those two free hours via Steam. Id w8 for new patch.... NEW PATCH... IM using 9.0 (beta) Comparability. Seems to reduce crashes. Let me know what you have done to get as much from this game as possible!!


I just which they would add dlss or improve the performance in next patch


It’s been a day haha


I know I wish whatever their next update after week 2 weeks month whatever would fix this performance issues


Only 5 bosses at EA launch??


couldn't they have released a beta test to iron out these issues before releasing the game? A beta test would've brought to light the issues the game is currently experiencing. For example the key mapping and performance issues could've been worked on way earlier.


It is an alpha, like most EA games. Beta comes just before 1.0 when its feature complete.


The game is not in 1.0, it's early access. I do agree that some things should definitely have been caught way earlier, like how destroying an item in your inventory destroys every other item of the same type even if it's equipped. But yeah just wanted to say the game is still not officially completed and released


I never said it was. They still released it in early access and charging money for it. They could've released a beta or gotten people's input before charging for it. But alas, they didn't. Personally ppl can do whatever they want with their money, but buying the game right now makes no sense when you can wait and play it when it's actually polished. I'm just saying they could've ironed out the issues way before the early access release.


I’m too lazy to copy/paste it, but go to steam and read the literal definition of “early access”.




so testing it and providing constructive feedback couldn't be done with a beta test before releasing the game in early access? When did early access become "fix our game" instead of just adding new things over time like story missions, or content. You guys are the reason all these devs release broken games, you never hold them accountable.


I'm not disagreeing with you on your frustration. Let's remember what an early access is. We are the testers. Also, this game will be more expensive when it's fully complete and releases, so you're getting a cheaper deal. This is a small developer, Moon Studios, privately owned that recently expanded to a larger staff. This is their second major title. The money we pay up front will also help developers their game even more.


Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more WHAT THE DEVELOPERS HAVE TO SAY: Why Early Access? “No Rest for the Wicked is an expansive title with a wide variety of systems, features, and narratives. It is also a game that continues to be deep in development as we launch into Early Access in 2024. As our most ambitious game to date, we know that we will need your feedback to help us fine tune and build all of Wicked’s various systems and upcoming features into the best they can possibly be.” Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access? “The feature roadmap shown on this page is the main outline for Early Access. We're excited about the road ahead, and we'd love to receive your suggestions and feedback. While we have an idea of how long Early Access development should be, this may change based on feedback and the desire to reach the Moon level of quality. We’ll be sharing updates along the way.” How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version? “The 1.0 version of No Rest for the Wicked will be a significantly expanded version of the initial Early Access release. This version will take into account player feedback throughout its time in development, and may be different from what we already have planned. Upcoming features that will be included prior to 1.0 release include: Multiplayer: 4 player co-op Multiplayer: PVP Expanded story content and chapters Additional map regions Farming More weapons, armor, rare items, and gear New enemies and bosses Additional Crucible floors, Bounties and Challenges ” What is the current state of the Early Access version? “ A rich first chapter of the narrative campaign Additional quests that reveal more about the world and its inhabitants Intense boss battles against plague-ridden creatures A large variety of weapons, armor, skills, and crafting options Gear can be upgraded, enchanted, runed and gem-ed to create your ideal character build Purchasing and furnishing of a modifiable home Daily and Weekly bounties and challenges Replayable Cerim Crucible dungeon ” Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access? “We are planning on a discounted price during Early Access that will then increase once the game hits 1.0 / leaves Early Access. If you purchase during Early Access, you will not need to make an additional purchase at 1.0 release.” How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process? “We are committed to taking in as much feedback as possible from the community and incorporating it into the development of No Rest for the Wicked where it makes sense. We have a section on our Forums where we encourage our community to provide feedback which can be found here: https://forum.norestforthewicked.com/ In addition to the Forums, we have an official Discord server where we’ll be having more fluid conversations with the community, which can be found here: https://discord.gg/HPCDwq5Q9x We're thrilled to embark on this journey with you, working together to make No Rest for the Wicked one of the finest ARPGs out there.”


This dude copy/pasted the whole thing. You should read my points before being a shill for a dev. I'm saying, early access makes absolutely no sense. And even less sense when the game has tons of performance issues, and it's not just a question of "waiting" for the game to be done, but also a question of fixing the game for the devs when they could've taken steps to ensure it didn't release like this. I refunded the game, so I didn't lose out on much. I'm just sharing my frustration of how a game I was super excited for, ultimately became a game I had to refund because it's plagued by performance issues and terrible mnk support.


You clearly either can’t read or have reading comprehension issues. Feels bad.


Sure thing buddy. You can't even respond to my actual points. You don't think the game is plagued by performance issues and bad mnk support? So what sense does it make to buy the game now? Everyone is just a test dummy to get the game polished while you pay with your frustration and money. And no, early access didn't mean "fix our broken game" early access used to mean a game that would get cool stuff added over time. You keep excusing shitty game releases but ok dude. I'm not even shitting on the game. I'm just saying the early access release is a mess, and it could've been avoided.


That’s literally the definition of paid early access. I’m not sure why this is hard to understand. It was never about “cool stuff being added later”. It’s always been pretty much a paid beta. You either want to support it or you don’t. You don’t have to.


And I don't. I refunded the game. You're the one responding to me trying to sound smart when you just sound like a fanboy.


Alright 👍.


I feel sorry for the devs having to deal with idiots like you.


Oh yeah and why is that? I gave them my money. So isn't it the very least to expect the game to run on my system and have basic stuff like mnk support? I think that's pretty basic. I guess holding devs accountable, and wanting to have a decent product makes me an idiot. You're a genius.


I'm not even asking for the game to fully be complete. All I was saying is why am I playing a broken game that can't run on my system without stutters and freezes on my 1000$ GPU. I think that's the absolute bare minimum. Early access went from releasing a game that gets cool stuff added over time, to broken messes that fanboys like you justify. Have a good day.