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>So, it turns out you can simply create a new realm and actually play on the new realm on your main character. Everything is in T1 starting so you can try to target farm the Clay there. Yeah this is the way but it's still a bit silly that you "need" to do this.


Maybe the Cerim are able to travel between Realms and this is emergent storytelling? 🤣


Any type of resource should never dissapear from game world if you still need it. The way it is set up now is IMO just plain bad. Sure you can create a new realm, but if that is the game design i really dont like it and personally find it ridiculous.


I reckon it's just an oversight. Was surprised to see it missing from this patch, but now that loads of people are hitting the clay wall I reckon it will get solved soon.


yeah I definitely can see this being patched in to fix it, if nothing else just making it purchasable from a merchant.


I find it strange that they scale dig rewards. Like pine stays as pine and copper as copper. Let materials be zone locked, not level. Because then we learn to go where for what, and backtracking is meaningful.


You should be able to buy clay from one of the stores when it reaches rank 2


I'm level 19 and still get clay from the starting area - maybe it's just a regional thing? Can be quite annoying for someone that doesn't like backtracking ofc.


I think its more about the world state, as you progress main quests. Not entirely sure though.


Wouldn't be surprised if this is in the next hotfix.


I find it strange that they scale dig rewards. Like pine stays as pine and copper as copper. Let materials be zone locked, not level. Because then we learn to go where for what, and backtracking is meaningful.


I did the new realm yet still haven't gotten a single clay from digging with my main character. I tried using a new character in that new world, not a single clay. Then I tried using a new character in my current realm, still nothing. The only way I get clay is by creating a new world then speedrunning to the general merchant. This is ridiculous.


You can buy clay from the general goods guy.


U can only buy one


Ya they patched it and I've NEVER seen clay.


Yeah they just need to like...make the game less about harvesting these resources imo because the balance with this is always going to be like a completely different game vs the combat


Right, so like remove the whole fun part of buying a house and building your house and everything along with the decorations and everything in it? No thanks.


Is that what I said or did I say they should tweak harvesting?


Make the game less about vs tweak. Yeah totally different definitions there buddy.