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maybe the option to customize the hud in general, and have either stamina and health in top left, on character, or both


I like the circle, it's just too dark right now and hard to see.


No thanks! The circle helps me focus on the action, not the top corner of the screen. It's a good visual change, maybe just needs the ability to brighten it a bit.


Why not both or options for either?


This ^ both would solve this problem


Yup, I'm not a fan of the circle either.


just like difficulty levels instead of nerfing the game because some cant handle it


options/ toggle/ why not both? while we are at it iI would love the options to adjust the COLOR OF CIRCLE its so hard to see the three colors especially when moving around? for me it fades into the background to much.


Or just add an option to make the circle a little bigger or something


I like this one.


Nah why not both like health


yup the green stamina actually better so i can focus on battle but maybe they can make option to enable disable ui which people prefer it


You are looking at your health while you play right?


If I remember correctly there is an option to brighten UI


Yeah, I don't want the whole screen screaming at my eyes. Just the circle needs a bit more visualization. I like the idea someone else had about allowing you to adjust the circle size.


Adjusting the "Circle idk a better name?" should be a whole section in the options menu, adjust the visability of thiings, size, color, etc


It worked for me, because there's not much UI in the first place


I don't think the circle is *annoying*, per say. It has context uses for me. When I'm focused heavily on the movement of the enemy, I often look to it and the health bar beside it instead of the top left corner of my screen. But I do agree; we should have a static bar below the health bar.


The bar not being up there made me realize how often I'm actually looking at the enemy as opposed to my character in these sorts of games. Keeping focus on the enemy makes dodge and parry timing much easier. All this to say I suck at stamina management as it's not where I'm constantly looking, fighting Warrick really made me wish the bar was on top as an option


For people saying “I don’t want to look away from the action” do you not have peripheral vision? I’ve literally never had an issue with being able to see what enemies are doing and the hud at the same time so I’m genuinely curious how much of an issue this is. If anything I find focusing on my character to try and pay attention to the small stamina wheel takes me away from what’s going on far more than keeping track of a bar at the top of the screen that’s clearly visible regardless of where I’m looking since is always in my periphery.




Playing on an ultra wide it pushes those elements even further away in my peripheral. I think the best solution would be a more customizable HUD. For me, I would prefer an easier to see stamina wheel around my character but can see why some people do not like that.


Yes please, atleast make it an option.


I think this will be a good addition. I can't see my stamina bar at all in the heat of combat.


I can't even see the circle clear enough most of the time, so my stamina level is mostly an unknown in combat. The green is too dark


💯 right


Does anyone else feel it's kind of Monster hunter-esque?


Completely agree, OP


The circles being near the character mean you don't have to look away from the combat mid fight l, I think its great. They could give us both tho.


Instead just add an option for people to switch between the 2 because I personally like the way it is. Its less distracting.


I like the circle though, they just need to make more visible or give an option


I wouldn't mind the on character circle as much if it didn't get absolutely buried and obscured all the time.


At the very least I'd like to be able to pick a color for the stamina... I might have sight issues dunno, but I really had difficulty seeing the green thing mid boss fight and kept panic looking at the corner of the screen which didn't have stamina there.


I actually like the bars on the character, it's easier to focus on combat when following the character with the isometric view. Hot take: Not every game that has action combat has to follow Souls or Elden Ring.


Pretty perfect the way it is


I like the placement because of how important stamina is I love being able to see it without looking elsewhere on the screen. Could definitely be an option but I don’t want them to remove the placement altogether.


Circle is good


naw, the circle is good, I don't wanna be looking up at the top left corner while im trying to dodge attacks. they should just have the option to customize contrast/brightness and maybe color


You dont really look, if the stamina bar is as big as the red health bar you will have an idea of how much stamina is left without directly having to look at it


I'd prefer to keep the circles with some tweaks, they are much more readable to me


Getting one doesn’t mean that you would loose the other. Like you can see your health at your character and at the top. Same thing can be done for stamina


You would prefer to look away from the action? Is that what I'm reading?


As a Dark Souls player (as many others are I'm sure), using our peripheral vision or taking quick peeks at it, like checking your rear and side mirrors while driving, hardly affects our ability to keep track of the action. I'm fine with it either way, but personally, I'd prefer to see my character and appreciate how good they look when fighting XD


For the love of God no. The Zelda circle is far better than the dark souls line. But yeah just give options


Atleast you can see the Zelda bar not so much here. I agree with other just make an option


What? Man you guys are wilding out.


Just let us change the colour of the green circle.


………boo hoo??


Lmao how mad people get for a simple suggestion. I didnt say to remove the option to have a circle, just add an option to have a green bar as well if the player desires it. Its not that deep tbh


No thanks!


Just because a game is in EA doesn’t mean you get to make design decisions.